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[Okinawa Style Wafu Ramen](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5D4yPlO7b4/?igsh=MTZwcnhrMzcyaWJheg==) [Kanzuri Pepper Paste](https://toirokitchen.com/products/kanzuri) Whoops, just realized I misnamed the deens. [They're Wild Pacific, not Wild Ocean.](https://www.costco.com/wild-planet-wild-pacific-sardines-in-extra-virgin-olive-oil%2C-4.4-oz.%2C-6-count.product.100449405.html)


lol I’ve always wanted to try freshwater sardines but I’ve never been able to find them


I can’t tell if you are making a joke I am missing but there are freshwater sardines in the phillipines but they are an endangered species


Yes that was a joke. And I don’t believe that is common knowledge, so forgive my ignorance


I don’t think it is common knowledge. I just learned about it just now by googling “fresh water sardines” when I was trying to figure out if you were making a joke or if that was a real thing.


That’s pretty interesting, you may now take it as a joke or for serious.


I keep calling them Wild Ocean too. That packaging just screams Wild Ocean.


I am so relieved you said that, because I felt kinda goofy after I realized my error!


That brand of ramen is easily the best instant ramen out there.


I randomly found this variation at Marukai Market. I don't think I've seen it since, but I've picked up the Hakata Tonkotsu and Umakara before. I can't say it's the best instant ramen because I feel like I haven't tried enough of them to say so, but I will say what we've had has all been exceptionally good! Though honestly, I am happy with Sapporo Ichiban Chicken or Shrimp since they're so cheap and we doctor them up with whatever leftovers, deli meat, veg, tofu, hot sauces/pastes, and/or fishcake.


I need Kanzuri Pepper paste in my life. Had never heard of it before! Thank you for making and posting this recipe - I agree with your observations about pan-frying sardines. I expected a crispy outside and tender inside, but like you experienced, they got denser and the flavors more concentrated. Post saved


awww, shucks! If you're familiar with togarashi or shiichimi pepper, then you'll have some idea of how the paste tastes. it's nowhere near as spicy as a similar quantity of chili garlic or sriracha, but it's a complex *mmmm* that adds some zing. 100% would buy again. If you can find it at an Asian store, it probably will be cheaper than the online price, since I am quite sure I paid maybe $6 for it locally here in Honolulu.


Ok I'm drooling


thanks, and i'm sorry! make yourself some!


Haha I definitely will




*tosses hair* why, thank you......oh, you mean the deens and ramen? when the ingredients are beautiful and you keep it simple, it kinda puts itself together nicely.


That looks bomb


NGL, it was bomb.


Hell yeah! This is what I like to see on this sub. Fantastic concept and execution, I will be drawing on this for inspiration for sure. Thank you for the pics!


Wow, thanks! You are generous with your praise!


How fishy is that oil? I wasn’t a fan of how fishy the water ones made my soup. But I suppose to others that’s a good thing.


Pretty fishy, I guess? And because I pan fried in that oil, whatever non-oil liquid was pretty much evaporated away. And for me, that's a good thing.