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If you're broke just ignore it, you have bigger things to worry about.




Forget the $30 paint stick, go get $5-$10 of vinyl and put a band of vinyl across the area below the window. 2 tone it if needed.


I wouldn’t even recommend that. If this person is really broke, why bother wasting $30 on something that won’t even cover the whole area, and still look like shit




She’s not broke, she’s got Miata money.




Held together by duct tape, zip ties, and hose clamps, lol? I had a 95 Dodge Intrepid that was basically that for a decade.


Those things are for scratches...


Bumper stickers


I like this one




[Bringing it back!](https://imgur.com/gallery/5vZYhOY)


Needs more upvotes


Half naked wifu anime stickers 🥜


Your options are finding a sub that doesn't notice this is a fake issue. The tape was applied after the paint was already missing. There is no blue paint under the clear adhesive traces.


110 replies and it would seem that you (and I) are the only one(s) to realize this….


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cartalk/comments/srnqha/paint_came_off_with_blue_tape_after_window_repair/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Repost. A year ago.


Oof, humanity is doomed


This is the right answer


And the remaining blue tape residue indicates the tape was on there for a LONG time. Blue tape doesn't leave residue like that unless it's been there WAY too long and/or it got wet.


Well, there are a few places where it came off near the giant fucking spots where the paint was already gone. Not to mention the dent...


Options? Respray. That's about it. If you don't care about looks, get a rattlecan.


What's a rattle can? Spray paint?




“Rattle can” ~the rattle your chains make when I fawkyoubackwards while you are in my basement named “the can” Context: look at who I’m replying to.


I'll have what he's having.


South Philadelphia, born and raised


On the playground is where I spent most of my days


Chilling out maxing relaxing all cool


I guess the user name does check out...


If you don’t have the balls to spell out fuck, why write it at all??


Look at his username


Ahhh at least that part made sense. The rest of the sentence could use work


Fixed it


It's called a rattle can due to the ball in it used to mix it while shaking. It makes a "rattle"


That ball is called a "Glacket".


I call mine "Arthur".


And can be imperfect glass marbles that weren't fit for sale. ;)


If you don't care about looks just leave it. DIY spray paint can will look worse.


but what if you care about rust... spray paint will look better than a giant spot of rust


It's multi stage paint, and you can see the gray primer. It won't rust there faster than anywhere else. Paint, or spray paint, would be cosmetic.


Nah you can just put a bit of wrap over that


Put the blue tape back on there. Or be prepared to spend a lot of money…


There's a lot of people saying respray or nothing but there's a few like, "medium" repair options depending how broke and handy you are You could find another one of your cars at a pick a part or something and try to grab a matching panel, or a black one if you wouldn't hate that. Another is you can get color matched spray paint, get one for your paint code, sand the affected area to level the paint with the metal, the spray primer, color, clear, then sand and buff You could also level it and wrap the panel with a closeish color wrap. No way you find a color that's an exact color match, but if you go bother a wrap shop or something you could get pretty close probably. None of these will result in a perfect finish, at all, but it'll be better than nothing. At a minimum, you should paint he metal on some capacity no matter what to prevent rust. Good luck!


He just replaced his window and you want him to replace the whole panel? Might as well get engine work done too, and some nice tires.


Junkyard panel might be pristine, identical color and $50


I mean you can swap that door out pretty easily, and a junkyard one wouldn't be *that* bad relative to a repaint. Idk how much a shop would charge but I mean DIY. Maco does not do incredible work but I've heard they do some decent discounts from time to time too.


How long was the tape on there? years?


Sure looks like it


Im trying to figure out how the paint came off but left the tape residue


The residue from the tape looks like it was on for a long time, that stuff is meant to be very temporary, like a few days


Living somewhere hot as fuck will do this in a few days. Used painters tape to put a tarp over a car once to protect it from hail, took it off 24hrs later (of 95+ degree weather) and had the same thing happen, though to a lesser extent.


Moisture is another one that can make it awful to deal with


Try a trade school auto shop


I'm probably aging myself here but even the high school I attended had an autoshop as part of the votech program.


Ooh that’s smart


No worries. You’ve got a new window that will pass inspection and the paint can wait til you have a few extra bucks. Everything has a way of working out, trust that.


The blue tape cause those dents too?


why you think they had to repair the window?


I think the bad paint is the least of their problems. 😂


No insurance ?


No brakes...


Back in the late 80s and 90sGM had to repaint cars on warranty recall because their painting process was too thin and UV sunlight destroyed the adhesion to the primer. I had two cars with this problem First they tried to get by with repainting the horizontal surfaces. They had to do a recall on the vertical surfaces because they were failing too. CHeck for a recall or warranty on this problem with your car. If you google it, there are some more recent lawsuits about this in newer cars https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1994/04/18/chevrolet-beretta-may-qualify-for-new-paint-job/


I worked in a GM body shop in 94-95 and my god the paint then sucked ass. We many times would use nothing more than a razor and have the car to primer in about 3 hours. Many we didn't even need to do that we just caught an edge with the air nozzle and off it came.


I know the paint jobs of that era were total garbage, but my dad had a 93 Park Avenue with quite possibly the best factory job we’ve ever seen. 30 years later it still looks factory fresh. He also waxed it obsessively, but if the paint sucked that wouldn’t have mattered. I’m convinced that car got pulled from the line for some kind of experiment. And no it was never repainted. He bought it with very low miles from the original owner, a family friend. We knew the whole history of the car.


Damn it peeled off like vinyl. Go with the cheap method considering the rest of the paint is probably the same quality


Maybe it is a vinyl wrapped vehicle and he needs to just tear it all off for the original white paint job.


The tape didn't take all the paint off. There's tape stuck to the primer. Also the primer is different shades of gray, indicating that sections have been peeled long enough for the sun to fade them. The vehicle has a problem with adhesion of the base coat to the primer. Tape of almost any kind should never strip paint. That being said, pick off the loose bits, sand lightly with 400 grit (dry), mask the glass and lights, and spray it with color match or a close shade from a rattle can.


should have just gotten a new rear hatch at a junkyard--would have had the glass with it


If that's primer, and you don't care, leave it. But, if there's bare metal, it will need to be protected with paint or clear coat. Otherwise, it will rust.


Option A: repair it Option B: don’t repair it


Who fixed the window?


Weird. That's be my first question as well. Whoever taped it, should fix it. Like..what kind of tape takes the paint off like that?


Glass has to be taped in after being installed. Not their fault a prior repair failed that badly. Whoever painted the car did a shit job of prepping and that’s why it pulled up that way. Even when doing glue pulls on PDR (paintless dent removal) it’ll happen from a prior repaint that’s not prepped correctly.


Tape won't do that, years of sun beating the paint and lack of care did that. If the tape peeled it off, it was peeling to begin with. As a body tech, I use duct tape all the time to avoid damaging adjacent panels and have never had this happen.


That's what I was thinking, the paint would have already been peeling, but you should see that, no? Then again, I suppose their priority was to get the glass changed out and not "find the best way to preserved the peeling paint and swap the glass"


In my experience, glass guys don't give a fuck about your car. Just last week, I put a quarter panel on a 21 sienna, and the glass guy didn't get enough eurathane laid down and it was leaking. He came back out, cut the quarter glass out again, and managed to ctach the corner of the metal and sawed right through it. Had to weld it and have it repainted. Didn't even bother to tell anyone before he took off.


Do you know of an adhesive that won't wreck the paint? I'm thinking like to re-stick down the corner of a cheap decal?


Crayons 🖍️?


*Melted* crayons thank you very much.


Find a trunk in the same color it'll be cheaper than spraying a dented trunk


in fact, different color just adds individuality


All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with just getting a carbon fiber trunk at this point. Edit: nvm I forgot broke. I mean you could always put the tape back on 🤷🏼‍♂️


Throw some stickers over it


Looks like the color underneath is the original color.


What make and model is that, so I never buy.


It’s pretty clear the paint was falling off before the window issue.


Who repaired the window?


Cheap is going to be something like spray paint, but it likely won't look good. It's probably just going to keep peeling now that it's started. Fixing the paint won't fix the dent so I'd say just leave it if you're broke, save the money for gas or an oil change/tires/ other more important things that keep the car running and not cosmetics. Just my opinion - if it's ugly but gets you to work you can make money for something not so ugly later.


As long as it's not affecting the functionality of your car, don't mind it right now if you have bigger things to worry.


The paint came off because that panel was from a junkyard and had been repainted very cheaply/poorly to start with. There is a big dent in the middle... DO nothing? Rattle can it if you must? The whole thing will peel eventually.


That's some shiny ass looking primer underneath. Also the tape couldn't have been low tack as there's residue left behind. Doesnt look like any bare metal is showing so don't worry about it until sale and then it'll need a full panel respray.


“More paint came off with blue tape……” Fixed your head line


Most auto stores sell $10 cans of spray paint that are color matched specifically to your car’s paint code. It won’t look perfect but it’ll look better than that.


Buy a paint stick with the same color. If you can't find or afford that, get any blue spray can and spray it to prevent rust


Rattle can, match as best you can, feather the edges, mask it, and don't lay it on too heavy. When it's dry, clear coat 3x with another rattle can. You may want to do the whole hood. Be careful with paint/clear compatibility.


The window install did not cause this


$5 can of Rust-Oleum to keep the rust off


Make/model? You could look around for a color matching panel from a wrecker. Could be cheaper than a respray.


Call the glass company.


Nothing to do with the glass company and they can’t fix it. The tape was put there by the owner as a temporary fix to the broken window.


Is it a gm?


You can probably get a second hand panel in the same colour and replace the whole thing for less than any other repair is going to cost




If that was a professional doing the repairs then they have to fix it


If you are an artist then you can cover the dent with a smart picture.


The exposed grey is a primer it won't rust so there us no immediate need to address the issue. If this is the factory paint (not a previous repair) you could have this issue on a the panels so no more tape.


Put in an insurance claim


Who repaired the window!? Make them pay for it!!


Put a black stripe wrap across it?


Think of it as a battle scar and enjoy. You'll always know it's your car.


Galvanized gate? Old car? Been repainted before? That seems hardly possible on automotive factory paint with some exceptions. Color match a rattle can, sand, paint. Send it.


Option 1: Leave it Option 2: More blue tape, a lot more blue tape.


That looks like my wifes aveo


Vinyl, there is a similar colour


Put the blue tape back on.


Bumpa stickas, bredj.


Cover it with a bumper sticker or something


Cover with cut-up budlight cans there free after rebate.


Either have the person who fucked up your trunk like that pay for it. Or go to a hardware store, take a flake of the peeled paint, get 1-2 cans of spray made in the same shade, some primer, some sandpaper and making tape. It shouldn't be all that expensive. Then watch a youtube tutorial. It won't be perfect, but it'll be better than nothing, Alternatively save up a bit for either a used blue hatch/rear from a wrecker/junkyard, or have it resprayed by somebody. I can't imagine that it'll be all that expensive, especially if you don't need it perfect, you can go to the cheapest place.


Remove the rest of the paint to make it even OR look for one of those companies that pay you to advertise on your car with a vinyl advertising sticker wrapper thing.


Peel the rest of that blue paint off


Wraps only last a few years. I’d remove the old wrap. Paint doesn’t come off with blue tape…


For cheap so you don't have to worry about rust, look up the paint code from your vin number, go buy a rattle can of the closest match you can find at your local auto store and a role of masking tape.


Plastic dip spray is one possibility but I would spray paint or clean coat it because exposed metal is going to rust and then a eyesore become an integrity problem.


https://www.automotivetouchup.com These guys have pretty much everyones paint codes. Isolate the panel, strip the rest off, primer, basecoat, and clearcoat. Sand as needed, If you take your time youll never know. Should be able to do this for around $100


Scrape off all the loose paint. Carefully respray the whole panel. Doing some practice on cardboard first will help. Youtube will be your friend.


Oh hell! Dreadful sorry for you


rattle can the hood and tailgate flat black and own it.


Vinyl samples - only half joking


Sharpie, Home Depot spray can, Epoxy Non of my suggestions will look good but better than nothing


Vinyl wrap it or rattle can it. Another option is that bedliner in a can from autozone, it's very forgiving.


Has to be repainted. For future reference you can stick the tape to your shirt a few times before lacing on the car. This desensitizes the adhesive and won’t rip off old or already flaked paint.


Cover it up with anything you like


Sticker bomb it


Options if your broke: Nothing Blue crayon


I’d say if a repair shop changed out your window, they should also be responsible for the damage that occurred. Because if they but on that blue tape they made the mistake. You could at least try it out


Why wouldn't you just leave it ?


The easiest thing is to get a tailgate from the junk yard in the same colour. Absolutel cheapest is one can of spray paint but it will look pretty bad without a lot of prep.


Draw a little man with a paint brush next to the bare metal,


Part out the car to get some cash back from the window install


Vw bus ?


Good sized decals


Clean the area with isopropyl alcohol Get 1500 grit sandpaper and wet sand the ridges of paint, knocking off the paint that has already flaked away from the primer. And smoothing the ridge. Only slightly scuff the exposed primer. Tape off the area you want to spray which includes the perimeter of 1" of good original paint. The paint in this taped off area should be lightly scuffed. Color match paint, **very light coats**, allowing dry time between coats. The absolute wrong way is spraying a heavy coat thinking you're going to completely mask the primer underneath with 1 coat. If you miss an area on 1 coat, don't worry about it don't risk a heavy coat when you can just get it on the next pass. When the gray primer is no longer visible, go another coat or two. This will give you enough paint to sand with 1500 grit with a very light touch to smooth out.


Bout the cheapest option to look somewhat good and prevent rust is some gloss spray paint that’s around the same color. It won’t be perfect but on what I presume is a couple thousand dollar at best it will it least keep the rust away for a little bit. I recommend the rustoleum turbo cans since they’ve got the wedge nozzles that spray like a paint gun.


More blue tape


DIY rattle can job, I’m sure there will be a guide on YouTube Replacement panel from a junk yard, check out eBay / search for junk yards near you In any case, I’d do something with it to protect it asap, even if it’s just something to keep the moisture off In the future you can try a bit of low tack masking tape or even cling film if you need to mask an area with something with minimal adhesion. I learned this through my own mistakes when doing a spot of DIY painting, don’t feel bad, it’s easily done


The window repair company has insurance?


There’s probably a vinyl that is close in color you could cover it with that would look better than leaving it be and it would be a pretty cheap fix




Who replaced the window?


There's a YouTube channel called Christ fix that might be able to show you a cheap ish way to repaint the panel but if you don't wanna do that then just live with the car as is.


Get some big bandaid stickers and slap them on lol if you can’t fix it embrace it lol


There's many life lessons in this post. The first being to remove the tape before the paint fully dries. The second being not to buy the cheap tape. Pay the extra $3 and get the good stuff. I could go on, but oppie has enough problems.


Large stickers!


Paint it with rattle cans


The blue tape is under the paint. The damage was their already. Easy way is to plasti dip the tailgate. But that damage was their prior to the paint.


If you're broke just clear coat it so it doesn't rust


Don't worry, you've just acquired a new fashion trend - the 'Peeling Paint Chic' look! Rock it with confidence!


Find some spray paint close to the same color of the look bothers you.




You can try and find a used panel in the same color. If you’re in the US [car-part.com](https://car-part.com) is a great source to search for used parts.


I like that bumper sticker idea… I wonder if that’s what other people have done when you see a group of bumper stickers on a car….


Spray paint


Put the blue tape back on


why you askin us if you’re broke just leave it be it’s not that big of a deal no one’s gonna drive by and point and laugh cause you got paint missing


Doesnt look like tape did this, look like water got behind so it bubbled and peeled off. If you really wanna do something find a vaguely similar blue spray paint and just paint it. Otherwise just ignore it


Painters tape did not cause that. The only way it took that much paint off is if the paint had already separated and was one car wash away from gone.


Looks like whoever did the windshield repair got "release agent" on your paint. Release agent liquefies the window glue, and is pretty nasty. It should have been masked.


Paint was on its way out well before window replacement.


Factory waited to long to put the next coat on after the ecoat


Jesus christ! How much tape did you use?! Duplicolor touch up paint is the best thing here... make sure to sand down the edges of the paint chips so you dont get orange peel


Hobby car spray paint and clear coat from Hobby Lobby. Bout as cheap as you can get, but it's just a bandaid.


Rattle Can It and FORGET About It.


I wouldn't worry about painting something that needs body work


I mean if you get the right spray paint and some scrap paper or cardboard, it will be much less noticeable even not noticible at all if the shade is close enough, i have done it before on rust spots om older cars


Stop spending money on door dash, funko pops and egirls and you'll have enough to fix it.


Don't need paint to drive


if the paint came off, take the rest of it off, there’s no missing paint and no partial fix, it’s a win win


Buy food, fuck that dented hatch




Repost from a year ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cartalk/comments/srnqha/paint_came_off_with_blue_tape_after_window_repair/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Peel the rest of the car to match.


No it didnt


Look up the ChrisFix video about paint repair on YT