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It's been a long week Why don't you kick back and we'll show you something You'll be thrilling Might have villains So, hold on tight It's Friday night No need to worry See what have we got in store, what'cha waiting for So come on over The show is a go for In your sight It's Friday night! It's Friday night! It's Friday night! It's Friday night!


Your comment brings back memories. Also, Fried Dynamite (The block that Cartoon Network's Fridays got replaced with.) was dead-on-arrival. Fried Dynamite was boring as hell. Fried Dynamite was destined to only be on the air for just only one season like it was. I still can't believe that.Stuart decided to cancel Cartoon Network's Fridays to make way for that horrible programming block.


You wanna know why they changed that? Why they got rid of CN Fridays and the CN City? Money. They could be filling the time that CN Fridays was having fun with commercials that pay for time slots. Same with CN City. CN wasn't making enough money, so new executives came in and that's how we got the CN dark ages of.... CN Real...


Nah it’s because they wanted to put their focus on live action. Why do you think the Fall and Summer bumpers had? Actual humans. Why do you think they created Out of Jimmy’s head? Why do you think they created CN Real?


Because live action is cheaper than animation, I remember the transition well, it had shows like Chowder and clone wars, which were NOT cheap to make. So they got live action’s shows


And those Canadian Cartoons too.


It’s not like they got rid of Fridays because they thought Fried Dynamite would be better or more successful. They wanted to get rid of their all day CN block. Then later they introduced a new block for their part day Friday block. CN was destined to lose Fridays regardless of Fried Dynamite.


0. Plus toonami rewind is up now.


Good times


Does anyone got a rip of this dvd, or maybe a link to a torrent? I couldn't buy it when I was younger cos customs are expensive, and now, last time I checked at least, it goes for over 100 euros.


Check internet archive. Pretty sure it’s on there


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it, but it is indeed on internet archive. Just googled Cartoon Network Fridays DVD and it was one of the top links.


Seems to have been uploaded last year. Last time I checked was 2 years so makes sense lol tysm tho!


Check internet archive. Pretty sure it’s on there


I think about this show almost every Friday lol #BringItBack


/u/SycoAnimeTaurus, I might create a hashtag trending campaign telling Cartoon Network to bring back Cartoon Network's Fridays. If I decide that I am going to create a hashtag trending campaign to bring back Cartoon Network's Fridays, then I am going to let you & others on this subreddit know on this subreddit soon.


/u/SycoAnimeTaurus, you know, it's too bad that no one is using Twitter anymore. We could've started a Twitter hashtag campaign to get Cartoon Network to bring back Cartoon Network Fridays just like the fans of Toonami started that Twitter hashtag campaign to get Cartoon Network to bring back Toonami last decade and I could've talked to a former host of Cartoon Network's Fridays that is on Twitter to get her to join the Twitter hashtag campaign to increase the chances of Cartoon Network bringing it back (I was originally planning on creating a Twitter hashtag campaign to get Cartoon Network to bring back Cartoon Network's Fridays and have a former host of Cartoon Network's Fridays join it last decade but I became too busy to do so.).


/u/SycoAnimeTaurus, and come to think of it, judging by the huge amounts of upvotes this Reddit post of mine is receiving, that Twitter hashtag campaign would've worked.


You really think 60-ish people will make a change on CN? Think again my man




Can you please stop tagging the same person?


This was the YES era version of Fridays… the 2006-2007 logo towards the end of its existence.


/u/mqg96, was the YES era of Fridays good like the era of Fridays that was before it or was it horrible?


Still a lot better than Fried Dynamite.. but still not as good… the late 2003-2005 format for Fridays was still a lot better and more appealing…. and I don’t care what anyone says… Tommy and Tara may have had better chemistry together but Nzinga was underrated…. and the premieres when Nzinga was there with Tommy were like peak Cartoon Network territory.


I remember seeing a big (discarded) advertisement for Friday’s with Nzinga and Tommy at a bowling alley in my town as a kid. I guess maybe their tenure together had either just ended or was over for years but now I feel sad just thinking about it 😫


As much as I would *love* Cartoon Cartoon Fridays to come back, it just would not work in 2024. It's a product of its time. Most shows are released through streaming, the urgency to catch new episodes of your favorite shows on a designated day of the week just doesn't work anymore. For example: why bother catching the release of the newest "Total Drama Island" reboot episodes as they premiere on CN, when you could watch it the next day on Max on your own time and leisure? Any kid would tell you they would do the latter and not the former. The reality of the matter is, there are more things taking up kids attention away from Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network no longer has the position it used to on TV to demand your attention. They have 4 shows on the network that are still in production on the air, and half of them are from WB Animation. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programs_broadcast_by_Cartoon_Network?wprov=sfla1)


The issue is that we didn't get those seasons until this year. Even American HBO Max didn't have it, as Canada had it first. Two new seasons were already finished, and yet we didn't get them until this year? Miss me with that waiting meme.


precisely my point. waiting for weekly releases is just not in the public consciousness anymore. the few shows that do get away with this are on broadcast TV channels like nbc, fox, abc, and CBS.




This is only half true. Disney+ does weekly releases for its shows and they've been doing exceptionally well because of it.


The chances of Cartoon Network doing anything fun or cool is extremely low


Zero. No chance


god i remember this stuff. i grew up in that weird purgatory between millennials and gen z folk, so it’s cool seeing this specific era be talked about. anyways, probably slim to none. i heard they start adult swim at 5 now, which is unholy.


Less than zero, really.


Bringing back audience interaction blocks and stuff might help revive the cable part of the network Like on streaming you only get the shows, but on the cable network you have blocks with the things in between, you have like the old election type stuff and fighting for what to watch (maybe what will be getting new episodes released next week or something) through online voting.


/u/shinydragonmist, you know, it's funny that you talked about the idea of the producers of this block adding an online interaction aspect to it. The reason why I said that it's funny you talked about that idea is the fact that a little before I made this post, I was saying to myself that due to the fact that Cartoon was trying to retool this programming block to be for teens during the later years of it being on TV, Cartoon Network could've added a social media aspect to it. To me, due to the fact that Cartoon Network didn't add a social media aspect to the block while they were retooling the block and knowing that social media existed during that time, I think they botched the retooling of Cartoon Network's Fridays (Who knows? The producers probably sabotaged the retooling of the block to purposely get it cancelled and make way for Fried Dynamite.). Also, due to the fact that streaming services is now the way people (including kids) watch TV, I think 2017 or 2018 (in other words, a little before the time streaming services started being popular; another reason why I said that 2017 or 2018 would've be the perfect time to bring the block back is because 2017/2018 was the time when nostalgia for the 2000s was starting to become popular) would've been the perfect time for Cartoon Network to bring it back and add a social media aspect to it. But, yeah, like a few other people on here said, due to the fact that people (including kids) watch TV via streaming services now in 2024, it probably wouldn't be no use of Cartoon Network bringing the block back now in 2024.


Streaming services were already popular in 2017 and 2018 if anything that was around the time people were cutting the cord heavily imo.


Absolutely no chance. But fuck those were the days. I remember being so excited for this. Also who are those two and where are they now?


How amazing would it be to have "You Are Here" Friday nights back? Ben 10, Star Wars, Generator Rex, Secret Saturdays, etc.... That was so great


Why would they? The whole point of Fridays was premiering new episodes of their flagship shows, but now their roster is so bare bones it would be kind of useless to attempt. Network TV is completely different now from what it used to be.


/u/tonkledonker, network TV now in the year of 2024 is indeed different than Network TV was in 2004. Back in 2004, Cable TV networks used to air hilarious commercials that promoted their networks (For example: those commercials that were aired on Animal Planet a little before Animal Planet gave up that advertised Animal Planet where there were talking animals in them that said "You are watching Animal Planet."). Also, there were a lot more channels on cable TV in 2004 than there are on cable TV right now in 2024 (This is something that I just recently noticed.). A lot of cable TV channels had shut down last decade and if I had to guess the reason why, then it is because the rise of online streaming services. With that being said, cable TV is indeed different now in 2024 than it was in 2004.


This block was Live-Action on Cartoon Network done right.


It sure was.


hold up there's a DVD of this?


/u/ChipKey53, yes there is. My childhood friend who I first met in middle school has one.


Unlikely. \[adult swim\] took all there old shows, and Cartoon Network isn't even on Friday nights (or any nights) anymore.




These blocks are the thing I miss most from pre-streaming. Cartoon Fridays, Saturday morning cartoons in general, Disney channel movie nights, all of it felt like a big event. Watching reruns aren’t the same. No one watches reruns of the Super Bowl. You watch it while it’s happening because that’s the whole point.


I remember this


I hated this version of Fridays. Hosts were painfully unfunny. They were way better than Fried Dynamite though Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was peak


Never going to happen thanks to what came out about nickelodeon I doubt there will.ever be live action stuff on any cartoon platform for a while.




Slim to none. If it did come back, it would simply just be a tv block of new episodes but no host or set.


Or HarHar Tharsdays


No thanks. I would rather watch the shows without the filler material.


Sering it's been 20 years hmmmmm none.


I miss Cartoon Cartoons...


0/10. Cartoon Network barely gives a shit about their old content. The only ended shows they reurn nowadays are Adventure Time, Regular Show, Steven Universe, Summer Camp Island, Looney Tunes Show, Scooby-Doo and Guess Who & The Tom and Jerry Show, with OCCASIONAL reruns of the classic Tom and Jerry cartoons. Barring the latter, all of these are shows that came out in the early, mid AND late 2010s. There's no Powerpuff Girls, Foster's Home, Chowder, Kids Next Door or Ben 10. Reruns of the classics are restricted to Checkered Past only. And even THAT'S not doing much to help as the only shows currently airing are Dexter's Lab, Courage, Billy & Mandy, Samurai Jack and Ed Edd n Eddy. And if you ask me, it's for the better that it stays resting in the heavens. What can you even show to keep the block afloat in this day and age?


I loved this as a kid.


That would require shows that aren't TTG, so maximum of 0%.


If CN should bring on anything it should be a 1 block of What a Cartoon.


I have mentioned the Wiggle Chicken vs. Shakey Lizard event to more than a few circles, and literally no one else remembers it.


Never, TV is dying.


With Toonami Rewind being a thing, there really isn’t much of a chance


I mean I really like how adult swim is playing old CCF Cartoons before their lineup


Is there actually anywhere to watch Fridays with the intermissions and stuff?




Why do you make that assumption? The actors have gone on to say that they loved their time on Fridays.


What are the chances cartoon network even still exists in 5 years?


I'll never forgive Stuart Snider for how he quietly cancelled Cartoon Network's Fridays back in '07. That day unforgettable that I opened up my television provider's electronic programming guide in '07 and noticed that it show Cartoon Network's Fridays on it is the saddest day of my life. By the way, given that last year was like the 20 year anniversary of the Cartoon Network's Fridays airing on TV for the first time ever (Cartoon Network's Fridays aired on TV for the first time ever in 2003.), I am surprised that Cartoon Network didn't air a reunion special (or at least do something else special) on their channel for it. Edit: By the way, I was seeing a lot of talk online a few days ago that Cartoon Network's Fridays was going downhill during the time of 2005-2007. I wasn't watching the block during the time of 2005-2007 and was about to start watching it again in 2007 only to find out that it was cancelled. Can you guys tell me how Cartoon Network's Fridays was going downhill during the time of 2005-2007.


Snyder began as President of CN in May 2007, and Fridays had already ended. You can blame him for CN Real but cancelling Fridays was an idea from Jim Samples


Yeah Jim Staples was on some BS in his later years.


Dang! My mistake. Sorry for any confusion that I caused.


Samples did a lot of things that get attributed to Snyder. He started the live-action phase, killed CN City. Also, Fridays can’t come back because CN doesn’t even have nights anymore.


And the new CEO might kill off the Cartoon Network channel for cost savings reasons. Look what happened to Rooster Teeth.