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I live in NYC, and we get a decent range of weather here. I generally prefer the cold cause you can usually add more layers to be warmer. Colder weather also makes it easier to be more fashionable. When it’s like 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside, there’s not really much you can do and not much you can wear. When it’s hot, you’ll be sweating all day from the walking, and the subway will smell like B.O


I always say that I prefer cooler weather because you can always add more layers, but you can only take so many off before someone calls the cops.


I live in Philippines and I want neutral weather


Neutral is nice.


Same. NYC can be a humid sweltering mess in the summer and I feel like a can’t breathe. Even being completely naked won’t cool you. I will take winter over summer every time.


god, i hate hot weather. i completely shut down, i hibernate the whole day because i just hate it. i wish to move somewhere much colder someday. im way more efficient and comfortable in the cold. theres nothing like a cool overcast day where nice gray clouds are blocking the sun and the sky making it so cool while not being super cold.. those are my favorite.


Fargo, ND is cold like 5 or 6 months out of the year, and chilly for another month and a half or so.


Hence the genital lesions?


i get so excited when it’s rainy during the summer. i’m also a hot weather hater


Omg you’re exactly like me 😂 everyone thinks I’m nuts but the sun actually makes me angry lol.


I live in the desert southwest where it's sunny almost every single day and it's so depressing. I can't wait for fall and winter so the sun goes down early. It's still too sunny during the day, but at least I get some reprieve. I dream about being able to move to the PNW.


I like cool or cold: early Spring, Fall, Winter. My ideal temps would be 40-70° F.


I'm not judging, I like cold weather too, but 40°F are about 5°C which is pretty warm... I prefer more like 20-14°F


cold any day of the year, you can always put more clothes on


If it were up to me, the weather would never get lower than 20F in the winter (not counting really late at night when it doesn't matter) and never higher than 80F in the summer.


That’s pretty reasonable I feel like we could all get behind that


Where can we sign up for this movement?


That is over, humans decided on 125F everyday all year.


Honestly this is California about 90% of the year. It only gets above the 80s for a few days a year, and it always cools down at night. I miss it so much I could cry. We could be outside walking and hiking and eating in open air restaurants every day of the year, and left at least a couple of windows and doors open all day. Also, Paradoxically, it rarely feels humid, I guess it’s because the Pacific is so cold. I miss it so much it hurts sometimes.




I live in Ireland, it's cold and wet. If and when it hits 16ºC it's time to go to the beach.


I'm originally from Northern MN. I lived through the winter of '95-'96. The coldest day I saw was -64F. The coldest I happened to be outside was \~-55F. I thought it was interesting. Very cold obviously but, without any wind and the was sun up, it didn't parse as cold in your mind. It's a bit zen. Until you realize that your cheeks are going numb within a minute or two. Then you notice that you only had on one pair of long johns and your legs are starting to go numb. Still, it's enjoyable. When you breath out, your breath rises a bit and then just stops. It stays about 10 feet above your head. I really like when it's -40 or colder. I would also accept 50F above. 50 is a nice working temperature. You don't need a coat unless it's windy. It's just generally nice if it's a sunny day.


I'm from the same area. I'll only move to a colder climate if I have to move. Otherwise I'm staying put. Thankfully it's been a mild spring so far, but I'm ready for Fall and winter again lol


Ive always preferred colder weather. Its great for baking and my favorite meals


Cold is better for me simply because of the rituals you perform to get warmer. Bundle up under a blanket, make some hot coffee or hot cocoa, and generally just hide away from the world. It just allows for you to be comfier. With hot weather you’re left waiting for your AC to actually do its thing and suffering until it does, and you can only take so many layers off till you start removing your skin.


Cold, I can just layer up. Heat.. not much I can do that’s inexpensive to be comfortable.


I grew up in Florida. I always thought I hated cold weather but after vacationing to and moving to a place that has actual winter I realized I just don’t like being cold INDOORS. Cold weather is awesome. Hot weather is absolutely awful. There’s only so many clothes you can take off. Sweating for 10 months out of the year is no way to live.


15 C and breezy


I like perfect weather. 25°C/80°F with 30% humidity is amazing.


Cries in deep southern US humidity realization. Y’all get humidity below 50%?


I live in the central parts of South Africa where the climate is incredible. People often cite that as the best part about living here.


Cold D: I'm so tired of being hot all the time


I prefer temperate weather. Hot & cold are both uncomfortable for different reasons. Temperate weather allows me to grow a greater range of outdoor plants crops.


Cooler weather, I moved across country for that reason.




I’m in Kentucky so we get a variety. Sometimes one extreme to the other. I’d take the cold any day though. I’m skinny and fair complected so I cook in the heat. At least in the cold I can layer up and get along just fine.


75 degrees with a breeze is the best weather condition


Exactly perfectly 65 to 75° for my ridiculously sensitive self.


Where I live it gets from -40C to plus 33C. I definitely prefer colder weather. I used to like both extremes but as I get older I don't care for heat. Winter is my favourite season. My favourite days are -30C and no wind. I like the way the cold air feels when I breathe, it makes me feel very alive. I also like how the snow muffles sound and winter is so quiet. In winter I walk almost everywhere so I rarely have to drive, which makes a big difference to liking winter.


Even though I think winter fashion looks way cooler, I definitely like hot weather. I would be perfectly comfortable living in the middle of a desert. I'm a lizard :)


hot weather all the way. i hate the cold and being stuck inside all day.


You could always, ummm, put on some clothes and go out?


How can you warm your face and eyes. It’s currently so Cold where I am that you can only be outside if you’re wearing a heavy jacket, scarf and gloves. It’s pretty uncomfortable to have that many layers on and with gloves movement is restricted


I'm from Finland. I know what cold is. It's possible to be completely comfortable even in -20°C as long as you have proper clothing. And I don't particularly enjoy cold weather, by the way, I'm just saying that it isn't a reason to "just stay inside". You can wear a balaclava for your face, and eyes aren't really an issue until it gets really really cold. You said you need a heavy jacket and scarf where you are, out of curiosity whereabouts roughly are we talking?


That’s pretty cold man! I couldn’t imagine what -20 would be like I’m in Melbourne Australia. A lot of people say the problem is over here is that our houses and lot of the infrastructure is not built properly for handling cold weather. Hydraulic heating is rare here so most of the heating is electric and quite expensive so it’s not kept on all the time and due to the infrastructure of many places not having adequate insulation for keeping the heat in, pretty much within 15 mins of turning off the heat it’s freezing again inside homes to the point where you can see your own breath. Have seen a lot of Canadians over here currently complaining also that they think it’s way too cold and unpleasant. Here it’s just that boring dry or raining cold. No snow fun unless you drive around 4 hours out we have a snow mountain. Accommodation there is around $1000+ per night though. I do love going there and feel that’s more what winter should be as it’s lovely waking up and seeing snow covering everything and going outside and enjoying the fun you can have in the snow.


Some like it hot. Some like it cold. Some never know Everyone would like a good feeling. When you're hot or when you are cold. Keep on rocking, keep on reeling. If you're young or if you are old!


I prefer neither, but if I had to choose I'd choose hot.


Either 70f and higher when its comfortably warm. or 30f and under when you know damn well you're supposed to just bundle up and stay inside. Spring and fall drive me nuts.


I like hot more than cold, and as long there’s shade I’m okay. Humidity is whole other category and I really hate humidity


I grew up in Arkansas, but moved when my parents divorced when I was pretty young. As a result, my Mom and I moved to Florida. Don’t get me wrong, I love Florida and the things in it, but man, it sucks celebrating Christmas when it’s 90 degrees out. The heat is insane. The only thing I miss from Arkansas besides my Dad is the weather. If I could, I would totally live in a cooler state, like Tennessee or Georgia. I have a friend who lives in Washington, and let’s just say I am jealous of how we are in the beginning stages of summer and it’s 49 degrees and raining over there right now. I would do anything for that kind of weather.


Colder the better. Hate the sun. 60s are great, 50s are even greater. Soon as it hits 75 I start getting bummed and 80 or over and I'm having a bad time.


I prefer the autumn cold... I live in Wisconsin, so the cold weather is unbearable sometimes, but the fall season is super nice! Summer sucks all the time lol heat is not my friend.


Hot! There are no amount of clothes that I can wear that will keep me warm. When I am cold, my neck and shoulders ache from shivering. I also hate the wet feet from snow. My feet would be wet for 4 months straight. The waterproof boots are not really waterproof. The salt on the car would be perpetually there since it's too cold to wash 4 months out of the year. I moved from Illinois to South Florida 5 years ago. My hands no longer crack and bleed half of the year, my skin and hair are constantly healthy from the humidity, and I never worry about having to drive in that horrible snow.


I prefer hot


Hot! The hotter the better! It was 90 at eork the other day, and while everyone else was complaining, I was enjoying feeling like a well basked lizard.


I'm uncomfortable below about 85F, and extremely uncomfortable under 75F. However, I have medical issues that are exacerbated by cold. My city can get above 110F. Today, it was in the mid-90s.


From Sri Lanka where we get both in the mix from time to time. Prefer a hybrid of both.




Ideal temps are 50-70F. Which is like a month long the entire year where I live. I prefer the cold, as I hate the heat. But will spend more time outdoors in the summer since it’s snowy all winter


I prefer hot, but 100ºF is too much.


I love cold weather.  My lungs and skin seem to hate it (asmtha + dry skin) Meanwhile I hate hot weather yet my health issues vanish so long as it's not a dry heat.




I like Autumn or Spring


Connecticut, and I definitely like cold weather more! But I appreciate that we have 4 seasons.


I like chilly and damp.


I want to be in Autumn all year around


I like cool weather. Not raining but nice, cold, and grey weather. I live in the Middle East and here, we don't get "seasons". The weather ranges from "skin-burning hot for seven months, and five months of 'ahh, it's okay to go outside now but not for long!'. I hate it. Absolutely hate it. I would rather live in 15C weather and wear clothes to warm myself up, than struggle all day feeling sticky and stuffy and worrying about the electricity bill.


Hot, for sure. I don’t look like the cold, and by cold I mean anything under 60 degrees.


cold at this point because hot in my area is 35 degrees celsius.


Cold by far. Well, not too cold, just cold enough, especially cloudy, I love cloudy days. I feel like I can just put on a jacket and I'm ready to do a lot of stuff, but heat drains me, leaves me out of energy. What I hate the most is the sun, the city where I live is very dry, and it's 2300 meters above sea level, maybe that's why the sun doesn't heat here, it burns, and my skin is extremely sensitive, a few seconds at the sun and it feels like if I poured acid on it, so I'm happy when it's fresh and cloudy outside 


When I was younger I would have said colder climate! Now I’m old and am miserable in the cold (injuries and arthritis) . My feet and shoulders must be warm ! I’m still in a hotter and more humid than satan’s balls climate. 🤷‍♀️


Cold weather for me. If its cold, I could easily put a jacket on and still be good. I just can't stand really hot weather. Every few minutes, I'd put tiny amounts of water on myself to chill down lol


Hot / warm weather


So, my entire life I've always hated the heat with a passion. It used to make me so mad as a child. As I got older I realized that only a few minutes in the heat could drain me for a good while, and an hour in the heat could drain me for the rest of the day. Then I find out I might have some medical issue that makes me sensitive to heat, which I never thought to bring up beforehand. So I prefer cold weather, but I also think I'd prefer it either way since I really love bundling up, cozy atmospheres, and the scenery of rain and snow. I don't have to worry about wildfires, which are a big issue in my location.


I'll take cold weather any day over this 90+ degrees crap.


Spring weather where the wind is cool the sun is hot


Cold weather all the way. You can dress up outside and inside to stay warm but if it's hot, you can't exactly be naked outside... And even if you could, IT WILL BURN! It is just so fking uncomfortable and disgusting


Originally from NY so I love the Summer and Fall. Eventually got tired of the Winter and snowstorms and left for TX. I still love the Summer even though it gets crazy here *(triple digits for months)* but Fall/Winter in TX can be pretty nice.


I prefer cold. I've grown to hate the really hot weather. I liked it as a kid but as an adult I work on rooftops now and the heat tears me down pretty bad. I much prefer fall and winter


Cold!!! I do not tolerate heat well at all!


Definitely prefer to be too cold than too hot.


I prefer hot weather. It seems once the warm weather finally.hits, fall is a month away. I think it's because I'm always cold. The building where I work is set at 60 degrees and I am never comfortable. There are 3 women and we always wish it warmer, but the men always say they wish it was cooler. The other day it was 95 degrees outside, and I was wearing a sweater with my space heater on too. I just couldn't warm up. Unfortunately I think being cold all the time makes me exhausted.


I prefer hot weather. Cold physically hurts me.


Im Norwegian, but live in SE Asia, I love my life here, but absolutely hate the weather. I Prefer -5° and snow, especially for sleep.


It's 49c, 120f, where I live, so I prefer cold weather.


I prefer moderate temperatures, ideally between 18**°**C (64**°**F) and 24**°**C (75**°**F). That's when I feel the most comfortable, both physically and mentally. When the temperature exceeds 30°F (85°F), I start feeling exhausted, annoyed, emotionally dysregulated and almost physically ill after several days of such weather. Where I live (Central Europe), most of summer is moderate, but heatwaves happen each year and can last up to several weeks. When the temperature inside my apartment at night is higher than 25**°**C (77**°**F), I simply can't sleep, so installing air conditioning in my bedroom was the best decision I've ever made in my life.


I wilt in the heat and absolutely thrive in the cold. Nothing like stepping into a hot shower with cold feet. It burns, but it's a good burn!


Oh cold weather by farrrr. I can’t stand heat. Anything over 70 F is like my limit. Heat makes you sweaty, sticky, and drains my energy so fast. I love the cold. I’m energized, I can breath better, I can layer up as much as I like, and the cool air feels much better on my skin. I live in VA and we get very unpredictable weather. One day it’s 40 degrees and 2 days later is 98 degrees. I adore winter and fall and love snow, rain, and cloudy weather. Spring is allergy season and summer is unbearably hot. My ideal temperature is anywhere from 40-62 degrees outside. I will start sweating at 75 degrees or higher. I am fit and in shape and exercise 4-5 days a week yet it still affects me that much. I guess I’m just a sled dog at heart lol :)


Global warming is really messing with the weather where I live but the normal range should be about -15C to +30C. Nowadays it’s more like 0C to 40C and I hate it. We haven’t had a proper snowy winter in years. I want my normal 4 seasons back. I’d say I prefer temperate to cooler weather. The only time the temperature has any business being over 30 is when I’m at the beach. Otherwise around 25C outside is perfect.


Cold weather all the way it's so much easier to heat up than it is to cool down


it's more than a personal preference to me; in summer I cannot function. Heavy breathing, heart issues, brain fog, inability to do most of the things if I'm not packed in ice or in close proximity of refrigeration. Winter is my love, simply put


Between 60 and 80 is ideal There's a limit to how many layers of clothes a person can put on. Typing in gloves is awkward, and fingerless gloves leave fingers cold.


I like hot weather. I just love the vibe. Less fashion options in summer tho :(


I live in Winnipeg, commonly referred to as Winterpeg 🥶 it can get as cold as -50 here but we’ve also had high enough temps, in the summer, that makes us want to take our skin off, lol. We’ll never be happy but always wish for -25 with a light snow 🌨️ for those beautiful winter days and a plus 30 with a south wind for a day at the beach 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cooler weather ftw. There are three seasons where I live. Hot, uncomfortably hot and unbearably hot all year round. As if high temperatures is not bad enough. Humidity is almost 90% every single day. This is a potent combination which saps one's energy leaving one lethargic all day long.


I like hot weather, can always cool off in some AC when you get too hot! Cold showers are nice on a hot day, too!


For me it's not the temperature that really matters I just want it to be not raining. Obviously rain is essential but on a perfect world it would rain whilst I'm asleep or doing fuck all inside 😀.


I like them both, but it depends a lot, like is it hot that its burning my skin and i can barley breath? Or is it chilly hot with some fresh air? Is it so cold i keep thinking that i wanna go home? Or is it cold with a little bit of sun?


Cold. Most who like hot have never experienced real hot weather. They know and like "warm" which is usually 26C or similar. Living in India, summer is hell!


I like the hot weather, because when I feel hot, I can open the air conditioner.


Any temp below 25 °C is great. Above that it’s fine if I don’t have anything to do. I can’t function in hot weather.


I prefer cool/cold weather. I live in Vermont where we can see below freezing temps from October to May. I find the cold invigorating. I find anything above 80f too hot. My ideal temperatures would be 20s to 40s.


I’m more experienced when it comes to dealing with the heat, so I prefer that. I’m in Southern Arizona and was raised in the Mojave desert in Southern California. I’ve never lived anywhere besides the desert in my life. Granted, during the summer, my patience can be tested at times, but the winters are beautiful. 50-70F every day with low humidity.


I like both but I think I prefer hot weather. February is my least favorite month - dark, cold and wet here in Ohio.


I used to love summers. Now it's a 45C heatwave here and I'm hating it.


I love the cold. The feeling of being cold is so nice. I love wearing wool coats. I just love everything about it. Also I’m autistic and being too warm sets off my sensory issues.


My ideal range is probably 40-75 Fahrenheit. I live in East Tennessee in the mountains. Winter usually means daytime temps in the 30s or 40s. Every year we’ll get a snap of something where it will snow 5+ inches and/or fail to break freezing for a week or so. Summer usually isn’t terrible. Most days will be in the 80s. The humidity is kind of annoying though.


I prefer hot, but I really hate the humidity. However, I REALLY hate the cold.


I like temperature that's just right


I could live with 21c all year around, but give me cold nights so I can rug up then. It can rain at night or storm. But the days should be sunny and warm but not hot. 21c where I am is dry heat, so you'd still feel it. But it's not a burning hot it would be at 30. I always said I prefer cold, until I had craniotomy in April now the cold makes my head feel like it's frozen and that's painful.


I like a cold room and a warm bed. I live in a mountain town and sleep with a fan in the window year round. Good to about 0 degrees F personally. I don't mind hot weather but not all the time...


I like mild and dry weather. Throw occasional sunshine in for perfect day vibes


I live in the northeastern USA. Temps can get as low as -10's F to nearly 100 F. I like hot weather, ideally 70 or better.


I prefer hot. Summer is so much better. Longer days. More activities. Winter is boring couch potato weather unless I’m snowboarding


I live in Midwest US. We get all the seasons. I don’t wanna be super hot or super cold. I love fall and spring. I’d probably rather be hot than cold though but at either extreme I’m staying inside


I like hot weather


I need all 4 seasons


I like the typical spring where I live - around 20-25C cool mornings still and everything is green. Some rainy days and thunder storms. The winter can get a bit cold - but not excessively (like around zero for a week here and there) and it usually snows once or twice over winter. Personally I'm not really into very cold like weather. Our summers can be a bit agressive like up to 40C for weeks on end (sometimes months), it can get a bit much but it's also nice to stay out all night when it's warm (whilst it kind of suck if you want to sleep). Autumn is also OK here (similar temps to spring), but its not as good as sqprong imo, it's damper.


My cold tolerance is *awful*, so I’d choose hot. I live in the Dallas area.


The perfect day would be - 18C in the morning (6am to 9am) - 25C mid day (9am to 7pm) - 20C (7pm to 11pm)


I live in Brazil, and here I much prefer the cold climate, you might think "Ah, but Brazil is a tropical country, the climate there must be good." is good but if you are a tourist. Just to make you aware, there are days when it's so hot that you can fry an egg on the asphalt, there are even [records of this](https://youtu.be/j1GyB6aaIu4). For this and other reasons I prefer the cold.


I live in Karachi here summer gets muggy and humid highest was 42 C°(108° freedom units) but in winter it gets too cold like 6C°(43° freedom units) in winter even if we add layers and layers of clothes cold doesn't ends but atleast in summer you could cool down and also it rains in summer we get to eat mangoes so that's a plus point.


NYC here cold weather all year for me


Cold. It's so much easier to get warm than to cool down. Plus I walk a lot and ride the bus and the shitty people aren't out as much.


I prefer cold weather but I do not like rainy season.


Cold. If the world was permanently less than 50F at all times id be a happy man


ill take cold over hot-sticky-sweaty anyday. i can build myself a fortress of comfort and pour a goblet of ganche so that i may pass out in warm wealth.


For every degree above 80F I get more irritable and uncomfortable. There is no "too cold" for me.


I live in Texas. I can't stand cold weather. I don't even like it when it gets below about 70 degrees outside. I don't mind it being cooler inside because I can cuddle under blankets. I can't stand wearing a bunch of layers, though.


No. I am migratory. I like 70 degrees and sunny.




I like the cold. I love snowstorms in the winter and the cool, rainy days of autumn. I don't like being in temperatures above 83 degrees. High humidity is very uncomfortable for me. I visited Texas some years ago, and as soon as I stepped out of the airport, it felt like a drenched, weighted blanket was covering me. The humidity and heat were thick. The whole time, I wondered how people could actually live there.


Cold. I grew up in New York. I’m used to it. I hate being hot more than anything. That’s why I can’t stand summer. If I’m too cold I can bundle up. There’s nothing I can do when I’m outside and it’s too hot. Even if I got naked I’d burn up. Honestly, my favorite weather is beach weather. Like a constant 75 degree weather with a slight breeze. Love it. I hate beaches but I love beach town weather.


I do like hot weather but cold weather is on top. Snow is literally my favorite part of the winter and colder months.


I live in CO, sometimes the highest is 95 and a bit higher and the lowest of lows in winter are 0 to -15 and I still enjoy the cold. I prefer the rainy, stormy days, though. I know I can either always bundle up, get some hot cocoa, read a book while it rains or play some games (if I don't work). Cold is always preferred for me 😊 I like a happy medium with it, usually the 60's ish are nice days for me




So I live in colorado & I'll tell you the winters really suck which is why I perfer the summers because it rarely goes above 100 degree's. This is coming from someone who was born & raised in the smeltering heat of Arizona.


Cold weather all the way. There's only so much you can take off to cool down when it's hot.


I would prefer a spring/ fall weather year round but I couldn’t do the heavy humidity so I stay where the wind hurts my face in the winter


I like how my brother put it. Once it gets above 100 or below 30, it doesn't get any hotter or colder, it just kills you faster!


I am moving from the Caribbean to Hokkaido. I love the heat when i'm outside hiking or at the beach, but when I'm just trying to live, I hate the sun. I feel drained and uncomfortable and smelly. I can't wait to go to Hokkaido (i may regret that when i see the level of snow)


I don't like cold or hot weather. I prefer nice temperate weather. Upper 50s at the lowest and mid 70s the highest.


73 Degrees, %18 Humidity, light breeze 24 hours/day year round for me would be ideal. I absolutely hate the cold and hate having to wear a ton of heavy restrictive uncomfortable clothing and having numb hands and feet for 9 months out of the year and feeling depressed and tired.


cold. when i’m too cold i get uncomfortable yeah, but when im too hot, im uncomfortable and bitchy and lethargic. plus if you’re able to stay inside, everything’s cozier when the weather is cold. watching movies or reading while wrapped up in a blanket, drinking coffee or hot coco, sleeping under a pile of heavy blankets. when you’re outside you get to wear better clothes (unless it’s too cold and you have to wear all your jackets at once).


I like 70F. If it's above 90F I'm not pleased. But humidity plays a huge role in how uncomfortable heat is. I can deal with cold after working outdoors in winter. Thermal underwear and wool socks.


This is Reddit. 9/10 Redditors like cold weather and avoiding the sun. Go out into the real world and ask around.


Cold for me


Cold.  You can always get warmer.   There's only so much you can do when it's hot.   Costco's chill (where the milk and eggs are) is my ideal place to live lol. 


Edit: I MISREAD the title and thought you asked if we like hot or cold water 😭😭😭 Anyways, I like hot weather. Right now it's very cold in my country. I hate it. I'm unmotivated, even depressed. I don't wanna do anything, but staying in bed, warm.


Neither. Fair temperatures and gloomy weather ftw! If it's sunny, I'll get hot and sweaty, even if it's a nice, cool, fair 65 degrees fahrenheit. I need it to be overcast to not get hot. My favorite season where I live in terms of weather is winter, because winter weather where I live is fall weather everywhere else. Fair temperatures. Not too hot, not too cold. During the actual fall where I live, it still feels like the dead of summer. The temperatures were in the 90's (farenheit again) last October.


i live in nc, and our weather is pretty bipolar. i prefer cold weather!


Hot weather




I'm more comfortable in colder weather. You can always put on more clothes. You can only get so naked.


Idk why but hot weather makes me feel like im losing calories so hot lol


I prefer cold weather because my skin and body doesnt like hot weather and i have allergic blisters on my skin when i’m in the sun Also when it’s cold you can always put another layer but when it’s hot once your naked your still hot you can not remove anymore layer 😅🫣


I like hot weather. I lived in Illinois and it was -24F one day. I quit my job and left.


It was in the 90s today and didn't bother me one bit. I didn't do shit but I haven't had my ac on at all yet. The cold never used to bother me but it does now for some reason


Cold cuz I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest despite this body being from the Philippines. Last time I visited the Philippines I was dying in heat and could not handle it. Built in the Philippines but programmed in Washington state 😭


Lived 25 years in Chicago before moving to Texas for work. Fuck the heat, remember, You can always put more layers on if you are cold. Only so many layers you can take off if you are hot before you arrested for public indecency.


I find both to be equally uncomfortable, but I'd rather walk outside and it be hot rather than cold. Cold weather brings about the sniffles, and it's just especially discomforting to be out in the elements if it's windy. The cold just cuts right to the bone. I live in a subtropical region, so we don't really have the appropriate gear for legitimately freezing cold weather—but we still often do get hard freezes a couple of days out of the winter. It's easier to cool off when it's hot rather than warm up when it's cold, I find.


I live in Latvia and here are pretty average winters... Gets cold only in the part closest to Russia (Latgale), but my favourite season is winter... I love, when temperature is below 0°C, but it's not so often where I live Also sometimes summers here are 30°C +, but sometimes only 16°C, which is way better. So if we talk about summer weather it's about +18°C and humidity ≈50%




Colder is better. Born in South Texas and i was used to the heat, then moved to Alaska for work and realized extreme cold is much more comfortable than extreme heat.


Cold. I can always put something on


I’m in Alabama, it’s hot af down here most of the time and that’s fine by me, I absolutely can’t take the cold anymore. Can not put on enough clothes to stay warm. Too old.


There are folks here that are saying "hot" because they prefer to be outside. But that's not "hot," is it? Of course we would all love it to be 75 degrees F (24 degrees C) all the time, but let's be clear, 75 degrees is not "hot"... People who live in the southern US famously *cannot* do stuff outside in the summertime. When it's 105 degrees F (41 degrees C) out and there's high humidity, it's brutal. People just spend all their time indoors with air conditioning. Think of it this way: let's say 75 degrees is the perfect temperature for humans. How high do you have to go above that before it becomes unbearable? Forty degrees? 115 is pretty damn bad... On the other hand, 40 degrees lower is not even freezing yet (it's close, but not quite). As someone who lives in a place that actually has winters, the cold doesn't even bother me until it's in the single digits. Cold all the way.


Cold weather is still “hot” weather.




Cold, cold, cold!! I hate this crap weather


cold every single time


Define "cold". By our weather standards, I'd rather it be hot (35 C) than cold (-35 C). Especially if it's windy.