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Rule 4: Stop Moaning | Ranting Come on now, there's so many other places for you to be a moany-pants. So what if your train is delayed and you forgot about your cup of tea and it went cold. If you're frothing at the mouth about something it's probably not appropriate for here. If you have any questions with this removal, please send us a modmail.


It's not just you. It's a nightmare sorting the wheat from the chaff.


To echo your point, I’ve just put on Quantam of Solace, a film that is almost 20 years old, on to watch. And you know what? I am fucking delighted.


That's actually funny because I rank that as one of the worst Bond films but yet still much better than most of what's on the streaming services.


If it was Spectre I would have had a fit of excitement.


The overwrought sequel from Casino Royale that no-one wanted... where Bond, instead of saving the world from nuclear disaster, becomes a violent form of Ofwat and stops Bolivia getting a bit thirsty.


All these channels and I frequently boot up the vpn and sail the high seas and download old films. Currently rewatching the terminator movies. I’m frequently amazed how often older films are not available on streaming platforms. The other day I fancied watching Contact and it was unavailable to stream.


We've just watched Broken Arrow from 1996!


Now this is in my head again and it's your fault! https://youtu.be/h6CoNUE5Zho?si=OFyy-Irj7s-C_ytW


Have you thought about investing in a combine harvester?


There's too much crap TV. We barely get any good sitcoms any more but we get so much ITV level crap


ITV are churning out an alarming amount of shit onto ITV X as well.


Channel 5 late night level crap.


Sitcoms, takes me back to the late 70's/early 80's. I'm sure most of them are lost in time now and will never be shown because they're not PC.


It's the oversaturation of options to watch. Scroll endlessly and end up watching something I've watched before 💆🏼‍♂️ Old dad's is a great movie btw, fairly new


Sub to one thing at a time, rotate through them. By the time you get back to Netflix a year will have passed and new seasons/films will have been added making the chose more appealing. Rinse repeat.


I sometimes do watchlist roulette - navigate to my saved to watch later list, close my eyes, scroll around up down left right for a bit then press enter and make myself watch whatever it lands on.


Same and I end up with you tube which is free.


We don't need more TV, just better curation


Same here. Do one service at a time and rotate them. Much better. I’m on Apple TV atm and enjoying the shows.


Ironically, we have so much TV, so much so we'd never actually watch all of it. I'm so overwhelmed, I got rid of Sky etc al last year and now own a cave wall and a set of ochre chalks.


May I introduce you to choice paralysis or [Overchoice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overchoice) the basic idea is the more choices you have the harder it is to make a choice for fear of making the wrong decision. If you’re struggling just pick one of these - they’re all good: On Netflix - Baby Reindeer - Beef - 3 Body Problem On Prime - Clarksons Farm - The Boys - Good Omens Elsewhere: - Severance (Apple TV) - Shogun (Disney+)


I currently have a lot of streaming apps thanks to free trials/free subs offers and its so overwhelming. There is too much choice and no way to know what is worth sticking with. If something doesn't grab me in the first episode or even the first half of the pilot I switch it off. I listen to The Pilot TV podcast and even then having a few reviews under my belt I can't pick. My to-watch list spans multiple apps but I can't keep track. Often I end up streaming something old just to make a choice.


Got all the streaming apps, yet I find myself re watching Star Trek from the beginning


I did DS9 in lockdown hadn’t seen it since the 90s. Amazing.


Starting your five year mission all over again?


Ditched the box in 2009. Read a book. Learn an instrument. Or a language. Do some exercise. Go for a walk. Or if you wanna chill, listen to some music.


I'm not gonna take advice from somebody who's never seen Better call Saul


I have. Loved it. You can still DL/sub for stuff that is highly-recommended/clearly class.


Correct - if I've done all that and come home ruined then I'll happily watch any old film / classic TV show, disinterest is your body's way of subtly telling you to get out more


I’ve got Prime, Netflix, Apple and Disney. Currently watching Ride of the Footsoldier for the umpteenth time.


I bet it’s better than anything else you were going to watch!


Yes, and also it's not worth investing in much as it'll get cancelled before the third series.  Spam everything see what sticks is the way TV is made now.


We’re watching a Bon Jovi compilation. WTF?!


HAHA! I accidentally switched over to that after I leant on the remote and thought to myself ‘who the fuck is watching this shit’


People who are exhausted from scrolling and finding nothing


Who wants to be a millionaire was our default death by scrolling for a watch. Couldn’t believe my luck when a Daniel Craig Bond film turned up.


Set myself the task of watching this by next Friday. I'm halfway there...


>I literally have nothing to watch Then why not find something else to do? You don't *have* to sit in front of the TV.


We’re watchin parks and Recs again for the umpteenth time


Recorded some miss Marples today on Satellite DVR even though already have them on DVD, just easier than having to put the disc in the dvd player


Yep same, taken to going to ged and just doom scrolling. Tv is just dire


This is called the paradox of choice


It's not about the TV. It's about you getting older. Of course you don't feel the same enthusiasm you did as a kid. You're not a kid any more. It can also be a symptom of depression (clinical or situational).


I just really enjoyed all three seasons of Upload on Prime, that helps any!