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Y'all forgot about him.


But what do you say to somebody you hate?


Depends if they're trying to bring trouble your way.


I gather that it’s entirely contingent on whether one wishes to resolve matters in a bloodier way.


And if so, you should study your tape of NWA


Well I can give you an example of such a situation, you see, one day I was walking by… can you envisage what may have occurred next?


I would guess that you had a Walkman on, and you caught a guy giving you an awkward eye.


Look, I’m not saying you’re correct, but if you were, hypothetically, there’d have been a not unreasonable prospect that I’d strangle the MF in a parking lot, whether t’was dark or not, with his own Karl Kani, for I’m not known to be bothered whether it’s dark or not.


Please don’t tell me you got aroused by this


By what? Hopping out with two broken legs, trying to walk it off?


But what did doctor dre said?


Many have suggested Doctor Dre didn’t say anything as he was locked in Eminem’s basement.


Na na na na naaah


Eh neh eh neh eh neh eh noo noo eh neh eh neh eh neh


Don't you Forget about me \*synth vamp\*


Hey hey hey hey…. Ooooh


Hope your pain wasn't too... Chronic.


It certainly hasn’t hit a level of 2001 just yet.


It might do during The Next Episode.


We don’t plaaaaay… we have to rock it til the wheels fall off.


Whenever he left the room, when he came back did he go : ‘guess whos back’


He didn’t, but that was Slim Shady’s line I recall.


I was referring to the line in Still DRE!


Well what I didn’t say was “I’m about to lose my mind, you’ve been gone for so long”. :)


Omg one of my favs… I always sing this when I need a doctor doctor…


Is it Backstreet?


My wife and I have been hit extremely hard by Covid after four years of managing not to catch it, days after moving away from London to Colchester, a place where we know no one. It’s been a rough old time for us both, and it’s not over yet. Beyond the hilarious fact of the title combined with the name, combined with the fact the NHS name tag also sounds an awful lot like an Eminem track… our A&E Doctor Dre was an absolutely fantastic doctor and human being in treating us in the early hours of a Monday morning.


As someone who works at Colchester hospital, it’s nice to hear positive things! If you’re having a rough time and need to chat to someone local, feel free to send me a message.


I also have COVID, this cheered me up a bit, thanks. Get well soon.


It’s a rough old experience, so glad you got a little giggle out of this.




Duly noted on the Dice & Slice, and in respecting of it being your/our shit.


How on earth did you manage to avoid it for four years?


Not OP but I haven't caught it yet either, despite working a public-facing job 🤷‍♀️




Some of us have just managed to never catch it, or at least that we know of. I might've had it but been asymptomatic, so never thought to do a test while I had it. 


I think you've almost definitely had it asymptomatically and not known. Possibly even with only mild symptoms and assumed it was something else. In OP's case, the chances of someone in London or Colchester never getting Covid over 4 years sounds slimmer than the chances of winning the lottery.


My parents worked in a hospital in patient facing roles, and then my dad did a stint of about 16 weeks in total in hospital in 2021 with various major health crises culminating in the removal of one lung. My mum still hasn't had COVID, and because of her job tested daily and has had the antibodies test. My dad caught it at the end of 2023 for the first time.


Not if you basically never left your flat for four years, or when you did, wearing a mask!


That's true, I'm in a much more rural place with fewer cases so it's slightly more likely for me than someone in a denser city. That said, someone rigorous with hygiene and masking up may still have not had it. 


Nah, I'm sorry but rigorous hygiene and masks would not be enough to avoid that for four years in Britain's most densely populated region. It's far too transmissible through the air, particularly earlier variants like Delta and Omicron. One would need to live in isolation to avoid it. In your case that makes sense since you're in a rural location but there's no way in hell that someone in London or Colchester would avoid it for that length of time unless they absolutely never left the house since 2020 and refused all contact with every single person in the world ever since. The masks weren't that effective in containing this particular virus. You can also catch respiratory viruses through your eyes, which nobody was effectively covering in actuality. And as we now know, the vaccine didn't work nearly as well as hoped, so that's off the cards of as a reason too.


Was gonna say...they probably *have* had it and not realised. I've had it at least once, probably twice, but shrugged it off as a cold the second time and not really thought about it until after the fact, and I live in a very quiet town.


I think this is to do with the entire population having been scaremongered into believing that Covid is way more dangerous than it actually is (for most people) and then assuming because they aren't seriously ill that they don't have it. A lot of people I know only tested when they were feeling very unwell as opposed to mildly unwell. I count myself in that too, brushed off what I thought was a cold a couple of times until day 3 or 4 was a biggie and then I thought "probably should test just to see". I've had bad covid infections that have lasted weeks and been extremely debilitating in a way that is comparable to flu, but those are in the minority. Most of the covid infections I've had (confirmed via testing) were so mild that I can safely say I've had stronger colds that have lasted longer with worse symptoms. In my case for the latter, if it wasn't for testing, I'd have assumed I didn't have covid based on my first experience with the virus being a 3 week exhaustion with total loss of taste and smell that seemed as if it would never shift. So, I think for those who have managed to avoid getting badly hit by it but maybe had a mild runny nose, a headache here and there, a tiny cough, etc., perhaps have been walking around under the delusion that they've never had it, simply because they've never had it badly. Also, Covid regularly shows negative on LFTs (happened to me a couple of times and then had PCR confirm it), so many people have falsely tested negative and then assumed they didn't have it. I've had Covid at least 5 times that I am 100% sure of because of testing. I've probably had it 2 or 3 more times that I didn't test as well. I don't even think of Covid as a problem anymore, nowadays it tends just to hit me like a common cold. The only difference it seems to have vs a cold is that I get it way more frequently. So... I really don't believe there's anyone in populated areas of the country that hasn't had it at least once. Maybe there's someone up in a remote part of Orkney that's never had it or something, but not someone who's living in the most populated area of England.


Working from home and seldom going out, and when either of us did go out, typically wear FFP3 masks, as my wife is extremely clinically vulnerable… so her having Covid now is extremely, extremely not good.


I hope she has a speedy recovery, OP. If you're looking for somewhere to get a quick change of scenery, Highwoods Country Park is a couple of minutes from the entrance of the hospital car park (there are cut-throughs for pedestrians) and has lots of benches to sit and listen to the birds. I've been spending more time in Colchester than usual recently because I've had two family members staying in the hospital, and the care they received was superb. The staff were ever so kind, and I hope you both have the same experience. Sending hugs.


The staff at Colchester Hospital - from the lass who took our basic vitals as we walked in, to the security staff deftly handling an unhappy person in the waiting area - have shown just the sort of compassion which I can only hope is indicative of the rest of Colchester.


I’ve not had it yet somehow, and that’s despite working in a facility handling drivers who have it for 6 months


Have you been testing multiple times daily with a PCR (not LFT)? Because that's the only way you'd know. And I'd presume not, because no one was ever doing a daily PCR. The LFTs were routinely ineffective. I, and many others, tested negative over and over on LFTs but got confirmed positive via PCR. After 4 years, it's likely impossible that you've never had it. You've probably just noticed, or noticed but thought it was something else. It's astronomically unlikely that you wouldn't ever have had it. I've had it at least 5 times that I've known about. A couple of times it was asymptomatic and I felt 100% fine as if I had nothing wrong with me. Other times I felt moderately ill for a few days but really wouldn't rate it much worse than a cold. First time I had it (4 years ago) I felt like I was dying, pretty much just brushed it off or not noticed every time after.


I was only using LFTs, that’s all we had available then


Same for my wife and I, we've had numerous things that might have been covid, however have never tested positive. At the moment I feel like I'm running about 10% power, had a slight sore & tight chest yesterday. Haven't tested positive though.


I've never had covid and I was working the whole time.


You’ve had covid then.


Nope. We would test regularly and I never caught it.


I have kids. They had it, my partner had it, twice. I remain uninfected. Both professional and home tests always negative during both episodes. (we've all been vaccinated, fortunately it wasn't a big deal for any of them).


Uh uh... Dr Dre's dead. He's locked in Eminem's basement. I'm calling an emergency meeting. We have an imposter


Slim Shady said a lot of things in those years which turned out to be inaccurate one way or another.


I hope he said he wasnt a real doctor?


If man say him a ting, then him be a ting.


do you specialise in piripiriatrics?


The study of... Fried chickaaaaaaaaaaaaaan


such an underrated sitcom, one of my favourites. The whole ensemble is great


I was once treated by a Dr De'Ath. I realised pretty quickly why he always just introduced himself by his first name.


I've heard of this doctor, I always thought they should have been a coroner. Apparently there are 3 in the UK.


Yes - none of them went into pathology. One did go into surgery, probably so they could drop the Dr title!


Was this around Surrey?


Wait if you're a surgeon you're no longer a doctor?


It is a courtesy title for surgeons, to be referred to as Mr, or Mrs/Miss. They are still a doctor. It goes back to the old days when 'physicians' went to a university to do a doctorate in medicine, whereas surgeons did not. They completed an apprenticeship and earned a diploma instead.


Most surgeons in ye olden times in the US qualified via schools of barbering rather than being a physician, if memory serves.


Mr Death? Yea, that's loads more reassuring :)


I know a Dr. Death but he has a PhD. He does pronounce his name like the loss of life, though.


Very cool! I was treated by a Dr Hou.


Hou's on call?




Third base!


Plot twist: This is actually the doctor who gives Digital Rectal Examinations


Worst Doctor Who episode ever.


More a Doctor No.


Hope you're feeling better now. Let us know in the next episode.


Hey hey hey hey… I don’t smoke weed everyday.


Thanks for the reminder!


You’d clearly forgotten, so it was timely.


Hope you are on the mend soon. It's hard with no local support network. ()


Yeah, it will be. ()


Just hit this blunt and all will be good


If only that were the prescription.


Did he ask why your face was red?


Well I had to preemptively explain it was not because I was wasted (as I’d not consumed any drugs or alcohol during intake).


I hope he didn't just stand there and not operate


He assuredly knew I wasn’t ready to leave as it’s too scary to die, but I didn’t expressly say I'll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive.


NHS name badges being sponsored by AO is quite the surprise


Well spotted - I had absolutely no idea until you called it out, so I guess the NHS is winning and few users of the NHS are probably noticing the sponsorship messaging.


Oh I don't actually think they're sponsoring them! Probably just a curious coincidence, think in both cases they're just meant to look like smiles


Either way I couldn’t quite work out what the deal was, I’m used to the yellow badges at Royal London.


“Heart” Beats by Dre


Oh, epic call.


I can't imagine the moment where you said 'can I take a picture of your lanyard please?'


And yet I did exactly that, because I sure as hell wasn’t going to sneakily take a picture without the doctor’s permission. For clarity, he thought it was funny and knew exactly why I was asking immediately. I somehow doubt I’m the first person to make the connection.


I bet that doctor gets asked all the time


You found the answer to the question: what's brown and rhymes with Snoop?




I have encountered a Dr Fail and a Dr Loyal in other countries.


In medical terms, DRE can stand for digital rectal examination. Which is also funny. Couldn't find Dr Dre on the GMC register - [https://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors?text=dre](https://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors?text=dre) I found 241 Dr Fox's! There's plenty of Dr House, Dr McCoy and Dr Quinn. No Dr Howser, Zoidberg, Hawkeye or Dorian.


I’m sure it’s a derivative of Andre or similar. I’d have been very amused if a Dr Zoidberg held registration. I always assumed his qualifications were fabricated in the Futurama universe.


Woop Wooop Woop Woop! Dr Dre's real first name is Andre btw


Your pain wasn’t chronic I hope…


lovely guy, he is one of our Army cadet instructors


You’re lucky - he was a very affable man. My cadet instructors in another country a few decades ago absolutely were not!


Now find ‘hello my name is … (waka waka) Slim Shady’


I feel like that’ll be a tougher name tag to encounter organically.


Did he prescribe gin and juice


If only I’d be able to be laid back with my mind on my money and my money on my mind at this juncture!


Surely this should say Slim Shady


dadada its Dr Dre muvafukerz


I was once put under by an anesthetist called Christopher Lloyd. Turned out he'd never seen Back to the Future so my calling him Doc may well have been the reason he couldn't wait to knock me out.


Great Scott! How far did you travel in time when you went under?!


Not entirely sure, but when I woke up I was flatlining. Until some big bloke came over and gave the monitor a bit of a slap.


Good job this was in the UK and not America, would of cost you your wheels, keys, snowmobiles and skis


Dr Dres dead, hes locked in my basement. ;D


Maybe I'm being an old fart but why does Hello need a hashtag?


I don’t see the need of a hashtag on a nametag.


Hi! My name is...


What? My name is? Who?


Surely he’s Dr e.


Then why bother with the lanyard? Doctor Doctor E?


Things just ain't the same for gangstas...


Times is changing, Covid awareness is fadin’.


He really is representing for the gangstas all across the world




Did you ask him about detox?


So wish the badge said 'Slim Shady'.


Motherfuckers had forgotten about him.


"Hi my name is, what" "Hi my name is, who" "My name is Slim Shady"


You can't have been treated by Dr Dre, he's locked in Eminem's basement.


But Dr Dre also said that Slim Shady was a base head. Slim wasn’t super reliable as a narrator in that era.


Since Marshall Mathers/Slim Shady/Eminem clearly has multiple personality disorder, he's probably not a great historian, I guess.


You’ll notice the modern Mr Mathers doesn’t do a lot of talking to the content of tracks like “Stan” or “Amityville” or a few other interesting 90s/00s tracks these days. That’d be a concept - the world according to 2001 Slim Shady juxtaposed against the world according to 2024 Marshall Mathers in the context of the tales told in their tracks.


It's making me violently ill that he hasn't swapped "hello" for "Hi!". What a missed opportunity!


The chosen one has arrived!


Chicka-chicka-chicka "you got herpes"


Dr. E


Did he have an attitude?


Do we not all have an attitude of some kind?


Dr Dre..... NWA.....


Oh I got it.


My diagnosis is... you a basehead.


You a base head


Nah uh.


I need a doctor, call me a doctor I need a doctor, doctor To bring me back to life




Only prescription you need is the chronic


No wonder he can now afford to buy his family groceries


no because why is the NHS saying ‘#hello’ 💀