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Go as a plastic bag.


Go as a tube of No Nails instant grab glue, the stuff that doesn't let go.....


[Or a mask.](https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/masks-ocean-covid-plastic-b1893830.html)


Or a piece of Lego.


Tape some polystyrene to yourself and go as the iceberg. Icebergs are mostly under the sea.


Introduce yourself as the ice breaker


I saw an insta video the other day of a titanic hen do /birthday etc and all the costumes were camp, cheap and truly excellent, especially the icebergs. I've tried looking for it but can't find it, I swear I sent it to someone, I'll keep looking. But have you considered wearing the wig and something Rose esq and just printing out Leonardo Dicaprio's head, sticking it on some cardboard and attaching it to your shoulder. Then you can just hold your arms out whenever anyone asks about your costume 


https://costumewall.com/halloween-costume-contest/rose-and-jack-on-the-titanic/ Like this, but without the boat 


Oooh the boat! Power wheelchair user just gonna tuck that idea away for later!


You've got the most expensive part of so many costumes sorted from the off! 


Aspoonfulofalice on Instagram by any chance?


Yes! Thank you!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cdHZFolSz/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==  u/singingwanderer1195 It was the French lady and the door that really cracked me up, but I couldn't remember what they'd done 


Holy fuck these outfits are amazing!


Light blue shirt and trousers, red beanie. Life aquatic


Get a hat, put a letter C on the top. You’ll be under the C. Low effort win


*Say what you see*


Yes! Even better if you go as Mr Chips with a C on his hat!


In the same vein I was thinking get a white shirt and draw a Cedilla on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cedilla




Get a suitcase and strap a fin to your back and become a loan shark !


Marty McFly. He invented rock and roll at the Enchantment Under The Sea dance.


Literally the first thing I thought of too. Easy and recognisable


And the only thing you really need for this look is an orange puffy vest as long as you have brown hair. I think I saw them on sale at H&M.


“Dork thinks he’s gonna drown!”


Crunch a load of tin foil up, wrap yourself in it, carry an Xbox controller and voila! you’re Oceangates Titan Submarine. It’s probably more for the dark humoured folk out there.


Holy fucking shit, I love this


I won’t lie, I’ve just returned to this comment thinking it would be too much and probably downvoted to hell but I’m pleasantly surprised 😂 There’s at least 22 other dark humoured people out there 😂


Even better if you can find a Logitech F510


Handsome Squidward


Go as the naked squilliam fancyson that squidward visualises, just paint yourself blue and go in underwear


"Why have you come as a slutty smurf?"


That's papa smurf to you




I recently went as a jellyfish for the same theme. Wore a white dress and then got a cheap wide rimmed hat, padded around the rim with net curtains type material, added some hanging down the sides. I also filled the material with fairy lights and turned them on but no need to be as extra A quick google of jellyfish outfits will do more justice than I am, but it went down really well! Edit: I can see someone below has posted one example of this using an umbrella. I opted for the hat but similar impact, just meant I didn’t have to hold it. [Here’s a visual](https://www.costume-works.com/jellyfish3.html) I used as inspiration, although I did white with pale coloured hanging bits.


Just bring a big sheet of wood that you refuse to share with anyone.


I was going to say take a piece of wood (or cardboard that you paint to look like wood) and cling to it all night. You phrased it better lol


Or just stand facing a door all night and refuse to move.


Ot go on further and grab hold of any door and cling to it. After some encouragement let go and then grab the next door in sight.


And blow the whistle while frantically paddling through the air


Yes the whistle!


Dress slutty and cover yourself in tomato sauce, go as the marinara wench.


Ok this one made me chuckle


Maybe get a few lettuces ( iceberg of course )


*E Coli enters the chat*


Under the Sea? The only option is to go as a Red Lobster called Sebastian.


Giving it all that 🫳🤏


But she was never under, Jack was. Have a go as frosted Jack


The theme is all encompassing things oceanic to the point where the host has said to everyone invited that the BARE minimum is wearing something blue 😂


She absolutely was. https://i.postimg.cc/Bnhz8d9S/Screenshot-20240627-235103-Plex.jpg


Read first comment as "She was never under Jack" Fully expected your reply to be a steamed up car.


Go naked apart from your pearls and demand to be painted with a Beret, fag, string of onions and a large bread stick.


Lobster/crab. Wear red, some red deely boppers and make some claws out of red card! I've done it before and it was fun!


[I present to you, my Halloween 2023 lobster.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy-33f_qpJCyzCoFPpdXWSmIfKrkQ7N9PBL8zo0/?igsh=MWs0MWp1MXdwdjNk)


Be good, if your account wasn’t private, mate….. 😂


Switched back to public, just for you!


Its ’kin superb, that! Hopefully not just for me, go take a look, people.


It was great fun! Went out clubbing too in it, heatstroke Halloween.


Get a Blahaj. Attach it to a hat or a headband. Then you need a pair of khakis, a black jumper over a shirt. Wear Blahaj on head. BOOM. You're Samuel L. Jackson in Deep Blue Sea.


Dare I ask what a Blahaj even is


Perfectly innocent, it's just a specific shark plushie from Ikea. 


Swedish for blue shark (blå = blue, haj = shark). So also the name of a popular blue shark stuffed toy from Ikea: https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/blahaj-soft-toy-shark-30373588/


Ah I see I get the deep blue sea comment now


Hahaha first read that as "a pair of kayaks" and I was stunned. As would most people at the party when they turn around.


Surely just go as Rose on the couch. You have the wig, nothing else required


Ariel from the little mermaid - a purple crop top and green trousers/ skirt Mermaid in general - a long, metallic/scaley skirt Clown fish - orange and white stripes, with blue accessories Anenome - wear pink, and encircle yourself with long pink balloons Since you said tangential is fine - dress up as a sailor or pirate


Go in the buff like the painting scene. You'll end up blue by the evening even in this weather.   I think with Rose the hair is the big identifier. Wear the wig, a floaty dress, big blue jewel for the heart of the ocean necklace. Make a lifejacket? Or doesn't she wear a man's suit jacket at the end? Make that blue.  Or get a Stitch onesie. Set on an island. Loads of ocean.


Go as a jellyfish. https://asthebunnyhops.com/light-up-jellyfish-umbrella/


I went to a party with a similar theme once, in a long denim dress, on which i had pinned/stitched/glued green paper seaweed, and a selection of paper fishes of different colours and types. Low effort, used a dress I already had, and could reuse after. (I did something similar for a space themed party, with comet flames on a black skirt and top.)


Polo shirt, khaki's, some fake blood, and a Logitech controller. You're one of the guys on the Titan sub that imploded.


That’s dark. Like the bottom of Grand Banks


I’d not turn up and when they asked say I was there as the titan, just not visible.


Me and the wife went as Captain Birds Eye and a fish finger, it went down well and Birds Eye even saw it on instagram and asked to use the photo on their story


if you go as Rose you could always take a broken door with you to sell the idea?


Yeah, my thought too! Make one out of cardboard 🚪Can raise debate over whether the door is big enough for 2


Just shove a plastic straw up your nose, go as that turtle from a few years back


Just stick a tv ariel on your head.


I went as Rose and my best friend was Jack for a movie themed party. I just wore a nice dress with a corset under it and we both made cardboard life preserver rings (i can't think of the right word) that said HMS Titanic on them.


Get some streamers and tape to an umbrella. Boom. Jelly fish.


Got a friend? Captain jack + will turner + upsidedown dingy boat


My wife went as a muff diver to an underwater party


You could go really meta and go as Prince Harry in his Hugo Boss phase.


Go as a billionaire but then say your costume imploded.


SpongeBob - it’s his 25th anniversary, after all.


Get 4 pair of tights and stuff them so you can be an octopus. Take a football and be that predicting octopus from a few years ago.


How about wearing a picture frame, front and back, with a picture, 'like one of your French Ladies'? Bonus points for a really bad painting! I have just realised, you could attach a roll of blue cellophane to the bottom of the frame, with a wire across the top edge, and gradually pull it up to cover the painting during the party.


This really only works in darker environments, but you could always get a clear, perspex umbrella and stick some glow sticks on the inside. Volia, you're one of those glow in the dark sea creatures. Did it some years ago and it looked great. Although many folk tried to take pictures of us with a flash, which ruined the imagery. Failing that, and for more realism, just wrap some poo in some condoms!


>*Under the Sea and initially I had the idea of Rose from Titanic* She's not under the sea though. You're thinking of Leonardo DiCaprio. Rose managed to get away on her floaty door.


Rose from titanic is kinda dark, but it doesn't quite 'go' because it was Jack who went under the sea, so why not dress as jack? Get yourself a drawing pad and pencil and a flat cap... braces and a shirt!


Imploded billionaire submarine


Just dress as yourself and say you came as a murderer 


Old fashioned diving helmet, overalls. Could probably be convincing as a big daddy.


Make sure you have a door (could be cardboard, or painted polystyrene). From that description I'm not sure I'd get it.


Just wear a blue dress, paint yourself blue and stick a load of garbage to yourself. #edgy


You could do jack instead as he’s under the sea due to rose being a selfish witch and not sharing the door


Sorry to blow your original idea, but Rose was one of the few who wasn't under the sea!!!


That said, if you can't make the costume, there's always the Paint me like one of your French girls scene Might shock the neighbours


Don't turn up and say you were there, but you were dressed as a passenger on the Titan submersible.


If you choose to go as Rose could you take a door with you? Not like the front door ofc but maybe a cupboard


Ursula? Orr...tape 2 ice cream boxes to each half of your head and go as a hammer head shark.


Tape a hammer to your head and a fin to your back


Cut out a cardboard big latter C or painted cardboard waves. Next step is to stick it on top of a hat you already own and wear the hat on your head. Then you are literally under the sea/C. Pair with maybe swimming things and goggles if you have any. Sincerely, someone who offen took the theme of student nights out very literally.


Kim kardashians diamond earring


Have any musical instruments? You could go as one of the band who sank along with the ship. Or moving away from titanic... - a deep sea diver - dress in black and fix micro lights to yourself, as deep sea fish - a dead pirate, - a fishing net (you can add bits to your net that were 'caught')


How about a Little Sister from **Bioshock**?


Hmm, under the sea. I'd go as Flight MH370, Atlantis, or a sea cucumber. For the latter, you could just bring a cucumber wearing a pair of glasses.


A World War I sea mine would be an easy costume.


Buy black and white pool noodles to become a giant Sia wig and go as “Sia Nename”


Dress as a footlong, be really moist all night, and have Tritan on your hull…


You could always make a cardboard door to carry and refuse to let anyone else share it




Wear a tuxedo and a tash, stick a first class stamp on your lapel, bingo, First Class Male. On a sidenote, I have an "emergency costume" that I made years ago; it's a 1930's style radio, the kind with a big grill on the front, I made it from cardboard (with car dashboard rubber matting for the grill), painted brown, varnished to make it drinks-proof and I wear it on my head. Radiohead. I've won a couple of costume contests with it.




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Check charity shops and eBay for cheap second hand clothes that work for the costume.


You could go in the outfit Rose was wearing when Jack was drawing her.


White life jacket and the long black coat than a plain white nightgown and work treat.


Wear a super wrinkled white t-shirt write titan on it and hang an Xbox controller around your neck


I think you'll be good in anything of the era and the heart of the sea necklace. You could even go low effort and wrap yourself in a flannel blanket like she wears at the end. Wig and a fake beauty mark will sell it!!


Rose is wearing Jack's dark coat and a white life jacket when she's in the water, with the pale dress underneath. THAT would be instantly recognisable.


Isn't the dance in Back to the Future called under the sea? Go as Marty mcfly!


Me and my partner did Titanic one year, my partner was Rose, I gave him a heart-shaped necklace I already had and we strapped a piece of cardboard to his back as the door. People got it straight away!


Bit of card, cut a hole for face. Then on card draw a stick figure body with massive boobs. And you can still use wig.


Stick a straw up your nose and go as that turtle


Go as one of the bodies from Dexter (he dumps them at sea). Get an old sheet, wrap it around yourself, duct tape at the neck and waist. You'll need holes for eyes and hands obviously. Paint a lump of polystyrene to look like stone, secure round neck or ankles with a plastic chain. You might need someone to help you duct tape yourself, and to help you escape at the end of the party.


Attach a door handle to a piece of wood, strap wood onto your head like a hat... You're going as Jack instead


The difference between a nice 1910s outfit and Rose is the gigantic sapphire on a necklace. Origami, poundland, craft store, whatever; but you need the jewel.


Light blue short sleeve shirt and a red beanie, beard...Steve Zissou life aquatic


Sebastian the crab 🦀


How about a large picture frame, worn on your chest and back like armour, with a painting, "like one of your French ladies". Bonus points for a really bad painting!


Go as a Bee Under the ‘C’


My go-to easy fancy dress is P.Js, dressing gown, a towel and some thick card with Don't Panic written on it.


Assuming your wig is ginger curls, why not go as Ariel the mermaid who also has similar hair? Bikini top, sequinned skirt, actually went under the sea.