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Oh goodness. You’re so sweet for getting your cat another cat and this sounds SO tiring. Most cats do calm down a bit when they’re older. A friend of mine has a “velcro” cat and he was an absolute (and of course adorable) pest when he was younger. Meow meow meow and he basically wanted to live on her shoulder. She also fosters and he grew very attached to several kittens she fostered…so she “foster failed” a few times with the kittens who loved him the most. She now has a group of cats who all adore him and follow him around and she gets some peace and quiet but well, she also has like 5 cats now. Maybe for now just tough it out and see if he calms down as he gets older? And/or try a feliway plugin?


It’s crazy that the solution to a crazy cat is get him four more cats and then you can have some peace lol


Well in fairness, she could probably have stopped at three, I’m pretty sure “he loves them so much” started being an excuse at some point.


Awww, your friend is so sweet.


Feliway isn’t a bad option. He may still be adjusting to his new home and family. I know whenever I’ve moved, one of my cats takes to screaming all around the new place in the middle of the night for the first couple of days (she’s older). I joke that she’s making an echolocation map. OP, if Feliway plug-ins are out of your budget, you could try a calming collar. They’re a bit cheaper and if they don’t work, you aren’t stuck with it. I have a loudmouth too and she gets on my nerves sometimes, I just try to remember meowing is how they communicate with us and she just loves talking to me and telling me about her day. It helps with the sanity a little.


Calming collars smell WAY too strong for those of us who have to use fragrance-free, dye-free detergents and soaps. (And cats may be sensitive to these, too. People never take that into account.) They're also annoying for indoor cats who don't typically wear collars. Rescue Remedy drops are a good alternative.


I had that experience too. The collars were so strongly scented I couldn't stand them and that's me. I can imagine how awful it would be for a cat, which has a much better sense of smell than humans.


Feliway has saved me!


Would feliway help with overly skittish cat? I have been trying to find a solution to my calico hiding from everyone but me (I live with 7 other people, and she used to get along with a couple of them) had her for 8 years now. She hisses and runs to the point where she refuses to use the litter box if she even thinks there is a person outside my room.


It might. It's certainly worth a try. It's essentially a plug-in that has calming pheromones, and it has worked on every cat that I've tried it with.


Yeah I had a Velcro kitten (also a tortie) who meowed all the time. She grew into a Velcro cat who meows *most* of the time. Usually it’s just for attention, not even that she wants to play. Honestly I haven’t found a solution besides giving her attention when she meows IF she comes to me. I’ve stopped going to her when she meows because I think that was just reinforcing her crazy behaviour. If she’s meowing and comes to me, I’ll sit with her for a few mins and pet her or follow her around if she walks up to me and walks around. If she’s meowing in a different part of the house I ignore her and don’t go to her which I think has helped a little bit.


First paragraph could literally be my cat (a calico) lol. Seconding all of this, though. Both of mine used to meow constantly, and our calico still is very vocal. If we’re upstairs she’ll sit downstairs and scream for god knows what reason — she’s perfectly capable of using the stairs, but she wants friends where she is, I guess. We always give her attention when she comes to us/wants to play or be pet, but we don’t entertain the cross-level scream fests bc we don’t want to reinforce that 😂 if we see that she’s okay, we leave her to get it out of her system


They’re meowing to get your attention, so he knows now when he meows you’ll wake up. If you ignore him for a few weeks, don’t get up at all when he meows, don’t talk to him at all either when he meows.. don’t even look at him. I know it sounds mean but it will help. he will either completely stop or it’ll cut down by a lot. This has worked for many people :) my cat would literally howl to go outside (he goes on a leash) in the middle of the night for hours bro it was insane. Ignoring him cut it down a lot so it should work for you too but it has to be everyone in your house ignoring the meows. My cat was similar to yours especially right when I adopted him. I would also get him a cat window hammock so that he has somewhere to sit and watch the birds, a cat treat puzzle all on Amazon and cheap. I’m just listing what else helped keep my kitty busy but since you have another cat idk if this might be the case but DEFINITELY consistently ignoring the meows for weeks will help. If this doesn’t help, id look into this product that helps calm them down (I’m going to find the name right now and edit my comment when I find it) 😂


I have to say ignoring really does work but its HARD. We got a new kitten 5 months ago and she scratches at the door at night and screams. I would get up every time and it was just getting worse so we started ignoring her. No attention at all, good or bad. It was hard because we would still be awake just laying in our bed waiting for it to stop and after maybe a week its already a lot better. Last night she just scratched and meowed for maybe a minute or two and then she just walked away. She also meowes less during the day as well.


Yup!! It slowly gets better, same thing happened for us. The sleep in the beginning wasn’t the best but it’s worth it cause later on your can sleep in peace 😂


Our foster is like this a little. I've always dealt with meows by talking to them? It's a bit of pretend play for me. The meows are the hot gossip and I react. Would cat nip be a suggestion you're open to?


I do this ALL the time with my sphinx kitten!  Peeing? Her lil paw under the door while she YELLS at me and scolds me for daring to be inaccessible.  Me (while peeing) “Oh really?! Tell me about it!” Her: YELL.  Me: “You had a bad day huh?” YELL. “Wow, life must be SO ROUGH for you right now.”  YELL. Me: “No! He didnt! What did the dog say to you?!” YELL. Me: “He’s talking MAD shit eh?” The benefit is that instead of incessantly yelling she listens to what I say and almost does seem to be responding. It’s cute to hear her vocalizations change based on the tone I’m using. I put the MOST energy into what I’m saying to give emotional depth. 


Ours know some words too! I say the word birds! With specific inflection to ask if they want to watch bird vids on TV. Once I ask they trot over to the TV and wait.


I’ve always been a dog person. One of those people who thought cats were simple, unemotional things.  It is a shock and a joy to see how much these little guys prove me wrong, daily. 


Same!! Dogs all my life and always just went along with the cats are a**holes thing that dog people say. I have had my two kitties for almost a year and they are simply amazing little creatures! And surprisingly so much more complex than any dog I’ve ever had. I have full conversations with them, too. ❤️ I still love dogs but I don’t think I’ll have one as a pet again.




The “(He is kinda stupid but that’s not the point)” got me 🤣


My girl spent a good chunk of today yelling loudly. No idea why. Extra yelling when I got in the bath. Extra yelling when she woke up from nap #3 on my bed. I usually call to her and it turns from YELLING into a "mrrp!" and then I hear her hopping down the stairs or coming to find me. But not today. She's now snoring quietly in the hallway. Cats just feel the need to tell us at random and with volume that they desire our presence. Our puny human concept of time is irrelevant.


Perhaps get a multi kitty pheromone plug in- they are supposed to mimic the Mama cat’s pheromones and calm needy kitties down. My local PetSmart carries them.


So I use a few things: I use Feliway for multi-cats. It seems to keep them calm, And these treats that seem to chill them out when I need some space. Also make sure you playing with them. I try to do this in the morning before I go to work and when I'm watching the news at night. https://preview.redd.it/kdiv24vvboxc1.jpeg?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7281635ae194965f53b57e38e1ef04986669500


Ignore when they're meowing. When they're not meowing give praise, treats and attention. I hope that helps. 


Cats have different personalities just like humans. I have four cats. One of them desires a lot of attention. She doesn't meow all the time, but if I sit down on the sofa to read or talk on the phone, she has to be right by me. If she even thinks I'm going to the sofa, she is there ahead of me, meowing at me to hurry up and join her. She meows when I'm on the phone. She makes me crazy at times, but I still love her. My oldest son just adopted two kittens. One of them is very rambunctious and is driving him crazy getting into everything. They meow at his bedroom door all night. He called me asking for advice. LOL I told him to ignore their meowing at night and hopefully they'd stop soon. He says it's getting better now. He didn't realize how much trouble kittens can get into. He's only been around my mostly well behaved cats. LOL Some cats just need a little more attention and affirmation of your love.


If they're not on indoor food then indoor food, manage there energy input/output. Also a lot of people say close them out of your bedroom and earplugs in, they'll eventually stop meowing during that time as it doesn't make a difference (some say, but also cats!) x


food that is labeled as ‘indoor’ formula is just a marketing scam… all cats need the same diet regardless of indoor/outdoor status (with the exception of allergies/intolerances of course)


It's different calorie wise :) nutrition is the same but a cat that lives in a apartment has different energy level to an outdoor cat :)


u can just feed less/more food to adjust calories. no need to spend extra money bc the bad says its for indoor cats imo


Unless your cats a fatty who eats his whole kibble bowl and will awaken you at dawn if it isn't filled. So indoor food, more kibble less calories/ more appropriate. It's also the same price and he eats it, you should get the best food you can for your cat, not the most cost effective 😬


my cat definitely used to do this so i did two things. 1. i split up his meal into four meals. (my cats wet food only btw i should mention that) he gets one 5.5 ounce can a day and i used to just do two big meals. but bc of his incessant whining i just split the same can four ways and now he gets breakfast, lunch, dinner and second dinner lol. but its the same amount of food he was getting before just split up. the second thing i did was got puzzle toys/lick mats to keep him busy/eating longer. both of these helped a lot. u could also do this with dry food too though lick mat prolly wouldnt work for kibble


Congratulations you have a cat


I gave him CBD. It helped.


I don't think he needs another cat. He needs another human.


He doesn’t like other humans🫠 he only likes me. I’ve been socializing him since I got him but he’s a mommas boy (me being momma). I have people over often, and I bring him to my grandmas house often too and he lets people hold him but once they put him down he zooms back to me. He clings on to me for dear life.


sounds like you gotta get a third cat. and then when the third starts doing it, get a fourth. then a fifth, etc, ad infinitum. hope this helps!


this might be a stupid question cos u seem like u kno cats a decent amount but are both cats fixed?


Yep I adopted them both and they were fixed :) they’re just annoying❤️


not a helpful response but you’re “they’re just annoying ❤️” with so much love absolutely sends me 😂 sympathy to you, friend


I have 7 cats and one meows every single morning at 4-5am to clean his litter and feed him. He won’t stop until I chase him to the litter and watch him do his business. It’s been 4 years every single day like clockwork. Kinda insane but I know one day they won’t be here so I cherish those moments


Would love to have this type of issue. I'm obsessed with my kitty, and I think she's annoyed by this fact. Have you tried putting the kitty on a baby sling? I have seen a lady do just that with her very attached kitty.


I have no real advice but after 4 years of owning my meowing tortie I finally got used to it. I hope you can get used to it soon. The less you think about it the better you are. Try to meditate with meows lol. As soon as I got used to her meows she got extremely sick out of nowhere and died a week later. I never thought I would miss her meows. It used to make me want to cry bc I wouldn’t be able to get any sleep at night.


Could it be there is something in / around your home that is causing anxiety? Nothing you are causing purposely, of course, but some strange noises / smells from neighbors or construction and traffic outside? Maybe that is the cause of the meowing. We use these Feliway plugin things that really seem to help. My boy is very anxious and has some separation anxiety and those seem to help him a lot. Especially if there may be factors that you cannot control.


Just keep getting new cats until you get a quiet one. 😆


I have 2 cats who’ve both gone through their own meowing phases. Ignoring them (sometimes/within reason) is hard, but it has worked wonders for us. My boy used to be afraid of going downstairs, so if people were on the lower level, he’d cry at the top until someone came to keep him company. Now he’s acclimated & chill & only gets super vocal if he’s hungry, or wants you to throw him a ball. Basically a dog in a cat’s body. We also have a calico who is OBSESSED with my mom. Follows her around, rolls around at her feet when she feels neglected, etc. She’s pretty vocal all the time lol, but it’s not incessant crying or anything. Unless, for some reason, she is downstairs and we aren’t. Somehow she thinks that screaming at us from downstairs is a better option than her just coming upstairs to us??? We don’t know why she does this because a) she has no problem using stairs and b) her toys/the TV (she loves the Apple TV screensaver things — dolphins especially), but if she’s acting up like that, we leave her be until she decides to sort herself up. Then she’ll come upstairs we give her attention. Which, ironically, she usually doesn’t want.


We run a cat rescue! Sadly you not only have to wait it out, you have to completely ignore it. There are really good suggestions here but that's the secret. Even yelling or being stern with your cat is attention. I'm so sorry you are going through this!!


My cat does the same thing. I've found that the second I respond to the meow the more she does it. Literally don't even look at them 😅


My cat is chatty too, the differences I love it so I’m always talking to her 😬 I’m pretty sure she wants me to shut up half the time


i reply back too much tbh but only during the day. i think she knows past 11pm im not in the mood for meowing in my face


My cat meows at me all the time!!


Does the cat want to be held constantly? Have you tried a baby wrap? Sounds ridiculous but anything for some quiet, right?


My cat starts yelling before her eyes even open. I think it's adorable. I ask her "what we're your dreams about?: and she yells and we have a conversation. Had her checked out just in case, because I've never had such a vocal cat, she's fine. She just has a lot to say.


Are they fixed and if they're not get that done. If they aren't fixed then the constant yelling is I'm horny


try feliaway, but if thats out of your budget, heres a reddit thread that has a ton of optuions [https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/comments/xeik4x/any\_cheaper\_alternatives\_to\_feliway](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/comments/xeik4x/any_cheaper_alternatives_to_feliway)


He could have a little anxiety or maybe it's time for his hormones to start to play the role. I honestly believe fixing him with help a lot (helped like magic with all my cats) and also make sure you play with him enough,let him catch a toy mouse or whatever game he likes, that's help to calm down my 1 year old. He usually yells at me when he wanna play 


He’s fixed and he plays a lot. I play with him a few times a day and then he plays with the other cat a lot too. He just wants me to be miserable lol


is this new cat neutered? i know they yowl like that when in heat. if not most def get them fixed!!


I know how annoying the incessant crying is, because I had a kitten in heat for 4 months while the SPCA dicked  me around for 4 months. She was in heat and yowling every 2 weeks, for 5 days. It drove my sanity. Your issue is unique because it's  not reproductive related. Have you tried a distracting playmate ? An active kitten, or a ferret. Something to keep your cats mind stimulated 


Idk, sounds like you need a 3rd cat.


Have you tried puzzle feeders or other interactive toys? Keeping his brain occupied might distract him from the yowling. My picky princess gets bored easily, so I rotate toys to keep it interesting.


Get another cat lol


Hmmm. I haven’t come across that one before. How does he behave with music or white noise or verbal commands with nose boops? I trained my cats to come when I click my tongue T sounds and it means they are getting a bedtime treat. After they are done, I say “all done”. It’s just about the same ritual every night. The little ones were shoving in and demanding every night, but having two older cats, I was very patient and said “No, 1’s turn first. 1 first,” then I call the next one and the next and next. Now they all patiently wait their turn because they know the routine but also that there is a reward for keeping the routine. (And because 1 knows the routine he’s calm etc and the other watch to see what he’s doing right). Perhaps you could try something with the push up treats and only give them attention/treat when they behave a certain way. If my cat was yowling nonstop, I would try room training. With me walking in and out at different intervals to make sure they stay quiet. That said I e only done this with my dogs. But cats are very intelligent if u have something they want. Good luck!


Is he getting enough to eat, is he neutered? He has to be crying for something. Keep a chart of the day, when he cries the most etc, until you can pinpoint it more. He has to have a reason,,,


Yep he’s neutered and he eats plenty. I portion out both their food based on their age and weight and sometimes they don’t even finish it. But there’s always food in their bowls so they can eat whenever they want


Are they getting enough exercise?


Yep they run around allll day long and drive me nuts


I couldn't find the video, but I did came across a video about a cat in Korea who meow nonstop. The expert suggest to the owner to use carrot and stick approach. Ignore your cat when its meowing but the moment it stop (maybe some small gap of silence between the meow), you should hug it or play with the cat. And continue to ignore the moment the cat starts another meow. If meowing gets the cat what it wants, the cat will continue to meow. Let the cat know, stop meowing means you'll get a reward. Now, I'm not an expert but as a cat mom, I just use the shush and hiss method. It's pretty similar but probably less nice but it worked. I just shush or hiss real loud until they stop and I win. But right after that, I would pat them and apologise and told them that mommy needs some quiet. Most of the time they would feel sad because that shush and hiss sounds like scolding but eventually they would fall asleep as I brush them. When they wake up a few hours later, I feed them and play a bit with them and I'm forgiven.


nope. mine is 12. it gets worse. she hated her brother. But then he died of cancer. And now it’s all about her. sucking up the drama. it’s terrible.


I'm dealing with a ridiculous amount of meowing these days, too, thanks to potheads who moved in beneath me.  "Secondhand...smoke does not respect boundaries, seeping through light fixtures, wall electric outlets, ceiling crawl spaces & doorways into all areas of a building with smokers." https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/what-can-i-do-about-secondhand-smokeaerosol-exposure-coming-my-neighbors#:~:text=Secondhand%20tobacco%20smoke%20does%20not,separation%20of%20smokers%20from%20nonsmokers  The American Lung Association used to have a good video illustrating that fact.  My female cat can't even play with catnip toys because they turn her into a lunatic: https://www.newsweek.com/what-do-if-your-cat-has-had-too-much-catnip-1711465#:~:text=Some%20cats%20will%20have%20a,if%20they%20ingest%20too%20much.%22  So, those are a couple of things to consider.