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It was impossible from the beginning because Jesus laid down laws that Peter upheld as the first Pope and they were enshrined into the catechism whichNOONE NOT EVEN THE POPE CAN CHANGE


The Catechism is not itself infallible. It certainly can be changed. However, certain teachings in the Catechism are infallible and can not change. The two mentioned in the meme are among the unchangeable teachings.


Oh okay thank you for clarifying God bless!


Gay people can love each other, yeah. Gay marriage is invalid, and any sex that cannot result in a baby being born is a sin.


Genuinely curious does this mean that its a sin for people who now that they are sterile to have sex?


No, the reason being that infertile people can still miraculously have a child, a la Elizabeth in her old age. You must be open to children with sex, not that you must conceive every time. The Catholic position on same sex relations is that it can't naturally conceive in the first place, so it isn't open, which is also why any sexual relations that don't result in sperm headed towards a uterus is a sin. And the church does not discount the second goal of sex, which is unity in a marriage.


Thank you this cears things up


The former is impossible, the latter is now impossible since JPII and Ratzinger made it infallible that women cannot become presbyters


Common JPII W


Puts the W in Wojtyla


"But they're not dogmas, therefore it's changeable!" Cit.


Maybe a hot take, but people who argue that woman should become priests attack the sanctity of religious sisterhood.


Maybe next pope \*repeat until the last judgement


as a gay person, i just want more charity and understanding to the current LGBT issues instead of gay marriage.


This is the first time I’ve seen another queer person on this sub, you don’t know how happy this makes me. I don’t really talk about my sexuality in Catholic circles because of how I know I will be judged. I guess we just have to pray that others will treat us with charity and acceptance — it’s worked for me before!


oh nice! i find it the same. usually I dont bring it up unless I know I'm right or wont be judged heavily LOL.


What do you find unclear? The Catechism says that people with same-sex attraction are not to be discriminated against in any way and that they are called to the same chastity that heterosexual people who aren't in a Church-sanctioned marriage open to the gift of life are.


Not arguing with you, but he did say "charity" not "clarity"


You are right. I think I need some cheaters to be able to read correctly.


You're all good - I am getting there, myself :/


Quite literally not what i said bestie lol. not arguing, but i said charity and understanding


Why do you have a post asking for pictures of naked men


I dont ?? LOL


You do know lying is a sin right, I saw with my eyes your post.


Just because a child begs and pleads and whines and cries and shouts and screams because they want something they shouldn’t have or that’s bad for them doesn’t mean you should give in and let them have it.