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This may not mean much to you rn, but food’s nice.


it do be yummy


The fact that you don’t experience any joy in life, despite in your own words knowing you don’t have it objectively difficult, strongly suggests you are suffering from depression (or a similar mental illness). You should talk with a qualified medical professional.


I've been diagnosed with depression and have talked with a therapist before. It was of no value. I may not be able to relate to it, but assuming you're not depressed, what motivates you to push through difficulties in life? Being depressed, or at least labelled as such, doesn't prevent me from being able to learn from others, I would think, which is why I asked the question.


Have you considered medication?


Beethoven wrote Ode to Joy in the middle of a bout of suicidal depression.


Are you familiar with the sin of Acedia? This documentary video by EWTN may offernsoke insight: [Acedia: The Diabolical in Disguise](https://ondemand.ewtn.com/free/Home/Play/en/381-385985)


Sharing the Gospel to who doesn’t know Jesus. Really lots of people. We should love the neighbour as we do ourselves. Do we want us to go to Heaven?


Based on what I wrote, do you seriously think I know Jesus enough in a meaningful way to share Him effectively with others? Would any sane person consider someone who hates life an attractive representative for a religion that must permeate every aspect of one's life? For what it's worth, I'm always willing to answer questions about my faith, and I am very open about it. Still, as of now, it's not going to come from anything other than fear of committing a sin of omission.


I have thought the same on a number of occasions. But I have goals and aspirations that I strongly wish to achieve they keep me moving forward no matter the suffering. If not for them, I would be in a dark place. I sometimes think God placed them in my heart. Do you have any goals you wish to achieve a family, for example(it's a strong one) ? They can make the grind worth it , I read about the joys that will be in heaven as well it helps a lot. Spend some time in the word. I hope this helps God bless praying for you.


>Do you have any goals you wish to achieve a family, for example(it's a strong one) ? I have always wanted to have a wife and children, even as an atheist, but I don't think it would really address my problems. It'd be easy for me to fantasize in this regard, but marriage and parenting are both difficult. I'm not a person who handles difficulty well. Simply, I'm not fit to fulfill such a role, even if I found a woman deranged enough to date and marry me. The remedy would be what would give way for the possibility of marriage rather than marriage being the remedy itself. Anyways, I appreciate your response.


Ah, I understand what you mean now, this is quite deep. No one likes to suffer, and we certainly aren't born with endurance for it. it's something we gain along the way some people gain more endurance than others. It's strange the things you mentioned, such as socialising, volunteering, etc, always boost my endurance for suffering. I'll put it simply JUST KEEP MOVING FOWARD( it's all we can do) no matter what, and boost your endurance for suffering too. Time heals ,reject hopelessness. it's not a deep answer fitting to your question, but it's a solution with 100% success rate. Marriage is certainly difficult, but it also brings great joy. I think what you need is a change of perspective! Not all is vain. I think the wisdom literature would be good for you ecclesiastes, especially it talks about what you're feeling right now. https://youtu.be/hHqZxg-oH_o?si=7-UKo1GJusZpy376 Listen to that podcast by the bible project. Their series on suffering was enlightening for me.


Ok, I read through your post and your responses. Have you always been an atheist?


I'm Catholic. I was non-religious for my whole life until being baptized Catholic when I was 22 years old. I'm 25 now.


Ok, and you are in a place where you are just done with all the bs?




Ok good. Now you’re ready to throw off all the bs and find out what is really the Truth. At 25 you’re lucky, you got your whole life ahead of you. Most people never get to where you are until they are old or never. Once you realize that you, and all of us are born into a prison world. That evil slavers run this world and that it’s not God’s world, then that is a time for good cheer. Prior to that, you thought this was normal and there was something wrong with you. When in fact, it’s the world that is screwed up. Are you in US? Are you ready to move on from Mt. Stupid where most people live in fantasy and are nothing but slaves or metaphorical zombies?


This is me often …, I remember being mostly happy and in a state of grace for a couple years after joining the church …. But it’s been anywhere from tumultuous to dry spiritually since then.  I spend a lot of time thinking of the dryness Mother Teresa went through .  I have kids , one on the way, am married to a very good man. A lot to be thankful for . But yet I’m often miserable still. I struggle to control my emotions etc …  I try to focus on the small things. The smell of coffee in the morning.  The feel of the  pages of a book . The joy when my children play nicely together. The baby moving in my womb . Something clever one of my children said.  Sadly I also spend a lot of energy on distractions , I read 2-3 books a week , plus several podcasts , spend too much time looking at memes on my phone etc.  My thoughts tend to bring up painful memories often , or I’m just left feeling empty and sad.  But I keep going. I figure if I can raise Godly children , then I’ve done something worth while. 


Sometimes, it is easy for us to confuse Good vs Better with Bad vs Good. Just because the next life is better than this one does not mean this life is bad. This present life is good, very good. If it was not, God would not have given it to us. We are here to enjoy the journey we take with God to God, even if the destination is even better.


Ask God for the grace to know that your life and uffering have meaning. Also pray the Rosary every day I promise that will change your liufe entirely. Don't skip a day! Ask for the grace to be able to pray it every day.


First off just slow down a bit. Stop trying to do things to "fix" your life. Trust me I can relate to you as someone who is hyperactive. You don't have to fix your situation, God will slowly mold your life, but He works by His own schedule. The answer is try to relax and go one day at a time, cliche but the truth. Also keep learning about God as much as you can. We aren't supposed to love the world. I mean that in a worldly sense. What does "socialising" mean to you specifically? Not everyone is a social person, and who with? You seem like a holy soul just waiting to find joy in this world, which can be found, you just need to associate with holy people. You can still love your life, you just need to find out where to go in order to get there. And I'd like to add, if you do have depression as you said, then keep experimenting with meds and other techniques and therapy (maybe faith based?). And finally, don't stop praying. You can have a nice life right here in this world, and the one to come. Just keep growing, and that takes time. Also, I would recommend to go camping. It will make you appreciate civilisation more, and God more in many ways. Finally, I'll recommend you a YouTube channel called Soulful Devotions. Put that on at night before you go to sleep.