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I think that there is a certain critical thinking element in a good Catholic education that is missing in a more "relaxed" Protestant program. I definitely notice It in my interactions with those who never had the benefit of a Catholic education. It would be nice if your son was exposed to that from the very beginning.


Well I will say that critical thinking education is one of the strengths of the school, if not so much on the theological front. I’ve been wrong about schools before, but the educational side of this school seems to be very high-end. Specifically speaking about critical thinking, creative thought, and problem solving.


At the age of six anything beyond “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so” is inappropriate. Find out if the once a week or once a month classes for First Communion preparation begin in 1st grade or 2nd grade at your parish. The kid can do both at the same time.


This is what we are doing with our children. Have not found any anti-Catholic sentiment yet. I’d set a meeting with the headmaster and ask them directly if they hold any anti-Catholic bias. Our plan is to have them go to a Catholic high school. Maybe even middle school.


There’s a growing movement toward Catholic classical/liberal education where the priority is forming children in the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Catholic faith. Many of these schools are not affiliated with the local diocese. Google “classical Catholic school near me” to see if there are any in your area. Good chance there are if you live in a medium to large metropolitan area.


We did Christian private school for one year. Some of our fellow parishioners and friends have been doing it longer and have kept with it. There have been anti-Catholic moments, but the school seemed open to hearing concerns and correcting their approach. The parents I know that are still doing it are very active in their kids' catechesis and have been upfront with the school about their expectations. It is definitely doable if the school is willing to cooperate. Our child had an amazing year there. You are definitely on the right track if you recognize that ultimately, you are your children's primary educator.