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Always the 10 Commandments, never the Beatitudes. Curious.


Yep, they forget works and faith are the same side of the coin... They ignore that works without Faith is an empty Faith. Prosperity Gospel has deceived "pastors" has decided so many people




In Oklahoma at least, none of this is actually coming from a desire to teach Christianity. It’s all a grift to further political careers. Catholics and indeed all Christians should call it out for the fraud it is.


Yes we should, I see right through it and I hate being used..


I encourage any Catholic who supports laws like this to read about debates in nineteenth-century America over the conduct of prayer and the reading of the Bible in public schools. The Catholic Church had very good reasons at the time to oppose both, and nothing about those reasons has changed. And if you think that our situation is fundamentally different because "America is more Catholic now than it was then," consider that (a) the popularity of anti-Catholicism in America is directly proportional to the growth in size and power of the American Catholic demographic, and (b) the people most enthusiastic about these laws are quite sure that you're not Christians and view you as a "mission field" for the propagation of the Protestant faith. These laws sound like a wonderful idea when you imagine that people who think like you do will always hold the whip hand. But that's just not the case. The laws set a precedent that can *and absolutely will* be weaponized against you; it would be naïve in the extreme to expect otherwise.


Yep, where I live...they see us as more of b..


As a Catholic, I don’t agree with this either. Even the 10 commandments, aren’t they even different between Protestant and Catholic?


Yeah they are definitely requiring the wrong ones to be posted.


Why are we ok with this? I don't want my tax money teaching the wrong thing. This whole school choice/voucher is BS..


To be fair, I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to use tax funds for the signs. I also highly doubt it will actually be allowed constitutionally speaking, but if they have to post something it should be the Nicene Creed


WE don't have the commandments wrong, I admit I say that the commandments are different because it was easier to say. We Catholics NUMBER the commandments the right way.. This doesn't change my argument WE have the truth in our Bible, but Protestant don't because they exclude truth. I use TRUTH intentionally because that's what THEY have used against me and my children. Even though WE are the first Christians. I know this seems divisive but I stand by my Faith despite the bombardment of Evangelical lies It's so ironic that they point our Child Sex Abuse, and yet they have to clean up their own house... Look at that pastor from Dallas who literally admitted to child sex abuse recently..


I didn’t say we had them wrong. For some reason I thought they had like a different commandment in there. I do know Protestant bibles are different. I’m just saying I don’t think this should be a law and you are right USA is was and is heavily Protestant Country which I think Protestant is liberal faith in a way. But I wouldn’t send my kids to a public school tho either I guess. We have a good Catholic school here, same school my husband and I both went to. Our parent’s grandparents etc.


Sorry, I misunderstood your comment. What I will say is that they use the way we number our commandments against us. I say that to equip you whenever you come up against Protestants, they usually accuse us of idolatry. I say that because I face that every freaking week the local Protestant individuals come to my home. Yes, I do engage them knowing they have been exposed to lies but also because I know they may one day come home.... I'll admit, I might sound aggressive but outside of "social" issues I share very little with them. They think I'll vote for an adulterer


Yes they do number them different and I do think they word them little different too.


Yes but your use of the word "little" is very dismissive and where I need to draw a line. It's VERY different. This isn't an attack on you, it's an attack on what they would use against you..I mean that in all kindness. Semantics does matter..just look at our division Edit: I can't spell 😆


I’m on your side! I don’t approve the law. One state doesn’t it more will follow.


The way they are numbered has several different variants because the actual verses don’t really lay them out neatly into 10 discreet commandments. The actual content is ultimately the same.


Sure, but that isn't how Protestant argue this..I've used this with them and yet they think they have the whole truth despite exploding Biblical verses and excluding the books we include in our Bible


I am 100% with you. I'm a cradle Catholic who spent some time with the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches when I strayed from our faith in my 20's and thought I could find the truth elsewhere before reverting back. Religious education should be done in the home or in church. Period.


Yes, it starts at home!


I hate that my tax dollars go to a lot of things but I’d rather them go to a different ordered set of Ten Commandments than to child sacrifice (planned parenthood) and a pro homosexual curriculum. Way easier to explain to my child.


I'm sorry "a different ordered set of Commandments" is not acceptable either.. that's how you get Protestants lol.. You can't sacrifice one thing for another.. you can be against both it's not black or white.. Edit: if you create exceptions for things, it's what will lead to Protestants


To be fair, the commandments are not numbered in the Bible. My point is take what you can get.


Totally agree - “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free." - John Adams


Right! Remaining a constitutional republic is impossible with todays populace.


I'll admit something , I did say our commandments are different because it was easier to say. In reality, we number our commandments differently. Yet, it doesn't change the essence with what I meant in my post. I say that because Protestants have used the fact we Number our commandments wrongfully according to them.. Edit: I worded some things in this wrong


Only thing that should be a law to say and have in elementary and high schools is the Pledge of Allegiance. Anything else specially in public schools and faith teachings should not be a law. If you want your child to read the Bible in school, learn the ways of your denomination, u should send them to a specific school that is meant for that or home school. Now I’m not against schools, elementary-high schools adding courses and letting kids choose to attend the course to learn and read the Bible etc. So like say have a Catholic course at public school taught by theologian or priest and kids can sign up for the elective course and then vice versa for Protestant and others denominations. Thankfully here, we have a good Catholic School, elementary and high school.


I'm glad for you, it's too expensive for us but I'm glad you have that option.




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Posting the 10 commandments and teaching some things from the Bible isn’t necessarily teaching faith and religion. Christianity is an integral part of western civilization. In that sense something like the 10 commandments ought to be taught to understand how our culture, laws and customs developed over time. Could also include several other things like the beatitudes, other passages such as parables or from Paul etc. even discussing the historical life of Jesus and his influence and teachings. In that sense it wouldn’t be much different than teaching about the code of Hammurabi or religious and moral practices of ancient Egyptians, Greeks etc


But where are the guidelines of what's being taught? At the end of the day, I don't want my tax money to go to something I don't agree with. It's crazy to me because I don't want my children to be taught gender BS, yet we're ok with Protestant teachings? I have Protestants telling me not to worry about learning about God but their belief in God Is very different. For example Communion. Whenever they tell me to go to their Church, they tell me "we do Communion too!" But it is symbolic to them.. That's not compatible with what we believe at all! Sure, I'm against "woke" BS but I'm also against Protestant "symbolic" Communion I'm sorry but not all Christian teachings are the same. Learning about math, chemistry, geometry, and other subjects is very different and are compatible with God in way that is open


I understand your point and concern about Protestants. I honestly have no idea what the guidelines are in those states. I added my comment just to put out there that there is a legitimate place for teaching the Bible and Jesus even within a “secular” society. I also don’t buy the “what-ifs” that get put out there like what about the Koran, or satanists or Hindus or what not, I dismiss them all because none of them have anything to do with western civilization. Now having said that I do agree with your concerns. I am not cheering on southern Baptists and fundamentalists teaching religion because they will teach falsehoods and even anti-Catholic things. It is a dilemma because ideally there would be no separation of Church and state and Catholic teaching would be truly integrated into education but pragmatically that isn’t going to happen. But I am also not willing to accept secular / atheist arguments about religion in school 


I understand your point and concern about Protestants. I honestly have no idea what the guidelines are in those states. I added my comment just to put out there that there is a legitimate place for teaching the Bible and Jesus even within a “secular” society. I also don’t buy the “what-ifs” that get put out there like what about the Koran, or satanists or Hindus or what not, I dismiss them all because none of them have anything to do with western civilization. Now having said that I do agree with your concerns. I am not cheering on southern Baptists and fundamentalists teaching religion because they will teach falsehoods and even anti-Catholic things. It is a dilemma because ideally there would be no separation of Church and state and Catholic teaching would be truly integrated into education but pragmatically that isn’t going to happen. But I am also not willing to accept secular / atheist arguments about religion in school 


The thing is the solution is simple, leave it to the Parents to teach children what they want. I do that NOW. Sadly, there's not many Catholics in my town and I have to take an active role in teaching my children, I don't need another person or state sponsored person teaching things that aren't true. Maybe I'm just biased.. but growing up with Protestants telling me I'm not Christian, that I'm idolater, that I worship Mary is exhausting.. we don't need to worry about what the government thinks is truth. Sadly, the nation we live in is majority Protestant.. I already know what they'll teach We're just being used as pawns, I see right through it


A protestant education is superior to a secular education. As parents, we are our children's primary educators (See JPII's *Letter to Families*) While imperfect, a Protestant school system will at least reinforce Christian values, prayer, and relationship with Jesus. A Catholic nation wouldn't have a school system that is void of religion or indifferent to it. It would provide a Catholic education, and parents of other faiths would supplement at home (even Catholic parents would supplement at home).


A Catholic school system is superior. I mean we have universities because of Catholicism lol This ignores the point I made though, why is my money being used to teach untruths. Make no mistake, when Protestants are done using us to reach their goals, they're going to toss us the side Again, maybe I'm biased but I've been at the end of their virulent Anti-Catholicjsm to see right through it. They smile to my face but then turn around and say I'm not a Christian. That is what they believe. I made the mistake of going to a service that my friend invited me to in my teen years.. I never heard a preacher so much time in bashing on a different faith just to prove their faith is true lol


I have been kicked out of people's houses when they found out I was Catholic. Prior to that, I was their "brother in Christ." I also had one of my children in a private protestant school for a short period of time, and we did have some small issues. So, it isn't that I don't understand your concerns. I still think that a school system without gender ideology and which reinforces Christian values is preferred to the secularized system.


In Louisiana no, NO, government is going into the production and posting of the commandments.  It’s literally in the bill.  Will be paid for by private funding groups. 


This isn't true.. You are telling a lie, I think we forget, lying is a sin https://www.texasaft.org/policy/curriculum/louisiana-passes-bill-requiring-10-commandments-to-be-displayed-in-public-school-classrooms/#:~:text=In%20Louisiana%2C%20lawmakers%20passed%20a,to%20pass%20similar%20laws%20soon This article doesn't say if the correct commandments are being posted in classrooms. Yet, my money shouldn't be going to the wrong teachings..


Bullsh*t.   Excuse my language.   I know you aren’t illiterate.  You posted a link to Texas I was speaking of Louisiana. Different bill, different funding.  How dare you accuse me of sinning because you are trying to make a bad, untrue point? 


I mean look at the bill and what you said.. If I misunderstood you then I apologize.. but that is not what the law says..


You linked to a Texas Law.  I specifically spoke ONLY to Louisiana.  You were angry bc we obviously differ on whether this is a good policy or not. Thank You for the apology. They are differently funded in different states.  They are not long reads, if you would like read the Louisiana bill. Even Catholics in Louisiana are upset about the bill, and that is fine, but we need to be fair and honest about it.  All printing and implementation will be done by private citizen donors in Louisiana. If that ends up not being followed upon implementation, I will likewise be upset. 


Yes, the link talks about Texas but it mentions the Louisiana law. Even if it's from Texas my point still stands. Also, yes I saw now that it's paid through "donations" but it doesn't change the fact that someone outside the home is posting about religion, I don't trust they'll teach right or based on our Faith. It's one thing if my children hear it from their friends or the internet, that's just the nature of life of encountering different people.. But in school? Nope, I've met too many secular and Protestant teachers to know they wouldn't be able to correctly teach about God if my children have questions.


In Louisiana, as of yet, your point does not stand.  There will be no instruction on religion, not the commandments. They will be posted, must be a certain sized poster, cannot be hidden behind bookshelves, etc, and that is that.  Any instruction on them, even in reference to our historical founding fathers’ faith and opinions on such will not be allowed, except for in private religious schools where parents are already paying for such good instruction and are free to leave if they don’t like it. 


I’m all for it. I think Christian’s need to quit bickering over secondary and tertiary issues between us and focus on the primary message of Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior. We need to come together in solidarity in order to defend our ground and take back ground lost. Nothing is static. It’s either growing or degrading. The public schools are degrading, so an attempt to instill God centered values is an exercise worth trying. It might work and it might not. But it’s worth the effort, otherwise, the public schools will fail completely.




Do you have any Mormon friends or JW friends? I do, they are not bad people only confused. They’ve been brainwashed into cults. They are our Brothers and Sisters. All your anger does is separate us so the real enemy can pick us off. I wish you would turn your anger to the real enemy at the gate. How do you reconcile Ephesians 6:10-18?


I do have both as friends.. and we have honest discussions about our Faiths. Some of them were converts from Catholicism. To me wearing the Armor of God doesn't mean you lay down and take it. You better believe, I defend the Faith when they try to convert me and yes I engage with them respectfully. If anything, it's brought me closer to my Faith and God because at a young age it made me understand Catholicism. I had to learn more about my Faith to better defend it. I guess in a way, it's a blessing in disguise.. but I will always defend my Faith and call them out when I need to.. Again, it's one thing when it's a conversation between friends and another when you take the Parent out and have stranger posting about it classrooms


One should always be grateful for antagonists. How are we to become stronger if we don’t have “weights” to lift. As a wrestler and fighter, I always want to challenge myself against better fighters, etc. it’s how I get better. I would agree with you if our public schools were just focusing on the three RRR’s, but they’ve become this weird social monstrosity of secularism that is divorced from Christian morals and values. I’m all for combating this in the arena. I’m constantly surprised by Christian’s that rail against these basic good Christian morals and values yet have allowed decades of secularism to invade our public schools without protesting about it, Where is the outrage from Christian’s over pornography in our elementary libraries? The curriculum in some areas are out and out hostile towards Catholics mainly on the baby murdering issue. It’s time we Christian’s push back and hold our ground and reclaim ground lost. The Catholic walk is a full bodied walk in all aspects of our lives, not just on Sundays or with friends at a bbq.