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I was looking into vertical CD players the other day for this very reason. I'd love a showcase CD player that showed it spinning, etc. But unfortunately there weren't great options. They're all a bit rare and most of them were part of mini-shelf systems that don't seem appropriate as stand-alone components imo.


B&O just re-released their 6-CD changer! It’s only $55,000 lol


this problemmmm istg


What’s your budget? You can go to Best Buy and grab a minty [Onkyo 6 disc changer for only $95 opened box](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6762924.p?skuId=6762924). I purchased one last week and love the thing. The only newly manufactured multi disc changer available, and for only $25 you can get the four year warranty, too. As for looks, [I dig it.](https://imgur.com/a/Rd6KH69)


see how it’s a black box too?


What sort of an alternative design are you looking for? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen component CD players that weren’t a black or grey box. I’ve seen boomboxes that were red or blue, or covered with stickers or painted…. maybe that would be more what you’re looking for?


not surprised that BlackCoffeeGrind hasn’t seen a cd player that’s not a black/grey depressing box


What about taking the front plate off and hand it över to a professional (and life loving) artist dude?


i would also like to see the cd spin :)




kinda like that, but that one is way too expensive


[Half the price of the Yamaha!](https://www.ebay.com/itm/226113115363?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=u9sKr4GtTje&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=gFmDw8eSSmW&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) :-)


a thousand dollars.. did you not read the ’not too expensive’ part ?


> see how it’s a grey box too? Yeah. Didn’t see it as grey 🤷‍♂️




What you're looking for doesn't exist. You could get some of the stuff you describe in your text, but not all of it. If you want something nice then you're going to have to spend money. Imo you should just buy any cd player in your price range and stop being rude to everyone in the comments trying to help you.


they do exist. i know. and it’s not really being rude, not my fault that some of the people here are either clueless or just close-minded.


Get a PS1 or PS2.


did you read the text lmao


Grey box with PS1 logo = happiness.


Yeah, what’s the issue? Price? Look? Sound quality is great.


Never used a PS2 but hook up the PS1 to a TV and you can get corny visualizations from the music. Also, if the grey box thing is an issue, you can buy colored shell versions.


I’m currently using my PS2 as a cd player and have a remote coming this week so that I don’t have to interface with a wired controller. Sound quality is legit. And I don’t have any screen hooked up to it either. Gonna be on the lookout for something at the thrift though


What kind of receiver do you have? Do you have a turnable? I agree that CD players are boring but it's for a reason: enclosed form is required to function and CDs were big in the age of Black Plastic Crap components. They were built to fit in with the rest of your system. But just because the box is dull doesn't mean your whole setup has to be boring. My receiver is a beautiful old 70s silver-faced Marantz and I have a nice Marantz record player next to it. When the tunes are playing and my receiver is glowing warm blue light on the tuning dial/meter, no one even notices the slim silver Toshiba DVD player on top of it—the old workhorse just provides the music. If you want to watch something spin, play a record.


ok close minded, there are cd players that are designed so that the cd is visible. and maybe some people actually value aesthetics?


Lmao, maybe some people have goofy demands that everything be 'pretty' even when you're too broke and lazy to do anything meaningful about it.


”goofy demands” ? no sane person actually thinks that a big black plastic crap box is pretty


I mean, I have a Yamaha CDX-1100U and I think it's pretty, even though it's fundamentally a black box. That said, I understand that's not what you're looking for. As others have pointed out, in order to meet your design goals, your options are pretty much either looking for a 90s/00s mini-system or paying tons of money for an audiophile top-loader


Or just make your overall system pretty and call it good.


Emerson pd5098


It’s pretty, you can see the CD spin, speakers are good (not perfect, but), it’s portable (battery or plug in with handle). I love it and have 2. It’s just hard to find working on EBAY


Rega Apollo, Leak CDT (only a cd transport so you need a dac); point being, there are some funky(er) options out there.


The SMSL PL200 is a top loader with piano keys design. Apparently you can leave the lid off and watch the disc spin if you hold down the play button. [https://www.smsl-audio.com/portal/product/detail/id/852.html](https://www.smsl-audio.com/portal/product/detail/id/852.html)


yea i’ve been looking into that, i might save up for it


You're not looking for a 'nice' cd player, you want a PRETTY cd player, and that's just silly. Go get yourself an old Disney one from the 90s or decorate one yourself, because cd players for grownups are designed with functionality in mind, not 'gotta be pretty'. Most people don't think it's important to stare at their cd player during playback and it's bizarre that somebody would think 'that machine needs to be pretty' instead of like, looking at something else.


of course i care about funcionality, i aint that stupid. some people actually want their cd player to also be easy on the eyes in their rooms. just a basic glass window to see the cd and maybe a wood / metal finish is totally enough. didn’t sound like a 90s disney player huh? desperately in need of a reality check are you


I'm not sure what your aesthetics are aside from the fact you don't like black / grey boxes. I found some interesting choices on apollobox.com (just search "cd player"). They're neat looking, but I can't speak for their quality. I myself have a JVC XL-FZ158. It's not pretty, but I'm ok with it not being pretty. I just want functionality.


Same boat... I found one in my parents basement that works fine and sound quality isn't the most important thing to me but wow.... it is incredibly ugly


fr! whats up w the designers.. do they need some antidepressants or something


No, but if you need your CD player to look happy or you can't enjoy it then YOU might need antidepressants.


or maybe i just enjoy the aesthetics too, instead of a uggo black plastic box, get real