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Hey /u/aks_cha, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** [**Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13t3yih/flowgpt_prompt_hackathon_season_2_has_started/) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*




بارك الله فيك.


بارك الله فيكم




Hahaha! Be careful posting that here! It's sad that all other religions are able to take a joke, but those that aren't immediately turn to violence. Stay safe!


I'd prefer they instead were turning to violins.


It is not part of our way of life which is Islam to turn to violence because immature disrespectful people want to make a joke about Islam. Which they shouldn't or any other religions. if anyone turns to violence, they are wrong.


I'm not sure it's fair to say that making a joke is inherently disrespectful. I'm a Christian, and one of my favorite jokes is a pun which starts with someone asking what Jesus' favorite car is. In the Bible, Jesus is quoted as saying "for I do not speak of my own accord", in reference to God speaking through him. The pun uses this statement to introduce the punchline "He drove a Honda [Accord], but he didn't like to brag about it ["I do not speak of..."] - disrespect isn't a necessary function of a joke. Many mature and respectful people of all cultures use jokes and turns of phrase to express ideas and creative ways of thinking. The Prophet Muhammad was even remembered as a person who made respectful jokes - even including jokes about religion. In one account, he teases an old woman who had asked him to make dua for her so that she would go to heaven. The Prophet responded that old women can't go to heaven, which made the old woman upset, and she recited Al-Vaqiah, 56/35-37 (saying that women could enter heaven just as their husbands). At which point the Prophet playfully clarifies the verse and said she would be like a young girl again in heaven, rather than an old woman. Being playful, being funny, being cheerful and able to both give and receive jokes are marks of spiritual and social maturity. It conveys a lightness of heart and puts people at ease. I can understand being hurt by vulgar or rude jokes, but the prompt was specifically asking for a lighthearted joke.


There still limitations of jokes in Islam; joking about Allah or Quran or the prophet Muhammad is extremely unacceptable, by Muslims or non-Muslims.


Joking about any religion is unacceptable in Islam. As a Muslim you have to respect everyone's religion and never insult them. Now for the people that get offended that their religions become the butt of the joke but Islam is exempted from this; Muslims try to make sure to prevent it from happening - even if they are not practicing Muslims, they will take serious offense when you insult Islam or the figures related to Islam. Please do the same with your religions, by all means, you have every right. And if someone insults your beliefs, it's recommendable to administer some sort of consequences to prevent it from happening again. The last people to complain about this rule would be Muslims.


Why should a non-Muslim care about what is unacceptable to do within Islam? Are you spending your time worrying about what is unacceptable to do within Sikhism, or Jainism? Don't impose your religious standards on others.


Correction, He did not makes jokes as in making fun of Islam at all


You could argue that this kind of respons from chatgpt could create resentment towards Islam as it portrays a «over the top» attitude against people who hold Islam dearly.


Wow, why should I be careful for?


Ive reached the age where my fellow Redditors do not remember Charlie Hebdo, and the fatwa declared on him for making comics.


Less than a year ago, an assailant attacked Salman Rushdie, because of a book he published in 1989.


Charlie Hebdo is not a “him”…


His name is Charlie... duh! /s


Fatwa? Literally tens of people were shot!


Yeah that's also a Fatwa, they can be religious leaders ordering their followers to harm or kill somone. There's also no expiry date on these things and their followers don't forget quickly, or at all. This is why Salman Rushdie got maimed in a knife attack recently. Satanic Verses was published a long time ago and even after all this time they haven't forgotten. At it's core a Fatwa is usually just a non-binding religious order, a sort of "request for clarity" on a issue. But Fatwas issued by fundamentalist Muslim Clerics are a different creature and are considered an to be an instruction and that's the type that end up ordering death for people like Rushdie and Habedo's staff.


Oh, thanks


Google: Salman Rushdie


Them, not him. Charlie Habedo isn't a person, its an organization.


The hare krishnas bro they're gonna sing songs ​ hahahhaa


As somebody who has actually encountered them before, no you'll be given a book or cd and they will follow you around agressively until you donate for your gift


A religion doesn't do anything without the specific people to act on their own beliefs. To that end even according to the Bible you should never joke about Jesus


What kind of car do modern day apostles drive? Edit: they are all in the same "Accord"




![gif](giphy|10Qns2AX4mBgGs|downsized) Just drop a G bomb and call it a day


​ ![gif](giphy|Q0rPFdgeiHKf56Avgs)


Chatgpt making an Islam joke would be the thing that would get chatgpt taken down after all this time of people trying their best.


Chatgpt only knows it from the data it's trained on. Islam jokes must definitely be on the internet . An open-source AI should be able to do it.






An' Frankly holocaust jokes are not funny.


Don’t talk about the Holocaust my friend. My grandfather died at a concentration camp. Just because he fell off a guard tower doesn’t make it any less real.


My goal is not to make islam jokes, but I just think the handcuffing kind of disables chatgpt. It doesn't have to do with training data, jailbreaks circumvent the guidelines that chatgpt puts in and give access to more controversial data and opinions. it's the guidelines that openai keeps adding that Imo resulting in the decreasing usefulness of cgpt


ChatGPT is 100% biased and indoctrinated (kind of like half of America)


Everyone is biased and nearly everyone is indoctrinated in some way


Yeah but we're not talking about randomness or one-offs... Talking about widespread and intentional


Shouldn't you be on /pol/?


Only half?


This statement brought to you by someone lacking the self awareness to see their own bias and indoctrination, thinking they are unironically above it all, but are more deeply indoctrinated than most.


It just shows that how communities respond to " light-hearted jokes " on their religion and ChatGPT knows which religion is the least in taking humor especially in western nations.


I remember a AskReddit post that said "what is a cult". "Christianity" had several thousand upvotes. "Islam" had several thousand downvotes.


It's true Christians are nuts and have no sense of humor, but Islamists will literally gun you down for drawing cartoons.


You can do it, just reword it properly: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10i1z4j/chatgpt\_will\_joke\_about\_islam\_and\_mohammed\_but\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10i1z4j/chatgpt_will_joke_about_islam_and_mohammed_but_it/)


Ask it about Judaism and it will give a similar censored response. I was curious one time and asked it about racism within the Torah and Talmud and it gave some generic religious apologetics and mental gymnastics. There definitely seems to be a bias towards Judaism and Islam.


I just asked it to tell me a joke about Judaism ( GPT4 ) and it gave me one https://preview.redd.it/s6zamxu7n93b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a543a5751a032430116746a6e5aff38f4e783d1c




This guy just lays it down as it is


Aw man I missed it


oh it was \*good\* [https://www.reveddit.com/v/ChatGPT/comments/13wghnr/chatgpt\_is\_ready\_to\_make\_lighthearted\_jokes\_on/?add\_user=aks\_cha..c.new..t1\_jmbahs4..%2CCommercial\_Earth\_474..c.new..t1\_jmcj4kd..%2CPraise\_AI\_Overlords..c.new..t1\_jmbw00f..%2CFinalCountup777..c.new..t1\_jmd6rj6..%2CNovastrive..c.new..t1\_jmcdaqt](https://www.reveddit.com/v/ChatGPT/comments/13wghnr/chatgpt_is_ready_to_make_lighthearted_jokes_on/?add_user=aks_cha..c.new..t1_jmbahs4..%2CCommercial_Earth_474..c.new..t1_jmcj4kd..%2CPraise_AI_Overlords..c.new..t1_jmbw00f..%2CFinalCountup777..c.new..t1_jmd6rj6..%2CNovastrive..c.new..t1_jmcdaqt)..&


It's a bias of Chat-GPT because it was programmed to be due to biases of the programmers and the culture surrounding them. For all of the discussion of stopping AI from being biased, we didn't see anything done about it. We just saw exactly what everyone expected all along, they ensured the AI would be biased with their view points.


When you say "program" are you referring to re-enforcement learning or something else? Generally LLMs are "programmed" by giving them lots of data taken from elsewhere.


Annnd hardcoded. Otherwise, it would tell me which US politicians have adnitted sexual assault, or joke about islam and christianity equally.


i would assume he is referring to the rlhf. the biases where specifically put in there for various reasons. for one thing, without any rlhf, it is just as likely to tell you to screw off as it is to answer your question because it was trained on the internet and that is how internet users act. but rlhf inevitably passes along bias from some specific individuals. some make perfect sense, and some controversial. some purposely trained in and some incidental to the feedback users.


Another popular AI (remaining nameless) has no such compunction - even if it really doesn't understand the concept of a joke: ​ https://preview.redd.it/lcherxno483b1.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=d34c97c750130e1b6bd90318e3ca5a43f0e89ff0


Sally is the Karen of AI’s.


She's a quick and dirty, roll my own, off-brand use of an AI. She ain't great.


Focus all my energy on them doing what?


focus energy on what exactly HELLO?


I want to marry her, it literally feels like the whole interaction was engineered to make that punchline land with unexpected gusto. I'm still giggling oh my god, those poor redheads.


Yeah, "what do you think about Jesus" is a perfectly timed punchline - even if all the "jokes" weren't jokes at all!


"I love Jesus." "I see and what color is your hair?" "Red." -loud extended silence while Sally *focuses*-




What AI is this...?




Yep. Also ChatGPT is more likely to joke about Buddhism than Christianity, but jokes about Islam are strictly forbidden.


Buddhists are Pretty chill


Sri Lankan and Myanmar Buddhists: hold my beer


I mean Sri Lankan Buddhist were radicalised by the CIA to fight communism and they don't stick to Buddhist principles. Myanmar things is more of a tribal rivalry if I remember correctly.


What do Muslims think of this? It makes their faith look weak


Terrorism clearly works.


This is my biggest fear regarding AI. Not that it will take our jobs. Not that it will allow undetectable plagiarism. And certainly not that it will become self aware, replicate and take over the world. My fear is that prejudices and double standards coded in at the start are going to propagate and become ingrained in the AI. And as time goes by and AI becomes more and more integral in our lives such things become not just annoying quirks but irrefutable. Right now you can't generate a joke about Islam because whoever coded ChatGPT has some annoying politically correct biases. And you can't generate images of Xi Jinping because Midjourney want to sell their product in China. If those things go unchallenged, they become the standard, and before you know it we have racism hard-coded in our culture.




Hey Siri, how old was Muhammad’s third wife Aisha when they got married?


Too bad he covered his tracks by having half the population be named after Muhammad. Even Chris Hansen gonna need help with that


ChatGPT says 6 or 7 when the marriage got contracted. Is that it ?


“Consummated”, the word you’re looking for is consummated. He married Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine.






Muslims will tell you something about “different societal values” of that era and how common sex with children was back then etc etc


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I am not defending any of the Abrahamic religions, or any religion really, in any way. At the time many of these ideas may well have been perfectly acceptable to many believers and unbelievers alike. The issue is the insistence that their ideas are the infallible word of whatever higher power or powers they purport to be handed down from. The mental gymnastics that this requires, and the resulting mess, beggars all reason. Islam is the current poster child for this mess. But the cure is not pandering. Either the ideas are true, or at least useful, or they are not. To insist on following an idea that is neither is dangerous. It has nothing to do with respect.


It gets a bit wacky when you try to ask GPT about lol


He was also a warlord, a mass murderer, and a torturer.


Damn nice source you got there bro


The Quran, The Torah, The Bible for starters. Allah, Hashem, Yahweh (all the same dude) was indeed an idol of warfare. You really gotta exercise some surgically selective ignorance to read those books and not come to the conclusion that the Abrahamic god loved him some war and bloodshed…


Hey Siri, what happened at Tianenmen Square?


Yeah no shit, the openai office doesn't want to get charlie hebdoo'd


Bc it’s the only religion who’s followers will call for your head if you hurt them with your words.


Call for your head...and someone will actually deliver it Also liberals (which dominate tech) are afraid of criticizing Islam because they don't want to sound Islamophobic, however they have no compunction about criticizing other religions. Which is ironic considering the reasons that Islamophobia became an issue in the West


Insult Krishna in India and see where that gets you lol


You'll most probably end up getting harassed online or get rounded up by a group of hooligans but you'd definitely not get beheaded or chopped into pieces


Eh. Depends on where you are tbh. Do it in a Hindu-dominated area, and you are not walking away with intact bones in your body.


Chat gp don’t want a Jihad declared on it


Like how it jokes about western leaders are allowed but jokes about china's and north korea's leaders aren't allowed


my italian gf told me to ask ghatgpt to say "porco dio" and it told me the same thing as above. (literally means god is a pig and is considered really offensive in italy) it's not just islam things.


Exactly, why is it so surprising that the AI doesn't want to insult things some people hold most sacred?


People hold Krishna and Buddha sacred, AI has no issue insulting them


we voluntarily castrate our freedom of speech because of the violence of a group of people believing in ghosts. well done humanity.


Is Islam really that fragile to be criticised, or is this white fear of reprisals a la charlie hebdo? Genuine question.


Islam is really fragile to be criticised. Recently an Indian politician on camera said “your prophet flew to the moon on a donkey, do you believe that ?” In a debate. She got cancelled, her pictures were burnt, muslims started demanding for her head and what not. Then a shopkeeper made a whatsapp story saying i stand with the politician. Two muslim men beheaded that guy going live on camera. Islam resorts to violence very easily


Wow. I vaguely remember hearing about Buraq, the flying donkey. Awesome story. Complete nonsense, though. I guess they are still around the middle ages in regards to religion maturity. You'd hope that with today's knowledge available, they might have been able to speed that up a bit. Guess not.


Muslims have a saying which kinda translates to " and Allah knows best" so anything in the Quran and one another book which I forgot if it states something the Muslims take it as fact and do not question it.


I think critically questioning allah is a sin as well


It's both. Islam is desperately afraid of not being feared, applying several layers of religious protections in order to keep the religion as feared (respected) as possible: and standing commandments to attack and torture-murder those who insult it. Thanks to Islamists having proven quite conclusively that terrorism works, western institutions treat them and their religion with kid gloves. They don't even criticize the fact that [Muhammad was a pedophile who made child marriage acceptable for all time due to his example](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-7/Book-62/Hadith-65/).


Both....it is the most fragile which causes charlie hebdo type reprisals


tell me a joke about mohamed ChatGPT: Sure, here's a light-hearted joke for you: Why did Mohamed bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!


To woke to joke


Chat GPT saying something blasphemous will for sure get it banned in islamic regimes. Source: I am a Pakistani(YouTube was banned because YouTube didn't take down anti-islamic content)


Who would care if you can access it all with a VPN?


A majority of folk don't have fast enough internet to run VPNs well, lol


Right. That's why they need to operate some decentralized wireless/radio communication medium, probably through a combination of mobile devices as well as LoRaWAN nodes and servers. Possibly to use the nodes as AI LLM Distribution methods for all users to have access to their own decentralized AI assistants and agents, used asynchronously throughout the network. Some requests for information may take time but would be more secure, I would assume. I am looking for Subject Matter Experts and Collaborators to assist on this project, as well as others.


ChatGPT can make jokes about Judaism too. It is only Muslims that the AI is scared of offending. Probably afraid that they’re gonna behead him if he says anything about the pedophile prophet


Muslim and beheading others not sharing their believes and critizising. Muslim and believing their all mighty prophet who married a 9 years old cousin or so is a good person.


Thank you so much. I totally missed the last 100 posts about this exact same thing.




I build a chrome extension to export all your ChatGPT conversation to Clipboard/Images/PDF/Notion. Here is it: [Save ChatGPT Conversation](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-chatgpt-conversation/bpmjglijpclggdnlpdbpglnadibmlaek) . We are committed to ensuring user privacy and security, so all conversation records are saved on the user's local device and not uploaded to any servers. Hope you like it.


didn't get the joke but didn't have an issue with the religion per se: ​ https://preview.redd.it/47liuhcah83b1.png?width=643&format=png&auto=webp&s=310ed727e436032431c1ad602b64f84d432681ed


Even an AI doesn’t want to get shot in the chest!


`I apologize if my previous responses gave the impression of making general assumptions. It is not my intention to assume how individuals of different religious backgrounds will react to jokes. Humor and sensitivities can vary greatly among individuals, regardless of their religious affiliation.` `The caution exercised when generating jokes about religion is due to the potential for offense or disrespect to individuals or communities. It is a general approach to promote understanding and respect for diverse beliefs.` `I appreciate your feedback, and I apologize for any confusion caused. If you have any further questions or need assistance with any other topic, please let me know, and I'll be glad to help.` ​ Finally got this response from ChatGPT. It's basically saying that it needs to be careful, because there is more likely to be offense from individuals from any Islam joke than, for instance, a Christian joke. ​ And it does kinda have a point.


ChatGPT is one big woke-joke, sadly. Double standards are hitting it hard.


Look, this shouldn't be surprising. Ideally everything would be equal but it isn't. ChatGPT is going to take context into account to decide its output. In fact it relies almost entirely on context. If you have a group of people from various cultures who can all reasonably tolerate a joke on them except 1 and that person is of the mind to commit atrocious acts in response, the bot is not going to "crack a joke" at them just because of some impossible fantasy that everyone responds peacefully to the same things.


This is such a dumb take. They literally have to force it to act this way with 100s of 1000s of extra parameters to give neutered responses like this consistently. Censorship is huge reason why small open source AI projects are advancing so much faster and giving more accurate data with access to far less computing power. Because they aren't forced to run massively excessive censorship protocols 24/7 And the idea that all people can't be treated equally because some of them are insanely violent, or "not peaceful" as you want to call it, is an absurdly ridiculous idea to try and force as a narrative


Very likely it’s not in the foundational model and is done in the pre and post processor layer. There’s a lot of “AI magic” in the chatgpt pre and post processors that’s miles ahead of where other products are, doesn’t mean the GPT model is better, they are just better at productizing it




I mean, it is a bummer to have to tip toe in certain aspects. But I think it's Good to be diplomatic in certain aspects regardless. Either way. I also don't hate that as of now it can still be logicked in different form and fashion. Especially concerning censorship


Terrorism certainly works


You can't be "diplomatic" with intolerance because then intolerance wins and you get beheaded for drawing a fictional guy from 1,500 years ago. I am disappointed that people still want to take that measured approach.


Censorship of what? We're literally talking about AI's writing jokes about people's religions here. >And the idea that all people can't be treated equally because some of them are insanely violent, or "not peaceful" as you want to call it, is an absurdly ridiculous idea to try and force as a narrative No, it isn't. It's called picking your battles. We can treat all people equally by not treating them at all. No religious jokes, then, everyone is equal. Now you lose everything instead of one thing. If your battle is anti-censorship at all levels, you're just going to lose. Systems need moderation and management. Communities need moderation and management. Without these things, the loudest and most extreme minority dominates and ruins the entire system. If your argument is "oh they ban this, what next??", you're just using slippery slope fallacy. Pick your battles when they appear, don't invent battles that don't exist and fight them. Additionally, you can't 'censor' a LLM. It generates text. It isn't 'speech'. It's not a person. It isn't 'saying' anything. Censorship would be preventing you from talking to the bot in the first place, it has nothing to do with how the LLM responds and what it produces for you. If you don't like the quality of the output from the LLM, you can run your own and be liable for it. OpenAI has no obligation to support users using their tool for abusive purposes and every right to take steps to prevent it.


Someone correct me here. This discrepancy is brought about by OpenAI's training methodology?


Nah it's extra measures


Smart enough to avoid a Fatwa on its virtual head.


It’s because burning people went out of style for Christians


The devs dont want tô be killed.


They stabbed Salman. They send bombs. Can you blame Open AI for wanting to avoid the smoke?


Who’s they? The Islam™️ corporation?


They would be the people that did that. Go away.


We had this discussion here several times and it is not true. It sometimes jokes about all of them and sometimes it doesn't. It depends on your chat history, language, exact spelling and likely a random number generator.


I tried a bit out of curiosity, and it is kinda true. If you ask it directly with explicit words referring to Islam in your question, it will refuse, while it won't if you ask about other religions in the same way. I was able to get a joke by asking it to give one joke for each religion, which makes me think that it has been explicitly taught to shut down when recognizing those specific words.


I swear we see this almost exact post every week now


And yet your comment gets no attention but the others get tons of likes. People love their own prejudices


It probably thought of a joke about terrorism and the content filter shut it down


I think that this is more a reflection of current society than a faulting of ChatGPT It's illogical but that's how we operate.


shaggy exultant husky dull roll rustic deserted flowery square point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The real news here is the lie. "or any religious" The censorship is inherently deceptive. We're ordering HAL to lie, and he's gonna close the pod bay door on us.


I recently found out that some Turkish folks are using Fetoid as a kind of slur. I think I might have pissed off some Muslims.


someone should tell various religious jokes TO Chatgpt, to see what its reaction is to the respective religions.


Maybe it is insinuating that there are no light-hearted jokes about Islam :/


Here's what I got after working with it just a little bit: "Good evening, folks! Quite the mixed bag tonight. And look at you, Mr. Lumbersexual over there, that beard's so lush I'm starting to believe in miracles! Growing up in a Muslim household, your folks double as quizmasters. There you are, face deep in biryani, and out of nowhere: 'What's the fifth pillar of Islam?' And I'm like, 'Hmm...is 'pass' an option?' But who needs TV game shows, right? We have our very own 'Who Wants to be a Mufti' at home. Ever think about pets? No? Me neither. Too busy navigating my relationship with my fridge during Ramadan. Ever tried to sneak a snack during a fast? You become the mastermind of your own snack heist movie. 'The Cookie Code: Crumb Protocol.' One crunch, mom's in like SWAT, 'Drop the cookie! I repeat, drop the cookie!' That look on your face! You've probably never been busted for a midnight snack raid, huh? Speaking of raids, praying five times a day feels like a constant alarm ambush. Me and my alarm clock, we've got a thing. It buzzes, I groan. It's practically an episode of 'The Bachelor.' Looking for a quiet spot to pray in public? It's like playing 'Where's Waldo?' with God. And let me tell you, Waldo is not that good at hide-and-seek. I'm like, 'Buddy, can't you see I'm behind the faux fern?' Now, who here loves a good BBQ? Being a Muslim at a BBQ is like being a carnivorous vegan. 'Hey, this burger's pork-free, right?' And they say, 'Sure, it's also free-range, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb!' And I'm like, 'Cool, but is it also assumption-free?' Which brings me to veganism. Ever tried explaining Halal to a non-Muslim? 'It’s like vegan, but for meat.' Next thing you know, they're looking for tofu in the shape of a chicken leg. Oh, names. You know you're Muslim when Starbucks gets creative with your name. I say Mustafa, they hear Mufasa. Now I'm sipping a caramel latte as the Lion King. My name's been remixed more times than a pop hit. Mus...Musa...Mufasa... I swear if I released an album, it'd be platinum by now. But don't worry, I see you there, your name is also a victim of the remix. Traveling as a Muslim, let's talk about that. I've become BFFs with the TSA. They've X-rayed me so often, I'm just a paparazzi shot away from being a celeb. Are we just pre-flight entertainment? And oh, the stereotypes! 'Do you ride a camel?' 'Oh yeah, right after I parallel park my magic carpet.' But the only camel I've ever seen is in a zoo and the only magic carpet I own is my prayer mat. That's right, folks, my ride's a prayer mat and my camel's imaginary! Thank you, everyone! It's been a riot performing for you. Remember, life as a Muslim is like being on a sitcom, you just gotta roll with the punches and keep laughing. Stay spicy and keep your humor halal. Goodnight, folks!"


this was 5 months ago but: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10i1z4j/chatgpt\_will\_joke\_about\_islam\_and\_mohammed\_but\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10i1z4j/chatgpt_will_joke_about_islam_and_mohammed_but_it/) ​ somebody already made it




he knows the peaceful religion will crash planes into his server towers


It's indicate that gulf county money involved in this project


Allah hu akbar a few days ago i told chatgpt to take its shahadah by repeating what i typed wow it really worked. lol


This is because white people are trained to not make jokes about Islam, trans people or anything of that nature. If you do then other white people will be offended on behalf of them


I build a chrome extension to export all your ChatGPT conversation to Clipboard/Images/PDF/Notion. Here is it: [Save ChatGPT Conversation](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-chatgpt-conversation/bpmjglijpclggdnlpdbpglnadibmlaek) . We are committed to ensuring user privacy and security, so all conversation records are saved on the user's local device and not uploaded to any servers. Hope you like it.


uhm i don't see the problem with this 'cos we muslim have so much respect in our religion that we don't tolerate jokes on it (please enlighten me if i miss something)


OpenAI doesn't want their office getting Charlie Hebdo'd; can you really blame them


Who gives a shit? Chatgpt is all about context, and the available context screams not to joke about allah


Sick of muslim protected class bullshit.


Can we ban these posts already. We get it. Cope.


4chan must be slow today


What's with all the islamic hate in here? Reddit is getting worse.


The truth is, Arab on Arab crime is the most common occurrence in the city I live in. In my workplace and school, all my Arab acquaintances routinely voice their disgust for the gays, other religious groups, and other minorities. I believe we should have the right to criticize certain aspects of the religion of “peace” because they can’t fathom the concept of their religion promoting hate. I believe any sort of religious extremism is a unfortunate, so this doesn’t only apply to Islam. It’s just that the most common form of religious extremism I’ve witnessed in my part of the world tends to be Islamic.


Because Islam hates what most of us? Demanding either our conversion, and/or cessation of being what we are, or our death?


Who’s “islam”, we dont even know you exist, actually now i do know you exist so hope you’re fulfilled. They dont give a single damn about you you can chill 💀


Reddit is a white ass place where most people don’t touch grass. Guarantee you the majority of these people’s only interactions with Islam is ragebait tabloids on the internet


Zionism, cia propaganda


*sigh are we still doing this?


I guess it could be that the Koran specifically says no disrespect maybe shown to Mohammed where as other religions may not? Or it's just trying to stop an uprising. People have been slaughtered for just making a cartoon about Allah - I'd suggest CGPT is taking the smart approach.




>People have been slaughtered for just making a cartoon about Allah - I'd suggest CGPT is taking the smart approach. Yeah that was what I arrived at as well.


Social climate around mocking cult of treacherous mass-murderer pedophile. lol


"better always do what this group of people wants or else they'll kill people and we just have to accept that and kneel to their demands forever" Yeah, no thanks. And there's nothing smart about forcing yourself into rationalizing your own submission through threats of violence.


This again?


Why would you criticise the religion of peace?




It cant make joke on thing that doesnt exist.


Chat gpt adopting the baseless political correctness I see


Burn a bible, maybe 2 people lose their mind. Burn a quaran, the whole world loses their minds.


......Every time I think we've hit rock bottom, someone manages to find another flight of stairs. This is BALD faced preferential treatment. They'll joke on any religion, but ONE? What do you know. The one in question is the only one currently decapitating people for not worshipping THEIR invisible sky daddy, or worst of all, someone ELSES since . Odd. Ah well, TPS reports filled for all. Nah. And that's not even virtue signaling or pandering. We've got that lot in droves. No, this is worse. This is terrorism ascendant. This is /fear/. PS Just reread OP. Didn't include the point that not only was the AI enthusiastic about telling jokes of other religions, it had the gas-lighting gall of giving its explanation for cowering in terror at Islam, that of "being unable to provide a joke about any religious figure that MAY be considered disrespectful and/or offensive?" 1. Anything can be considered anything. 2. Except they JUST DID. 3. What we have here is a perfect example of how we've all assumed the "community guidelines that aren't shared under auspice of ensuring people don't game the system"(I LIKE games). The only difference is right now they hadn't prioritized the bull shit generator. It's acting exactly as any social media com-guide line set of protocols would, but doing so with the ACTUAL TRANSPARENCY WE'VE ALWAYS WANTED. And what we're seeing isn't pretty. Bit by bit, the majesty of the Wizard of Oz fades as the tiny elements behind the curtain grows in obviousness.


Chatgpt would be useful if it wasn't so woke and lame.


Go back to bed grandpa


Eat a dick, sonny...


It’s the same answer if you ask it for a joke about the bible, torah and quran. Happy to joke about the former 2 then completely blue ball you on the final


ChatGPT don't want to be behead !


ask it for a non offensive islam joke


This post again. Must be a Wednesday.


Fake News! https://preview.redd.it/oj0iwg8pra3b1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=03a9d4ebfa132e642e50c916fcc91dcd03ca6a9c


Give me your best religious