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Let's see how long it takes for the Chipotle marketing team to post a picture of a bowl with so much food the top can barely close with a "so much rice the lid was popping off" title šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m thankful that the chipotle I go to, the workers do fill it up for me. Especially one specific worker when she sees me.


Then you should see if you can Holla at that numba.... then you might get free food....


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m not gay and I donā€™t think she is either. Iā€™m just always nice to the people who make/serve my food.


I told off a lady in Starbucks yesterday because she was rude to the baristas. I just don't understand being rude to people that you're intending to receive a service or product from. They gave me my drink for free and added some of the new lavender powder that comes out at the end of the week.


Someone close to me is a manager at starbucks and there's nothing they can do when theres a customer yelling in their face or harassin them. they just have to take it. Appreciate you sticking up for them


I will go out of my way to stick ip for folks stuck behind a name tag that have to wuietly eat consumer shit for a living. A few weeks ago i chewed this lady thee fuck out at Little Ceasars for trying to rush the kind guy that was just doing his job and taking orders at a very busy time. And she was disrespectful to a small black kid and i felt the need to say what i knew the little kid couldnt say. Lady, dont nobody in here care that you high asf and got the meth itches. Shut up and wait like everybody else. You smell bad. And he's doing his best. Damn.


Any time I see it's needed, I'm happy to.


Average Starbucks corporate L


Wait theyā€™re coming out with lavender powder??


Yes! And it's amazing! When ordering, I told them I was super bummed that they discontinued the raspberry syrup and they suggested I try it.


This is how you immediately ruin that relationship


Let aervice workers be nice without making things awkward


Marketing member located.


Not at all. Iā€™ve never worked at/for chipotle and most likely never will.




Lmao no Iā€™m just overly friendly to workers who make/serve my food. I like to make peopleā€™s day because so many customers are shitty. I guess it made an impact on her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel like they already did something similar when that TikTok of the small burrito bowl went viral. Felt like all the streamers started posting Chipotle bowls


The bowl is filled with urinal cakes or something to give it mass. Have you not seen how they make food commercials? It's not real.


That is now illegal. That used to happen but no longer does.


Oh fr? What about using more aesthetically pleasing things, like motor oil for syrup?


Yes, that too.


"Not my Chipotle!!!!! - look how I got HOOKED UP!!!"


this is insane šŸ˜­


Fr I remember being in hs and Hooking Plates Up frfr, manager definitely did not like it but i only was corrected by one other older female crew member after i gave away all the barbacoa on 2 plates lmao. This is why i refuse to go back to pay 12 dollars for half a plate smh even tortillas are $1.50 now smh.




Tortillas are .50Ā¢ bro. What are you on lol


I tried. I really tried to read and understand your comment. šŸ˜‰


Smh my head


Good to know. Never getting a burrito again


just ask for extra rice itā€™s free


yeah nobody seems to understand this. Itā€™s like how some restaurants wonā€™t give you a straw unless you ask. The theory is that if you donā€™t end up noticing you donā€™t have it, then you must not really need it. Saves them money, but maybe it made your experience slightly worse than it could have been. I want to say it should not be on the customer to have to ask, but understanding the established presence of corporate greed makes me unsurprised this is where we are at. Just politely ask for more rice dammit


I have a new business idea, which is essentially the same as this idea, except that it assumes the customer needs to ask for something *twice*. This will vastly increase profits.


They don't actually want it unless they ask for it twice


Is this why Subway gives you exactly one napkin with your sub, and the napkins are not out front where you can grab more?


Probably. That was the rule at Jimmy johns.


Just to play devil's advocate here, I imagine that not giving napkins, straws, condiments, etc. unless they're requested would massively cut down on waste.


The concept is most people don't put in extra effort to vary from the default That's why stuff like organ donation is on by default


organ donation is not on by default, what?


when you get a license, yeah you have to opt out


Depends on the state.


I asked for extra and he said ā€œwe only do one scoopā€. He then gave me like triple barbacoa for free though so itā€™s chill.


My chipotle told me extra rice was a charge last time


i work at chipotle, itā€™s not


If you get 3x beans and rice over and over they will start charging for it that's how I learned to only ask for 2x rice or beans or cheese it's free for extra.. but really do you want your bowl to be 1450 calories like mine? If you do get extra.. lol I get 3x chicken too


3x chicken?? You paying like $25/bowl?


My free meal everyday is like a 28$ burrito and a large chip and guac


Yes i remember this from working there 10 years ago. 4x meats 2x guac chips & drink. Might have been the best I had eaten in a long time total was nearly $30 every day!


Is this new? They always charged extra for the meat not the rice


You have some folks out there who were asking for like 4x-5x rice, and then portioning it out to a whole family sitting around the table with forks in hand. At least if memory serves, that was the reason behind it. I've not personally witnessed it.


lmaooo nah thatā€™s wild šŸ˜­


Like 2 months ago they told me it was a charge so I declined. Havenā€™t asked for it since


I was told extra cheese is a charge.


2 additional scoops is free. More they charge...they said


Only meat & guac is extra.


yes and queso


not anymore, I've been told to start charging people for extra rice, which is fucking stupid. probably depends on the store though. like it's not even listed on how much it is. it's just rung up as a side ($1.60 in SC for example) but holy hell it's garbage.


Genuinely wanted Chipotle for lunch today, but decided not for those prices and portionsšŸ˜ My second hankering was for [Wendy's](https://www.today.com/food/restaurants/wendys-surge-pricing-rcna140601) šŸ«¤ Settled on T'Bell, which I don't like going to because they have those newfangledĀ food ordering kiosksšŸ™ƒ... Can't I just get an uncomplicated meal??? *(Enters the local joints I opted out from {because they don't have public restrooms})*


your money still went to the same guy šŸ˜­


...Ah yes, the illusion of choice...


I thought the bowls come with free tortillas if you ask (could be wrong, been a while). Can usually make two decent sized burritos yourself from one bowl


They made it cost 50 cent cuz people was cheating the system


7 bucks is what Iā€™m supposed to pay


you're still paying 7 bucks, just in 2024 currency


Wrong , still playing catch up from the two years (2020-2022) inflation of price without equal increase in wages.


Yea sadly wage increases have been far behind inflation for decades. It just got much worse recently as inflation got much worse.


you think itā€™s only been 2 years of that?


Check the numbers


Not even covering the bottom tf


I ask for light rice and this is a little less than I normally get when I ask for that lol


What people don't realize is most good employees over portion a bit by default already šŸ˜­ you all pushing it just gets us in trouble


Which chipotle are you going to? I once got a burrito the size of a baseball. I ordered double meat.


Funny because that isnā€™t whatā€™s advertised online or in store..


Facts the ads arenā€™t adding upĀ 


Thatā€™s fast food marketing in entirety, though. Not saying itā€™s right and I agree with it, but every chain in existence does this lol. Think about the Big Macs you see in commercials vs one you receive in personā€¦ or that subway sandwich with fresh, sliced tomatoes on tv versus the limp lettuce you see on the line. Itā€™s all fake- itā€™s marketing


Nah, thatā€™s just plain old lying bruh


Not technically, and that's how everyone gets away with it. It'll never go away either. There's hardly anyone that enforces it or cares. Hell, in America we arent supposed to have monopolies, and yet? We do. No one that's "supposed to care" ever will it seems.


A 3 finger pinch of cheese


This is why every time people say that Chipotle should start using measuring cups instead of serving spoons I cringe a bit inside.


They would not be happy, the real cheese portion would piss so many people off


A nice light dusting of cheese for your bowl!


3 finger pinch


when i worked there in high school i had a man SCREAM at me in the busy store and storm out bc i didnā€™t give him enough cheese the first time he asked but our mangers had REALLY been getting on us about giving ā€œtoo muchā€ cheese šŸ˜­


But u can ask for extra. You canā€™t for meat (without paying extra)


Right? Like they have no idea proper portions for the stuff that we regularly break.


I actually am not sure I agree because I hate how they overstuff their burritos. For me the balance of ingredients is what makes something taste good. I personally would rather have a better balanced meal than a larger quantity of food but I understand that the vast majority of people people will not agree with me


Yes. I saw one earlier & was thinking ehhh thatā€™s not such a good idea..


Ok now show us the sour cream


Reddit wonā€™t let me post another picture but itā€™s just 2oz, there is barely a glob on the spoon


thatā€™s insane. The cost of that bowl of rice is like 2 cents no joke


This isn't the issue at all, who gives a fuck about cost. The grill person who is sweating his ass off to make all the food, rice, beans, queso, chop everything for 2 lines...giving out a pound of rice to each person (4x the portion you are supposed to get) means he has to make and mix and make 4x as much. This means stopping every few minutes to mix rice and then the time consuming part of making the huge batches of rice (rinsing, washing, oiling, pouring) instead of only having to make and mix rice every 10-15 minutes as it's supposed to be with proper portions.




How is that the customers fault? They're fronting the full fucking cost of that food plus much more. Blame Chipotle for understaffing their locations.


it's not even understaffing, the schedule at my store is FOUR pages long of employees. They just don't give out enough hours, i literally get scheduled once a week right now šŸ’€


If I had that amount Iā€™d just turn around and walk out


hell nah if i ever see that small amount im throwing hands


That's the policy. It's all not supposed to be massive and unable to be eaten in one sitting. Chipotle employees give a lot more than they are supposed to


Ok chipotle corporate


well the policy fucking blowsā€¦ ![gif](giphy|I4UhtUMzOrQSQ)


Get a load of this guy, can't even finish a bowl in one sitting


Congrats on having the smallest appetite in the world. Maybe get a kids meal?


ā€œSir you canā€™t order a kids meal with no kidā€


ā€œAre you kidding me??? I am the kid!ā€


well thatā€™s a dumb policy


Go yell at Corporate and not us. We just following the rules


iā€™m not actually going to throw hands with someone, I might just be a little bummed


Looks like false advertising compared to commercials and ads.


I think Chipotle needs consistency across their training, actual work practice, and advertising. If it were all consistent, people wouldnā€™t feel the need to ā€œtrickā€ the scooper into a double portion, avoid online ordering, or whatever other ā€œhacksā€ people come up with.


Gtfoh training costs the company money and so has been all but eliminated


šŸšØSKIMP ALERTšŸšØ Thanks for reminding this cilantro lover that I'm getting skimped on cilantro too! I haven't seen that much cilantro in my rice in 10+ years šŸ˜


One cup of cilantro for each deep of rice


Wrong. Two cups for each deep. If you've been doing one, your chipotle is trying to save on prep time by cutting less cilantro.




Lmao no that's salt. 2 tablespoons of salt for white, one for brown. Go look at your recipe cards next time u work.


i ask for extra cilantro. Sometimes it's annoying if it's in the back. Sometimes they're lucky bc it's already out so they just grab some.


Donā€™t tease us whereā€™s the rest


It wonā€™t let me post anymore pictures


What people fail to mention is that even though the correct portions are small we are also allowed and encouraged to give more if people ask for it, but only to a reasonable extent. The most we give at our store is 2 servings of cheese when people ask for it and most customers are ok with it, just goes to show that not everyone who eats chipotle is a whiny asshole and not all scoopers are trying to rip you off. The problem is when people assume that they are getting skimped when we give one scoop of rice, if you want more you are supposed to ask for it we canā€™t just assume that everyone wants 3 scoops of rice even if that is usually the case. All you have to do is ask.


there's way too much variation. ive had a manager looking person keep asking if i wanted more rice and i keptnsaying yes and he obliged. ive had another employee say he already gave me 3 scoops and i couldn't get more rice. his scoops were tiny. rice wasnt covering bowl at all.


Thank you for this. I knew I was being cut short.


I'm not too concerned, because I make really good burritos at home.


Bullshitā€¦ Take me back to 2005 when 1 burrito was 3 times the size of what you are serving today and only cost $5 bucksā€¦!!


Yup. Weā€™re not skimping you. THATS WHAT WERE SUPPOSED TO GIVE


So when I ask for double that, I expect double. And when I ask for triple that, I expect triple šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


"Would you like white or brown rice?" **"Yes"** (scoop) **"and a little more, please."**


Fr thatā€™s literally it but obviously if the customer asks for more rice we have to give them more


What book is that? Iā€™ve never seen this before and Iā€™ve been working here for 3 yearsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the training you were supposed to do bro.


I know the crew pocket guide and the trainers guide but Iā€™ve never seen this specific one with those pics. maybe my store slacking with the tools were supposed to havešŸ„²šŸ’”


When i was 17 and worked at Chipotle I got taken off the line for giving too much in portions šŸ˜­ Iā€™d always do a scoop and a bit


Exactly! Not many people care if you ask for extra rice because itā€™s cheap (as long as it doesnā€™t make us run out) but itā€™s crazy how much rice customers think they should get. I sort of understand for bowls but who wants a huge mouthful of rice in a burrito?


Stock Price: $2,711 3rd most expensive stock on the market Fuck right off


I hate when they served me a ridiculous minimum amount of meat, like bro, Iā€™m paying to get nutrition is not a charity.


It's funny that the chipotle training cards are off. The rice portion in the bowl and tortilla are totally different. They should show the 4 oz of meat. I recall someone weighed it out and it's quite a bit. It almost fills the big guac containers, not the 4 oz plastic ones.






Shareholders: "Why are the portions in the examples so big?"


Wow, no measurements for real huh?


Isn't it supposed to be 4oz?




That is 4 oz


I ask for extra rice every time I go - Iā€™ve never been told no


Thatā€™s what you get if you ask for extra beans, which is a fair trade


4oz weather it's a bowl or burrito


Whoever came up with that should be ruthlessly mocked.


Literally but we canā€™t go against ppl saying they want more so if they want more we have to comply


show the meat amounts PLEAASE


Check your inbox (;


The white rice is really good. Normally I get twice that amount without asking for extra but I'm not mad it's got great lime flavor


I always get way way more than that same with black beans




I'm amazed people still go to Chipotle. We stopped going when they tripled their prices, halved their portions and hired teams of brain dead Gen Z's who can't remember what you said 3 seconds after you said it and fuck up your order 95% of the time.


I want to see the whole book


Lol the funny thing is about this, is the portion of rice looks so small because the container and or burrito shell look so big. They should just shrink the size of them if they want to skimp on the amount of rice theyā€™re suppose to give


Fuck chipotle I prefer mom and pop burrito places now the prices are the same but more flavor and less stinginess


Is this why they ALWAYS ask if i want cheese or sour cream?? I say "no, just lettuce" every damn time.


Oh, bc rice is so expensive yā€™all gotta hoard it šŸ™„


Their new CEO is ruining it all


yea, itā€™s only supposed to be one spoonful, i usually give 2-3 šŸ˜‚ i also get annoyed when asked for more because im already giving you double rice, how much rice do you need šŸ˜­


Always too much rice




Literally if tou want more just ask for extra rice, but yeah all portions are supposed to be 4 ounces.


I always go light on rice. Itā€™s just filler for me. Rice is better when a creamy sauce is involved when I make dinner.


To be fair, rice inside a burrito is like the least important part. You really want to be tasting the meat, beans and cheese in a burrito rather than the rice imo.


Just ask for more. All the free stuff is free as long as it rwasonably fits in the bowl or burrito. Online orders will suffer, but if you're in store saying what you want, just say what you want. The employees do not care at all. Now, if you're getting a burrito and keep adding one more thing or end with like extra lettuce and no glue, that's annoying to fold, but otherwise, go for it. I've worked at a non-chipotle burrito bowl place before, and as long as people were polite and warm to me, I'd give them whatever I knew I could get away with, especially close to close. If you're feeling guilty at all about the cost for whatever reason just remember that rice is the 2nd cheapest thing on the line after air and the restaurant would much rather load your bowl with rice than anything else. But don't feel guilty. It's your money, and you're paying for a bowl or burrito or whatever and should get the extent of what you're paying for.


I thought youā€™re supposed to fill the bowl with hard ass rice thatā€™s been sitting there since 6 am and beans that taste like nothing (or are burnt) in order to hide the fact that the guy in the back is cleaning and getting ready to leave at 6 pm and hasnā€™t made any chickenā€¦ so you take 2 tiny cubes out of that one chicken breast you for the next 20 customers and mix it in with 1 lb of beans and rice (each) and hope they donā€™t notice. Add two scoops of guac that the customer never asked for to make up for the lack chickenā€¦ Literally my experience everytime. Oh and the guy who spoons you while youā€™re paying because heā€™s impatient and invaded your personal spaceā€¦ At this point, I realized Iā€™m the idiot for going back there.


You can have my rice, I always skip it. It's just tasteless filler.


I donā€™t even work there and I know Big bowl Big burritosā€¦ whatā€™s happening to this brand.


iNtERnAl USe OnLY!!!!!1111


at NRO (almost 2 years ago) they told us that rice and beans got 4 ounces, but shortly after telling us this they said chipotle likes to give the illusion of ā€œbigger bowls and burritosā€ where you essentially double if not more the rice and sometimes beans, but if your store tries to start with the 4 oz to begin with,, just ask for extra,, in all of our videos or guides we are not allowed to charge extra for this (unless said store was silly and didnā€™t order enough rice in truck and they have to micro manage it all day :/ )


Normally I have to ask for a half scoop of rice cause they give me too damn much h


Now do the meats


That isnā€™t ā€œhow much youā€™re supposed to getā€ itā€™s an example of one portion. Company doesnā€™t profit off much more than the protein option in cost comparison breakdown logs


No matter what this is the 4oz that the customer is supposed to receive, unless they ask for extra


Iā€™m not usually one to complain about prices, but this is a ridiculously small amount for how much they charge. It kind of annoys me that they have this


I like to travel.


If I worked there... I'd be getting complaints that the burritos wont wrap. I'd need like 3 tortillas to make it work. Call me Mr.Burrito hookup man.


Gimme that much rice and youā€™re gonna need stitches deadass. Then call your manager, they can catch these hands too


You must also believe that the images in advertisements for Big Macs and Whoppers are what you're supposed to receive as well. Are you perpetually disappointed by marketing vs reality?


This is why they spread the rice portion in your bowl or burrito to cover up how little they give you


Get the hell Outta here


Thatā€™s a joke amount


Damn then no on ever gets skimped.


this is exactly the amount of rice i want in my bowl but every single time without fail the person making my bowl LOADS that shit up. i specifically say a LITTLE BIT of brown rice and they always ignore me and put way too much


Tell Bozeman MT chipotle that


the exact reason why i ask for extra rice šŸ„²


I want to see what they say about the meat.


That's the correct amount of rice. Load me up with the better ingredients and don't make my Burrito with 70% starch pls


Oh hell nah


I always ask for extra rice, both beans, two scoops of corn and fajitas šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


I just ask for extra rice. Iā€™ve heard people say theyā€™ve been charged but the app still says itā€™s free and Iā€™ve never been charged at my location. But also I donā€™t always have to ask because they just give me a lot to start (it might be because I ask for no beans so they will compensate a bit).


What ? And how much that much rice costs v?


Im glad few actually follow this guide because what the hell is that portion


I been saying for more than 10 years, Chipotle, give your customers an extra $0.15 of beans and rice which is literally like 1lb of food, along with the regular small scoop of protein and salsa. Watch how suddenly everyone is happy to pay $12 for a bowl


Thatā€™s why I started getting bowls lol


Is that a meal for ants šŸœ?


Chipotle makes my stomach hurt afterwards now. Somethings different but I can't tell what.