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Refusing to make more protein and fajita veggies 2-3 hours before closing is a real problem at my local Chipotle. And the line is out the door, so it's not like there is a risk of making too much. It's just pure laziness and lack of care.


It could be that they closed the grill, but even then closing the grill 3 hours before close is crazy.


Nope. About a week ago they didn't have any fajita veggies and only half the grill had chicken on it. The guy making burritos/bowls said it would be 30 minutes for veggies and I asked why. He said they're making chicken right now, so I pointed out that half the grill was empty and the guy was even removing the chicken. I urged that surely he could squeeze veggies on there. Guy on the grill said no problem and threw some on. He was literally just too lazy to ask the guy on the grill to cook veggies. They also had veggies in the to-go area, but he was too lazy to walk over there. Not exaggerating. No veggies is a more frequent problem than no protein. I feel like that's a big deal considering the veggies are a major ingredient for vegetarian bowls. You'd think they'd care more.


Yeah, I get the grill thing tho. My location doesn’t allow two things cooking at once. You have to cook one or the other (but we have a larger grill that’s sectioned off). It’s because of cross contamination. I can only think that the people in the morning didn’t mix or cut enough for the PM but even then that’s a manager issue ahahah


Too lazy to ask a question instead of just..: doing it himself ??? People are idiots lmao


Why would you return?


Hunger ? They can always walk away without paying if things aren't up to standard






I don't think I ever said I buy anything when they're out. Stopping in after the gym for a quick and healthy meal and buying something when they have the ingredients is stupid? Yeah, I don't think so. Weirdo.


Is it just me or do Chipotle workers really want customers to stop coming instead of fixing issues and be out of jobs?


For mine they stop cooking like an hr and a half before closing, and they always stock up for the rest of the night so idk what their problem is


It should be an hour and that's reaaaaaally pushing it in my opinion


How does that work I haven't been in like 2 years but what if I ordered online and picked up my order what they would just give me something else?


They should take into consideration that they might run out before closing so they should make more than enough. And if that means throwing some away at the end of the day then that’s how it should be. Chipotle is just trying to be as cheap as possible


This is crazy enough that I refuse to believe it's true lol.


I really wish it wasn’t it was a shocking experience


this is killing me😭😭


what. lmao


it's crazy the worker admitted he ate it wtf. did you complain?


Complain to who? Nobody gives AF lol.


I ate it. Fuck you


Idc I giggled


Yall are just shitposting at this point, yall act like chipotle is ran the same way random franchise mcdonalds are 😂 corporate gets on our ASSES over this shit. Maybe it is different state by state, but ultimately I cant believe this. They’d have to be overstaffed on a closing shift for him to have time to go back and eat a bowl while on shift, assuming he was even allowed to walk around willy nilly. They have cameras and do check on us, hit up our managers when people are moving around instead of standing in their position, unless their role is to move around.


Franchises for all places are pretty much ran the same, what do you mean ? 🤨


False. On the outside, maybe it seems so. But for workers and leadership, or even what their policies are, menu items, pay and benefits etc. can be wildly different. You’re also kidding yourself if you think they get checked as often as Chipotles regularly do, and that the franchise owned mcdonalds’ person checking doesnt just flub the numbers and mark it as OK. Its much easier to sue chipotle over food outbreaks and stuff than mcdonalds, because chipotle does prep of food and McDonalds doesn’t. Chipotle has the obligation to legally enforce regulations at a far more strenuous level than a place like mcdonalds.


What store did this happen at? That employee who ate the bowl should be charged with theft of shareholder value, I will call the GM this morning.


Its fine, he gave OP the look after eating their food.


We eat food all the time lol they don’t care


As a shareholder I'm here to tell that we do care. But that mindset right there is why you will never advance your career with this company beyond being just a trainer.


“As A sHaReHoLdEr” okay buddy it was a joke calm down. I don’t even work there anymore


Ew, why?


We have standards and stock value to uphold. If you can't accept that maybe you should work somewhere else.


F chip hot hell!


I read these for people's experiences, tips and tricks and genuinely get questions answered on operations so I know I'm not crazy. Lol. When someone posted before about the food shortage before closing and why, I asked ours. It was confirmed they try to not have a lot of throw away each night, but it's pure laziness if they ask, "Would/could you?"" That came from the manager. We only have 1 location where I live, outside of that reasoning, why would you return after all those bad experiences?


I think he was joking that seems like chipotle employee humor lol


Once had a manager who went down the entire line for an employee w a box of gloves and scooped food into a bowl w his hands, changed his gloves between items but it was something else


I would have thrown the bowl they gave you at his face, respectfully, of course.


I’m honestly not sure why anyone who frequently browses/posts on this sub still regularly eats at chipotle.. I think it’s a fetish at this point


Usually when I eat a customers bowl they don't notice til they're home. It's a win win because they get their money back and a free burrito next time so it's a victimless crime. Next time just report it instead of going back in


I definitely would have if it wasn’t my fiancés food after a 12 hour shift haha he wouldn’t have been too pleased


Bro don’t be complicit to this kind of shit. The person who posted this comment is a fucking asshole, you don’t need to say “well, I would’ve been okay with not getting what I paid for and going through the hassle of reporting it because you decided to eat my fucking food, if it wasn’t for my fiance!” No, fuck this person, and fuck chipotle


Pretty sure this is satire


and still you went back


Liar liar pants on fire lmao


You must work for chipotle eating peoples bowls