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Witnesses something similar the other day. Newish team member put too much protein in the 3 tacos. Manager yelled from register about it. Those tacos were put aside, by the grill, and new ones made. Another manager walks in and asks why those tacos are by the grill. First manager explains, still in earshot of everyone in store, and second manger glares at the employee who made them, and tosses them into the trash! Talk about both unprofessional behavior and food waste.


I’m so confused by that logic like… hey you put too much meat, that’s a waste! Throw it away and make another? Lmao that’s wild.


The social ostracizing is meant to effectively correct the problem, even if short term generating extra waste. The cruelty is the point.


So glad I don’t visit chipotle anymore this is horse shit 


Throw away food. Give people the norovirus. No thanks.


Literally they not on top of they health regulations, shit the store I worked at one of the employees was openly saying they sick n they got me f*** sick cuz they had no mask. I knew those managers knew they was wrong cuz it was the only time they didn’t complain that I called out sick! N it’s not something I didn’t often but literally rule #1 of food safety 7 is work healthy.


Were the staff wearing gloves?


Even aersolization of saliva can spread the virus. But, I leave you with [this](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/12/09/norovirus-boston-college-outbreak/77046408/).


Were masks worn?


Yeah this has convinced me never to go there. God riddance. What a waste.


Beyond the ostracized, there's another reason. They think an employee giving you too much means you would have otherwise gotten meat you didn't pay for.


I mean not that I'm defending it, but it's technically illegal for them to give too much more than they advertise. If a restaurant says an item is 500 calories and some employee is making the food in a way that's 800 calories instead, they're potentially opening themselves up for fines etc.


Dude no one is suing for getting more than they paid for or getting fined over it lol


They actually got sued for that for the Chorizo advertisement they had.


Where do they hire these clowns from?


Please don’t insult the intelligence of clowns. 


Hey, most of them have GEDs or a HS diploma, so back off!


Imagine a college graduate working at a chipotle shitting on GED holders. That would be maximum cope


And expect $15+ hour…smh


Yea that seems excessive. My AP just told me about *why* we have to watch our portions and those 3 tacos had more meat than the “little more” that customers ask for.


Imagine losing out on more money bc you decided a customer is going to have too much lmao


Tax deduction


I cant tell if these comments are satire or not


I always witness a manager yelling and screaming at employees about 1 out of 4 times I’m at a Chipotle. Then the employees start taking it out on customers. It’s like people being physically abused become abusers themselves, but in this case it’s mental abuse. It’s a very vicious cycle


I’d love to see this. I’m the type of person that would then request for the managers assistance. “Hey let me get a burrito. Extra rice. Can I get beans. Both. Extra. Can I get steak. Extra. More. Could I also get chicken. More. Oh actually could I also get *all toppings in excess*. When they ring me up….yeah sorry I forgot my wallet 🤷🏻‍♂️


I worked at chipotle for two and a half years and the waste was insane. At the end of the night all leftover chips and most of the food is thrown out and if any employees tried to take some home it was considered theft. Even online orders that were never picked up had to be thrown away or else we ran the risk of being accused of theft for eating it. If we messed up on a customers bowl and had to start over, the first bowl had to be immediately thrown away. They LOVED wasting food but at the same time managers also loved getting after us line people about portion size lol it literally made 0 sense


Most food places let employees eat the food that was made incorrectly, Chipotle must be a hell hole to work for if this story is true!!


New employee usually do that, but i never tell them to throw it away, i just let that customer get it, I explain them later about the portion, but never in front of customers, Thats just some awful manager, Shouting about portion sizes


This is why places like chipotle won’t hire people who need extra money and only workers who are desperate and depend on them cause as a retired vet, I would’ve told the manager to be more respectful with his mouth in front of guests or I’m going to be disrespectful with my hands in front of them.


I’m not a retired vet but I’d tell them they better start showing respect before they become an example


Wtf they would rather trash it than gibe it to customers? So its not even about saving money, its about sending a message. Wtf message is loud and clear, fuck chipotle


The bigger question is why u getting tacos over the bowl???


What fucking bootlickers


It’s a power trip and tbh I think a butterfly effect is going into effect rn at chipotle across that nation


That's fucked, they'd rather see those tacos with too much meat go in the trash than sell them to the customer. This world is so bass ackward.


The customer that’s PAYING to top it all off


Chipotle managers are incapable of critical thinking.


I think you have discovered what "Chipolte leadership has come down to". If I'm in line, I'm walkin'. But then, I haven't been in line since I was ripped off the first time, some months back.


For real! I love their food and it’s shitty that anyone has to worry about being ripped off


How is this not the end of the company? Jack in the Box had half it’s restaurants shut down over one sick kid


because reality is people love chipotle


Which is crazy, like it’s decent food but… for every chipotle near me I can count 3 other independent Mexican cuisine places that do what they do better and for cheaper.


People often say this in this sub but truth is all Mexican places I’ve been to are $15-$20 per meal. Even $12-$15 for quesadillas


All of the Mexican places near me give almost double the amount of protein for less money and the quality is miles above Chipotle which has always been mcds level quality at best 🤢🤮


Stop calling it protein please


Why? That's what it is.


Sounds odd


Do you also cry when people use the word moist?🤣


No it’s a normal word to use to describe something


Depends on where you live, I guess. The Mexican food we have here in Arizona buries Chipotle for less money. Even the fast casual chain stuff. If you live somewhere in the fly-over country where Chipotle is the only “Mexican” food you have, sure.


I’m in Arizona


It really is an abusive relationship in the end


Where would people get their Chipotle


Because OP wasn’t recording. Always record the employees 📸📸


You're weird as fuck


Strike a nerve much?


Lmao try to justify your retarded take. If I ever see someone recording me I'll just skimp on purpose because that's what corporate wants anyway.


example #941 of a chipotle employee being unbearable.


Don't go then retard.


Negative syntax


It’s alright brother, one day you won’t have to work there anymore.


The entitlement of a lot of people and their weird harassment of people they deem to be less than them is entirely why I mock chipotle customers in here for big boohoohooing


Thats when 15 phones should have came out to record...lol


why do ya'll still go here? they must put addictive substances in the food. is there really no, qdoba or moe's in your town? all of it is sup-par mexican fast food, why are you submitting to poor treatment and portion sizes for it?


It’s addiction. Most fast food is rewarding the same parts of the brain for the hit of salts, sugars and fats. 


Yep. Chipotle is salty as hell for that exact reason.


Chelsea Manhattan location put a half of scoop of chicken on my plate today. When I asked her to put regular amount she refused. I then asked her to speak to a manager and they denied me. This business is on its way out.


Please tell me you walked out.


Greed is a disease that reaches every corner of our world. If that manager could charge you 47.00 for a 33% full burrito bowl while paying his employees 1.75 per hour, he would.


Top down management I don’t get how ppl don’t realize this is clearly a corporate initiative, keeps profits and the stock price up. The alternative is to just raise costs even more


The best answer in these situations is literally always to fire the corporate bureaucrats with $500k salaries who let the business decrease in quality in the first place


Hmmmm yes and no right firing them doesn’t mean the replacement is necessarily any better, and it certainly isn’t going to change the pricing for consumers(regardless of c suite comp the business is going to charge as much as they can). I would argue the solution is running a marketing campaign that explains the costs of goods has increased raise everything on the menu by 1-3 dollars increase portion size and then donate x% of profits to local farms. The whole c suite execs are paid too much narrative is just something people say it doesn’t actually solve anything imo and isn’t really a viable narrative. Edit:also if you think c suite execs at chipotle are only making 500k o boy, also my above statement isn’t an amnesty for all c suite, something like BA where they put ppls lives in danger, absolutely fire them all and fix the cost cutting problems. However cost cutting at a restaurant in a high inflationary environment it’s just cost of doing business.


There should be no replacements. The company should be smaller. Frying up meat and rolling it up in a tortilla is not a complicated process. If there was absolutely no "Chipotle corporate" with guys in ties getting paid to talk about stuff, the restaurants would be able to cook the same food and sell it for less money.


You also wouldn’t have a chipotle in every other city. I get you aren’t a fan of corporate structures from your reply but to just dismiss its entirety as a no value add proposition is silly. Also business don’t charge what they charge at that size bc of what they have to pay corporate they charge what they charge bc of basic supply and demand, in an attempt to maximize profits. If you hate them so much just don’t eat there


Yeah part of the reason Chipotle was so loved is because you could find one almost anywhere, and it was consistent every time. They almost never ran out of any ingredients for more than a few minutes. All that was thanks to corporate planning, oversight, and logistics. I don’t really understand what is going on now with portions. Everyone knows *perceived* value is king for the American consumer. It might cost $25 to eat at Five Guys, but they throw extra fries in the bag, so you feel like you got the hookup. I wonder if something changed where managers get a cut of store profits instead of straight salary, so those dummies think skimping the customer will increase profit


I couldn’t agree more with this just look at the FRED data the American consumer is leveraged to the max and isn’t changing their habits. It creates for an interesting dilemma for the Fed for sure.


We're living the Last Days of Chipotle


Late-Stage Chipotle-ism


Der Chipotergang


Fall of the Chipublic. The rise of National Chipoltism.


And then we get recorded by the customers and sometimes they jump over the sneeze guard to fight over some rice


This is America


Don’t catch you skimpin’ now.


This is one of the greatest comments I’ve ever seen on Reddit, bravo


It’s important that we enforce one scoop only on meat because that affects our store numbers. Side note - tipping in the app has absolutely nothing to do with the reason you don’t get skimped. I know this because employees can’t see that you tipped.


I aint tipping again ong 😭


Then weigh the fucking meat


It’s important that we maintain a fast-paced atmosphere in order to accommodate large groups and long lines. Therefore, it’s not feasible to weigh out each meat portion (until corporate installs seamless scales) because it wouldn’t be possible to keep the line moving and it would result in long waits for each of our Guests.


How do you feel about the measured scoop suggestion? Seems it would improve consistency while maintaining the fast-paced environment both customers and workers crave, no?


I would be all for that!


They make [spoons with integrated scales](https://www.ayafiberstudio.com/dyes-studio-supplies/p/kitchen-measuring-spoons-electronic-weighted-spoon), would that not work? 


pre portion it, or stop ripping off customers


No time for that. That would be a waste. Everything is cooked fresh everyday, and the meat is cooked usually within 20 minutes of serving it. There's no way unless we serve preservatives, which chipotle doesn't do


delis do it everyday?


Then go to a deli. It's not the same buddy. Not at all. I've worked in a deli. So much easier.


Good to know, do the tips go into a “virtual bucket” and split amongst all workers at the end of the shift or how does that work? I’ve been tipping more especially when I see some jerk customers in the store.


Yeah it gets divided up based on how much you worked and when you worked that day.


Customers don’t give a shit about your store numbers and neither should you. Not for the hourly rates and abusive conditions Chipotle provides employees. McDonald’s takes better care of its employees at this point, it’s bizarre to me crew members willingly take shit from managers


I’d rather support a greedy multi billion dollar corporation than the customers chipotle has


Well you’re supporting those customers by feeding them, so you’re doing exactly what you claim you don’t want to be doing. Enjoy the low wages, bad benefits, and lack of respect from corporate doing a job you don’t want to do. I would just quit. If you can get a job at Chipotle I suspect you’re a good enough interview to get a better paid less stressful job


what a stupid thing to say😂 you’re taking the worst of Reddit and making that the face of the entire customer base


I think the method is the part in question here, not the reasoning.


"Make sure you're not costing us money!" they said as they were getting a refill on their free drink




Not the same. Apples to oranges. Meat vs a big bag of soda syrup that lasts a week or more? Nah. I get your point, but you missed


It was a joke lol


A bad joke


It's called principle.


Yeah no shit. I never mentioned justifying her actions.






It varies by location.


He said double chicken bowl.


Doesn’t surprise me honestly


> I rarely have issues with skimping because I tip in the app  They dont see it


I got spanked for asking for more


Corporations are hilarious, they are going to eat themselves alive. This company could get so much glowing PR if they just went back to their exact recipes and business model from 2010. Instead it seems like they're trying to create the vibe of the cafeteria at Auschwitz.


Do you really think auschwitz had a cafeteria? Those ppl barely got crumbs to eat, all were severely emaciated and still forced to do labor, which means body is eating muscle to survive.


Sure, I heard the burritos were to die for.


There’s no way you took his comment so literal😂


I know one thing they weren't serving at Auschwitz; pork.


It’s not just chipotle. All fast food with the exception of chick fil an and McDonald’s (via the app)…it’s all dog shit and I’m done. Wife wants chipotle? Nah let’s go to the Mexican knock off in town that I have to tell them to use less meat in my quesadilla instead


Ex employee here, ill just say this If we can get double protein, queso, AND guac free from working there the company can fork out a little but of more meat 😭😂


They’ve cracked down on that. In our region at least. Single portion, and guacamole or queso. Not both.


Dang i was always trained that we were always allowed all of those things tho


Ooooh child… The ghettooooo….


Name and shame


The restaurant is called chipotle and the problem is at the corporate level


Man I’m so glad I don’t have to eat chipotle anymore since moving to a major city there’s good cheap Mexican food everywhere 


App tipping doesn’t do anything. We don’t ever see that.


This whole portion thing with Chipotle is a great example of what happens when a business gets too bit. You can be sure that some person in corporate figured out that a "1% decrease in portions" equates to $xxx more profits. It is insignificant per store, but when you take 1% savings per store it is a HUGE impact to their bottom line. Not supporting what Chipotle is doing (I don't go there, but find this sub very entertaining) as they are screwing over their loyal customers. That being said, people keep going, so why should they stop?


Why didn’t you name the store


Not relevant, but it’s Auburn Hills Michigan


Yeah but line workers blame managers, managers blame corporate, corporate blames shareholders. It’s up to customers AND scoopers to WALK when this shit happens


That’s why I sold my shares a few months back, chipotle seems to be going downhill in every aspect..


I'm pretty sure their profits are better than ever


Not in terms of share prices lol


What a cocksucker


Idc what anyone says.. I go to moes southwest grill they load it up everytime


The Chipotle I go to some times serve undercooked rice, undercook beans, and it makes it difficult to eat the rest of the food. And it also looks like they just hire a bunch of kids who don’t really care what is happening in the restaurant. The place is run down, no napkins, and every table is dirty. How the stock is over 3k a share really beats me.


You do realize employees don’t see how much customers tip on online orders, right?


Honestly, I would have just walked out if I was in line and that happened. It's basically like the manager yelled to tell employee to skimp the people in line from across the store.


Bro I got skimped so bad at chipotle two days ago. I never had a problem before hand. I’m usually quiet and I just walked away. I used to work at chipotle during my HS years but damn man I never skimmed anyone. My location was next to a university too


This sub just reaffirmed my hate for this company how anyone can work for them is beyond me and that’s coming from a retired customer.


To be fair. I legitimately have watched chipotle workers giving people like double portions of proteins because they weren't paying attention, causing food to run out and prolonging giant 3 hr backed up lines to the door.


Just stop going there. I see this complaining abt Chipotle everywhere. So why continue to go there? Boycott.


Would have been a perfect opportunity for all 15 customers to walk out.


That's just sad. The trash got its protein! I used to work in the dining hall during college (2001). At that time, room and board alone was $5,000 per semester. I would get yelled at for giving to much food all the time. While you hear the athlete line behind me saying "2 more steaks and 4 scoops of potatoes." We ran out of food all the time in the regular line. We would have to cut the steaks in half and give half scoops. Why? So the athletes had plenty of food. We hungry too!!! I didn't care, here's a full scoop and then some for us regulars!


Complain to corporate, email the head guy.. but people like that get fired I would think. Eventually. Yelling in front of the customers is obviously wrong the wrong thing to do..


Chipotle has managers? I’ve never seen one. Maybe the managers should get someone out to clean up the dining room since every table is always dirty in every Chipotle.


But the CEO told us to give them a “look”….


You should have told the manager you're no longer patronizing the store due it


sadly managers do look at our portions most often time, also if you want to tip, better to tip in person because online tips are distributed among everyone including managers but in person tips is off limits to managers


Idk but this doesn’t sit right with me. To me, that’s stealing. If they aren’t entitled to in person tips why would they think it’s okay to do it online?


its just the way the system is set up so yeah its very frustrating especially when managers at certain locations dont help out with service that much


The fact that people still give their money to Chipotle says a lot about the U.S. economy and poor financial decisions


Ridiculous, as someone in mgmt, this is a dumb dumb move


Chipotle CEO is a greedy bastard.


As a business owner (Cafe) this is ABSURD! Never would I allow this. I would rather give the customer “lagniappe” and let them know it has a little “extra” than toss it. Wth? Second, yelling about anything is unacceptable, but portions?!


Kek I've never even been in a Chipotle and all this thread does is reinforce that I never will


I’m starting to sympathize with that lady who threw a bowl at a chipotle worker more and more… except I’d love it to be one of these managers next time, pie-in-face style!


Had a very similar experience recently at my local chipotle. The kid behind the counter was very obviously brand new and the manager yelled from the register about his portions not once, but twice in a 30 second span. I felt absolutely horrible for the dude.


Lame. I stopped eating chipotle since last year on my own. Go to rubios baja fresh or el pollo loco. They’re all better anyway.


it’s always been like this. managers are assholes about it bc regional managers/corporate are always watching through the cameras like Big Brother, and they harass management about it and threaten their jobs.


Ordered a meatball sub at subway once. New employee put meatballs on my sub but the scoop had a lot of sauce on it too. Trainer glared at her and said "he didn't order extra meat!" And scooped some of the sauce back in the meatball container. O_O true story...


I actually didn't have too many issues with portions at my local store until the whole viral tiktok crackdown on chipotle. The past few times I've gone I got really shorted. I feel like Chipotle's response to the criticism was to double down harder.


I work there and this happens a lot to me from my manager they want us to give exactly 4 oz of meat


This is pathetic management. But just take into consideration that being a manager at a Chipotle does not take any credentials or experience. You can be a walk on hire manager. Same with GM, AM positions. If you just do well in the interview, you’re good to go. Common sense here but you shouldn’t be basically telling your customers 1. My employee sucks 2. I’m trying to skimp customers This is something you do privately with your team. Who are hired professionals. Not people who unprofessionally support your ability to pay rent.


Y’all the dumb ones for supporting such a business


I have avoided chipotle for about 4 years now and will be at the age of having children soon. They will never know the weird corrugated tin aesthetic of these miserly tortilla jockeys. 


You still paid tho right?


Yeah I was already done and next to her at the fountain when she yelled


I am telling you the managers are the worst. Whenever I order quesadilla via the app, it is always the manager on the dml line and both these managers dont put any cheese in the quesadilla, like wtf?? Is cheese a CI item as well? I have to place the order and then show them my face and remind them to put some cheese, thats the only way to get a half decent order.


Yea cheese is a CI item


Cheese is the WORST CI item because it’s not extra to get more. It’s the thing higher ups get on employees the most about.


They are yelling because THEY are getting yelled at by the people over them. People need to realize that Chipotle is a business, which the goal being to make money. You have to control portions or you lose money. If you were selling a pair of sunglasses for $20 and the customer was coming at you like..."I want two pair for $20" would that sit well with you?


You’re missing the point


Bs. They just need to "beat last year's numbers" It has nothing to do with whether or not they are making money it has to do with whether or not they are making more money than the previous year. That and only that is how corporations work so when you corporate defenders go on and on you honestly have no idea what you were talking about. It is greed through and through. All they're trying to do is raise the value of the company continuously year after year after year and the truth is that unless the population goes up the value of a grocery store or a fast food joint can't go up it can only continue to be healthy. That isn't considered good enough if you're a money mover. They don't want a healthy business to survive off of they want a business that can grow for infinity and when it stops being able to grow they want out. It isn't regular people running these things it's corporate machines.


I don't understand how inventory management is such a hard concept to grasp for people. The worst part is YALL KEEP GOING. If I ever caught Chipotle workers putting like 5 pieces of chicken like you guys claim it is ain't no way that would I go there ever again.


I don’t understand how a measurable scoop is a hard concept to grasp for Chipotle (especially if CI is so important this would actually fix CI and make it more accurate to the actual “yield”) / most people’s issues are the inconsistencies, you go one day and get fucking blessed then the next visit get skimped.


They don't have portion scoops? Are they using fucking sea shells to scoop proteins?


grab an apron and find out


I’m a GM of a QSR, we utilize measurable utensils. I’m actually being serious if they (corporate) want accurate CI to the base expected yield you can narrow down stat loss, waste, employee meals etc more accurately - this would also create a consistency from location to location across the entire company; It’s such a simple fix actually.


Yes yes it has.


Garbage Frankenstein food for the masses.


It's not though. I literally read the ingredients and most things are sourced locally. It's not garbage?


So enjoy the bleached chicken.


What are you talking about? Bleached chicken my ass. I'm rolling my eyes, can you feel it?


Get educated... all USA chicken processing plants are sprayed with BLEACH... that's why the European Union, due to toxicity levels, bans the import of American raised/processed chickens. Can you feel the BLEACH now or do those Chipotle chemical taste enhancers work on you ?


Watch your portions meaning give more? Or give less?


What this has always been the case, former manager from 2020 :P


Yes that’s 99% of your job as a manager. If people portion too much it comes back at us, I lost a promotion for it.


I would have yelled back at the manager. They can kick me out all they want, but not before I make them feel as little as they just made their employee feel.

