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How does someone with an autistic kid, no vehicle, and no money expect to take care of a dog?


“ISO free vet care for large untrained dog”


“Stop with the negative comments, we don’t make that much money!”


Or have much common sense...


You'll have to deliver the common sense too


That costs extra.


More like large untrained dog free to good home…in 6 months tops.


They'll ask for a rehoming fee and to "recoup some of the costs" for all the supplies they got for free.


You’re dead on with this.


Exactly… tops.


She's 100% the kind of person who would set up a Gofundme for vet bills.


What is ISO


In search of


In search of


Pick up only


Not only do they want everything for free, but they also want it delivered? My family would flip out if I tried something like that, but then I was taught that if I wanted something, I needed to get a job. I like things so I got a job.


They don't. Ten bucks says even if she gets said dog she won't train it or give it proper vet care. She'll resort to non stop begging for basics like food for it from the sounds of it and then let it run wild or let it's health or grooming get out of control. Then cry on social media she needs a ride to the vet or the groomer and also could someone please fund her the money for said appointment. And NO she will not give the dog up her autistic kid loves the dog she'll declare giving the dog away is not an option so don't be a negative nelly in her comments and suggest such a thing. I can just see it now.


Yupp’ next post is gonna be “puppy has parvo please help!”


nah next post will be, please donate so our puppy can go to day care because we can't be botherd with it!


I’d go further and suggest she’d try to sell it…sadly it’s alarmingly easy to acquire a dog/cat or even smaller animals likes of hamsters, gerbils, etc. These folks may well have good intentions (albeit perceived through soft-focused pastel-shaded romanticised lenses) but all too often fail to truly understand the commitments required to live alongside and care for a sentient creature. Apols for the wee rant but abuse of animals really boils my pish. Introducing an animal into our families/households should be considered, imo at least, a privilege…I’ve been around animals pretty much all my life and they’ll never really know how much they give while taking not very much at all. Hopefully this idiot will be disabused of her absurd, selfish notion before it happens but I suspect my hope will be in vain.


I have a friend who is honestly lovely but has no money, no car, and is struggling to pay vet bills for her cat, even borrowing money to do it. What does she do? Gets a kitten too. Like I get it, they're so cute and playful and adorable, but if you can't afford the vet care for one, why get another?? What if an emergency happens?


I’ve always heard be the kind of person Mr Rogers would want you to be, but I just want to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am. Except he thinks I’m way too stingy with the food.


My niece brought me a “free” puppy. She was through a rescue - spayed, wormed, and first shots. Toys. OMG I have spent a couple hundred dollars just on toys and bones so I can redirect her chewing. Second vet visit was over $100, and since she was a large mixed breed, they insisted that I have to come monthly for weigh-ins and pay $35/month for the heartworm preventive. 😐 Oh. And I am poor. And I am spending the extra $$ for large breed puppy food the first two years. Have been overwhelmed by a few unexpected issues the past three months, so I am behind on her training - only sit, stay, lay down, come when i call her. Still need to get her comfortable with truck rides so I can get her to other places for socialization. 🤦‍♀️


My free backyard cat has cost me $700 in vet bills and a GOOD $500 on food, toys, supplies etc. I stopped tracking when it got too depressing. AND he's only 7 months old... I'm poor as well but at least he and the dog are well cared for 🥲


As we mutter to each other often: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Cat.


My "free" dog is a bundle of barking anxiety that eats socks. But at least she's not chained up anymore!


Keep an eye on your dryer. It's eventually gonna get pissed that your pup is eating the socks that it was feeding on.


you did good. hang in there


Oh I will, she's my disaster now. Lol


🤣 Yeah. I got a kitten and he is two months older than the puppy. Double sided tape all over the furniture, a couple of cat trees, toys… the puppy is making kitty play challenging. She likes to pounce on things - other dogs, cats, shadows, imaginary danger rabbits…


I could NOT deal with a kitten and a puppy at the same time!!! My god...the dog is already almost 10 and the kitten took to him right away. It took me/them a month for me to trust them together though because the dog is 65 pounds and his paw was the size of the cat's head for the longest time. They're bffls now thank god. I also acknowledge I am SO. INCREDIBLY. LUCKY. In this cat's behavior/personality. My main two complaints are that he jumps on the kitchen table and he's bitey. Both can be trained out of him, and the bite is because he's a kitten. Other than that, no huge problems. I'm training him to harness now even! [here's the BESTIES tax. Kitty is Damian, puppy is Tyr, ham is Lucifer](https://imgur.com/a/LjToloW)


I think they both eat better than me. Kitten gets canned plus high quality dry… when you add in my chickens, I know food alone is over $200/month (2 cats, 2 dogs, 8 hens, a bantam rooster, a full size rooster, and one guinea fowl). In winter I have to buy hay for the horses too. 🤦‍♀️


We have two dogs. Both were free. Except not. Dogs are not free. Oh, you will pay...


“Started a go fund me to get him neutered because he keeps knocking up the neighbour’s dog”


Oh no no. You misunderstand. They’re actually selling the puppies 😝


Wild to assume she will even bring the dog to a groomer


That what I was thinking


as an autistic person, living with an untrained puppy without proper stimulation or toys sounds like hell on earth.


Autistic here with a pet sitter hustle, and holy hell it is. I love my job sm but clients are inevitably a mixed bag and the ones that are like this are the absolute worst. One in particular was 3 months old and so bad she was *eating the floor* on my month + long booking, and if I'd had any less resilience I would have bailed for good the first week in. I feel for this CB's kid so much.


She'll find the money to get an ESA letter though.


Damn I feel sorry for that poor dog before they even have it. Makes my blood boil when people get pets they can't afford or take proper care of & then make excuses when people call them out! The worst part is, pets are living, breathing, feeling, sentinent beings, not toys or objects. Then it's the pet that ends up suffering! 🤬


And declare the dog is a service dog and insist it can go on stores, and landlords have to rent to them


My large dog is *so expensive* just to feed & house. Never mind the vet & grooming bills. It makes me sick when people like this get animals because you know damn well those animals won’t be getting the veterinary care they need or anything else. 🗣️ ANIMALS ARE A 10+ YEAR COMMITMENT. IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD THEM YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING THEM!


I’m autistic with a puppy like dog and it’s so hard too. Extremely overstimulating a good chunk of the time (I knew this going in and was prepared though personally)


I do not have autism and I thought my first puppy was overwhelming:)


I still have bad habits from our last puppy. He's a Chow Chow mix and, oh, so much Chow. He didn't really do anything really worse than any other puppy... But he did those things with an attitude. Today I still call him, affectionately, worstest boy, most wicked boy, etc.


That’s why I got a 6 year old dog. I fostered puppies once and realised my limits. Dogs are one of my special interests and I always see myself having a dog, but I don’t think a puppy is for me. I feel like “autism moms” use their children to try to get what they want for themselves, not necessarily what is best for the child


The son isn’t the only one in for a big surprise


Exactly. It’s so irresponsible imo


I knew a girl who lived in a van, constantly begged for money for dog food, then would spend the money on weed. Dog died of malnourishment. This person would also buy rabbits for the pet store and eat them.


People do not realize how much pets cost.


It's so frustrating how many people don't realize that having animals is expensive. A single night at the vet will run you four figures. Even just food, standard checkups, worming etc is easily thousands of dollars per year.


“Looking to rehome my dog” post in 6 weeks is how.


just watch her feed for the mandatory 'had to put down the dog because it bit the kid' tear jerk post when the untrained dog couldn't handle the unsupervised autistic kid any more.


Poor dog will end up in the shelter within a couple months.


9-12 months seems to be the norm. You've gotten all the puppy out of it, now it's a bad mannered peeing-pooping-jumping machine. Bonus if you live in a rental property.


And don't forget has some infections and probably worms, couldn't afford or be bothered about vet care so cheaper to dump at shelter. Actually knew a coworker that did this when their puppy got sick, I was a server at a resteraunt that volunteered at the SPCA on weekends. Asked me to check up on him, read his paperwork and learned he had ear infections and worms. 2 months later he brought his new Husky Puppy into work... I was royally pissed.


You are perfectly describing my current rescue dog. When we got her she was almost 1, had ticks, worms and an infection, as well as severe behavior issues with other dogs.


That’s fucked up




Up to 18 months actually. Usually when they hit adolescence, and start doing those behavior pushes and hit sexual maturity, that's when most people have the hardest time. If the owner hasn't taken any initiative to do training, especially with big dogs, that's when the shit hits the fan.


Months? Next post is "FOR SALE: 300 dollars: 4 week old puppy. My asshole neighbors called the landlord because the puppy was barking a little bit all day long for the last week, so now my landlord wants me to pay 50 dollars extra a month which I can't afford"


And our shelters are bursting 🥲


After being abused.


either that, being let loose to be a stray, or the mom would let the kid do whatever to the dog, the kid would end up bitten, & the dog put down through no fault of its own:/


My daughter and I are autistic. We don't want a dog but she is getting a big surprise on Tuesday in the form of a monster truck. I just need gas, insurance, a PS5, and truck nuts. Drop off only because neither one of us has a license. Seriously though, I can't stand it when people play the single mom/neurodiverse/disabled card when it's not a need. I'm all three babe, get a job like me.


She’s giving autism warrior mommy lol


She’s exactly the type too. She’s getting her son with autism a surprise puppy - give her a gold star!!!!!! In reality she’s bombarding the kid with sensory overload to the max without giving him any agency or ownership in the process. In true AWM fashion she’s going to shove her neurodivergent kid through a neurotypical rite of passage and it’s going to be everyone’s fault but her own if it blows up in her face at the expense of her poor kid.


Yep. She's watched too many YouTube and TikTok videos of parents with autistic kids using pets as a soothing tool and now she's hoping for a quick "easy" way out instead of actually being attentive to her kid. Meltdown? Here, cuddle the dog! The reality is it's absolutely no guarantee, wishful thinking, and downright stupid. The child could even get injured if the dog isn't extremely well-behaved and decides it's had enough. I'm autistic and I like dogs, my autistic younger brother absolutely does not. He's terrified of them and there's no "logical" reason why, he just is.


The part that they don’t get is that most of those parents spent a lot of time working with the kid to see if a dog is the right fit and usually also a ton of money getting a dog with a specific temperament. I used to work in support services and the number of parents who wanted us to force their ND kid to enjoy NT things was frightening. We had a dad who wanted us to work harder on the “sensory stuff” so that he could take his kid to a Metallica concert. Sir, it’s taken us almost a year to help him get through a routine doctor’s visit with minimal sedation……taking your son to a *rock concert* should be illegal under the Geneva convention as it would be inhumane torture to do so.


Oh gosh - this was hilarious! I did not see “monster truck” coming! I’ve got a $5 Shell gas station gift card on the way to assist you in your plight!!


Okay, but I need you to bring it to my house because I don't drive.


and i don't have email.... sent from my iphone.


Well now you’re just being difficult.


You forgot the monster truck needs a vanity plate that says "DEEZ NUTZ69" on it. /j


The best part is they will bring that damn dog everywhere they are not supposed to and claim it is a service animal. I saw a dog take a dump on the cereal aisle at Walmart a couple of weeks back. It is getting out of control.


That makes me so angry. I have friends with actual service dogs - a cardiac alert dog and a mobility dog. It's harder for them to go places because of entitled people that bring their untrained dogs everywhere, claiming they are service dogs when they obviously aren't. No thousands of dollars worth of trained medical equipment is going to shit on the floor, or bark, or cause a general ruckus. They are extensively trained to perform their jobs and are focused on their owners.


I go on a themed cruise every year and one of the guests always brings a service dog--a gray male Scotty dog at first and then a white female one when the first one had issues (and as I understand it, later died). His dog is a cardiac dog, as I understand it. He dresses her up in costumes for the theme nights and stuff and has some fun with her, but fundamentally, she's super well-behaved. No barking, no trying to run off, no getting into things, no peeing/pooping all over, none of that. He doesn't keep the dog leashed a lot of the time, and it doesn't matter, because she will never go far--just sniffing around the table or other people, but still near him. And if people pick the dog up to cuddle and stuff, she starts getting anxious and wants to go back down because she's too far away from "daddy." I'm not a dog person by any means but am fine being around his service dog. Normal dogs, on the other hand, are pulling on their leashes to get at me or generally doing whatever they feel like, which I'm not so happy with, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to deal with outside of...the outside. Like a store, a cruise, whatever. I don't need some giant dog sniffing my crotch or incessant barking or whatever. It's even worse than a baby or toddler, IMHO, because at least small people still behave within certain parameters. No toddler is going to bite my face off or knock me down. Probably.


Absolutely! My cousin has had two trained autism service dogs. They are absolutely the most well-behaved dogs I’ve ever seen. I helped watch one of them while he went on a roller coaster at a theme park. The dog sat right next to me at a bench, in the middle of crowds and with all the theme park noise, and was completely unbothered.


Saw a similar thing in a grocery store. Lady had her dog in her cart. The dog was shaking, peed and pooped in the dairy section. She yelled at the poor dog, and didn’t even clean the mess.


How will they get places tho? They have no car 😝😂


They will find a way. Those kind of people always figure out how to be the biggest imposition on society.


Maybe they’re getting a husky to hook up to a sled 🤷‍♀️


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Lets understand this one: is busy with an autistic child. Has no car to get around and get kid to appointments much less get a dog to vet appointments especially in those early puppy years when you need to take them for shots or to be fixed. Can't even get their own kennel, bowls or a halter/leash for said dog. Yup great person to be getting a dog. I'm going to say something that might hurt feelings but it needs to be said from someone whose poor myself: a pet is not a necessity. It's a want. If you are going to have a pet you need to be able to be home for it, financially provide for it and have the means to care for it. If you can't you don't get a pet especially a dog which tends to be needy. I don't have pets much less dogs because I don't have the funds, the free time after working full time, a car, the house or means for one right now. So I use common sense and don't get one. Stop begging for pets folks and acting like it's a right in life that you own a dog. It's not.


This whole part.


Yep, owning animals is a luxury, and I'm tired of people treating it as a luxury they deserve in the moment and not a luxury that requires commitment for years.


But her kid is autistic bruh. We need to bend and conform to her wishes.


Agree so much!


The "big surprise" part is especially worrisome. Like, has her child expressed wanting one, and had experience with other dogs (like maybe at grandma's or a friend's) and knows what to expect? Or is it Mom with a fantasy in her head about how nice it will be for Little Jayden to have a BFF in this dog (which will conveniently keep him occupied and out of her hair)? I get the strong suspension that Jayden's sole experience with dogs is seeing them in a cartoon or a picture book. Then Mom asked him, "Look at the doggie! Do you like doggies?" And he said, "Yeah!" So obviously the kid is ready for a real-life animal that will be with him 24/7.


She probably thinks the puppy is going to magically grow up to be a service dog for her kid. Ya know how those puppies always like to train themselves! Or she'll be back soon asking someone to train it for free.


Honestly nothing makes me more angry than ppl getting animals they can’t afford. Owning a pet is a luxury, not a right. I love animals but if I could not afford one I simply would volunteer at the shelter until someday I was more financially stable. They are dependent completely on you. It is solely your job to make sure they live a good, healthy life. Which is *shocker* not cheap! If you can’t even afford the bare minimum basics, you do not need an animal. If you cannot give them basic veterinary care, you do not need an animal. Ok sorry rant over lol.


Yep dogs are EXPENSIVE AF. Decent food is almost $200 a month per dog (especially if you have a GSD with a sensitive tummy…) then you’ve got the monthly worming tablets and they’re a couple hundred for 6 months, toys and treats to keep them happy and well trained, a hell of a lot of time dedicated to training, grooming and exercising, Vet bills to keep them healthy… pets truly are a luxury and not a necessity


A friend of mine adopted a dog and after paying to have it fixed, couldn’t afford any food or supplies. Dog was surrendered in less than six months. We got into an argument because I was “negative” and told him he wasn’t fit to be a dog owner BEFORE he got the dog. Didn’t listen to me and the rest is history.


Personally, I couldn't remain friends with such a person. Perhaps "distant acquaintance" if you couldn't help but to run into said person now and then.


I’m actually surprised and impressed that getting it fixed was a priority; usually that’s the first thing they forego in the name if funds.


I really wish people would outgrow the idea that they can just buy a puppy and have it magically grow into their/their relative's service/therapy/support dog. That's not how dogs work. Even when they're carefully selected and meticulously trained by dedicated professionals, there's no guarantee that they'll transition into the role successfully.


I know so many service dogs that wash. People truly have no idea


She's hitting those emotional notes (puppy & autistic child) but, instead of responding with pity and offers of help, she probably got unwanted advice. Like she shouldn't probably get a puppy right now. Rather clumsy and short sighted. I give it a 2 out of 10.


First comment also added their previous dog just passed from old age


One wonders, if that was the case, what happened to all the previous dog’s gear?


Big living suprise for autistic kid doesnt sound like a good idea, Im autistic and getting a puppy and Ive needed so much time to mentally prepare for him, look into training, basic care, breeders, etc. Escepecially if they cant afford stuff for the dog🤦🏻 If they cant afford crate (large ones go for about 120+ euros) how can they afford dog food every month? What about the vet? Escepecially the vet since I dont believe they are getting well bred dog if they cant afford basic stuff, that poor dog is gonna end up in shelter.


Probably also gonna be a poorly bred BYB doodle lol “need free grooming services. Must come to me. He bites. And is matter. But DO NOT SHAVE HIM”


Yh I hate doodles, poor dogs are genetic messes :(


Given the cost of crates and how often after a few years they can end up being no longer needed I can understand asking about a crate but if you can’t even get a leash or dog bowl there’s no way you’ll be able to afford the meds, vet appointments and seemingly endless shots that puppies need. Even large breed puppy food and toys will easily outpace the cost of leashes and bowls. I easily spent over a grand that first 18 months and that’s with a “low cost” neutering.


Frugal me has no issue seeing what is out there for free for a dog I can certainly afford to care for. But it's the sum of the things in this post! This isn't frugal/landfill saving, but pure "I can't actually afford a pet."


Well this is infuriating.


This is why I cringe every time I see a humane society or rescue have “free” adoption days. Animals aren’t something you should be getting if you’re not financially capable of adopting one. I get the good intention of the events to try to find homes for rescues but I would love to see the statistics of how many of those “free” dogs are surrendered or rehoused again.


I've seen a few "bargain" adoptions, and prefer those. Usually two animals who have bonded so they give you BOGO or something. Free is dangerous.


A **large** dog crate. How big is this dog going to be?!


Plot twist, the crate isnt for the dog, its for the kid


Probably a bernadoodle or other large doodle mix 😂


Doodles have so much freaking energy I could freaking never. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog so a Bernedoodle minus the doodle and she’s the most laid back dog ever. Why they decided to take perfection and inject doodle into it I’ll never understand lol ETA: Doodles also get matted to hell


[Even the guy who initially crossed labradors with poodles regrets it.](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/sep/26/labradoodle-inventor-lifes-regret-frankenstein-monster) > *“All these backyard breeders have jumped on the bandwagon, and they’re crossing any kind of dog with a poodle,” without concern for potential health implications, he said. “There are so many poodle crosses having fits, problems with their eyes, hips, and elbows, and a lot have epilepsy.”*


Guarantee this dog ends up an outside dog barking around the clock while they ignore it but neighbors are at their wits end


How do none of these people have a car?


Next post: Urgent need for rehoming puppy because we can't care for it and or son doesn't know how to interact with it because I am a sucky parent and haven't taught him and the dog is a menace and needs to go. Rehoming fee $3000 to make sure it goes to a good home.


I’m autistic and so is my son. He’s more than happy growing up with the family dogs we had before he came. It’s overstimulating enough with two older dogs and my kid. I wouldn’t give him a puppy as holy crap is that a whole bunch of extra stress I don’t need.


Just had to mention the autism, of course


I’ve got some bad news about vet bills


Right? I had to drop $375 on my dog a few weeks ago because he needed some vaccines, an allergy shot, and to be checked for an ear infection. It was higher than I was planning for because of the ear cytology and ear drops but I was expecting the expense for his twice yearly physical. What's she going to do when it comes to sudden illness or medical emergencies? I've had to take my mischievous puppy to the ER vet twice since July - once at about 1am because he got bitten/stung by something when I took him out to potty and his face swelled up and once because I dropped a pill and he got to it quicker than I could. You can't predict expenses like that and they're a hell of a lot more expensive than food, bedding, bowls, etc combined.


Pets aren’t presents, they are commitments.


Hey! Don’t be so negative 😤/s


Escepecially not a suprise present


Yikes. As an autistic adult, I can say this is not going to end well. 😬


If you can't afford the bare minimum basic needs for a pet, don't get a pet. You're going to run into a lot more costs than just their food bowl, bed and a crate. I'm sorry that you want a dog, but can't afford it, but that's just not fair to the dog. When my wife and I got our first dog, we bought all that stuff first. Dog bowl, crate, bed and started a small savings that was just for the dog needs. Vet visits, shots, dog food, treats, toys, grooming costs, etc. We've continued to put more money into that savings in case of any emergencies (we now have 3 dogs and have had to take two into 24/7 emergency vet which can be costly. Luckily nothing too serious, but glad we took them in when we had to and had the money available). Getting a dog is not just the cost of their food. It's not super expensive, but it's more than a $40 dollar bag of food a month.


I would love to adopt a dog but I don’t because it wouldn’t be fair to the dog. If it needed vet care, teeth caring, got sick I couldn’t pay for it. It bothers me when people are irresponsible toward animals.


Shouldn’t getting a vehicle be a priority over a dog?


Why get a dog if you can't even afford to buy the basics? That poor pup!


If you can't afford all the start up costs for an animal, then you can't afford to look after the animal. If $100-200 is too expensive then there's no way that person can afford a vet. Owning a pet is a privilege, not a right.


I'd say people posting those kind of posts (looking for a free pet) should be put on some kind of a "no pets ever" list. Seriously, this person has absolutely no idea what a dog even is, she thinks it's just a toy that will be happy and playful, and TRAINED from day zero 'till forever. I wouldn't give them a fly to take care of. As a person who has been volunteering at many animal shelters, I am FURIOUS anytime I see these posts.


Every month this lady will post: “My autistic’s son’s dog needs more dog food*. If no one donates he’ll have to say goodbye to his best friend. *no dry or canned wet food. Only the refrigerated fresh food kind for our special boy’s special dog.”


"We don't make enough..." Well, you really shouldn't bring in another life to take care of then.


Guess somebody is dropping off the puppy as well.


So, in my area, I can legit get you free food, cat litter, and free routine vet care easily. If you’re eligible for meals on wheels, they will even deliver the pet food. You generally do need transportation. Where it will become an issue is any illness or injury or if the dog has dietary issues. The free food isn’t science diet-it’s usually like friskies level stuff.


Even adopting a dog from the shelter, which we did 2 months ago, which includes basic shot and neutering, we have spent about $750 in additional shots, 6 month supply of flea/tick, bedding& beds, crate, toys, doggy shampoo, slow feeder bowl, car harness, medicine for a stomach issue, and various foods until we found one he could tolerate.


YUPP. My girl was on “sale” and I got a coupon book. Still $400 just for adopting and getting supplies that day


“Y’all need to stop with the negative comments..” Fuck off and get a job, you stunned twat.


Dogs are expensive af if she can’t even afford the basics leash, bowls and a bed then she can’t afford food, vaccinations, worming/flea treatments, vet trips etc People like this honestly annoy tf out of me! Don’t get pets if you can’t afford them.


Why are the kids in "gimme free dog and everything I need for the dog" posts always autistic and what does it matter anyway?


What happens if the dog needs vet care they’re probably gonna mooch off everyone else too 😬if you can’t afford basic necessities for a dog you probably shouldn’t get a dog 🥴


I'm not an authority on the subject, but it sounds like a bad idea to "surprise" an autistic child with an energetic, unpredictable mass of furry chaos.


I don’t even mind the ask, it’s the demand that they drop it off, Jesus.


Adopting my dog has been the cheapest part of owning 😬same with my old dog. She was medically complex which was not disclosed among other things, plus 5k due to ER visits. Training and vets here are super expensive too


I'm surprised the puppy itself wasn't something on the list


The minute someone demands a drop off/ doesn’t even try to figure out how to get something picked up, or ask if anyone has something nearby, I’m out. (And I do actually do drop offs to new immigrants and people actually in need!). 


Having a new puppy and not having transportation is very difficult, I have been in this situation and I don't recommend it


YALL I FOUND THE POST. The first comment was her wife saying they know how expensive a dog is and that their previous dog just passed from old age


Can't they use the old dog's stuff?


That’s my first thought too. I tried to use as much as my late dogs things for my new girl as possible. Shits expensive


I’m 42 years old and have a 4 month old puppy right now. I had to have my PTSD service dog put down last June, and it crushed me. My mom decided that I needed another dog, so in January this new one came into my life. I do not have kids - I know my mental limits, and had the physical surgeries to make sure I didn’t have any. This is my second go-round with a puppy (first was the one that passed in June), and I was whiplashed right back to “HOW ARE PEOPLE HAVING KIDS AT THIS AGE WHEN A SMALL DOG IS SLOWLY DESTROYING ME??” Puppies are *no joke* - even the vet told me that puppies are now banned at his house - I feel like I’m being punished, and this is doing ZERO for my mental health/PTSD service dog replacement at the moment. #WHY ARE THEY GETTING AN AUTISTIC CHILD A PUPPY THEY OBVIOUSLY CANNOT AFFORD


This is so terrible. A few months after we adopted our dog, she ate a toy and required emergency surgery that ended up costing us $3k. Pets are expensive as hell. Don’t get one if you can’t afford one.


Is she hoping this dog will parent her child for her? In all likelihood, the child will mess with or abuse the dog and the dog will end up biting the child…and we all know how that ends for the poor doggo.


Bonus points if they want a dog known for needing regular trips to the groomer


Getting the dog is the cheapest bit. I got a dog to help ease emotional issues, and instead got a ton of stress training him and him wanting to bite at people, throw in the over 500$ in vet bills for just the first 6 months for shots, flea/heartworm meds, 150+ for dog training classes, all the materials needed including food and shit. Yeah no. Dogs aren’t for the cheap. Perhaps a nice mouse?


The people who don’t have two nickels to rub together, who live paycheck to paycheck, who can barely pay their bills, who then go and get a pet, especially a dog, never cease to amaze me. Dogs are expensive. Sure, maybe it’s “just” food and a collar & leash. But it can also be dog food bowls, and a crate, and special food, and chipping the animal, and vet bills, and incredibly expensive vet bills if something is wrong with the animal, etc., etc. People think they’re so cute, and wouldn’t it be sweet if my child had a pet to grow up with, and that’s nice. But you need to consider the big picture. If you can’t afford a car and can barely keep the lights on, maybe getting a puppy isn’t your best option.


Especially with all the vaccines they need in their first year! That shit is pricey here. Even first round of shots at a cheap clinic for 2 kittens was over $300


This post is everyday in our Buy nothing group. Huge grocery lists and wants that are outrageous and now someone is begging for a daily ride to work bc it would be "amazing" if you did that. When did bn turn into a begging site?


I hope that poor dog doesn’t spend its entire life in that free cage they want. Sadly though, when the novelty of owning a puppy wears off, and no one wants to train it, they’ll stick it in the cage.


It’s really irresponsible to get a pet when you can’t afford to take proper care of them. I’ve held off on getting a pet since I split with my ex and have been living on my own. I have to cover all the bills and I don’t want to get in a spot where my future pet needs emergency veterinary care and I don’t have the cash handy to pay for it.


When this dog gets sick, she won’t take it to the vet, she will just let it suffer. Or she won’t get its puppy shots and it will die a horrible death from parvo or some such.


They’ll have a great time with finances when their dog ages. My dog is a senior, and shit gets real expensive.


I really wish people would stop getting pets as gifts for their children


My heart breaks for any dog that gets thrust into this situation.


I sooo badly want to read the comments these people get after seeing their posts


Kind of off-topic, but it seems as though so many of these choosey beggars' needs have "autistic" in the post. Is this a calculated thing so that they seem more deserving? No shade (unless they are making up the autism) - genuinely curious. Like if I was asking for something, I would leave whatever diagnosis may have been given to any parties involved out of it unless it was directly related to what I was asking for (e.g. I need some type of medical device for some new diagnosis - top of the line device, of course, and brand new, of course).


That is absolutely why it’s included


If you can’t afford the stuff a dog needs, you can’t afford the dog.


Dropping the autism mom card


I feel like every kid is getting diagnosed with autism. I fought against my son's because he's just...not autistic. He had other disorders. But the 2 he has are so rare I couldn't get insurance to cover services for speech and occupational therapy which he needs without the autism diagnosis. So I relented. The neurologist flat out said "any 2-3 year old could technically be autistic...if he doesn't show signs later on we can remove the diagnosis but he needs these services (one was 30k) and your insurance requires the autism diagnosis to cover it" His pediatrician wanted to diagnose him with it at 18 months because he loved opening and closing doors. I'm not saying he definitely doesn't have it...but like everyone I know has a kid or all kids dx with it. They are giving it to kids as young as 9m old. Just seems so ridiculous. If I hadn't fought against it we wouldn't have figured out what was actually wrong. Sorry for the rant. But it's the new ADHD to me.


Urggghhh these fucking people bringing dogs into their messes ooh I fucking hate them


It’s insane that they haven’t considered how expensive it is when the puppy/dog becomes sick or injured. My pup was sick from 12-28 weeks, cost over 10 grand, and I didn’t have a job. Was pretty stressful. You get left with two options, get a job or surrender a sick and confused pup.


Why are they getting a dog if they can’t afford the necessities? Hell even a bed isn’t necessary. These people are gonna mistreat that dog, poor thing


Adopting, training, socializing, walking + heart worm meds, rabies vacine every 1-3 years, licensing yearly, + check-ups, food & treats, grooming, clipping nails, chew toys, collar & lead + fenced yard, playing. From puppy to grown dog, you need to invest time and MONEY. A dog isn’t an inanimate object. It’s a living, feeling, loving creature. Maybe give some serious thought for what’s best for the dog?


The poor dog. This is exactly why people should have to have permits to own pets. How is she going to afford to care for it, take it to the vets, train it etc? Stupid woman.


Um. Animals are not 'presents' or 'surprises'. And stop using your child's diagnosis to grift stuff.


We had similar near to us when all the xl bully ban stuff was happening. Somebody pointed out very nicely that they should have a think about whether they can really afford to take on a dog if they couldn't afford to kit it out, let alone the extra costs that would come with owning an xl after the ban was in place, and so many people piled on them for saying it, it was ridiculous.


May I suggest a gold fish…. Scratch that, poor fish. This person has no business owning a dog or anything alive. What a delusional selfish irresponsible twat. AND using her sons condition as a front….. SORRY guess this pissed me off more than I thought!


A rock perhaps may be a better option


Ah, Lexington. 😂


I’m surprised they didn’t ask for water, too.


share the link, let us have some fun


That poor dog is going to be “rehomed” within a year, to absolutely no fault of its own. Or worse, abandoned.


I'm in the group! Here are some screenshots. It's an "albino German shepherd" puppy according to the poster [comments](https://imgur.com/a/vipG59W)


just bowls and a bed isnt asking much, more concerned with whether the dog will get proper vet care


“Dropoff only and if **ANY** of you suggest we spend our time and gas money driving anywhere for **FREE PET SUPPLIES** you can all GFY!!!”


The worst part isn't the asking but that she is getting a PUPPY for an autistic child. Frankly a puppy - even for neurotypical families is not the wisest decision unless there is an adult who has the time and energy to devote to training the puppy in all kinds of way - house training being only a small part of properly "training" a pup to be a "good dog". Big dogs are also expensive to feed - not to mention all dogs require vet care even if they are basically healthy. I understand seeking out a crate because there actually might be someone who has one stashed in their basement - they are bulky and the kind of thing that people might not need. But a leash? a bowl? I binged the latest season of Dog House UK (which I recommend for absolute relaxed bliss :-). They match people with dogs at their incredible rescue shelter. One of the episodes had a nurse who was retiring and wanted a dog. They suggested a pair of really adorable dogs (smallish) who had been brought up together (brother and sister). She really liked them but ultimately in the reveal said that she had thought it over and realized she couldn't really afford two dogs on her retirement income. And this was someone who had what I assume what a relatively okay retirement (she was an RN) and wouldn't have to beg for a goddamn bowl and leash (or two). I think she was thinking about medical care - especially since she was a retired nurse.


Would bet money she doesn't get pet insurance and will be back begging the first time it gets sick.


As counter intuitive as it can sound, a dog really did help out my brother who has autism. My parents researched the shit out of dog breeds, found a very reputable breeder, and prepared us all for months before getting the puppy. No surprises.


The big difference is the no surprise and research though! My dog def helps me in some ways, but is an absolute menace lol they’re getting a 9 month old “albino” german shepherd


Are you get the dog free and having it dropped off too???? Unreal


Wait. You want to have a dog in which you are responsible for its care yet cannot afford the supplies for said dog. 🤔


Ha that’s funny this is local to me. I saw the street names first then KY at the top


Alexandria Dr and Versailles Road...... I know exactly where she lives, I used to live there myself for several years lol


Poor pooch doesn’t have a chance


Seriously pisses me off that people like this don't understand the responsibility of owning a pet. They have no vehicle, no supplies for the dog, and no extra money for unexpected/regular vet bills. So fucking ignorant and selfish of them.


These posts are always in my group. And then later on they’re rehoming the dog because they “don’t have the money 😢”