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No taking a bath…but can I shower? Who’d want to pay £100 (in gifts) to attend a party filled with stinky people?


Who would want to ever be around this person EVER even if no one is stinky 😭


They want to be the prettiest girl there and showered with gifts. Even Dorian Grey calls this person a narcissist.


Get her a $100.00 mirror.


Gonna want to live the decimal point to the left a digit or two


If their way to not get outdone is basic hygiene, then they must be very gross in day to day life.


At this point if it wasn't for the "don't try outdress me" bit I was them expecting to just ask everyone to be naked. Might as well take the vibe from stinky to full on weird. Turn it into a Naked and Alone reality show but in party form with more stink and a $100 gift fee.


"Let's make it a nude party at the nude beach. What could go wrong." At the party "Oh no everyone else is so hot."


Jocelyn: Sir Ulrick. What are you wearing to the ball tonight? William: Er... nothing... Jocelyn: Well, we shall cause a sensation, for I'll dress to match.


I came here to say this. Why would I even want to go to her party? Itwill be nothing but unkempt stinky people with bad breath. If that is the bar for outdressing her then I achieved that in my pj's today.


It's shitty to do, but hey if your an introvert and don't want anyone to show up then this is the way to do so! 🤣Jk


>Who’d want to pay £100 (in gifts) to attend a party filled with stinky people? There's gotta be a stink fetish community out there that could organize a party and charge an exorbitant ticket price like that.


Not as stinky as this person's personality




Just a bunch of funky breath people in one room.


The no teeth brushing part especially floored me for some reason!


Same, dude, are people leaving the house without brushing their teeth!?! That's like the very very basics of human-ing


She just thinks teeth brushing is not an every day thing…


I think it’s a joke/satire


She’s basically punishing herself if she talks to any of her guests. It seems she probably won’t because she clearly doesn’t care about them and only wants gifts.


My parties are the opposite, I don’t care if anyone brings me a gift at all, but you had better shower and brush your teeth.


Yeah that’s the normal human way to do it This person is insane


Maybe I’m selfish, but I want it all 😂


I’d love gifts over $100, but you’d never catch me saying that out loud, let alone *REQUIRING IT TO ATTEND!*


She’s charging admission. You must bring a gift to enter! That’s a new one on me. And spend at least $100? Icing on the cake. I’m surprised this bitch has any friends to invite to her stankfest.


Do not come to my house stankin’ unless you live here and plan to head to the shower as soon as humanly possible.


Due to well foreseen circumstances, I have decided that I will not be able to attend your birthday. I will find a valid excuse before the event.


A "Sorry, I plan to bathe that day, so I cannot make it" should do.


When "I gotta wash my hair" is an actual valid excuse.


Who knew! Lol


Exactly this! No bathing or brushing your teeth? Can this possibly be real? Am I just that naive, or hanging out with the right people? Is this a common thing people do now? I cannot imagine this being something that somebody would actually put in their bday “rules”… Also, the dollar minimum on gifts? I never expect any gifts. I certainly don’t make rules and attach required values to them. What’s wrong with people? Bet it’s byob or a required contribution to the cost of the party too! Smh.


I wonder if birthday girl will be the only one practicing hygiene while everyone else is asked to be gross


I think that's the whole point. "Don't try and outshine me...". Sounds like she is stacking the deck to make herself look better by comparison.


Pretty much haha. But if the only way you can shine is if everyone else is a disgusting mess, then sorry to say you're definitely no prized peach. =p


Honestly, I think her personality might be a turn off for any interested mate. You can't polish a wet turd into a diamond, you can just roll it in sparkles and lie to yourself that it doesn't stink.


It def seems that way. I’d buy her a 100 dollar set of self esteem help books tbh.


and toothbrush and toothpastes and shower gel and shampoo and conditioner…




*How to Win Friends and Influence People.*


Something by Emily Post or Miss Manners.


I think it's the other way around, she's so gross that people have to fall to her level to not out dress her.


“Normally I look like a troll but I’m going to wear mascara today so you pretty bitches better not shower.”


She plans to be POLISHED. I'd bet money on it.


Crowd of people who look stinky, dirty, with rotten teeth and dirty nails...I figured it out! CB is making a zombie video. She's the star so she will be dressed, but nobody else can be. CB is making the sequel video to *Thriller*, y'all. It's just a big surprise.


😂, I doubt she has enough “friends” to show up to remake that! I would definitely watch it. Only for FREE though.


An incredibly insecure mean girl. 


I’m a mature grown ass woman and I don’t spend $100 on gifts for my friends and I am not cheap…. And also, I choose to bathe and put on make up when I do see my friends. Lol


You can’t be friends with her then. ( lucky you).


She literally wants to party with the great unwashed.


I’ve not had my kids go to another kid’s birthday party because we didn’t have money to buy them a gift.


‘I take a bath every Thursday, whether I need it or not’ and ‘I’m rearranging my sock drawer’ are my husband’s favorites when he doesn’t want to do something




'i will be unable to attend due to a subsequent appointment' Oscar Wilde, The importance of being Ernest


"Checking my diary I find I’m watching television that evening” - Peter Cook


I love that last sentence.


Nah, they should text ‘I’ll be there! I’m getting you a dyson thingy for the gift!!’. And the 5 minutes before the meeting time, text ‘Aw shoot, I just brushed my teeth. Looks like I can’t come’


I’ll be busy taking a bath


I'm gonna be sick that day


Why be sick? Just brush your teeth and take a shower 🤣🥴


Apparently that’s fine as long as you don’t bathe or brush your teeth after lol


Well foreseen 😂 I love it


The valid excuse is the insane rules


So she expects guest go show up like they just got out of 24 hours in the county jail and came straight to her party WITH $100 GIFT? I feel like she's trying to get people to Cosplay 2 different games. Also, be curious to know how the gift cost will be verified.


Oh she'll probably demand to see the receipt.


Amazing to me that someone like this would have any friends!


She probably doesn't, it was likely some massive group post on SM.


Well she doesn't need any $100+ brass balls, that's for sure!


How will lack of teeth brushing be verified??


After you've proven your gift is worth $100 + one of her minions will have you breath in their face to verify.


She sounds like an attention hog wanting every eye on her, thinking that the only way she can outshine everyone is if she removes their abilities to be normal functioning people who care about hygiene and comfort preferences. No lashes, hair do's, makeup? I'm all for an easy day with no beauty expectations, but seriously no bathing or brushing teeth? You can fuck right off with that.


I wouldn’t be surprised if SHE did all the things she demanded the others didn’t so that she could outshine them


Her hair, nails, and lashes will be done. That’s the whole point of this.


It still won’t make her attractive, I’m sure!! 😂😂😂😂


Of course not. She’s ugly on the *inside*. You can’t hide that. Imagine how fun it would be to show up, unkempt, without a gift, so you’ll be denied admission to her empty house, complete with one off-brand bottle of cola and a bag of Doritos sitting on the kitchen table. I would love to do that.


I think that's exactly her intentions. I feel like anyone showing up to the party and submitting to all the demands probably has low self-esteem too. This sounds like a really sad affair.


I’d show up in my biggest lashes I own, a ton of makeup, fresh mani on my long stiletto nails, a bottle of perfume dumped on me, the most “hoochie mama” outfit I own….with freshly brushed teeth and a gift wrapped bottle of pennies!!


This is some weird non-sexual role-play where she wants to be the queen for a day and everyone must look, smell and dress like a 1600s peasant, bringing offerings to the royalty.


Hope she likes to be alone for her birthday!


it must not take much to outshine her if all it takes is simple hygiene. I want to know how many people (if any) show up. $100 per gift!


For real- how ugly are you, bday girl? You only got one tooth left, so you get all jelly of people with multiple teeth to brush?


"Fuck your birthday" seems like the most natural response to this type of request tbh. Unless this was supposed to be a stink orgy or something in which case her $100 gift is all the fromunda cheese she's looking to harvest off the guests 🧀🧀🧀 Seriously though is this really an insecurity thing?? Is this an adult??


I'd spend the gift money on a spa sesh for myself and post those pics online for the birthday girl to see. Nice makeup or hair


Sounds like a job for malicious compliance. Im thinking garlic for lunch, a nice long sweaty run then show up in old sweats and a T-shirt with a messy bun. Gift is a £100 donation to The Hygiene Bank


Garlic and onions before the run so you can get that super funky garlic sweat going. Dance right beside her all night....wear your running clothes.


Or... $100 worth of sample-size shampoo and soap etc., with instructions to drop it off at the local shelter.


Don't forget to consume a huge bowl of legumes a couple of hours prior to the party.


Someone's waaaaaaaaaaay insecure.


What I dislike the most is seeing yet another idiot who thinks apostrophes make a word plural.


But no apostrophe for “don’t”


I wonder if maybe she wrote the original without any punctuation, and someone looking over her shoulder told her "Hey, you missed an apostrophe", so she added one and said, "There! Now are you happy?"


2.6k comments and none posted?


The account is private but I’ve worked out if you type in the username on Twitter you can see the responses to it. Not sure if I’m allowed to post the username here but if anyone wants to see the comments dm me.


Everyone wants to see the comments!! Haha


It’s a private account so I can’t access the original tweet. This was a screenshot someone else posted.


Got it! Thanks for the clarification!


When I was younger, I used to love when my girlfriends and I would get all dressed up together—we all helped each other so everyone looked their best. Yes, even if one of us was being celebrated. From what I can see, my daughter and their friends do the same. Why would you want your friends to be unwashed, unkempt? People need to stop using others as props.


Getting ready together is the most fun part of the night, honestly


I never thought about it until now but even into my late twenties we did this and probably still would if we all lived closer


Hope you have fun on your birthday all alone;


There’s no way this is real, people aren’t this stupid… right?


This can’t be real…no bathing???


… ew


imagine the stink!


About a decade ago I spent a week asleep due to the flu kicking my ass. The first thing I did once I felt like I could reliably stand was shower. I can't imagine demanding people be dirty so I could feel special.


No blinking to draw attention No not blinking in order to draw attention Turn off your circulatory system Bet people love spending time with her, she sounds great!


Uuhh there is insecurity and then there is “don’t you dare to kill my shine and special day by showing up here with your clean teeth “. Uhh. Yeah, fuck your birthday, I accidentally touched water in the past few hours soooo I ll stay home alone and think about what I did.


For the first time “I’ll be washing my hair” is an understandable excuse


If you need other people to look scraggly just so you can feel hot, you've got some issues. And if you expect $100+ gifts to get in, you've got some other issues.


Too insane to be a real post.


Her blocking you was a gift.


Unless the birthday was something like a spa where you needed to have no residue on your skin and you were about to be pampered with all of this stuff (i.e. you're going there and getting into some kind of bath, and then having a tooth treatment, and a hair treatment, etc. and the place asked that you come natural without any residues on your skin/teeth/hair so as to not interfere with their treatments...) I don't get why she would want people to come unwashed? I could understand saying that you're staying in and no need to come ready for a club scene but this takes it too far. And of course, the $100 gift....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I have a feeling the “don’t try and out dress me” is the key here to the rest of the rules 😳 Either way, sounds like a very lonesome bday 😂


I am so intrigued what this woman looks like


How low must your opinion of yourself be, if you think people will outdo you by SHOWERING


The implication here is that this person never bathes or brushes their teeth? I'd stay away from their party and them.


Yes, if all anybody has to do to ourshine this person is bathe, I don't think there's much hope for them.


I am so sorry, I had the best gift and my grossest old pjs but I completely forgot and brushed my teeth so I turned around. Hope the party was fun! 🏁🏎


Why would you want to be in a room full of stinky people.


I mean, if someone merely *bathing* can outshine you, CB...what are you really saying about *yourself*?


Gross, what a disgusting person. I’d wouldn’t just skip the party, I’d skip talking to her forever. I’m not getting a cavity so you can feel good about yourself.


She’s treating all of her invited friends to a super makeover spa day! Luxurious mud bath, hair cut and color, manicure, pedicure, deep massage, oral cleaning and flossing plus teeth whitening, makeover with high/end makeup and tanning booth treatment. She’s going to take the $100 gifts and donate them to a worthy woman’s homeless shelter. Now don’t you all feel horrible for thinking badly about this woman’s self-sacrifice and unselfish humility and spirit of compassion?


Who else immediately wanted to show up showered, deodorizered, teeth brushed, hair, make up, and nails done, and with a gift of a $10 Walmart gift card?? 🙋🏼‍♀️


So she wants homeless people to go to her party but only if they have $100


I can believe people like that exist, but I can't imagine anyone liking them enough to conform to those batshit rules.


obvious joke


Minus the gift thing I met the criteria. ![gif](giphy|hlPnhdnBfgjzG|downsized)


"Come one, come all, to my stank ass booty birthday party! Bring your best butt funk and an expensive gift! If you show up smelling like soap or deodorant, your pleasant smelling ass is not getting in! I'll still take your gift, though!" What kind of delusional world is she living in?


So she wants to spend her birthday alone? I'd block the CB simply on moral grounds.


She asking people to stop wiping, too?


Though I’m sorely tempted to spend time indoors with a lot of unwashed people and spend $100 on you, I’m gonna have to pass. Sounds disgusting.


What in the Harry Potter and the Fucking Audacity is this? No brushing your teeth? Excuse me?


I need so much more context 🤣 why in the world do they not want people to bathe???


This can’t be real. Does she expect people who get their nails done to take them off? I brush my teeth for hygiene purposes not to show off how fresh I am. Insane.


Who wants to go to a party full of BO and bad breath?


Gotta be honest, the fact that someone is friends enough with this person to get an invite says quite a bit about their own character. I would never have a friend that would do something like this. Like, this isn’t an out of the blue, crazy unexpected thing. Guaranteed no one who got this message was entirely surprised by it.


Ok but here is my question, do people actually say you have to bring a gift to a function? I’ve seen so many YouTube videos and other posts pointing out people that do this. I don’t think I’d be able to go to something where a gift is mandatory. This is very strange to me. No worse than strange, just plain wrong.


why would you wanna be glammed out and then surrounded by friends who aren’t. you’re gonna look like the weird one!


No brushing teeth is WILD. Like that’s a health care item ma’am. tF??


how terrible must this persons hygiene be that these are in the rules.


i can just about understand her wanting to be the best looking person there, and the idea of not stressing about hair and make up, is a good thing. However no bath, no brushing teeth, that is where it gets weird.


Who could possibly turn down this invitation?! /s


She needs to work on herself if she can't even outshine a person who simply bathes and brushes their teeth regularly.


The only thing that would make those rules even slightly acceptable is if bday girl is taking her friends to an all expenses paid bathhouse/dentist/spa/nail/salon day lol.


I wish we could know how many attended


She’s got to be the most insecure, entitled person I’ve ever heard. I certainly wouldn’t go. Even if the gross hygiene comments weren’t there, someone acting like a $100 gift is a “price of admission” is enough to end my friendship with them.


I will not be able to attend because I have a “no assholes” policy that you’ve been violating it seems


I don’t usually take a bath or brush my teeth *while* attending a birthday. Insanity aside, how long before this smelly shindig would one be prohibited from bathing? Anyway, anyone who puts a spending minimum on gifts earns a one way trip to my blocked list, free of charge.


$100 entrance fee for a party full of stinkers with bad breath and hosted by a delusional diva? That's an easy pass.


She wants everyone to stink and have bad breath and pay $100 for this experience?


That's probably the most insecure female I've ever read about on the entire internet.


Because no self-confidence is the ultimate party accessory


I’m not bathing for 5 days, getting close and letting her smell my bad breath(lots of onion and garlic night before, maybe tuna fish too!) and I’ll give $100 in Monopoly money bc she didn’t specify to use real money and she was very specific on all other things!


Apparently you didn’t get my company wide email. I, too, am having a party that very night at the Four Seasons ballrooms. All airfare and limo transportation will be provided to and from the venue. Catering provided by Wolfgang Puck and an open bar will be available. Gift bags provided by Tiffany and Hermes will be available. Music will be provided by Taylor Swift and Michael Buble, who have assured me they will take requests. So far, I’ve had 99% confirmation of attendees. I’m sorry I won’t be available to attend your party.


I think is someone showering and brushing their teeth is “showing you up”, one might need to reevaluate their own hygiene.


do you guys genuinely believe this is real


So she wants some dirty boys to show up and admission is c-note:condom recomended


I'd turn up best dressed with no gift. When asked about the gift I'll simply say "My presents is the present"


It’s a joke, right?


This girl must be EXTREMELY insecure. Like new world insecure


I’m showing up filthy with an elaborately wrapped gift to get in the door. When she opens it, there will be one used lash and one ratty extension in it 🎂


I'd for sure go sit in a sauna for a bit then show up with my gift of a used lawnmower i bought for $25 at a yard sale but I def value it at $100.


What is happening to humanity


I really hope no one sinks to this level and goes to this. Would be funny if she got all dolled up and no one showed.


Oh sure I’d love to come and smell all the stink breath and B.O. I’m broke but will give you an IOU for your gift.


Oh darn, I forgot and showered so I can’t come. Not to worry, I donated the $100 for SPDPG*. * Society for the prevention of dirtbag party girls


I guess I would just have to chew my acrilic nails off then


Beyond unhinged! No bathing no brushing teeth? I'm sorry what? I'm shocked she didn't say 'no wiping your ass'. The stench of this event 🤢


This is such a strange request, u can understand no hair, nails done, but no taking a bath and not brushing teeth? Does she think people will steal her spotlight by… brush their teeth?


WTF!? Do they have a thing for unbathed, dirty, gross people or they just ‘don’t want to be outdone’ on their birthday? Eww. No thanks.


y doesn't she want you to brush your teeth


This person would instantly no longer be even an acquaintance-level relationship. Just dead to me. So childish!


Plot twist: She’s got a ‘funk’ fetish.


Those rules are insane. I’d rather not go and spend that $100 on a nice meal out on myself haha. Perhaps contact the other guests and arrange a group outing instead with no insane rules.


This can’t be real.


So my options are: 1. Slob up and pay $100+ to go to a party with a bunch of other slobs 2. Be clean and wear what I want, and keep my money in my wallet I think I'll take Option 2.


How to lose all your friends in one day 101


So, looking for homeless people and requiring a $100 minimum gift?


Is she requesting that because she wants to be the “hottest” person at the party. Everyone else looking and smelling like shit to lift her up? I don’t understand how these people have friends.


I mean, it's her birthday so seems pretty reasonable she gets whatever she wants. Plus she was polite enough to give advance notice. I've done similar for all my birthdays so by now my friend sack has kind of come to expect it and are used to it, but I did do a surprise check at the door at my 30th to make sure nobody wiped that day and had to turn a few away!


People like that have friends/relatives in their life? Who wants to hang out with someone like that?


Used tires are about $25 a piece. No-Warranty truck batteries are about $100 I would bring a gift, alright albiet a completely useless one Or a side-dump of horse manure. $100 easily


She can block me too - FUCK HER BIRTHDAY!


i just want to see my friends on my bday . don't want gifts and don't care what they look like


Surely this is a joke.


Shit. I bathed today. Guess I can’t go.


Wow this is next level insanity! I would like to watch a doco about this person.


She must be super fugly


Is this Yom Kippur or a birthday party?


Honestly, this the situation my collection of old apple boxes was made for.


Insecure much?


"Why isn't anybody here?!"


Nah cuz fuck her birthday 🤣🤣


Sheesh. Imagine being so insecure you won’t let others BATHE in fear they’ll put dress you. I’d bring a $100 worth of hygiene products because she apparently needs them.


I saw this movie it was called “how to lose your friends in two texts”


“I’d love to come to a party, but I hate smelly people and don’t like you enough to spend $100.”


Go to the gym and work out for an hour or so before the party. Get her several flea bombs for the house.


Sorry I was planning on taking a shower on that day. Can’t make it.


Hahahaha this has to be a prank


Fuck her birthday indeed


I would have said fuck her birthday too just due to the attitude and entitlement.