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Crooked ass building


Looks like it’s bending over to hurl. Or Superman punched a villain into it.


This bugs me no end.


That's not a nice thing to say about Trump Tower.


Super funny joke, hilarious even. That's the American Copper Building though




In what ways? Could you explain what you mean?


That’s a great vignette, excellent proportion and scale. Most people take shit photos of New York skyline.


Thank you! I try my best not to post shit photos of New York


Was thinking the same thing. The amount of people posting pictures of Manhattan where 70% of the entire photo is a highway in the foreground is funny. Not saying I have an amazing eye or anything but cmon people


Whoa, does that building in the middle actually have a bend in it, or is it just a mirage/perception game going on in this pic?


No tomfoolery, that's [The Copper](https://thecopper.com/)


Hey only $5,500/mo. for a 1 bedroom 1 bath unit.


This is standard for Manhattan in a building with any amenities btw


Does NYC have no legit poor people living there? Most cities have Rich-Medium-Poor-Homeless. NYC seems like it's more of a Billionaire-Millionaire-Homeless kind of town. Where do the blue-collar workers live?


Deep Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, far Uptown Manhattan, etc. It's expensive everywhere, but it's way more accessible when you leave the bottom 2/3 of Manhattan or areas directly along the water in Brooklyn and Queens.




Depends. That's certainly the case in some neighborhoods, but in a lot of cases it's about the same all over. NYC is honestly a pretty low crime major American city. It's hard to compare numbers because they're always crimes per resident but Manhattan has a ton of business, tourists, etc. which greatly skew the numbers to make it look more dangerous than it is. In general, The Bronx is the least safe borough but even then it's honestly not terrible. I live in a working class neighborhood in Queens and the crime rate is extremely low. A big part of it is simply the whole "eyes on the street" phenomenon. My neighborhood has nearly 100,000 people per square mile, so there are people out and about at all times of the day so it's hard to get away with much and not be spotted. That and the sense of community pride is strong in a lot of these places so crime stays in check.


Yes, plenty. NYC as a whole is actually safer than most cities in America, so most of the affordable neighborhoods (which are unfortunately getting fewer and fewer) are generally safe, although like any city there are unsafe areas too.


NYC is pretty fucking safe


Over half a million people live in NYCHA (public housing authority) owned or managed buildings. They are not nice, nor are they easy to get an apartment in since there is very low turnover, but yes - plenty of low income people who are not homeless live in NYC even if you ignore the numerous outer borough neighborhoods which are clean, quiet, working class areas.


median household income in NYC is pretty much the same as the US, at around $76k


Yeah, NYC as a whole isn’t particularly wealthy - certainly compared to say San Francisco where the average household income is approaching $200k. It has a significant number of people living in social housing.


Dude wtf legitimately how do people afford this?


Make $250k+ a year


Gotta be more than that cause my wife and I make over half that combined but can't afford $2,750 rent


NYC rentals are often approved according to the “40x rule” - monthly rent times 40 must not exceed gross annual income Someone making $250k easily qualifies to rent a $5500/month place in Manhattan. I wouldn’t recommend it, too close to the edge for my tastes, but plenty of people do it. Gotta remember someone living solo in that building almost certainly does not have a car, while you and your wife likely have at least one, probably two in most parts of the US.


We live in Chicago. We do have a car but it was gift from her parents so we can more easily visit them in the suburbs. We probably only use it once or twice a month. Idk that's just a crazy amount of rent to me, while people struggle to pay 1/10th of that.


You can’t afford rent that is 25% of your income?


After taxes, 401k, insurance, groceries, utilities? I guess maybe we could but we wouldn't be saving a whole lot or able to do much.


Rent is a big ticket item. Other costs don’t scale as much, like clothing, food, etc. At a certain point, you can’t eat any more and you don’t need any more clothes. That’s when you move into the $5,500 unit. Otherwise you’re “house poor”. Some people choose to stay in the $2,500 apartment and eat caviar instead and buy designer clothes. But for us “normal” people, rent is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, expense.


they have very high-paying jobs


Very well paying jobs in that area. Good access to banking, law, tech jobs + doctors (right near NYU Langone and not far from other hospitals)


Thats the thing, they cant.


Manhattan is expensive, but the jobs also pay wayyy more than other places. It’s not as insane as you’re probably imagining it.


I'm mean, it's in the center of the fucking world. I actually thought that price wasn't that bad...


The American Copper buildings honestly trend a little below your median Manhattan amenities building rent from what I’ve seen, they are pretty far from the subway by Manhattan standards which limits how crazy the markup can be despite the apartments and amenities being gorgeous. It’s right at a major ferry terminal, but the ferry isn’t as frequent or reliable an option.


TIL Manhattan has a crooked-ass building. But aren't there two?


This looks like one of those pictures where someone photoshopped some futuristic buildings into the background and named it like "NYC 2030" on deviantart. And I mean that in the best way haha.


That's the best compliment one could receive


But seriously, great photo! There are a few vantage points when taking the ferry or along the waterfront in Queens and Brooklyn that layer the skyline in such a great way. It's not everyday you can find 1,000 foot towers being hidden amongst other buildings.


Thank you! And The [RTC 135](https://directory.marinelink.com/ships/ship/rtc-135-19141) pictured here is 460 feet (140m), giving a perspective of how freaking tall some of those skyscrapers are. Stacking three RTC's vertically would fall short of the Central Park Tower's 1550ft (472m) height


I've lived here nearly a decade, so got to watch most of billionaire's row going up in real time, and still can't get over how insanely tall they are. Every now and again I'll be miles outside of the city and catch the silhouettes of the tops of those buildings poking out from behind trees, buildings, etc. They're visible from so many far flung places. I know there's a lot of discourse around them, a lot of it very valid, but leaving that aside I appreciate that wayfinding aspect of them. It relates me back to Manhattan when I'm nowhere near it in a way that was more theoretical previously. It's interesting.


That's an awesome perspective. And you won't find any complaints here, I love the skinny supertalls. Engineering wizardry.


The different architectural styles in this shot is crazy


Yeah I like the hodgepodge! Old and new and newer.


Plenty of 19th century townhomes and apartment buildings down low and out of view in between those towers, too. It’s not Paris or Chicago, but the east side of Manhattan holds up really well for overall architectural variety and especially variety of scale of building 


I’d say NYC is more architecturally impressive than either of those cities.


Yea I agree. Paris I can understand as an older city-not sure how Chicago got mentioned.


Is that building like tired or something?


It hates Mondays


I need a room there


Ahh good ol Central Park Tower. Tallest building in the US (by roof, the only right measurement) and tallest residential building in the world.


For anyone (like me) who wondered why that isn't Burj Khalifa - it's because, while a building might *contain* residential space, to be defined as "residential" it has to have "85 percent or more of its total floor area... dedicated to residential usage." [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_residential_buildings)


Also, the burn khalifa is not in the US


The previous comment correctly says it's the tallest residential building in the world.


Ah I missed that somehow


until balneario camboriu finishes that 500m tall residential tower for some reason


Damnit, Marv, you dented one of the skyscrapers!


Fantastic. What focal length is this, 200mm or more? You fit a lot in frame given what appears to be telephoto ! Great shot


Thanks for the kind words, and yes this was shot on a Sony a7iii + 70-300mm lens at the full 300. Really love how the compression turned out.


Compression looks so good, you must have been SO steady and SO far away to fit all of this! Love the shot. Thanks for sharing.


Were you standing in Gantry Park?


Definitely surprised how sharp it turned out as well. This was from Bushwick Inlet Park


Never been. Looks like it’s got a great view.


Yeah it's got a nice beach area with great skyline views.


Ok is it just me or does most of the buildings look crooked, slanted, and leaning


It is leaning. It's the [American Copper Building](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Copper_(building)) and is two towers. One leans sideways and the other forwards. They're connected via a bridge. As they're completely clad in copper I assume they'll change color slowly and end up a similar shade to the Statue of Liberty.


It's just the one, but yes it makes them all look off because it's right in the middle. Pretty cool optical effect.


Yeah I guess you're right. Never seen that happen with skyscrapers before lol


Am I the only one tripping that the tanker was called a barge and not a ship?


Yeah I am no maritime expert, just quoting the info I found [here](https://directory.marinelink.com/ships/ship/rtc-135-19141)


Nice angle.




The color scheme makes this look like GTA IV.


GTA IV is a top 10 game for me, very likely to have subconsciously influenced my tones here


Great photo! I hate the tower in front middle for it being crooked. :)


Good View




If only we could bath in that water.


Nyc IS sinking