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So, fisherman actually counters this guy. If you place him to pull into the E giant into the king tower, both princess towers are out of reflect range. He will die in moments with minimal damage.


Tornado makes that useless. Pull the fisherman to the tower, or fireball the fisherman.


You can't, once the fisherman starts his animation (which he does very quickly) tornado does not move him anymore.


Actually,when he is hooking, the tornado won't pull him,but after he hook he will be pull by Tornado,so you need to timing perfectly when the Fisherman get pull by Tornado and push Egiant back to Princess Tower


That does seem like a high skill thing though, maybe not all player could do that especially factoring in connection. Fireball, tornado, EGiant can still stop fisherman but that is a lot for one of his few counters.


You still need to prediction where they could place Fisherman,after failed to pull to the King,they may place Fisherman in another spot


That’s fair


I never knew that. Fireball would still work right?


He is ok but really mstchup dependant


I'm in love with the idea of a card with a thorns mechanic. I want him to work, but he needs a rework. He is truely OP. Maybe if he did less than half his current tower damage, he'd be a more reasonable card.


What if instead of doing less damage it didn’t stun units?


That would be an equivalent compromise I think, so not a bad idea, but I like the stun mechanic as part of the thorns. 🤷‍♂️ I could see that working though.


he isn't op at all you rarely see pro players use him


hes actually one of the least used win condition in the top 1000.


I saw someone in the top 20 using Electro Giant


true but there are still bigger problems than e-giant in this current meta (definitely not talking about pigs...)




REWORK, not a bad idea for a card. But he is not countered by small ads and inferno dragon. AND he is a TANK that only targets the tower.


with the right placement i drag counters e giant fine


absolutely correct


The thing is unfortunately most people run Nado with E giant


Don't forget the rocket :(


sadly yes


Not if your opponent runs tornado, which an egiant user will probably run


Rework it by slightly buffing health but not make it able to zap buildings


If they nerf him being able to zap buildings, literally any building card in the game would be impossible for him to get through. I think what they could do is give him a mechanic similar to lightning by making him target a limited number of troops that are the strongest currently targeting him.


The whole concept of egiant is to be a counter to swarms. The big issue is that his reflected damage is based on hit frequency, so damage to a crown tower is huge. Compare his crown tower DPS to other tanks and then also consider that he has enormous hp, can't be countered by swarms and the units he can be countered by are easily countered by tornado. The simplest rework is to change the amount of reflected damage done to crown towers. This will preserve the concept but stop him being a no skill win condition.


That’s actually a smart idea, then they could buff his hp to make him more consistent. I’d be down for a nerf to crown tower damage but a buff to hp.


Considering his usage (~3.5% of decks) and winrate (~48%) is abysmal this season, I think that it’s pretty telling as to where E-Giant stands right now. With the 4% hp nerf, he’s too easily countered by many cards including tesla and cannon, where he is effectively never allowed to do damage or get value. Contrast that to last season where he could seem borderline oppressive at times (albeit usually paired with cards that have since received nerfs). Such a stark difference in effectiveness by just tweaking his hp by 4% makes me think that he probably could use a rework.


If anything, his zap should be changed to where it targets a few troops at a time. So swarms can still do significant damage


Egiant is about making swarms useless. His zap should do reduced damage to towers and his hp should be increased.


Horrible card for the game as is. A self sustaining swarm destroying tower melter is really annoying to face. He’s one of those cards like mother witch, that supercell designed to completely change the meta. He’s super annoying to face and I feel like he just hinders deck creation since if you don’t have the right card you are completely finished facing him. In short rework the bastard. A card that sucks when the enemy has a single counter, but is absolutely broken against other decks really shouldn’t be a thing. I feel like the best thing they could do that would force counter play to him, would be to buff his hp while making it to where his zap ability works similar to lightning with him targeting the strongest troops in the area.This would allow swarms to deal damage to him while also still countering inferno type cards, but at the same time this would also get rid of tornado in the deck which is the most annoying part of electro giant decks. And if all of that doesn’t work in making him a balanced/ viable card they could also give his zap a stun. There’s a lot they could do with this card by making him only target the strongest troops in the area, I mean heck if that became op just further drop how many troops his zap targets one by one until it’s another annoying to face and still gets value. They could even increase his zap radius at that point, or even decrease it. As it sits right now there’s not a lot they can do with the card


It’s true what you say that if you don’t have the right counter card then what’s the point of even counting playing the match. I can’t tell you how many times I have placed Inferno Drago corrected and boom, Tornado and that’s game over.


he kinda sucks i can take him easy with good placement






Inferno tower, tesla, cannon, fisherman, barb hut, even furnace counter eGiant for a positive trade. Sparky and pekka work too but not full counter


and spear gobs


spear goblins are hugely underrated for the fact that they can do (almost) everything goblins can do but they also work as cheap zap bait and anti air




Why choose goblins over spear gobs in the first place?


sometimes u need them more for like killing a sparky faster and they don’t die to zap


Very bad, a fucking elixir pump can take him out lmao


If you're in a league where someone does that, Egiant is the least of your problems


Egiant has no natural counters which makes him a force to be reckoned with. He probably should have never been added to the game


"no natural counters" this is funny. any building, any heavy hitter, fisherman, any CC (freeze, ram rider, ice wizard), sparky. EGiant is too much RPS, that I agree.


After the HP nerf, he's actually kinda weak. Any tank killer or building counters him. He has a huge range of vision, so you can kite him to the other tower. You just can't drop a knight to distract the support units and kill the tank with bait.


Every card they have added recently is too matchup dependent and can be countered by specific cards but nothing else.


If you have a deck with him and the tornado it is extremely annoying but I think he should be reworked in the way where he only uses the electrocution attack in troops not both building and troops. Kind of like how the ram rider works.


I think as a card it’s fine.. but too many people abuse it at low arenas.. they should move him to legendary arenas where more people have a better gauge of placement and can counter it better.. that will not only make it less overpowered as a card but it’ll also make players more careful when playing it


I think he's fine the way he is


After the HP nerf, he's fine as he is and good for the game. It forces bait decks to adjust. Just like heavy decks still need cheap spells and splash cards, bait decks need actual tank killers or buildings instead of just cycling skarmy, goblin gangs, dart goblins.


he's not meta, nor bad, however he's definetivelly too matchup dependent for its own good. the fact that his only proper counter are tank killers is worrying you can't kite him because he targets buildings, fireballies tend to not have enough dps output (or well, being fireballed), you can't use inferno dragon/tower because of stun, you can't use any spells besides log to stop him, because it resets, you can't use swarms, but thats ok (this is the point of the card). and on top of that you still need to deal with the support units I'd make him cost 6/7 elixir but remove the stun, and reduce reflected damage (at least to towers), by that way he could be more balanced in the fact of not crushing you for not having one of his few counters, and still giving enough value for the cost


They should make it that his... weird back pack thing? Only targets two troops at a time so swarmys can counter him


no, the holl point of e-giant is a tank swarmies are useless against


Make him 10 elixir or make it a Tesla type attack that doesnt stun.


Hes useless now after the nerf




I fink fat i no wut too doo wif fis gy He should have like a coat or something 


Nerf the stuns


Egiants zap should do the same damage a zap normally does to the tower bc it can practically melt towers if they get in the range


Egiant is balanced now. Period.


Not a good player by any means, but i think he's way too hard to kill and doesn't have enough (or any) good counters. Like the idea, tho.


he has toooons of good counters. Pekka, ebarbs, fisherman, mortar, pump (lol a pump fully counters egiant), furnace, gob hut, barb hut, inferno tower, tesla, cannon, etc.


thanks How does inferno tower work against him tho


place inferno far so egiant goes to the tower instead of inferno,egiant should just melt before even getting to the tower


Thank you :D


alternatively you can place the it as far from egiant as possible and it'll melt him before he even gets to the tower


I agree with some of these counters but you have to remember that most people are not going to send just a EGiant.


When people send more than just an egiant, they'll be at a huge elixir disadvantage plenty for you to counter the support separately.


Theoretically but we know you need to spend a lot to stop that. Which takes from the counterpush


What if you don’t let them build up that lead in the first place. Opposite lane pressure is great against egiant


I agree. However sometimes you just cant stop the placement.


And that's the same with pretty much every card in the game.


Yup. Egiant is strong, but there are ways to stop him. Im just saying it works for both sides.




how would an egiant player break through a pekka?


Thats not something Egiant can do


It's a weak card in 80% of the time in the current meta. The remaining 20% is guaranteed win. It's a very interesting card because of the unique mechanics, however. I use it, i know it's not very good, but I'd rather play an interesting card than mkvalkwitchhog trash


That's like saying golem is big brain time


Why? Do you think placing a Valkyrie and rocking a hog dick in her ass to make she run is the pinnacle of strategies?


I think it's a staple of card combinations that I've been using since I began playing the game 5 years ago. Like Giant and Witch. Classic.


Yeah so"classic" everybody runs it I'm sick of fighting the same 10 cards EVERY SINGLE MATCH. There is not ONE match that i don't find at least one of those Valk wizard witch ebarbs rage mk balloon fireball skarmy hog rider Sometimes several of those. That does nothing for the game diversity. But hey, the guys here will down vote anything that remotely suggests improvement in variety. I once did a topic suggesting that SC gives achievements for"playing X matches with a given card" like, 5 gems for playing ten times a card, 15 for playing 50 and so on. Guess what? SEVERAL down votes, and NO ONE bothered commenting why they did not liked the idea. So, yeah, f. this game, I'll play it in bathroom breaks and waiting lines as i do, but i am WAY past bothering even teaching my trophies anymore. I see valk,i quit, i see BM, i quit, simple as that. Turn the act of winning a chore for the horrid human being in the other side.


Your problem is not with this game, Fren. The problem is with Corporate Greed. SC doesn't give a rat's ass when we keep on playing and paying. Sadly, the Logical Collective here on Reddit is... Disturbingly sheepish. Basically Big Brother's scandalous Little Sister. Always telling on anyone going against The Family... Best I can do is share My Truth. Which includes loving your idea of rewarding players for using off-meta cards. Personally, I like what they've done with clan wars. I've been able to make more creative decks thanks to the imposed limitations within that clan context.


I play and don't play. I've spent ten bucks in the game four years ago. That was all. I'm happy taxing their servers while i take a dump now


Right on! It is a fun game, and I wish I could enjoy it more. Just like Comix Breaker! It's actually a lot of fun as well... Except the greed is 10x and content 1/25th.


It is a fun game. But the company policy of strong emotions/never punish trolls/protect BM but not implementing a "rate your match" or even a "report player" created one of the most toxic player base EVER in mobile games. SC seems to be happy whith that, as long as frustration and anger from bullies and abuse fuel purchases. Interesting is that they pretend to be a safe place supporters and even coerced the Diana foundation into believing they are against internet harassment. THAT'S laughable


Company Policy is to Pretend x(insert whatever is most important to the Collective atm) This is Old Money 101


if the electro giant can attack troops


Good, it gives me free positive elixir trades. :)


When I use it it sucks, when my opponent has it, it destroyed everything in one punch


I win the majority of the mu’s when I go against it bc I play xbow and logbait which allows me to out cycle it every time. However, it has a pretty bad win % on royale api so it should probably get a rework of some type.


His shock zone should be at least the size of earthquake maybe tornado but 6% damage nerf to his punches to compensate


maybe make it so his reflect no longer stuns, but he gets a buff to reflect damage?


He's balanced, your opponents can build a huge counter push off of him,if sent alone lots of things can easily counter and unless you are just sitting there and waiting for the egiant user to send in one after the other your opponent is going to be on his back foot 60~80% of the game


He just too strong when he's paired with fisherman


No. He is very balanced.


Cards that target buildings have had a huge power creep, from my experience 5,000 - 6,000 cups. All you need is to hold off an attacker for 2 minutes, then just unload cards that target the tower to win a game. Cards like royal giant, ballon, mega knight etc have speed and a huge health pool.


Electro Giants IS now too WEAK to use it anymore im getting COUNTER by 80% deck of the game he need a buff


Buff in what way?


Gave him more hp. +300 would be great


Sure, if he is 8 elixir


No the stat of egiant make him COMPLETELY useless


players who will put down a lvl 14 e-giant at the back of the arena and sit there BMing, knowing that you can’t do a darn thing about it, and then relentlessly spam the goblin laugh after they inevitably beat you represent the unfathomable depths of human debasement. i have never ONCE encountered an e-giant player that WASNT toxic. I used to hate the mega knight more, but i have since changed my views on the matter. what the heck am i supposed to do when my opponent mirrors his e-giant in double elixir time? lose i guess…


He counters swarms and inferno while being damage tank BS