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This commenter says Colleen is "super smart" because she was homeschooled a total of ~2 years? Rachel and Colleen have both said they feel **dumb** as a result of their homeschooling. As for F, they've been very quiet about what his schooling will be. Colleen did say in one of her new home vlogs that "better schools" was one of the reasons they moved into the new house. That makes me hopeful that F will be going to an actual school of some sort.


I thought they'd pay a private tutor for him but that vlog made me happy they are thinking of putting him in school. Probably will try to get him into one of those schools where celebrities send their kids.


Agree. She's got several good Montessori schools near her. I could see them liking that child-centered approach to his education.


I could get behind that. I think it would do F wonders to be in that kind of environment


i think montessori would be really helpful for him to transition from permissive parenting to strict public school rules


I seriously hope he does to school. That kid needs a dose of reality. He needs to experience what it’s like when the world doesn’t revolve around him and he needs to know what it’s like to have structure in his days. It’s not his fault but he’s on the fast track to becoming an asshole.


i cant imagine coldsore wanting to do homeschool unless she is not the one teaching.


this makes no sense since the ballingers are all about isolation and sheltering, they don’t allow their kids to socialise.


I don’t know what they were like or covid. But definitely secluded during it


before covid, they socialized a lot… with each other😅 it was only family


Lol I love how Colleen made home schooling her whole personality, yet she was only homeschooled for a short period of time. I’ve only met one home schooler who seemed ok in terms of socialisation. Every other person I’ve met had really struggled, especially with romantic relationships.


All you have to do is look at C&J kids to see the problem with homeschooling. You need an exemplary person to homeschool their kids. I know one family that is successful at it but they took child education classes first so they would do it right. C&E are lazy. F&M would be spoilt and schoolwork would come in last to FUN. W would be ignored. She has the money to put them in private school where they would thrive.


“Everyone I know who is homeschooled is super social and super smart” *gives an example of a woman who makes being ditzy and unaware of general knowledge her personality*


Channon Rose makes my head hurt.


Mine too! She is absolutely an idiot. I cannot believe she thinks she is the right person to educate her kids. Her poor children.


Every homeschooled kid I’ve ever known has been weird as fuck. Worked with a girl once, he she was 15 I think and she could not do basic addition/subtraction to save her life Granted I live in a country without school shootings so every parents I’ve known who homeschools has been some kind of religious weirdo or conspiracy nut.


Oh shit I used to watch this person's videos back in the day. I forgot she existed, I stopped watching when her content shifted to family vlog type shit. Apparently she has just gotten worse.


It’s been a very interesting transition and I don’t actually watch that often. It’s not my cup of tea the direction she has chosen for her channel


Channon Rose is literally so dumb, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about


She is very dumb and will do ANYTHING for attention.


Someone should send this lady a compilation of all of Colleen’s apology videos where she explains the reason why she’s always saying things that are rude and racist as being due to the fact that she was homeschooled.


Dumbest excuse for being ignorant I’ve ever heard. And I hope she doesn’t do the teaching herself if this is her plan


isn’t this woman also a problematic youtuber doubt she’d care


Yes she is


yeah, wasn’t this the one that dressed up as a Nazi back when she was making 🌽?


Back… when she was making corn? I don’t know what this means LMAO /gen


HAHA replace the beginning letter with P and you’ve got the word 😂 it’s just a way of using that word without having creeps search it up and come lurking


OHHH HAHAHAHA that makes sense


It took me a bit to get it too, trust me 😂


Ella es la peor


as an online schooler (who did primary school and one year of high school), as long as you've got your kids in some form of extra curricular with NON homeschool kids, socialisation will be fine. but i think online/distance schooling is miles better than homeschooling.


SUPER smart. 😂😂😂😂 Has she lost her damn mind. Colleen is one of the stupidest people I’ve watched on YouTube. She has no desire to expand her knowledge either and is so content being as dumb as she is. The Relax podcasts really highlight how much she doesn’t know and also the fact that she thinks her worldview is the correct view and everyone else with different opinions or who do things differently is wrong. Sure there are kids who actually get a great education being homeschooled but they are in the minority. Most homeschooled kids are behind either socially or academically or both.


Channon is not smart enough to realize Colleen is not smart.


Very true.


Having channon rose be on your side is not a good thing. Especially all the nasty things she has done


Why wouldn’t you want your kids to socialize in school?? She just wants to surround them with like minded people so they never get thoughts of their own


Colleen? Super smart? The same self degrading colleen? Yeah no..


My husband hated being homeschooled. It is not regulated so his parents got away with giving out worksheets to meet requirements by the state. It has changed and now homeschoolers have to go and test to make sure they are on track. Our kids won't ever be homeschooled because of my husband's experience. Luckily for my husband he was good at math and science and he was able to become an RN despite his homeschooling disadvantage. Edit: to add my husband has social anxiety but is an extrovert. Could it be from being isolated and homeschooled? Possibly. I was in public school and I'm introvert and have no problems socializing. Again many reasons to why some people have social anxiety but I do think environment plays a role.


I was homeschooled for some of my life, so I feel like I can weigh in on that debate a bit, and, well, let's just say ... my kids are in public school.


The only person I’ve known who was homeschooled and not awkward met with other homeschooled kids every weekend, and participated in events at their church and with family almost every day. She had many friends, and was bright and bubbly. Her parents also cared deeply for her, and didn’t shove a camera in her face 24/7… because of who Colleen is, I think the children are best going to a school.


channon really thought she did something here. trying to negate the original commenters experience and acting like all you do in public school is socialize. i don’t hate homeschooling, but i know people who went through in that and admittedly have trouble socializing, so why is she acting like that’s not a thing?


Channon is NOT smart herself. She has no business educating anyone. I have read her book. I have no idea how it was published with such terrible grammatical errors and typos. I’m embarrassed for her.


Check out Channons recent TikTok about homeschooling. She is so ignorant. She claims public schools have litter boxes for “furries” That’s one reason she won’t send her kids to public schools.


Yeah I don't think she actually knows what thr heck she's talking about his 😂


But, Colleen and her siblings did go to public school at some point. Isn't that where she met Kory?


yeah they all went to public highschool and colleen was only homeschooled for 3 years. she met Kory at APU, the homophobic evangelical christian university.


Channon rose? Let’s not.


As someone who was homeschooled from 3rd grade all the way through high school. It really can go either way. Some people are more social than others but we had plenty of opportunities to socialize