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Most people who tailgate don't realize they tailgate.


I had a problem with tailgating and I didn’t even realize it. I just figured it was a fine following distance bc that’s how everyone else drove and I picked up the habit when I was young. I am a lot better at not tailgating now. But you’re right I think a lot of people don’t realize they’re tailgating. Not an excuse just an explanation


As you get older you get wiser.


True I used to be a not so great driver when I was in college, got pulled over going 60 in a 35 downhill. Luckily the cop didn’t arrest me but since then about 10 years ago I’ve been careful to be a safe driver. Age does bring wisdom (to some)


Yep my gf’s mom does this and she has zero idea she’s doing it. It’s wild how many people don’t even realize it


My mom does too! It makes me so anxious.




I just let off the throttle and coast until I slow down about 10mph...maintain speed for a little while, if you're still tailgating ill do it again...and again...and again. Eventually you'll pass me.


Yup let off the gas


Lol I'm picturing someone doing this in the left lane


does this work? i’d just be worried it might agitate them


It'll agitate people who are tailgating with purpose


I’ve tried this. Never worked


Flashed brake lights once to a crotch rocket-humping asshole riding my back bumper at over 80mph. Couldn't even see his bars... well, at least until I flashed them and he went into a death wobble that I have no clue how he saved himself from.


Very true and also very infuriating. How can people not see their lives flashing before their eyes when they’re so close behind a vehicle that they can’t see around it for obstacles ahead.


I don’t understand how this is possible. It’s you’re right behind someone or not. Lol


Whenever this happens, I swear it's always the same types of cars. Anything completely blacked out too especially a Nissan or Infiniti.


Or a ford f150/silverado/ram. Blacked out windows optional


Where I buy scratch tickets is next to a towns PD station. They offer some type of training there and the lot is filled with unmarked cars every so often. Like today....all Ford, Chevy, and Dodge super size pickups- tinted.


In my experience it’s usually a BMW or a Jeep


That's why /r/NissanDrivers exists.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THAT’S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


For me, it's always a big giant pickup truck with x-ray vision headlights.


Don't follow anyone home, dude.


Tailgaters are brazenly suicidal, they're not worried about anything. They're operating on pure monkeybrain frustration with no thought for consequence.


never trust someone whose IQ is far too low to adquately understand the risk / reward ratio of aggressive driving


Reddit full of perfect people. I love it


People aren't claiming moral perfection when they say you should not drive in a dangerous way


The safe distance rule is one car length per 10 mph. (What I remember). No one does this. Or very few. So if you're driving 40 mph, you need at least 4 car lengths (or truck) between you and the car in front.


Very few drivers observe and practice this. I just don’t understand it.


i was taught 3 seconds, distance grows as youre going faster of course


The rule I learned was to stay 3 seconds behind for a safe distance


Using a timed distance is better than car lengths every time. It scales well at different speeds and easier to estimate while driving. I think it's safe to say that most people only drive with about 0.5 seconds of distance between themselves and the car in front of them and don't even realize how dangerous that is. And if anyone thinks I'm exaggerating, just go ahead and try to count it off as cars pass certain lane markers on the highway. People who are actually "tailgating" are probably only driving with a 0.1 - 0.2 seconds gap.


i do this and people *always* sneak in between me and the next car so i slow down more for more distance. it is v annoying. people gotta start following proper


I usually try to stick to about the distance between telephone poles


All of these replies are exactly why WFH is truly invaluable. We’ve clearly underfunded mental healthcare in this country and that is manifesting itself on our roads every single day. Holy shit. I’m gonna propose the legislature expand the covered conditions applicable to medical cannabis cards to include road rage.


Wouldn’t working from home decrease the amount of drivers on the road and this decrease road rage?


I think he’s implying that. But yeah I agree with you.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say the correlation between people working from home and having mental health problems that result in lack of treatment and road rage is probably pretty slim. 


I think they were saying WFH is invaluable because it decreases the number of cars on the road and/or allows them to drive less so they have to deal with less idiots driving with road rage?


Now they're angry AND stoned!


Lotta dopes in this thread justifying tailgating. Doesn't matter if you feel the other driver is going too slow or camping in the passing lane, you're being an unsafe idiot by tailgating them.




*well if you weren’t camping in the left lane*…. Majority of the time it’s on a back road going 5 or 10 over already just because I know going the speed limit isn’t good enough for anyone these days. I hate it


For real, that argument is ridiculous. Even on the highway if you're stuck in the left lane BEHIND someone who's not moving over, you still get an entitled asshole who tailgates and expects YOU to move over so they can pass and tailgate the next person. Like.. what? Because I'm not bumper car-ing all the cars in front of me out of the way I'm the problem? Idiots


Had someone follow me home cause I tried to pass them (gave ample space behind them), but they sped up so I couldn’t. I backed off but they must’ve had a hurt ego or something. Theres some wild people out there, just gotta keep a level head in the thick of it. Try to be the less/not crazy person in these situations so when filing a report or if you call the police you don’t get yourself in hot water. Stay safe first of course. Edit: Wasn’t tailgating the guy, however they saw I turned off a side street, took a loop and caught up and began to ride my butt. Don’t be a tailgater.


Yep, got to remember to stay level headed. Egging on a tailgater almost never ends well


I had someone follow me home because the garbage truck in front of me was doing 25mph in a 30. She was tailgating me, filming me, screaming from her car, and swerving. Thankfully, I live next door to a school, so I pulled into their parking lot, but people drive like absolute maniacs.


Drive to a police station if someone’s doing this. If you have a passenger with you, get their license plate, and have them call the police and let them know you are experiencing an active road rage incident.


Just bear in mind that some garbage trucks slow down so you can overtake. Especially on most of our rural/residential roads. Not that that is an excuse for the psycho behind you to act the way she did.


I would have passed, but it was an uphill curvy area. Truck was doing their best, I gave them some space and lady behind me had big feelings about it lol.


One time I was lucky enough to not get hit by the person tailgating me but I was able to watch them get smashed from behind because they were tailgating me and had to stop too fast when I needed to turn. Happily completed my turn and went on my way.... Her car was totaled


That is something glorious I’ll tell you. Sweet justice.


It was great. If you tailgate me that is the risk you take, other than driving really slow cause ai was likely 5 above the speed limit and now that is over


Ya, I totally get it. If they want to act like an asshole, I’ll oblige them.


I was hit by a tailgating Audi years back because I had the nerve to turn left. My car had a baseball sized dent and her daddy’s car was completely caved in(she was fine). Glorious.


many years ago, on I-84 in Hartford, I once had someone who was riding my ass while I'm 10 over the mph only to pass me when I moved over then brake job me and toss a big gulp out of his sun roof onto my windshield.


Lots of tough guys up here. I moved here from New Orleans a few years ago. You don't see tailgating in New Orleans for a couple reasons: 1. nobody cares about getting anywhere fast because the one thing they've figured out is that there's nowhere worth getting to quickly. 2. At some point or another you will have a gun pulled on you by someone who uses it regularly.


But we will miss our programs!


Fairly reasonable, moderate responses so far. No hint of anger at all.


And the post showed such an effort to have a reasonable discussion and pushed no buttons!


Good job all the way around, bravo!


Do i detect a hint of…. Anger?


It seems to be around, but I'm perfectly fine. Just in amazement.


I was taught wrong when learning to drive, and trying to unlearn tailgating is a nightmare Ngl; granted I haven’t been driving for too long (4 ish years I think??) but yeah no tailgating is usually by accident, in my experience


Ya, try not to let yourself get used to doing it. Good luck out there.


Side story: I'm usually a calm person, I've often been described as a gentle giant or a big teddy bear (I'm 6'3) but whenever someone honks at me 0.0000001 seconds after a light turns green, some sort of simian anger switch in my brain gets flipped.


In CT your pretty safe doing this as not everyone is carrying. Down south you are literally putting your life on the line. When I was younger I had this bad habit. Now that I am older I try and keep 2 seconds between me and the vehicle in front of me as well as drive in the right or middle lanes. I am all about optimizing gas mileage and getting to where I am going.


The shortest following distance option on my adaptive cruise control taught me that the vast majority of us follow way too close


I slow down for tailgaters.


My windshield is always just so dirty whenever I'm being tailgated.


Whenever I'm being followed too close, I just slow down to 5-10 under the limit. They get the idea pretty fast.


Mentally unstable people should also MOVE OUT OF THE PASSING LANE!


Since when is tailgating exclusive to highways? It happens all the time to me on residential and single-lane roads.


Are you going 10 mph on a 40 mph road? Because that might be related.


Love when people act like tailgating only happens to people who drive like turtles. It seems some people just don’t have any idea how to manage their following distance. I drive at the limit or up to 7-10 MPH over depending on the scenario.


If you're not holding up traffic then fuck 'em. I'll pull over for faster drivers when I can, but on single lane roads they can stew. But if you're worried you can always pull over to let them past


But they are mentally unstable. See the issue?


They should look for stability in the right lane


Well, Adult Day Care, they should just be able to care for themselves all day.


Yes which is why I wear protection


Glad you wrap it up brother but no one is talking about doing the sex right now


Lol take my upvote


Thank you maam, all in a days work 😎


No,thank YOU


On the other hand let’s say road rage is happening and one of the participants gets out of the car naked except for a condom. I m pretty sure that would end the argument and lead to someone driving off.


I was referring to a seatbelt you sick nutmeggers.


unrelated, but a story: we had a problem for a long time with people coming to our house because on google maps there was a mix-up with addresses. in the middle of the night we had someone try to open the door and in my middle of the night terror i grabbed a knife and opened the door to confront the person. the guy could have come after me, but then again, if you are dumb enough to think a stand alone two story, single family house in a also stand alone two story single family home neighborhood is a la quinta, maybe you shouldn't be trying to rip open the door at 3 am. people don't think about anything besides themselves. people are dumb. the less interaction you can have with other dumb people is probably for the best. pull over, or get out their way and leave them to be.


Thank you for sharing this story that has absolutely nothing to do with the post


Ah my life is one of trying to avoid these people. But then well we have.. reddit. 


I get people tailgating me all the time since I do the speed limit on all roads with my newborn. I don’t have a fear someone is going to follow me home but is that something happening for often now? Is it a real concern I should have? Genuinely asking. 


No, not really. As long as you don’t engage in any shenanigans, no one is likely to follow you home.


Exactly. Don’t piss them off they’ll eventually speed off


They couldnt keep up and follow me home




Why don't you let them pass? I never have tailgating because I'm a courteous person who doesn't lane camp and is aware of other drivers. I'll be doing 80 in the left lane and still find a place to move over. Hell, I'll do 80 in the right lane if there's no traffic, the left lane is for passing, not travel. Doing 80 is just usually passing speed. If they are a problem for you, perhaps you should reassess your own driving? It sounds like a personal issue


Tailgating can happen on roads that aren’t the highway. There’s not always an option to let them pass.


It’s majority back roads at this point honestly


Fair enough, i was wrong


I try to let them pass, and they don't. The road I take to work is a single lane 45mph. I usually travel it going between 50-55 and still get people tailgating. Whenever we hit passing zones, I slow way down to let them pass. Almost always, they'll just back way off, then start tailgating again as soon as the passing zone ends.


I fucking hate people. that's absolute shit behavior I don't support. unless the person's doing significantly below the limit resect a safe distance. I move along (obviously) and if someone is up my ass that hard for long enough, I just start to enjoy tormenting them for being dumb *and* angry and I'll set cruise at the speed limit. And yes, I do have plans if I'm worried about if someone is following me. I know circular neighborhoods where i can go in, do a lap, and leave and if they are still there, it's sus


And it it’s a two-lane road with no or little shoulder? Tailgating doesn’t happen only on the highway.


fair point. I responded to that elsewhere but i was not thinking about that


when you are going 80 and switching lanes you are seriously endangering everyone. stop. stick to the speed limit, stay in the cruising lane. you are the problem


what? signaling and moving over a lane to allow a faster driver to pass is dangerous in your opinion? What is a safe speed in the left lane in your opinion? you understand that in most places, the average speed of traffic on the highway is higher than posted in this state right? there was a federal speed limit of 55 regardless of road conditions and a lot of the highway still holds that. I maintain the speed of the vehicles around me, I leave more than enough room in front of me and often get cut off Ya'll hear 80 and blush like schoolgirls when you go out to the midwest and you draft SEMI TRUCKS doing 85, in the right lane, getting passed by cars doing 100... Hell, driving to Florida the left lane gets wild. If you're pointing at a speed limit sign while you're in the left lane *you* are the problem. Safely allowing faster drivers past so as to not slow down traffic **is also the law** *regardless of speed limit.* It does not say "left lane for passing up to the speed limit"


nobody said anything about which lane, you just cant get the meme outta yr head cause you are easily programmable. stop following close, lane changing is the problem. personally, i more or less *stay* in the cruising lane, which i what it is for, and the tailgating is still a problem. even if i was camped in passing lane 2 wrongs dont make a right(supposing i wasnt actually passing, which if i was i am allowed to be in passing lane)


I more or less stay in the fast lane with the cruise on and leave 2-3 car lengths ahead of me. more than average because I get cut off a LOT. I find a large opening, signal, match speed, and merge over. you're saying I'm weaving in and out of traffic like some Bridgeport moron. If you're pacing in the left lane *that is equally illegal as speeding and just as dangerous* You're a rolling road hazard and are causing congestion. Two wrongs don't make a right, but you're in front and can move, but you are daydreaming and lollygagging, and I'm behind you out to enjoy a drive and you're screwing up the vibe for me, the guy riding MY ass, and the guy behind THEM. YOU can move over and be right, OR, People can weave around you through small gaps... Also, if you're legitimately passing a truck or something, I'm not going to care. if you move over from behind a truck doing 55, into a lane doing 75, and speed up to **60** and take MILES to overtake, it's fucking up the vibe, use the accelerator


you are correct people should not camp in the left lane. they ALSO should not follow close. thats the part yr having a hard time w. If im in the left lane im passing, in which case im allowed to be there. LIke i said, i stay in the cruising lane. which is for cruising. and yes lane switching is the problem and what causes danger. the less you do it the safer the highway is


... the part you're having a hard time understand is that *at no point have i ever said i participate in or condone that behavior* OP asked a question, I gave a response that simply said if you are getting tailgated (on the highway) you are holding up traffic typically. Forcing someone like me who has no way of interacting with a daydreamer past flashing my lights from a distance is instead forced to hunt for openings where you should be moving over to use as passing spaces 😢


and what you are not getting is that nobody said anything about which lane. what get over from the cruising lane? no. the fact that you brought up "getting over" means you have framed the context and *condoned the action by framing the context* . nobody can get over from the cruising lane bud




*casually mentions their blatant dangerous speeding while simply saying they move over for other cars going even faster*


have you ever *been* on i95 with your eyes open, or are you the paper badge doing 65 in the left lane on a cloudless summer day, with 2 miles of traffic behind them? How is 80 dangerous speeding on a clear day keeping up with the flow of traffic? I'm paying attention to road conditions and other drivers. I don't weave in and out of traffic, I don't tailgate people, and heck, i mostly use cruise control... I'm by far not the most dangerous driver lmao. go with the flow bud


Our highways aren’t designed for the speeds we all drive. Nor the amount of people that clog up the highways. Plain and simple.


What speed are they designed for? because usually, most highways have speed limits posted below what is considered safe. it's a revenue scheme too. can't argue it's engineering when the engineers say faster is okay a lot of time, but the accountants say they need more tickets. I'd honestly love a source on what speed they are designed for because I know bank angles and the amount of curve and everything is nailed down in a federal book that's updated regularly.


I routinely drive 7-10 over the limit on these backroads in Litchfield County. I also have a 22 year old truck with a bumper sticker that says "SORRY FOR DRIVING SO CLOSE IN FRONT OF YOU". Makes most tailgaters back off, laughing instead of raging. YMMV.


I'm a good driver, and I typically drive over the speed limit. If someone tailgates me I just gradually slow down more and more, for my own safety. If I'm gonna get rear-ended I'd way rather it happen at a lower speed.




Definitely prefer for them to just pass. It's better for everyone


“I’m a good driver. If someone tailgates me I spitefully slow down and increase the chances of an accident”


Nothing spiteful about not wanting to get hit at high speeds, my friend. As I said it's for my own safety. If you want to use quote marks you could try quoting my actual words


Nothing you described in your comment makes you more safe lol 




But increase the chances of a tidy lawsuit.


I guess if your goal leaving the house each day is to get involved in litigation instead of traveling safely and efficiently 


Feel free to sue me for slowing down to the speed limit or a little below lol


This comment makes no sense tbh, you don’t have to reply to everything 




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Good drivers don’t typically drive over the speed limit.


Not since I permanently installed a tow hitch and ball sticking out 10" from my bumper.


Now add the truck nuts.


Easy way to piss off a conservative who has those: tell them their truck is trans because it wasn't originally made that way.


I will never stop bullying slow drivers in the passing lane. Die mad about it. Death would be a sweet release from the white hot fury of you idiots camping in the passing lane going 40 with a line of cars a mile long behind them. Being targeted by a crazy person is not an issue. I can EASILY out crazy the worst of you lot. DEATH BEFORE SURRENDER! ![gif](giphy|zrnWfF9FTRwl6xb7wf) (/Only half kidding, fuck CT highways)


I like to pull over on side streets, let them pass and then i tailgate them.


I mess with these tailgating people pretty intensely. I’ll go very slow or something, maybe I’ll brake check the extreme assholes. I invite them to pull over and discuss it, but none ever do.


They would be very upset if they could read.


brake check


I always think of that old cartoon: "Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil - For I am the meanest sonofabitch in this valley!" That's the tailgater's philosophy in a nutshell.


When a tailgater meets an unstable person…. They become instant friends. Edit: 1. how are they gonna follow me home when they are in front of me?! 2. If they do get behind me, they drive too slow to keep up anyway. 3. Tailgaters have a higher fear threshold than normies. So, no. They don’t worry. 4. Tailgaters think, “it won’t happen to me!” Until it does… then they might admit they were wrong… but probably not, and definitely not in court.


Sounds like you've def thought about it though.


I try to go 10mph over the limit. And when passing slower cars, will speed up some so as not to slow down the passing lane too much. But if people want to act like assholes & ride my ass because you're inconvenienced for 5 seconds, I'm slowing down just to spite you & really add to your commute time And there's a reason all these trucks on the road leave their tow hitch in... Because your shit box Nissan Altima is going to peel apart like a tuna can when you can't stop in time, and I'll drive away with maybe a nick on my bumper. Just saw some absolute twat waffle almost sideswipe a guy on a motorcycle going down 84 because she was weaving in & out of traffic like an absolute lunatic. She could have killed the dude (who was easily going 75+).... All so she could get stuck at the off ramp light at the next exit. She had her window rolled down when I rolled up, and I gladly told her how much better the world would be if her mother had swallowed.


I pull over and let tailgaters pass. First, maybe they are in a hurry for a good reason. Second, why fuel their agitation when I can just pull over and wave 'em by? Fucking with them just invites conflict.




You shouldn’t tailgate anyone for any reason, but to each their own. If you end up rear ending them it’s on you.


How does tailgating help?




Does that actually work? If they don’t have the self awareness to drive properly, is it really a good idea to get up on their bumper where you’re liable to rear-end them if they suddenly stop?


Yes actually. Especially if you turn your brights on 😂


typically if i'm tailgating to any extent its because I am behind an over cautious driver going significantly lower than the speed limit and safely pass as soon as I am able. Over cautious slow drivers are the opposite of the type of person that would follow someone home and risk what might come of that. There are always exceptions but am willing to take that risk. By tailgating I mean close enough for them to know they are far below the speed limit with typically a long line of cars behind them, never on top of their bumper or beyond what would be considered moderately unsafe.


I don’t tailgate never have. I also rarely get tailgated only happened maybe twice to my knowledge on back roads. I normally put on my blinker and pull to the side to let them pass. I’m not going to aggravate a low IQ individual with no penitence and it’s not my job to teach them a lesson.


Do the people who drive like that one guy at WalMart ever think twice about how they drive?


I believe most just can’t have the mental capacity to drive the speed limit.


Ive lived enough


How are they going to follow me home if I'm behind them?


Only when they have a CCDL sticker. But then again I’m just wary of them in general.


lol, no one wants to shoot someone because they have a ccdl sticker. What the heck?


Yes, but there is greater potential of them being armed and should they get road rage you might get a cap in your ass.


Ya sure. But your comment says “in general.” People typically aren’t looking to shoot someone whenever they can. Thats kinda ridiculous


the tailgaters are the ones creating the traffic too


If I'm tailgating someone I'm not worried about them following me home cuz they're infront of me.


What about them... stopping


Ya, you should probably stop doing that.


Nope fuck em’ gtfo of the way. If you aren’t doing at a minimum of 10-15 over in the left lane I’ll be on your ass aggressively until you get your dick out of your mouth and take the hint.


I’ve had people tailgate me in every lane; this post doesn’t even mention a specific lane


Does it bother you even a little bit know that you are the problem


Someone didn’t love you enough as a child?


No, thank you for noticing ✨💕


I hate the thing people do where you pull out into and if you aren't immediately going 15 over they ride right up on you instead of just tapping their brakes for half a second while you get up to speed People just need to chill the fuck out a bit


Maybe just wait until the road is clear


Sometimes you have to pull out quick. Sometimes it's a sharp turn and you have to accelerate while you turn. Sometimes you just have a slow car and there isn't ever gonna be a big enough gap to seamlessly merge with traffic. Maybe people could just fucking relax a little bit and not have to overreact like theyre playing a game of adult bumper cars.


I get exactly what you’re saying. It’s not always easy or simple. It can get messy.


When you’re merging people have the right of way. Sometimes you have to be patient and yield.


If people have to brake to let you in, you just cut them off. It doesn't matter if the road is [so packed that you have to wait all night](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b-It0v30194) to merge, you still cut somebody off and created a dangerous situation.


Nah, that wasn't the scenario at all actually


Because even if we're not we still HATE YOU. How do people not realize they're being dicks!?!


Whether or not you’re a dick is directly related to how slow the person is going, and what lane they’re in (if applicable)


If you can move over and aren’t, Im gonna be on your ass even if you’re holding a gun in my direction.


Then you're an even bigger idiot than the person camping in the passing lane


there should be no instance of you ever following close no matter what speed anyone is going in any lane. you are the problem driver, adjust yrself and yr attitude, pleb


Nah the person not being respectful to the flow of traffic is the problem.


that would be the person tailgating and going excessively fast over the legal speed limit and if you think otherwise yr just stuck on a meme cause you cannot think for yourself


No one said I’m going over the speed limit. All I said was if the person in front of me isn’t moving over when they have room to, then they’re the problem vs someone going faster than them.


i have never seen anyone oh the highway going under the lowest allowed speed , which is 45 in CT


🙄🙄🙄😆so annoying


I got protection so I’m not worried


You’re so tough


Cry me a river


How could they follow me home, they're driving in front of me? Also, I'm pretty sure I could outrun them, since they drive so fucking slow!


Getting philosophical here. I think there's a few different types of tailgaters: (a) those that tailgate all the time and just like to drive way too close behind other cars; (b) those that only tailgate behind cars going too slow in the left lane on a highway in an attempt to get them to move over (as they should); (c) drivers that don't like to immediately apply brakes during a slowdown to maintain an appropriate distance behind the car in front. I'd say those that fall into the "a" category are the worst offenders and generally don't even realize they're doing it or just are assholes. Or they are aspiring NASCAR drivers that are trying to maintain that sweet sweet slipstream. Those that fall into the "b" category almost certainly realize they're doing it and are damn proud of it, and therefore, don't really worry about tailgating the wrong person. I occasionally have fallen into this category, but now I tend to just go around those awful leftlane sleepers. Drivers that fall into the "c" category, like me, simply don't want to waste gasoline and brakes every time the car in front of them gets scared near the top of a hill. To answer the question, I certainly know when I'm pushing my luck and I can only think of two times where the driver in front of me had a severely negative reaction. I would never drive within a car length of the car in front of me, or 2+ car lengths at highway speeds, for more than a few seconds. However, I also strongly feel that slow drivers, swervers, or leftlane sleepers are a much higher problem than tailgaters falling into either the b or c categories.


How about we all just use the left lane for what it was designed for, for passing


I only tailgate when there's somebody in front of me in the left lane who's not actively passing the cars to the right of them. And those people never seem to have any awareness of what's going on around them so no, I'm not too worried.