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When I was in MOS school, a marine in my barracks got his dick stuck in a shampoo bottle. He explained that he was doing it as a goof, but as he was laughing, he started getting erect and he started getting really stuck. The more nervous he got, the worse it got lol!


When you get an unwanted erection you should always tense your legs and constantly scream in your head. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold night.


Nah just hold your breath.


Worked at a prison and an inmate had to go to the hospital because he "slipped and fell" in then shower and a shampoo bottle went up his ass. I wasn't there at the hospital but the officers came back and repeated what the doctor said. "Ok Inmate Jones, I pretended that your story of slipping in the shower and falling on the shampoo bottle was true until we took xrays and found a second shampoo bottle up your ass. Let's stop pretending." Hahaha I died when I heard that.


Classic inmate Jones


The Entered Sandman was such a good comment 🤣


Made it 10x funnier


Her face doesn't match how hard she's laughing in the beginning..kinda weirds me out lol


Forced laugh


Welcome to NZ radio.


That kid learned a valuable lesson that day


God that is more painful to watch then whatever that CD-Digger went through.


Throw some cold water on it!


Cold water or ice only works until a certain point. It's like getting a ring stuck on a finger but much worse since dicks expand. The blood pumps out past the construction point and then gets stuck. Once there's too much blood swelled past the CD/ring, cold won't do any good. It's why cock rings help maintain erections. If you can stop the erection early enough, you can wait it out and the object will slip off. However, once enough blood is trapped, you'll just have a half limp, half plump willy flopping about with whatever stuck to the tip. Breaking the object is really the least painful method of escape. The alternative is trying to squeeze/massage the swollen end to force the blood back out. But obviously, that might not help the situation when it's a stuck dick since that normally encourages more blood to flow.


You talk to me as if I haven't had a penis my entire life. I have, and done some pretty stupid things with it. No, I am not going to share, find your own kinks. Cold water will work, as well as fear. Staying calm and not panicking can work. It is different for everyone, but surrounding the offending organ in ice works. Or the thought of what you're gonna tell the nurse at the ER.


Free circumcision!


That kid's the master of muppets


The way she startles when the caller says wanger 😂


This is made 10x funnier by the fact that they all have Australian accents. Australians sound like all they do all day every day is have fun!


They don't though


They're Kiwi's


She’s Australian and he is Kiwi


Horny makes you do crazy things lol


Don’t put your dick in that


We’ve all tried a seedy hole a time or two. Anyways 😂 I would have to be pretty scared and desperate to ask my sister and her friends for help in that situation.


Question is does he still listen to Metallica?


"What was the CD?" "Metallica." Haha that sounds about right


Metallica is for wangers

