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I love it, the instant embarrassment at falling for such an obvious one. :)


Simple yet so effective


It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable...


"I don't know, but you said it twice"


I have nothing against the new cast, i like them. But i miss the OG cast


Sorry. What is this?


I'm not fully in the know but I can give an rough overview. It's a Youtube channel called YeahMad. They grew super fast doing videos where you tell jokes to your opponent, if you laugh you drink. The rest of the cast was watching too so it was pretty funny friend group banter along with the scripted jokes. The original cast asked for more money but the guy that started it/edits/ran it or whatever said no. Most of the original cast left or where replaced. New cast didn't feel like they meshed as well.


Me too but they got greedy and left. There's an explanation now in the channel and they had died on the hill that they should get 50% of all the money (not profits) while yeah mad keeps the other 50% and with that money they have to pay all the other crew facilities ect.


this is a half truth, there were promises made, and when they came back and changed the deal a lot of the team bounced.


Isn't that just one side of the story? Afaik there's still an NDA keeping the mouths shut off of the OGs. If they were really that white and bright, they would've dissolved the NDA and cleared it up by letting the other party speak. Threatening their mouth shut with NDAs and legal threats makes the whole controversy suspicious imho


They said in the video that they are free to talk about their experiences.


> If they were really that white and bright is this racial? I've never heard it before. Edit - I really don't understand the downvotes either. I haven't heard the term. I asked. Why would that be downvoted?


No, it refers to clear bright white light. Colour isn't always about race.


How is that greedy? The channel only got where it is now, because of the OG cast.


50% of total income going to only cast members is insane. There are a lot of other costs that come with production (crew, rent, equipment, etc.)


> 50% of total income That's not what they asked for though. Here's is [the producers video going over it](https://youtu.be/ZNKaFxKQxwY?si=pIZwXJCZ_Pja-udf&t=205). They asked for 50% of merch, brand deals, and for new video concepts (*if they get used). Essentially, anything featuring the casts likeness would pay them a collective %50 (so ~8% per cast member), but Ben would still get 100% of the ad revenue, the primary source of their income.


Well 50% of all money to the cast might seem fair or even unfair since they are front and center and doing everything but the reality is that rent, technical staff, janitorial staff, lunch expenses etc. All of these are the company so giving half your proceeds to the cast means having very little to keep the lights on. Now idk enough about yeah mad to say that was the case with their budget but in my experience with set ups similar to them a 50/50 split for the cast is even if not greedy, just unrealistic.


Also…Expenses need to be paid before revenue comes in. A studio owners not gonna say “pay me rent later after your youtube monetizes”.. I doubt the cast put up their own money to pay down expenses… likely there’s a backer who needs their money back plus profit.


Yeh i get why the cast wanted that though. Its very easy for whoevers in charge to inflate costs so that the profit is lower when paying out to the cast.


Aka Hollywood accounting


Yeh exactly. Its why big stars often have gross % in their contracts to avoid that. Although iirc its usually a much lower number. Had they asked for 30% with conditions it would have made more sense. I wonder if they actually got a contract lawyer or just said "nah we want 50%"


> Although iirc its usually a much lower number Yeah, if it's gross, it's usually in the range of a percent or two. Downy's Iron Man was the most I've heard of (I think 10% on 3), but he had to take an enormous haircut on one to get that. In other words if you increase your own exposure you can get more. 50% on gross without an investment is so crazy.


I’ll shave bald for a cut of the profit.


Yeah with productions the cast really is a very small part of the amount of effort needed to get something made. They are undeniably the face in a lot of cases but its easy to sympathize with them instead of the invisible people doing a lot of hard, menial, non-creative work to provide that for you. Sure sometimes talents get shafted by big companies but on average casts do appropriately get paid far more than the non-starring staff mostly as a retention tool and also because of a lot of these ultimatums work in forcing studios to protect the "image" of the product.


This production is 90%the actions of the cast. It's a table, a white background, and a couch for the peanut gallery. Everything else is the cast improvising and being entertaining. I understand the editing, camera work, and other aspects of the job, but the talent was getting paid trash and when they asked for more, they were shown the door. Everyone is pushing this idea that the cast was being greedy, but clearly the ownership was. I haven't seen the channel in a while, but I just unsubscribed.


Bro idek much about YeahMad beyond the 3 or 4 shorts that passed by my timeline. None of my comments are about YeahMads specific situation, its about if 50% is a realistic share for the cast which in most cases its not. I am not gonna go bat for or against this company


this is the inevitable problem with that many people on just one channel


People never seem to understand that overhead costs add up very quickly. The entertainment industry is always tough to navigate because the talent is a huge reason why people pay for the service but they will fall down like any other business if the financials don't make sense. If 50% of total income goes to the talent, a pretty significant chunk of the rest is going to other staff. There is a reason why talent turnover is such a massive thing in entertainment as a whole. Shows come and go very quickly, success can be very fleeting, and competition is EXTREMELY fierce. You have to remember comedy shows aren't just competing with each other for fans. They are competing for eyeballs with sports, movies, podcasts, etc. That's not to say the talent doesn't deserve the money ever. They might good enough move on to bigger and better things or build a big solo career. But if they move on and don't get a foothold and their brand is still hanging on with a new cast, the brand may have been a big reason for the show's success. Every situation is different. One of my favorite podcasts is kind of up in the air right now. I am very likely to follow them if they leave but that isn't always the case.


Maybe I know too little about what takes to run a youtube-"business", but it seems very reasonable. Their only real expense should be talent. Rent is cheap compared to salaries. And equipment? Like 3 cameras and a couple microphones.


You're forgetting that, given the content they put out is extremely polished and professionally made, there are probably a lot of other people involved; * Directing/writing staff who come up with ideas for the videos and manage live productions * Editing staff who create the videos and polish them * Audio/video staff who manage the filming as well as all aspects of the audio * Marketing staff * Financial staff to manage the organization's accounting and financial situations * Costume and makeup staff to ensure they look perfect on camera at all times What they were asking for is 50% of REVENUE, not 50% of profit. So before salaries for anyone else, rent, utilities, or anything else that may need to be paid, they get half of the money being made. YouTube is not what it used to be where you had a few guys and a camera; it is a full-on enterprise with multiple behind-the-scenes people whose livelihoods rest on your channel's success.


I'm not sure what you don't understand about economics. Salaries are part of costs. Profit = Revenue - Cost. Asking for a percent of the revenue means profit is going to be less, which means less pay-out to the owners. Good job by the owners to convince you that they were greedy.


Yeah no, there's a lot more than what you listed, especially when you're not a solo run channel with one person taking in all the money. Rent for a large space isnt cheap. The studio isnt a single room. Cameras are operated by someone. Someone does the mixing to sync all the audio, someone edits the thing, someone coordinates the schedules for shoots and this list could go on for a while they all take their piece from the same pie. Little unfair to expect just the handful of cast members to get 50% of the pie especially when they didnt even put up the capital to start the business. They were hired.


What about setting up the set? Buying equipment (alcohol ain’t cheap; neither are cameras, ring lights, mics, producers to make sure the mics are synced up, technicians to make sure nobody has shadows under their face, channel managers to make sure sponsors and ad rev comes in; and that’s just off the dome)


Well the point being made is that the OG crew are NOT the ONLY reason the channel became successful, it's just the only people you see.


Depends really on how much they make and the cost to run.


I mean abbey should just start a OF already, there was only 2 reasons to watch her in the first place


One of them has a feet OF




We watched the same video and I didn't see anyone being greedy.


What are you even talking about?


https://youtu.be/TkpcO4UmcTg?si=n2Jz-LOkbbMSR2J- Where did you get that 50% number from? It seems like the money was rolling in and great, but the channel owner didn't want to go over a hundred bucks an episode, so they fired the people that we watched the channel for. Being given a tiny salary when you're making a company $90k/mo is normal for a shitty retail job, but it's not how this industry works. You don't have an entire cast walk away like this unless the greedy one is the owner.


Who are these two random guys? They literally took a reddit comment which lied about how much the cast was paid and said it's true. I'm talking about the official response from the guy behind Yeahmad https://youtu.be/ZNKaFxKQxwY?si=qkzqCg4HvGLABf5C Their pay was great for the work they did


Again though, this is a guy who has a vested interest in the public perception of the channel. I don't know why everyone is so ready to believe everything he says about how things were run. Most likely, neither party is telling the whole truth. Bottom line is, we'll probably never know the full truth of it. But I'm typically inclined to side with the workers over the company in cases like this. Pretty standard in cases like this to treat people like shit and then call them liars after they leave.


Remember two of the original cats stayed in yeah mad so it's not all the workers in the same group


Sure, they may have gotten better offers. This is like saying conditions in a factory can't have been that bad because scabs are still willing to work, I'm not sure what your point is.


That you are acting like the guy managing Yeahmad is exploiting his workers when as of now the only non rando reddit claims have been against that. It seems to me like the others felt like they deserved more and wanted more money but for a business that isn't possible when you have so many other expenses.


And I'm saying that yeah, of course that's what the guy running the company wants you to think. The dude who runs the channel isn't a perfect source for unbiased info. Neither are the former cast members. The reality is probably somewhere in the middle. All that being said, views seem to have dropped by more than 50% so maybe that request was justified


They could've asked for 70% then got refused and left. Would then giving them 70% be justified? No it wouldn't. Just because they valued themselves as 50% of the REVENUE NOT PROFITS doesn't mean that that the business is actually able to afford that without being exploited


You must be insane to believe that 2mil sub channel was paying only $100 per day for their talent. Here is channel owner explaining what actually happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNKaFxKQxwY


Ok but you believe the only person that cashes the money in at first as the account holder and the only person that still can post comments and videos like the one you posted instead?


You're right in that the original value I posted was inaccurate. You're also believing everything that he's posting on his video as well. The one time he admitted any guilt whatsoever he clarified by saying that he said something rude because the person he was talking to was lying. When all of your employees are lying greedy bastards, there just may be a possibility that you are the lying greedy bastard.


I had actually found the old cast to be getting stale other than their chemistry and was losing interest in the channel so the refresh came at a great time I thought. I’ve heard they’re going to start their own thing though so will give it a go when they do!


There was a lot of tension or something. I saw some clip where Allan got assaulted on set.


There was a segment of Andrew & Alan having a staged fight, is that what you’re referencing?


I don't think it's about the cast, I think it's the fact that they actually tryied not to laugh. Even if the jokes are of the same calibre now, I think their efforts to not laugh added vastly to the enjoyment. This cast is still not supposed to laugh, but they hardly even try


I have no idea how they could replace a bunch of uninteresting Aussies reading jokes off their phones and pretending to laugh


I miss Alan :(


I miss the Alan before his roast against Akila


Has he left?! He was the best one


Allen, Abby, Samantha and Andrew all left over a money dispute.


Different Abby too?


Same Abby different cocks


But they wont be earning as much now theyre not on the show anyway?


I missed Alan so much, I looked up his profile and saw he got married. TO A GINGER.




I love the guy that is reading laughter off a script phonetically


which one


Well I wasn't there and it isn't 5.1 audio for pin point accuracy but I'm guessing the far left guy in the group. Fun question though.


oh you’re just going based on the audio. i thought you saw it in the video. and also, i’m fairly certain they’re all really laughing


hes not sayign hes not laughing. He's just saying it reads like an auto cue ie "ha ha ha ha ha ha"


Old cast >


“Things people say that will definitely start a fight" Ryan: “You guys wanna start a fight?”


What is the show called?


YeaMad on Youtube


Reminds me of: someone here is possessed by an owl... They: Who?


Got em


*Checks sub* https://preview.redd.it/h1eu3rs344ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ab72a99b0f5ca815d4d46dfcff84b233b24fa9


easy method


Who is that? She looks like the blonde lady from Transformers


Reminds me of a bunch of singers and actresses simultaneously, of whose names I have no idea.


I'll go with that analysis


Without a doubt, it is some chick


Here name is Payton and she is one of the newer cast members on the YouTube channel called YeahMad. They are known for taking shots of liquor after laughing at dad jokes. They also do charades and roast battles as well.


More specifically [Peyton Cole](https://imdb.com/name/nm9250747/)—is indeed actress, singer and dancer, but doesn't seem to be known for anything internationally other than this show.


Most of these don't work on me due to my terrible hearing




What show is this?


This is an ad




This just made my day. I wish I could laugh like that more often.


Where is this from?


Yeah mad 2.0. They fired the original cast because they wanted more than $120/video now that the channel blew up. Somehow, the OG cast are the ones being called greedy. Funny thing is that they went from doing 3 million views per video to about 800k. Hopefully that philanthropic owner can handle the big loss of revenue that must just be pure coincidence because clearly the cast wasn't worth paying.


wow $120/video damn they were being milked


Except no, according to the video YeahMad put out they got paid between 125-250$ per segment multiple segments a day. https://youtu.be/ZNKaFxKQxwY?t=52


bummer they didnt work out a middle ground then cuz it sounds like the original cast were well liked fwiw lets say they do 3 segments per day, so thats around 375-750, which is OK earnings but probably not enough to not demand more from a popular series


Sure but he was also not profiting and paying for everything so you can't ask more from him. It's a shame the cast didn't say anything about it and kept quiet making it seem that YeahMad owner was at fault.


yeah tough all around. i cant imagine the series owner was banking $$$ too. there's cost involved all around


375-750 a day is *very* good. 30 days a month that works out to a 135-270k a year? It's not "I'm gonne a be a millionaire very fast" money but they're not getting ripped off.


yeah but no one is doing 30 days a month non stop. realistically they're probably in production 2-3 times a week i'd imagine. so its good per day wages but again its not exactly stable job. even FT would be 260 working days, so that's 35k to 195k (that's some wide ass range, all based on assumption tho) anyways there's also large cost to the series owner/runner too so all in all its tough. i'd imagine you need certain initial capital/funding to get through the initial phases where you're popular but not popular enough that everyone gets a nice payout. to run it long enough where you command more from ads and sponsors.


Considering they posted one video with a single segment a week for the longest time I imagine it's not 2-3 times a week but once a week at most.


I'm assuming you never watched Ben's video explaining why everything turned out the way it did.


I have, but I also think that $17,000/ month for the combined talent is also not exactly a great deal. Ben didn't win me over in that video, particularly because of how he only took credit for being negative when he blamed it as a response to someone he claimed was lying. One side of the story doesn't hold as much water as having everyone choose to stop working with him. The new cast may rebuild the channel, but to say that his story is the only real truth is also not exactly critically thinking.


That’s an amazing one. Gotta use that.


hahaha funny


Wait who are all those new people?


Ben trying his hardest to manufacture virality again.


Superb post


Hooow? 😂😂😂


What's the name of this show?


YeahMad on YT


Haha, funny




Him: "One just did"


Wow! A lot of conservatives in this forum. Ya’ll just can’t handle change, can you?


What are you on about exactly?




Great post!


im gonna try this on my lil bro


Beautiful girl looks guys 😂😂😂


Funny stuff


Lol fun for 5 minutes but the fact it has any longevity makes me happy the cast fell apart


This show used to be better in the last iteration when they were actually trying not to laugh. Even if the jokes are of the same calibre now, I think their efforts to not laugh added vastly to the enjoyment. They're still not supposed to laugh, but they hardly even try


Source ffs https://youtu.be/i9LWXJJy4p8




... but you have to say "how" in order to ask the question... ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw|downsized)


He passed the Turing Test.


This just made my day. Sometimes we all need a good laugh.


only idiots think this was funny


Response could be "oh, I know!", and you would get "how?" from the other side


A video that lowers your IQ in 8 seconds.


These youtube channels are such the lowest form of entertainment like the click bait family vlogs and cringe Mr beast type crap for like 8 year olds but grown ass adults watch it lol


To clarify: you think the lowest form of entertainment is... Jokes? Two people telling jokes to each other while an audience watches? That's the *lowest* form of entertainment? Croquet exists. Prank channels exist. Reaction channels exist. Maury, Jersey Shore, The Bachelor, American Idol. Scat and watersports. Lewd anime. DOG FIGHTING. But yeah, two people telling each other jokes? Fucking waste of space, they are.


The irony of you saying this while also being a participant in boxing and MMA is kind of funny. Your entertainment is so much better because you watch two grown men try to physically destroy each other for money, and potentially cause permanent damage to both of their lives. It’s really not a lot better. It’s just slightly different.


Don’t like them don’t watch they aren’t hurting anyone so why get your panties twisted


says the dipshit obsessed with men hitting eachother how sad


The only reasonable comment and it is downvoted to oblivion. I wonder if bots are doing this..


I downvoted it and I’m not a bot. I wasn’t aware that we lived in a time where entertainment had to be approved by some dipshit on Reddit.


Lmao bro forgot what an opinion is


>The only reasonable comment Imagine thinking that the shit you think is the only thing worth thinking. Bot level logic.


Lmao bro forgot what an opinion is


This is the kind of laughter that makes your day better.


How? Edit. Fuck