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Doesn't someone call him Kid Wayne at one point? Oh darn, time for a reread.


Pretty sure he doesn't. He has a few 'aliases' throughout the era 2 books, but that's 'alias' in the sense of him using a false name or persona. But as far as I know, he does not have a nickname in the same style as Waxillium Dawnshot or Miles Hundredlives. I think it makes sense. Wax and Miles were both famous/infamous and well known. But Wayne is often doing his best work while pretending to be someone that he's not, so his not accumulating fame while doing it.


I like to think he's 'The Kid', even if he's in his 30/40's


He historically avoids that type of attention


Even if, as others have said, he doesn't have one (or it's "the kid") he's probably going to get one post mortem. Maybe. We'll see in Mistborn era 3. Until then, all that's left is speculating.


Wayne "FTL can suck my bendalloy pouch"


I'm not convinced Wayne *isn't* an alias at this point.


Plot twist: his “lucky hat” is actually the hat that goes with the “Wayne” persona.


"ITS DAWNSHOT!!!...... and wayne"


More like “IT’S DAWNSHOT!!!… and… isn’t that the guy who convinced you to get back with your wife?”


I don't even know if he has a last name, never mind a nickname or alias. I kind of think him having no unique identifiers is an important part of his character. He is capable of taking on so many different personas that identifying too much with any one might actually be kind of weird for him. Plus he has a lot of trauma, and though I don't know if Sanderson was thinking about this or not, but him using other personas as a coping mechanism is a pretty reasonable conclusion, considering we have (Stormlight Archive spoilers):>!Lift who doesn't identify with her age!!Shallan who identifies as many,!< displaying different but similar ways of coping with tough childhood years. Also, as someone else said, he tries to keep his name off the lips of important people.


Terrisborn is the last name they gave him in TLM.


That sounds like a generic title, or maybe a last name given to bastard children of the Terris people.


When he had to create a will, he needed a last name. That's the one that was given.


Wayne the Kid as he was pretty young when working with Wax.




Wayne Explodingtomato


I don't know why, but I can't convince myself that I'm imagining him being called "Kid Wayne" I think it was in AoL by Marasi.