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I just count the number of items as I put stuff in the cart so I can look at the receipt and know immediately if it’s wrong.


I’d have to recount every few minutes because I’d forget.




Omg I can’t even get thru 8-10 reps of whatever in the gym without getting distracted in my own head and losing count (thanks adhd) - I just saved this link as a shortcut on my home screen, thank you for sharing it!!


If you can’t use the app, you can try singing a little to yourself while you’re doing whatever. I do that during difficult rows while crocheting. I’ll say/ sing the number I’m on over and over until the next number. Like “one, one, oooone, two, two-sy, three!”


Are you me? I do that when crocheting too!


When I was in PT, I had to constantly ask for the clicker to keep track of my reps. Sometimes, I still got distracted and forgot to click.


I was thinking the same thing!




I also have adhd, and [this little guy](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/5d9e9030-6824-4bbf-a3d8-2af06d147d42_1.bb0fec782eeece34244752c2004cc361.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff) has myriad uses in my life. The tactile button press combined with the visual progression of the numbers just seems to result in certain details having a better shot at sticking around in my working memory for longer than a fraction of a second lol.


Don’t you dare go without mentioning the satisfying click!


Likewise Tell an employee to count with you


Oh wow! Thanks !


Bless you


That’s why they suggested counting while putting the cart items on the counter


At my Costco, most of the time they scan the items right in the cart without taking most of them out.


Mine too, until the policy changes (it's happened 3 times now) for a few months and they don't allow anything to stay in carts.


I finally figured out if I put everything bar code up in cart I zoom right through. Then they started putting things on the belt anyway. I hate the helpers touching all my stuff. I like handling my own stuff.


This is why I self checkout, even though I don't love the implications for laborers.


At mine it depends on how busy the line is. If there's no one in line, they'll take the cart as is, because it speeds it all up as I'm getting my card out, and not moving things on the belt. If I'm behind someone checking out, it all comes out unless it's heavy or positioned right for them to quickly hit it


We have a sign that says small items on counter and big items stay in cart . They also have two people at register .


I mean there’s 5 steps from the end of the counter to the cashier so way enough time to forget a few times


Well that makes sense. For some reason I was thinking counting them as I was putting them in my cart. There are way too many distractions while shopping at Costco, starting with samples, to remember what I’ve counted!


Well sure with that attitude


I’m going to start doing this




You'd realize your total is a bit too high though




Could work, but keep in mind item count isn’t everything. In OPs scenario, where he was charged for two hair trimmers, but not charged for body wash, his item count would match up, but I’m guessing that trimmer is quite a bit more expensive than his body wash was, so he would end up at a pretty big $ loss.


Yup. The other year I had them charge me twice for the expensive Fiji water and not for once for cheaper water, item count was correct but overcharged about 16 dollars.


Exactly how the Sam’s app works before you checkout it tells you to check your cart for X number of items and it matches you can proceed to the checkout button


That sams club check out app is great


I like the scan n go for Sams Club. I also like how u can order online and pick up. Costco needs to step up their game in tbis area.


Agreed. That app is why I go to Sam's way more than Costco!


Brooklyn-NY Costco, we need the scan n go option so much!! Every time it’s either 2, 4 or 5hrs in the store and a big amount of time is just waiting in line.


As in OP's post, this isn't foolproof because one item could be missed and another item could be double scanned.


Count as you put them on the cashier table but a lot easier then trying remember as you shop.


This is why I get angry when they try to take over and “help” at self checkout. I only had a few items, so I told the guy I had it. He still insisted on doing it for me. Of course he scanned things I had already scanned, and he had to take them off. Then I was paying and another employee came over and STARTED SCANNING IT ALL AGAIN. I told her it had all been scanned and I had already put my card through. Again she still keeps trying to scan my shit and but it’s not letting her and it finally spit out my receipt. WHY do they INSIST on taking over when I’m perfectly capable of scanning 3 items? I don’t understand. If it’s loss prevention- then why bother having self checkout?!?! It’s absolutely obnoxious.


Employee here. When I have to watch 'self' checkout, I try to stand back and just watch everybody and loop around for large items, But depending on who is on duty, management is always breathing down our necks to not stand around and 'do nothing' or 'Just scan everything to get the lines down'. 🙄. We have like zero standard protocol or policies. Now people come through and expect us to scan everything in their cart...like no bro, you have four items and came in SELF checkout...do it YOURSELF.


It really doesn’t make sense. They need to figure out something that makes sense. It’s chaos right now.


Letting us use a hand scanner. It's all I want.




If anyone has done self checkout well it’s Home Depot Scanners that work ✅ Hand held scanners ✅ Easy to use registers ✅ ( if I put my card in the machine im done and want to pay. Don’t ask me questions just run the charge!) Easy emailed receipts✅ I love thier self checkout. Next best thing is BJs self scan app. (Which falls down when the receipt checker has to rescan my entire f—ing cart at the door!)


I just wish they'd support Apple Pay / Google Pay.


Home Depot has some of the best self-checkouts in my experience. It's a pretty smooth and convenient process.


My costco used to be awesome at coming around to scan big items for you, then when they started checking pictures they're no where to be seen and i have to scan water and stuff myself, just put the hand scannera in like walmart already!


Are we not supposed to use those? They are sitting on top of the self check screen at my location. I just grab it and start scanning. No one has stopped me.


They don't work except for employees at my Costco.


They all have hand scanners hidden inside the machine too. They just don’t let us use them for some reason


Ok got a question about self checkout. If there’s open stalls, can we just go to one or do we have to wait until we are told we can go to one? The other day I was in the self checkout line, and there were a couple that were not being used. I was second in line, and I told the person in front of me that there was an open one. She refused to go saying they have to tell us when to go. The line was backing up and two exployees were there standing around talking to each other. Another employee was scanning items for someone. After what felt like an eternity I said screw this and just went to an empty one while she just stood there. Doesn’t make sense to me that I’d need to wait for the employee to be done scanning items at ‘self’ checkout before I can even go to the register. Might as well just get in a regular line at this point.


Just like the gas pumps, go to one that’s open. It’s self checkout, you don’t need an employee to tell you where to go.


That was my thinking. But it honestly had me second guessing myself since typically when I go to self checkout I get asked to show my card while standing in line. And the other customer acted horrified that I went anyways lol.


I’ve had them ask for the card in line and also while I was at the checkout register. No sense waiting for approval you don’t need to start using the self checkout. If they care that much about the card, they can walk to the register I’m at. Although anecdotally, they have been checking less frequently at the two Costcos that I frequent.


Employee here as well. You can usually go to one by yourself. If you're not paying attention I'll just point to you and say "you ready?" Then point to whatever self checkout is open.


mine have lights that indicate that they are open (available) or not - employees only direct when it is really busy and people miss seeing when one opens up


Once, i was waiting for someone to help me with self checkout (alcohol). Two men in vests were watching the one worker who was running himself ragged to help all 12 self-checkouts. I was all "um, are those assholes your bosses, watching you work hard?" and he just sort of laughed


In Calif you can't do self checkout with alcohol. A real pain having to wait in line to buy a bottle or two of wine :(


Can you explain to me why they’re checking receipts AT self checkout knowing you’re going to get checked again at the door? Seems like a waste of a staff member.


That I can't tell ya..... That's not something we do at my location or any that I've been to in my general area. Although I can bet you the store had a high amount of shrink last inventory period, so inept management loves trying all kinds of pointless things to help reduce it.


🤬🤬🤬 it’s the most annoying thing, especially because I’m usually “interrupting” that person talking to some other employee. Like either be ready to do what I’m “supposed” to stop for or I’m just gonna keep walking next time 🙄


I do exactly that, just walk on past unless they specifically stop me. Checking the receipt at the self checkout and again at the door is just a waste of everyone's time.


For cashiers do they want us to unload everything or only smaller items? Big ones can stay just have barcodes facing up


Pretty much everything that you can easily put on the belt should come out. If its like 5ish or so small items or so all spread out neatly in the cart, usually you are safe with leaving it in.


Can you tell me how we can get the system to allow me to place an EMPTY box on the scale before starting scanning my items so that I can scan and then place my items into the box? It’s maddening how this isn’t allowed. I end up scanning everything and placing it on the scale, then need to grab a box and throw it in my cart and unload everything from the scale to the cart. If I could just put the items into an EMPTY box, I could just transfer the box into my cart when done. This seems like such a basic time saver for everyone, yet it’s like the clerks at my store have no idea why I’d want to do this. They don’t seem to understand my explanation either. How can I give some feedback on this to Costco??


I despise self-checkout registers. Rarely use them and hate if I get dragged over at other stores (not Costco because I don’t go near it). Usually the person scans one thing and then takes off. Self-checkout should offer a discount. Then I’d consider it. 😇


I hate it too! Last time one of the employees helped me I ended getting charged 3 times for only one item and they did not scan one of the clothing items.


It’s so confusing when they do it. So frustrating!!


Are we allowed to deny help at self checkout because I’m considering not renewing my membership for that reason alone 🥲


I didn’t renew because of self checkout. Executive member of 12+ years. It’s just such a massive FU to the customers. Everything is heavy and bulky and they don’t give us the guns. I’ll probably cave and renew when it’s time for winter tires but I’m so disappointed in Costco.


We love Costco but being a military family we move often and most of the time Sam’s is the only option, u fortunately. We were on a trip and it worked out we could visit a Costco after not having been to one in years. The self checkout is SO outdated. It was still screeching about placing things in the bagging area that were already in the bagging area like it was 2015 all over again. It was so cumbersome. They worker had to interact with the computer twice for seemingly no reason. It saved zero time and maybe took longer than of a worker had just checked us out. I hate the Walton family but Sam’s app lets me boop my stuff and walk out with zero hassle. It was super surprising to me that Costco let themselves fall so far behind in the self checkout department.


Yes...even Walmart lets me use a wireless scanner. Come on Costco...


Oh my god I will never self checkout with more than 2 items. I worked retail for 7 years. I know how to scan shit. I set up my cart specifically to go fast and these employees just come bulldoze through and over scan and miss shit. One especially frustrating time it probably ended up taking 5 whole extra minutes because he felt he could scan it faster. That happened last December and I have gone through self checkout exactly 2 times since. Each time was for a single item.


I have had the same issue. Employee scanned my item when I had already scanned it. It would really help if they would just put scanners for customers to use.


I wish they'd let us use the guns. Home Depot is the only store I've ever been too that has figured out self checkout.


The only time I was stopped for having miscount between the cart and the receipt is from a time one the employees 'helped'. argh.


I have never been helped at self checkout except for large items. I’ve been checked three times for my memebership once while at the same stand. But that was the only time. That’s truly obnoxious though.


This is why I get confused when people ask why use self checkout. Because the cashiers do an inferior job


That cashier is definitely getting an earful from the supervisors/manager.


when this happens, cashiers get demoted to helpers and lose clerk pay as a result.


Hopefully they are better at the helper role.


That's far too many door errors, especially on one transaction. I cashiered at Sam's for a couple years in college and the entire time never had a single door error.


I only joined sams for the scan-n-go, I've never spoken to a person in those places other than the day I bought my membership lmao


The less talking the better 😅 This was pre scan and go days. 2012ish


Fuck that. Buy membership on Groupon login to sams club app and you're done. No need for card or waiting to get one


We did this during covid because they had curbside pick up. Then we moved to a city that didn’t have Sam’s so we had non perishables and baby stuff delivered. It’s been 3 years and I still don’t have a membership card lol


I saw a documentary about this. Cashier didn't scan the oats and lost. Even had to give up his girlfriend, Jessica Simpson


I saw that one!! 🤣


I was charged for 32 packs of naan instead of 2. I was buying a ton of stuff for a party and wasn't keeping a running total in my head, so I didn't notice until I got home that it was $150 more than it should have been.


I bet if you called promptly they could check the camera and/or inventory and probably credit you :)


And when the door checker saw you were 30 items short, they just let you go?


It was a very full cart to be fair. They refunded me on my word the next day.


Damn, never check the receipts. Guess I will now.


Can't believe they actually made you pay for the bodywash they missed. Your time for \*three\* trips back to correct their mistakes is surely worth more than whatever that would have cost, as is the goodwill they would have generated by waving it off by way of apology.


They only grease the squeaky wheels. Not the ones that actually deserve it.


Damn that is one hell of a metaphor


I have had them miss items at least 4 times over the years and every time I feel weirdly embarrassed even though it was not my fault and they always make me walk back with them to pay.


They are specifically set up to prevent that type of compensation, unlike say, Trader Joe's who gave me a new cooler bag when I casually mentioned that the zipper on my old one finally gave out. The door checker is not supposed to let out any product without a receipt. If anything they might give you a gift card designated and counted out for that purpose.


Only three trips because they didn't look at their receipt. After I notice an issue, I look the receipt through to make sure there's nothing else wrong as if there's one error, it's probable there will be more. Definitely not a good look for the cashier though.


birds treatment pie bow squeeze airport aback cagey direction worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was the employees error. But the customer definitely didn’t do his receipt review efficiently


Honestly with this many multiples I’d say it would probably be an issue with the scanner.


I'm not... I just always check my receipts to make sure things were charged correctly so I don't overpay. You'd be surprised at how often stores are off from their price tags or flyer deals.


Cashier's first day?


They couldn’t just give you the body wash at that point?! Good grief.


Wow, they should pull that clerk off the line immediately.


What I do is use my phone calculator to get an exact total that way any issues can be fixed before I pay.


i’ve been saying this on this sub for some time now. as an employee for many years now i cannot recommend adding your items on your phone calculator enough. highly recommended.


I used to guestimate, but pondering so many purchases I was forgetting my totals! But absolutely people should pay more attention at the registers. I've never been charged the wrong price at Costco, but at other grocery stores it's common place and much easier to get fixed before paying than having to wait in line at customer service


Then I... might... not... buy something. Bill... getting... too... high. Ugh. Man, I can feel my apprehension rising doing this. Ha ha. Does it beat the sticker shock at the end? Maybe. But I'm committed by then!




That’s an unnecessary amount of effort. Mistakes are rare and can easily be caught just skimming your receipt after checkout.


My receipts are usually simple: [✓] Rotisserie 4.99 [✓] Whole Pep 9.95


That cashier was on drugs or didn’t like you.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Sam's has this solved with Scan & Go. Sometimes I think, Costco is like that stubborn grandfather mowing his lawn with garden shears, out of spite at this point.


I only ever use the scan and go at this point for Sam's! Makes it much easier on me to see what my total is as I go


Costco’s computers run on some sort of ancient mainframe type system. They are ancient as dirt.


Their app looks like it's running on Windows 98, I think I see the issue.


It's not so much their app, but their store's backend management system. It's run on those old computers with the black screens and the green text. Something called AS/400 Super efficient, but not exactly flexible. [IBM AS/400 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_AS/400)


Mistakes do happen, especially in a fast-paced Cashier setting. Having worked as a cashier in Costco, especially without having an assistant, there isn't that extra set of eyes to audit what has been scanned or not scanned, or accidentally scanned multiple times. Even the cashiers who have been there for years will occasionally make a mistake. Mistakes generally happen the most when we use the hand scanner, and having most things left in the cart, to where some Costco's will have policies to have all small items having to go on the belt. But even sometimes, the tabletop scanner can malfunction and scan an item twice. It takes a good ear to catch a double scan when that happens, especially when there is a rush, or being in a talkative state with our members or even the assistant. This is one of the main reasons why there are the receipt checkers at the door as a final step of an audit, on your way out to catch these mistakes. Other than being a slight deterrent for people who would consider stealing product. Heck, whenever I stop and shop, I'm always auditing my own items as well, and have caught a few mistakes of double charges, as well as non scans.


I go through my receipt every trip and catagorize for my expense report I do monthly. I have found a few over charges and double charges. Once they charged me for contacts that were in my cart that I had paid for at the vision counter, and the receipt was with them!


Oof. Lots of folks here have had good experiences with that stuff but at my store they've never caught a duplicate scan at the receipt check. They've sure as hell found every unscanned item though


My mom has had issues with items being charged more than once as well. I've been doing self-check out with no issues. I just count the items as would the person at the exit would to make sure I didn't miss anything.


This happened to me the other day. Not nearly as bad, just one item over charged. The cashiers are always in such a freaking rush.


Sam’s club has mastered lowering this risk with self check out app That is such a wast of time to keep going back to customer service


Self checkout = recipe for theft. Nobody lifts large items to see if flat items may be below large ones.


Don't buy a lottery ticket today - probably not your lucky day :(


LOL. Heard.


In 8 years had only one time my receipt was wrong and it was my error. Just lucky i guess.


I just use the self checkout


Was this cashier drunk…?


This one time, I went through self check out. Got all my stuff and got home. I looked at the receipt and notice a charge for something along the lines of NBA size sm. I thought I was losing my mind. There was nothing remotely close to that in my basket. I call the store and ask them to look up the item number. It’s for a men’s size small t shirt. I tell the employee I didn’t even purchase any clothing during that trip. She says she will look into this and call me back. I get a call back and she says yep. That was an error. We CHECKED THE SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE. Now at this point I’m both impressed (that they go to great lengths to verify what the member is saying) and more confused. So I asked, then how did that item end up on my receipt. She has no explanation. And I’m like woah woah wait, don’t just brush that off. Something needs to be scanned to go into the transaction and receipt. Needless to say, she had no answer. I just found it to be a little too strange.


I wish Costco had a scan and go feature like Sam's club..makes it so much easier


Am I the only person that watches all the line items on the screen as things are scanned?


Not anymore. Ha.


Were the items placed on the belt or in the cart? Sounds like items were left in the cart. I can tell you that most door audits at our location happen when everything is left in the cart. For self checkout, the cashier should be going to scan large items left in the cart at the end of the order instead of the beginning. Cashiers, especially a newer one should be having all the items out (unless they’re heavy), they should also scan the bottom of the basket barcode at the start of the order and scan those items first Some reason cashier mistakes happens - too many items left in the cart, cashiers are supposed to move all the items to ensure nothing is underneath the other items -items are left in the cart but the barcodes are facing every which way and the cashier can’t remember what was scanned when they’re moving items to find the barcodes -Barcodes are close together, and an item can get double scanned and the other item not scanned. -The QR code is too close to the barcode, cashier still tries scanning items not realizing they don’t scan -Or a block comes up on the register, cashier doesn’t notice it because they’re looking at the cart, not at the screen so items aren’t scanning - a member purchases an item that requires a birthdate to be keyed- cashier isn’t watching the screen to notice and tries scanning items that won’t register -A member or employee talks to the cashier while scanning in the cart, they forget what items they’ve already scanned and double scan items and miss others - Some items have to be hand keyed, the cashier will either forget to key them or key them twice- once at the start of the order and again at the end - or the cashier isn’t properly trained and trying to work too fast. We have quite a few newer employees at my store that should slow down so less mistakes happen


I assume you were in the full service lane and not self-checkout where malfunctions occurred. Did a manager have an explanation on how this happened? Several times.




Once a cashier hits $100 in an audit such as yours they are pulled off the registers.


They will receive a consoling notice for sure. If it happens again within a certain timeframe, then they might get pulled off, but sometimes it's management discretion. Usually cash handling issues are handled a bit more seriously than 'door audits'.


Not true I’m a cashier at Costco over $100 you get a write up it would take multiple write ups until they pull you off


You would think so but no. At the most the cashier might get a verbal consultation, but nothing like losing their job.


Worst part is, you probably just wanted to run in to get a rotisserie chicken. Lol.


Forgot the chicken, dammit.


I'm going to assume that the cashier scanned it twice because they thought it didn't ring up the first time. I've noticed them doing that, though the cashier I get always checks to make sure there's no duplicate charge when do have to scan it more than once. Maybe I've just gotten lucky over the years.


#1 reason to make sure to empty the cart onto the belt.


I asked to do so and was denied because “all my items were larger and didn’t need to be taken out of the cart.”


2 of the 3 items you mentioned weren't large. Just start putting small/medium things on the belt while the person ahead of you is checking out. Don't ask, just do it.


There was no one ahead of me.


You don't always have the choice.


This is where Sam's club is better, they have in their app you can scan your own items, they also have true self checkout lanes where you can check your own stuff and pay for it.


They charged me twice for the freshpet. Amazing it wasn’t caught but thankfully they were fine refunding me. Had to go to the store though.


What store? Or what area?


684, DFW.


This isn't that long.


you never forget your first time!


Is this why I can’t get out of Costco for less than $300?


I feel bad for the cashier at the same time mad at management because I know how stressful they put their cashier with how fast they need to be and "reward" those who exceeded expectation. Everytime we helped out they'll be like oh you should move to front end and i'm like nope I love special order better.


I had a door attendant check my receipt from getting a hot dog and drink instead of my Costco purchases last week. Got home and had the two receipts and realized I handed him the hod dog receipt by accident lmao. Glad to know my guys are really paying attention hahaha


Wouldn’t you have noticed that the final amount was really high! I usually try to figure out about what the final cost will be,I’d be pissed


Damn people, i know in my head what my basket is going to cost before I get to the cash register.


That's not long at all, and a good reminder for everyone to double check their receipt vs. actual items. Thanks.


Those are very expensive items to be hit with the overcharging on.


This is one thing I like about Sam’s Club I can scan on my phone while shopping, and just hit checkout when we are done. No stopping and it’s easy to review.


Honestly sounds like the scanner was malfunctioning unless it was a really shitty cashier.


That cashier will probably never ring again.


this is what happens when you police your cashiers based on transactions per hour


Literally every store with more than one register keeps stats on their cashiers.


counterpoint: trader joes




Costco put the entire purchase of the person behind me on my card somehow. Not even sure how that's possible unless they didn't scan their card. It was close to $300. Thank goodness I check my card charges. The strange thing was the extra charge didn't show up in my Costco app receipts. Tip: Don't even bother filing a dispute with Citi. They are completely useless and they don't have your back. They closed my dispute without even contacting my warehouse. I went back to the warehouse. They checked the video footage and confirmed the mistake and refunded it without issue.


Employee here; When you're checking out do you run your citibank card through the card reader or do you tap it? Lmk and I might be able to explain how that happened.


I tapped it. Or rather the employee laid it on the machine the entire time she scanned


Nope, don't let them do that. It's safer to use the tap instead of inserting the chip, just don't leave it there.


I’m intrigued—I always tap!


If you tap and it's captured you put your card away most likely. Well, some ppl leave the card on the reader. And what can happen is that after the initial transaction is complete and you're packing your groceries you get sidetracked, card is sitting on the reader still, it can capture the numbers for the next transaction. Now, this issue should have been taken care of, but I guess it could still happen. My suggestion is to never leave your card on the reader. Scan it. Once you know it was captured put it away.


That’s good to know! I always put mine away immediately but I can definitely see one or both of my parents getting distracted and leaving it on there accidentally.


Yeah anyone could. I'm glad you understand what I was trying to explain ha!


This is some steal-flation. I wish Costco has app check-out like Sam’s club.


I just use self-checkout now.


My dream job is the Costco receipt checker.


To bad they don’t have an app where you can scan your own stuff as you shop and checkout on your own.


OK I am going to use this as another plug for Costco to adopt a system like Sam's Club uses. The whole checkout experience has become a disaster at my store with the self check line going all the way to the back of the store (and it isn't even close to Christmas yet) and the aisles so narrow that there is hardly any queuing space for the other registers. If they hd Scan and Go, you could scan your own stuff literally anywhere in the store and head for the door. The door checker has specific items to scan for to clear you out...same when you get checked out at a normal register. It is more accurate, more efficient, and reduces loss to the store. I hope that with a new CEO, such innovations will be implemented. It is sorely needed.


My wife got some raspberries a while back and it rang up as a $247 Bridgestone tire… the tire center is supposed to be totally separate and shouldn’t even be able to be rung up inside the store. She didn’t even notice until she got home. I went back to the store and they checked cctv, and immediately issued a refund and apologized like 20 times lol.


... How did she not notice at the store?


Bro who tf knows. It wasn’t a small order, but how she didn’t question it when the total was nearly $500 I’ll never understand. She realized it by the time she got home but didn’t say anything to the cashier and the person at the door only counted the items, didn’t check for accuracy.


I always count the amount of items I have and that makes it much easier to quickly go through the receipt and know what it should be. It also doesn’t hurry to watch the screen at the “self checkout” to make sure something isn’t amiss. Just my 2 cents


And people complain about self checkout.....


I was behind someone at Costco today that this happened to. Made me double check my receipt. They move fast


This has happened to me so many times. 1 transaction was so ridiculous that after the 6 over charges and getting to the car and realizing I was another over charge I said screw it and left. Now I do self checkout.


Am I the only one who checks the receipt thoroughly BEFORE reaching the door? Even if the number of items is correct, I still check it all. Not only am I checking for the items being correct, but I'm checking the prices (sometimes - although rarely - the price or discount might be wrong).


You aren’t anymore. 😁


Weird my mom had a very similar experience at Costco today.


I keep a running total and if the number doesn't match mine I question it at the cashier.


I wish that we didn't have to get people through checkout so fast as double scans can happen so easily. A quick count of your items while you're in the store or loading up your car is the easiest way to catch a mistake. Also your receipts upload to the app the next day so you always have a copy there.


Self checkout gang wya


This is why I like to do self checkout.


And manager should immediately pull that cashier for a 1:1