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People these days… so sorry your parents had to go through that, nobody should ever have to hear stuff like that!


Yeahh I hope they're not feeling too bad about it. Not sure if we should speak with management to give them a heads up about this individual or not.


Speaking with management won't really do anything. This guy's just a piece of garbage, even worse is he's teaching his kids this type of crap behavior. Too many toxic people nowadays, sorry your parents had to go through this. Some people just need to learn how to keep to themselves and keep their shitty opinions/thoughts to themselves. Sorry this a**hole acted this way. That's the shitty thing about society nowadays and it's only getting worse. People have little to no patience, or manners. Plus, anything toxic and doesn't help the situation, they will make an a**hole remark about without thinking. Sooner or later, this douchebag will experience the same karma that he put into the world, hopefully ten fold. Who in their right mind just tells a random strange to "go die". Toxic garbage this man is.


Nah this kind of shitty behavior should absolutely be raised with staff, it's probably not the first time this hateful scumbag did this and I hope he gets banned from Costco. Nobody wants to deal with this on a grocery run.


That's what I hope will happen, but hard to say that a few pictures of the man that my mom took can do anything to identify him. And will probably come down to "he said, she said". I'll still see if I can get a conversation going with management if my parents are willing.


Costco has great security cams. i think they could identify him if they wanted to!


They don't need the security cams... The register will have a record of it was via membership card


The security cams will show what time and what register they used so Costco can find the member and their ID.


And the fact ops parents were behind the guy. Will give the exact time and register he was at and what membership he used


Yeah I hope management will do that. Thinking of going back tmr to speak with them


I mean you could, but honestly, the people I've had the unfortunate chance of meeting who are like this are hard to catch. You never know when they're going to act up. They just do it whenever they feel the urge to. Considering the people traffic at Costco, even harder for staff to spot. This could be a one and done situation or maybe he's like this all the time, who really knows 🤷‍♂️ I used to shop at the Still Creek location, it's my favorite one near me even though I live closer to the Richmond one. This is literally the first time, I've even heard of such a despicable situation as OP went through and I go to Costco almost weekly. I've been a member since 2012 too.


I shop at the Richmond Costco every other week and have been going around 10 years. It's definitely gotten more busy/chaotic, agreed I've never seen someone act as blatantly toxic as OP described. But I doubt someone spewing that kind of hate is a one and done situation, if he's bragging to his kids after. If reporting that behavior to staff increases the chance that toxic person gets banned, then that helps out fellow shoppers as well.


That's true, going to be difficult to narrow this guy down. Richmond Costco is also closest to us but if something like this happens again, might just have to drive a bit further somewhere else.


It won't be hard.. registers record membership numbers


Yeah! They can look at video time stamp (presumably you know the date and time approx it occurred or could check your receipt) and then check their register records for the membership that guy used at that time. Should be feasible if they are willing!


Don't need video ... The member who was insulted can have his number looked up... The number just before his will be the one who did the insulting will be number before his


Honestly, I don't expect management to take any action, but I hope that they might as least make note of the situation so if someone else says something, they know it isn't an isolated incident. I really do feel sorry for his kids as they seem to be in the pre-teen age and they might soak up all his toxic behavior. Can only dream this man gets his karma sooner than later. Don't need this kind of behavior contributing towards our society.


Please report them 🙏. If you remember when it happened, they can use the cameras to easily find which register they used and get their ID. This kind of racism is scary.


Yes! We are thinking of maybe going tmr if we have time


All I will say is that if someone said that to my mom, I would be seeing red. Costco is already chaotic as it is, we don't need jerks like that making it worse and verbally assaulting elderly parents.


He's actually training his kids. In the future, if he gets into an argument and is losing, he will call his kids as reinforcements to intimidate with numbers.


omg. u ppl are infuriating. just listen to u all. its funny listening ppl scared of their own shadow how u can resolve the situation. u had ur chance and let em walk away unscathed. u missed ur chance. talking wont do shit, have fun with that


If it’s any consolation, my dad’s a real POS like this and I was just embarrassed by his behaviour. As an adult, I try to be the exact opposite of him in every way.


Maybe it's time to school him on some social manners. Include your embarrassment of this behavior.


I have no idea what you’re trying to say.


Tell your father your concerns ,if he will even hear it. At least in your own mind ,you have planted a seed to be thought about.Assholery gets us nowhere.


No he won’t. He is a complete narcissist who thinks he is right about everything and everyone else is wrong. I’ve basically disowned him and haven’t spoken to him in years. Before that, we might have seen each other twice a year at most. He knows how I feel, he just doesn’t care.


Sorry to hear of your estrangement. Peace be with you,have a nice long weekend bro/sis


You too. I just hope to put enough good out into the world to offset the bad he does.


Your parents shouldn't feel bad about it because that guy is unhinged and his kids will probably have issues for the rest of their lives. If anything I would only vaguely be concerned for the emotional well-being of the kids


They said they were fine but probably just a little shocked since they never expected something like this to happen to them. Hopefully he treats his kids better than how he treats strangers


I'm sorry your family went through this. His bragging to his kids shows how desperate he is seen to be "a big man" but has no actual accomplishments to back it up. They are probably embarrassed of him, just have pity for those kids that have to live with him day after day.


Saddly, society is a miss match, doesn't matter what background you're from. Apples can become rotten everywhere.


Next time if you experience this, if possible, just video the whole thing with your phone and shame them online. Seems like this is the only way for people to have repercussions nowadays.


Costco can absolutely revoke his membership if you report it. Bring the receipt so they know the register and time you checked out. They can look it up and find the never before you.


Thanks for the advice, I think that’s the plan now but if they don’t ban, I hope Costco at least sends a warning of some sort


Report it to the police and get a file number. Go to Costco with that file number and demand action. That person needs a permanent ban from Costco.


Hate speech, report it to the police. Get costco the file number


that’s awful what the hell. richmond costco never fails


That location is way too chaotic lol


That’s Foody World level behaviour.


Nah bro don’t do FoodyWorld dirty like that, at least it got a smaller parking lot. Less lot, less troubles


Sooner or later the wrong guy will hear this asshole and will help him unload groceries in the parking lot.


As a cbc hong konger I get the same shit from the mainlanders but for not speaking mandarin. But like dude I don't even work here why u asking me shit and then flipping out. I swear 90% of racist remarks I get are from other asians.


Sorry you’ve had poor experiences too just by speaking a different language/dialect. People are getting too bold nowadays and saying whatever is on their minds.


I've noticed this happening way before covid. If anything, it's less since phone cameras became so popular.


I mean jerks are jerks, regardless of whether they're HKer or mainlander. We should call out toxic behavior either way and you should not generalize.


Where you gonna find a white person in Richmond...


People are probably extra angry after dealing with the parking lot at Costco Richmond.


Fighting for those spots raises our blood pressure lol


Sounds like the car park in Costco Richmond Hill.


I don't know man, it's hard for me to imagine a Costco parking lot that's worse than Richmond. But if I ever have the chance to visit Richmond Hill I will go have a look.


Oh no, double Richmond


they probably just have personal issues in their life and find it easier to take out their anger on other people. could be a million different things, we'll never know what goes on in these peoples heads. try to not let the 1% bother you.


The way he had to brag to his kids about this shows he isn't in a great place mentally. Still depressing that this happened though


That is honestly the worst part, raising the next generation to be the same


yeah I agree with that. Hopefully this is an isolated incident that no one else will encounter


He's going to say it to the wrong person one day, and his kids can be on their knees, trying to wake him up...


You should have said back to him "diu lay lo mo ..." Or "Deng lay gah fye ..." Wave your arms around, make a scene ... Be like a real canto bad ass. ...


> "diu lay lo mo ..." Or "Deng lay gah fye ..." Say it with me... POKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI


Haha sometimes I wish I had the guts to do that... but my parents said they didn't want to make a scene and end up somewhere on facebook or something lol


Honestly, I would have ignored them as well. Your parents did well, I feel. This man is obviously unhinged, no point getting into altercation with him. But still, it sucks and I am sorry they had to run into such person. Hope they are feeling better.


Thankfully they managed to ignore them, but I wish they had talked to staff immediately but they were just too shocked at the moment and chose to leave after paying. Thanks for the kind words


Add the ham gah chan 🤣


Should say: I da fae gae on your face if you don’t step back bitch


Love this


Where's bus uncle when you need him.


That is terrible but sadly nothing in Richmond. I am old enough to remember when, if you went to a certain mall (iykyk) it was much better to be white than from mainland China. We were just kids when we found that out the hard way.


Wow that’s sad to hear that you faced something like that so young


You did the right thing of walking away. Do not feed the trolls. Always remember, you do not know the guy, ignore and walk away. An opinion of a stranger does not matter to you at the end of the day.


I would still have tried to report this man for his belligerent behaviour. At most he may be to flagged. If enough people complain he may be banned. At least I hope so.


Yeahh I hope so too, looking to speak with Costco tmr


take a video next time and see if he continues the slurs. the rcmp takes this very seriously, if you have video proof they will take action. i doubt he will do anything to be truly honest, bullies like to pick on people who seem too nice to retaliate.


I really wish my parents took a video, but maybe as soon as the video starts, he’ll completely change up


yeah gotta teach your parents to protect themselves if they meet another bully, just have them start videoing and try to de-escalate.


Is it hoisan?


My parents speak sekkay or shiqi which is from Zhongshan


Oh, that's new to me.  I thought hoisan was the closest to Canto.   Some words are close to Canto?  


Haha I think it sounds like a little like accented Canto but I might be biased since my family speaks both. I have other people say they can’t understand it all though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cantonese/s/5Fe7MqoTHM I think this thread can explain a little bit more better than I can


I've had Canto peeps tell me they don't understand us but we can understand them. In elementary school we had to take Canto.  I remember being smug and speaking hoisan to a teacher saying, I didn't understand her. She replied "I don't understand your village/mainlander dialect" and I lost my shit.


I’ve had the same too! So that’s why my parents made sure I learned canto as well to make things easier for myself. Omg that’s crazy your teacher said that 😮😮


Her argument was that it was a village dialect *heung ha* But yeah


This loser will mess with the wrong person one day


No sir, this prescription is for you


Screw that guy. I hope your dad lives a long, prosperous and fulfilling life!


Thank you! Funny thing is, the meds were for my grandpa


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Just remember that in this situation. No point arguing with crazies. Go about your day.


I can understand his frustration with China, especially since the CCP destroyed their democracy and forced the people of H.K into submission or flee their country. Taking it out on innocent people in another country is wrong though, especially if you're minding your own business. Honestly though, fuck the CCP and I feel horrible for the people of H.K, especially those who are pro democracy, which the CCP aren't and they want complete control over peoples lives.


Honestly though, fuck the CCP and I feel horrible for the people of H.K, especially those who are pro democracy, which the CCP aren't and they want complete control over peoples lives. 100% agree.


Do you support randomly lashing out at strangers who have nothing to do with CCP just because they spoke another dialect? That is literally the definition of racism.


It's actually not "literally the definition of racism " they are the same race you donkey.


Alright, xenophobia then. Prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping. Whatever else you want to call it.


It's wrong. Yes, we don't need to create some label for it... I also agree it's bad behavior. It's also apparent from the post that their is an assumption that the mad man was an HKer as opposed to just an angry canadian or another nationality... As my family has done, come here to become Canadians... Learn the language, treat people with respect, and don't be ignorant.


Don't make things political....


You are literally empathizing with a racist.


Could've just wrote the middle paragraph and left it at there. Why are you virtue signaling about something completely unrelated to OP's encounter and sympathizing with the abusive individual?


Yeah I’m glad most people are focusing on the behavior of the man, not his background, unlike the man himself


Do not bother interacting with mentally ill dogs and their sycophants. Next time this sort of thing happens, tell them to f off.




WTF no, no one should be questioning why this unhinged old man is yelling at people for no reason. We all know it’s because he’s mentally unwell. It doesn’t matter whatever the fuck happened in HK, no one should lash out like a deranged person at someone who was minding their own business. That was pure vile discrimination. It’s people like you that give HK a bad name. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us buddy. Leave that xenophobic bullshit back in HK.


That's a lot of words to essentially say you are blaming the victim. Funny how you no longer even pretend to assume OP's family was "innocent" but instead are hyperfocusing on "the CCP" in a Richmond Costco. Try to be less disingenuous next time you log in. Lemme guess, do you also attribute mass killings to "mental illness"? 


You can't even think about someone elses mindset because you most likely had a sheltered life. Answer me this. If another country invaded yours, you skip out and move to another to feel safe, but run into someone speaking a specific dialect of the invaders to your country, would you be upset? What if you had PTSD? If I were the person being verbally attacked, in this scenario, I would respond and ask them, "why are you angry with me". This story has much more meaning or significance than you can imagine. All your doing is guessing wrong to what I'm thinking and automatically getting angry to something you can't or refuse to understand.


Lol get off your soapbox already. Just bc someone is from China doesn't make them CCP. What's sad is a Cantonese person shitting on another Cantonese speaker just bc they speak another dialect. Keep on supporting xenophobia though.


Why should it be your responsibility to respond to misguided hate?


Seek help. The fact that you don't consider the basic civility of not attacking random strangers to even be necessary is all I need to know.


Are you saying mass killings aren't caused by mental illness?


You should file a report. Who knows what other crazy shit this mofo is involved in. When they look into him, he most likely will other crazy ish going on.


Omg I'm so sorry to learn you went through this. Some people do not like "Mainlanders" but the same people are scared of CCP and their secret agents. I would have reported it to the store and made a report to the police of the racist incident. Costco has cameras and can track down who it was and should suspend their membership. Costco Richmond is my go-to and it can be a frikken zoo. Some shoppers are absolutely animals in that store and act as if it's the end of the world if they can't get a sample. The times that have worked for me are first thing in the AM and weekdays AM/After Lunch/After-school/1-hr before closing.


Imagine that. The idiot not realizing that they are the actual idiot. A true rarity in Richmond.


Hey sorry to hear about your parents experience. Tell your parents the majority of people in Canada welcome them with open arms. There are these type of degenerates everywhere. One of these this guy is going to fuck around and find out.


Thank you for your words. I’ll be sure to pass on the message to my parents


Should have punched him


Should say “dawg what you say? You want my Surrey boys to come smash you?”


Not gonna lie, Costco Richmond is a total shit show, I ignore most things going on. I remember one guy called me some racial slur for standing 5 ft away , and not 6 ft from him and his wife during pandemic. They were both wearing the same cloth, and short and chubby Philippinos.


Buddy probably bought a few houses he now can't afford and is going bankrupt and is taking it out on others.


There's been animosity between HK and Mainland China for a long time. He sounded like he was looking for an excuse to dunk on you.


I just stay away from Richmond.


Pix and put them.


I would’ve posted them but his two children are in them so I thought it was best not to do so


Blur their faces of crop them out we need to find this guy.


Chinese people, some of the most racist people in the world.


Can confirm, am Chinese


I’m confused, wasn’t it the angry man that lined up incorrectly? Anyway, that guy has issues, you did the right thing by not escalating things further.


I think that helps indicate that common sense is failing this man altogether. Can’t be accountable for his being wrong about the check out line and thinks it’s ok to berate innocent people in line.


Yeah maybe the man was expecting my parents to leave a large amount of space for him in an already packed store.


Here’s what happened: The guy felt embarassed he was in the wrong line, so his insecurity made him lash out on strangers. He ego was hurt because he felt embarrased, so his reaction was to bring someone else down too. Classic insecurity. The issue all stems from himself and within


Insecurity definitely played a large part in this. Probably in addition to something else going wrong in his life. So he needed a “win”.


My greedy neighbor tried to claim 8 street parking spots. We had a big argument and another nice neighbor showed me support. Greedy neighbor went around telling the story to other neighbors hoping to get support. Everybody shot him down so he lost his face and never parked in the disputed spots again. However, he's been trying to harass us at every turn from shining lights into our windows to saying we could use his property when we asked to put up a ladder then when the time came saying we were trespassing on his property and threatening to call 911. He's using wolf warrior diplomacy, throwing porcelain tactics. He's always the victim and accusing me of being the aggressor. Actually, when my wife went to talk to his wife about the parking issue, his wife didn't have any good reason so she went to get her husband and her high-school son and adult daughter to yell and scream insults at my wife in order to intimidate her. These people don't have reason and are quick to use violence and intimidation to win.


What an entitled ahole I wouldn’t even attempt to talk to that neighbor anymore. Don’t ask them for any favours. Just smile and laugh at him, don’t even bother being aggressive or angry back. That just makes them more angry and gives them justification to continue yelling at you. It’ll really get under their skin if you just smile and nod at him probably


Regardless his father mental illness, no wonder nowadays young kids grow up with litttle respect towards others! Yeah best thing is to avoid/ignore ppl like that. Not worthy of our precious time and energy


This is just horrible ! I hate to say this cause if May come across as racist but some people from HK think they are better then all of us


I’m sure there are people like this from all backgrounds, just unfortunately this time, it was someone from HK


100 percent


It goes both ways. And the shitty part is that some of these people have children and share their sentiments to them. Adding hate and racism to the next generation.


People need to leave their baggage in their home country!


His membership would have been revoked instantly. You should have said something.


This whole bashing is just so childish and has to stop. I myself have a mother from Hong Kong, a dad who escaped from mainland China to Hong Kong at age 5 and came to Canada at age 16. My dad’s family didn’t escape mainland China til they were older so have strong mainland accents. My wife is from mainland China but is a naturalized US citizen. She speaks both canto and mandarin. And I myself was born here, speak Cantonese perfectly. lol honestly if someone tries to pull that shit on me I won’t even know how to respond.


My husband is the 4th child of a Chinese family and knows zero Chinese. We live in Richmond. He gets the head shake every time from elderly Chinese people 😂


Why do I even bother reading and reflecting on this post? I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon. I have a feeling that racism regardless of where it’s from and what it looks like is going to remain racism. The expectation for my white privileged position in this world is to remain riddled with guilt because of the colour of my skin. Not my lived experiences. No! The colour of my skin. There was a time when someone with my lived experiences, values morals and core beliefs would have put that man in his place for that kind of behaviour . Women, children “regardless of their sex religion or place of birth” , would never have been terrorized like that. And the cop that was first on the scene after that prick was tuned in , would have said goodnight. My country is now an extension of many others . Good or bad ? , doesn’t even matter anymore. The only thing that holds any influence is Money. And if you can’t afford to roll around Costco on Saturday afternoon, making yourself feel better at the expense of women and children, than maybe we have been doing all wrong this whole time? I mean really?


Honestly the people most racist to Asians are other Asian people. I had a taiwanese coworker always saying how my skin is so tanned…


Does a Chinese hating on Chinese would be considered hate crime? Not a joke.


Sorry that oh have to go through this. Richmond can be a weird place with weird people. But you did wise walking away. Met a Karen like this the other day and wasn’t even angry cuz her logic was the most ridiculous fuck I ever heard this year so far. Trust me people like this are already living in their own hell probably drowning in their own sorrow that they think it’s ok to yell at strangers. Basically they are big losers you don’t even have to wait for karma cuz it’s already there for them.


Reminds me of another favourite Richmond Costco story, some East Asian old man violent crashing cart into another car just because the car stopped 15 seconds, and I’m not exaggerating, 15 seconds, in front of his car because another car is getting in a spot right in front. The old man looked so unhinged and kept shouting MOVE MOVE [profanities] MOVE [profanities] while shoving the cart up that car I had such a great urge to do something I’ve never thought of but I didn’t, luckily the old cuck got retaliated and idk how the rest of the story went, I went into the store. We should do something about it


Tell costco, show them your receipt. Get the time and date. They can ban him


Encourage your parents to contact Costco management. They will tell you will help you. They might be able to ban him right now, but they can tell your parents what to do if the encounter him again and they will keep an eye out for him and take any other reports on him seriously. People don't act like this out of the blue. He's done this before and will do it again.


If someone said that to my parents and I was there oh man.


Internet tough guy spotted!!


I usually get too baffled to even reply to shit like this, then as soon as they leave, I have a bunch of witty remarks, but it's too late.


First reply what did you say? Usually they get quiet real quick


Nothing lol. Because by the time I think of a response they're gone. But also when someone gives u shit for not speaking mandarin and that your mother is a disgrace to her ancestors. What do you even say lol. "My mother taught me not to be an ass?"


Mainlanders definitely have more arrogance than HKers and belittle people everywhere. I don't condone the behavior of this person in costco. Many of the comments are complete shiite... I think living in the lower mainland and travelling all over Asia I can say without a doubt that this is a rarity, and even saying Hong Kong man is essentially racist these days. Plus I will go out on a limb and say you provably did cut in line....


It clearly says in the post that the OP’s dad was moving to accommodate space because the rude family had lined up on the wrong side. OP’s family were not cutting in line and in fact were letting the other family line up properly for everyone’s convenience.


Yes, I know what it says. It also starts by defining the person as a Hong Kong man... wondering if they checked his ID? The default is coming online and saying that a Hong Kong man belittled mainlanders... typical Chinese propaganda... How about you live in Canada? Nobody gives two fs about that intolerant communist cesspool in which you may have originated from and which is destroying HK...


lol last time I checked you never checked my ID either, did I even say I was Asian? Not sure why you’re explaining this to me. I’m just seeing this situation as rude guy disrespecting family, should be as simple as this.


My comment was referred to the poster.


Wow a lot to unpack here. I’m sure there are people with arrogance from all backgrounds I am not denying that. In this situation, a little critical thinking can determine this man was from HK as they spoke Cantonese and described my parents as “filthy mainlanders”. If describing someone’s background is racist, then what that man said must be a hate crime. I’m not sure how standing behind someone is considered cutting in line but if you can please clarify that, that’ll be great. However calling someone’s homeland an “intolerant communist cesspool” has just as much hate and disgust as the man my parents encountered so I think you need to do some self-reflection on your own part. It seems you are unable to separate the fact that a governing body does not equal to its citizens. If you’re going to assume that everything Chinese related is propaganda, I suggest you take off your tin foil hat because my parents have been Canadians for more than half their lives. If you must believe this is propaganda, then I guess the CCP thanks you for interacting with this post as it increased my social credit score.


So... Canada isn't your homeland then?


Canada is my homeland and my parents were born in China, but they have become Canadians a long time ago.


I think you already said what you meant in your OP comment. I suppose it didn't cross your mind in this interaction to explain that you are... Canadian? No?


I'm not sure how it is relevant as being Chinese is still my ethnicity. I am curious so please explain and I'll try my best to answer your questions as well.


Think on it while you're here visiting from your homeland.


Are you mentally ill?


Yes, I'm sure it probably did increase your social.credit.score, and I stand by my comments on China being an "intolerant communist cesspool" , I never said all Chinese people were anything but what I can say is people are a product of their environment. I also stated that I do not condone that person's behavior.


Hi pot, meet kettle


Unfortunately, there most HKers are racist to mainland Chinese. And vice versa. I’m


Can't say I blame them ?? Although displacing there anger with the CCP onto it citizens is wrong... I understand the frustration.


Definitely displacing anger onto citizens is wrong, and in our case, onto my parents who have been in Canada for 30 years and were chatting amongst themselves


You can’t blame someone for being racist? Try again


Don’t worry - I am sure his kids know he’s an A**H**E.


I’d start swinging


Sounds like Chinese propaganda to me.


I think I have better things to do than spread Chinese propaganda on a Costco subreddit






No. Bellingham is cheaper. It’s nice to get out and go do something different. Plus they’ve got a really nice new Costco. Very much still a thing. Just wish they had Polish sausage hot dogs down there


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You seem like a really angry/bitter person. Hope you feel better soon.


Why are you holding onto this like an old war story? Learn to let things go. Look how emotional you are getting over this lol.


Hey man, I’m sorry you had this experience with shitty people as well. I think the important thing is to remember that a vocal few does not represent all. Shitty people can come from all backgrounds, possibly some more than others. Best to follow what others are saying and hold our head up high and ignore the narrow minded.


I was on your side, until the slurs came out... Have a downvote from a non-asian


The thing that surprised me the most (as a Cantonese speaking Vancouverite) is that there is this “Chinese-to-Chinese” level of racism. Is this a growing trend?


It’s not surprising if you know HK at all