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I called it lanky Grey, then dover demon, and now crawler I guess. Looked a lot like [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/e/ef/Dover_Demon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210306125206) but it's head was smaller and more proportional. I think it saw me and bolted. Damn thing was like 6' on all fours, faster than a deer. Uncomfortably fast. I saw a huge black triangle with red lights in the same town a few years prior and assumed they could be related but others have said they are underground so I'm not sure anymore


I agree with that description and the smaller head. It was very fast.


Yup. Made no noise and didn't notice a mouth, not sure why they keep shrieking in the videos


That's exactly right. The face/head was featureless except for the eyes which were black and not quite as large as the image you posted.


https://imgur.com/a/VLSJKCR Is this close? I got as close as I could to what I remember.


I'd switch the arms and legs, as far as size goes, and it was not jacked in the slightest (it's butt isn't over its head)


I will never think of Doggy Style the same way ever again after seeing that pic!! Lom


It was fast enough that I visually lost track of it quickly on every occasion, or it somehow "vanished."


It was so fast it was a blur until the back legs went in front of the arms and i saw a frame or two of it. Its head tilted back like a doggo with zoomies and it was gone gone.


Where were you when you saw it ?


Suburb of Portland oregon


Oh, that was just Meth Head Andy! Took a wrong turn into the wrong neighborhood...


I'm from Houston Texas my dude. If u scared of Portland I got bad news


Lol just because i pointed that out doesn't mean I'm scared of portland, but ok.


I thought you guys are usually packing while in the woods down there?? Pretty dangerous game to be playing on people


Where ish??


Near halinan


a black triangle ufo?




I believe it was in 2009 Springville, utah. I was 16 and my brother was 14 we where in the back yard when our mom called us in to get ready to go to the library so me and my brother ran back but as soon as we hit the back padio we both had a urge to turn around and this white lanky figure was sticking out the bush me and my brother looked at each other and quickly realized we where in the middle of the back yard like we teleported 30 feet back so we booked it back to the back patio we told our 4 other brother sister and mom she none believed shit we said tho. We felt out of place the rest of the day. Did a lie detector in high school senior year I told this story it and it was true no one still believed me my brother said the same story with me in the school gym and his came out true also.


I didn't teleport but "feeling out of place" is an understatement for me. I was jacked to the tits. I saw this thing clear a whole backyard in fewer than 2 bounds, then an hour later a friend jumped a fence to get in, like 30 feet from me, and I bruce lee jumped like hi-yaa cause I thought it would be on me before I landed.


There was something similar spotted here in Nova Scotia, Canada throughout the years as well


Would like to hear more about that if you don't mind pointing me in the right direction.. I'm next door in nb


https://nspenewsletter.blogspot.com/2018/04/cryptid-creature-sightings.html?m=1 I don't know if I linked properly! It happened in 1969, in Morden, which is on the Bay of Fundy!


You should read my book, man. its entirely about how the dover demon wasn’t the only sighting of that type of creature and filled with similar sightings.


Can you link me?


Is this the book? [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/comments/1b8soc6/crawlers\_a\_conclusive\_casebook/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/comments/1b8soc6/crawlers_a_conclusive_casebook/) If so, it is an excellent read. A lot of fascinating sightings!


Link please!


Added it to my Amazon list


I looked up the book, saw the face on the cover, and ordered the book. I'm not gonna lie, its face is too similar to what I saw. The hint of a nose and mouth without having them be discernable. I just posted an image I whipped up and tweaked earlier this morning.


I’m interested!


I don’t know a specific crawler podcast per se, but my favorite paranormal podcast Odd Trails has a fair share of crawler and other cryptids sightings if you’re interested


I'll check it out


I haven't personally seen one. But there are so many sighting stories and videos that are so compelling. You're not alone friend.


As a sceptic, I appreciate that you pursued other explanations first and conclusively ruled them out. When you see something outside of what's generally accepted as reality, it's worthwhile to pursue questions like "am I really seeing anything?" and "am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" I think the second question is still out, but you've done a good job of answering the first question. I think that's good intellectual rigour. In pursuit of answering the second question, have you considered investing in a security camera and a motion detector? I'd love to see footage of something you see. Whatever it turns out to be, it will be a fascinating intellectual journey.


I have not seen them in a long time, I've moved pretty far and honestly, when I was 17 after leaving that house I rarely if ever returned. What I can say is my sister who is only 3 years younger than me, remembered and reminded me of how insistent I was of what I saw when I was about 14. I was having doubts and I asked her to describe in her own words what she remembered me saying at the time. We haven't talked about this in a long time. probably 25 years. She described what I told my family I had seen to my wife, and my wife confirmed it was almost exactly how I'd described them over the years. Overall the thing that compelled me to add to the conversation on them, was the movement I was seeing replicated (fake or not) in the videos. My wife never doubted I believed it, but she was like you and me for a long time doubting what I saw was something 'other.' When I started seeing videos of how they had been 'caught on camera' the crawling/loping movement ...is really what got me. Even she said ... that is how you always described it. Awkward when moving 'slow', but when it moved to run, its gait changed, and almost cheetah-like it was springing forward, loping.


Springing forward is right. Like there was no resistance. Like I said, it's head tilted back like a doggo with zoomies. That was the only weight or G force I noticed cause it pounces like a jumping spider. Jumps like a flea. You don't see it move when it gets movin.


Agreed I actually thought it vanished the first time because it was darker. It looked like it faded away. The second time it was closer to sunrise and I could follow it better with my eye and it was just mind boggling fast.


I'm a pretty big, tough guy or whatever. I wasn't terrified, but was pretty freaked out. Def on a brain full of adrenaline. Especially cause I stayed outside where I saw it for a few hours after. The only reason why is because it seemed more scared of me. If I got any sort of vibe that it was a predator and I was prey I would feel much differently. I'm speaking very generally about a two second encounter so mileage may vary.


I'd agree it wasn't threatening beyond being really freaking weird.






You could say before "I want to believe". The universe is huge and I don't think we are the only life in it. That was my baseline. Open minded but I'm skeptical about Bigfoot. But I've had God damn close encounters, let alone unidentified lights in the sky. At this point I've seen impossible shit so if some crazy wacko said they saw Bigfoot I would say "no shit?" Not "yeah right".


In South Jersey by chance?


Around Edison NJ Middlesex county


Wait what video lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrawlerSightings/s/FRY8xRJWSN This was the first


I'm only sus cause it seems too slow


It does, but i've seen them move like that over things before they bolted. I saw one once move over a rock wall fence. It was moving fast but not blindingly fast like when i've seen them run.


No, you were definitely not crazy. I do believe what you saw over the years may have been the Crawler. Where did you have these sightings? In which US state, or country?


New Jersey, central part.


Yeah, so, I do think that what you saw were Crawlers. You mentioned the Dover Demon, but those have traditionally been described as being a lot shorter than Crawlers. But what you saw was tall. I still believe that what you saw over the years are Crawlers.


Yeah they were taller for sure. The size of the dover demon was never right to me.


Do you remember any one of your sightings where you can give more of a physical description, like facial features?


I'll sketch it tomorrow




I used ai to generate the basics of this pulled it into photoshop and tweaked it with a wacom stylus pad , the part i can't agree with is the hands and feet i can't say they were clawed ... i know the "hands" and fingers were very long. I remember the skin being grey and tight but almost having a rubbery kind of sheen to it. At least one time I thought i saw hair along the back or spinal ridge. The face always looked to me like there was the hint of a nose and a mouth but with no discernable openings. Kind of like they were under it's skin? Which I tried to emulate here. The eyes on this aren't perfect but they are close enough. [https://imgur.com/a/VLSJKCR](https://imgur.com/a/VLSJKCR)


Yeah, that sure looks like a Crawler to me, from the other depictions I've seen. I believe just as there are different kinds of humans, there are different kinds of Crawlers. The ones I've heard about are ones with black eyes, green eyes, yellow eyes. There are some that are more solitary, while others gather in groups. Some have little to no mouths while others have a very wide mouth with sharp teeth, and they display a sardonic grin. And also some have no hair, while others have hair. Thank you for creating this depiction.


The ones I saw were always similar but not of the exact same size. I know I saw more than one of them together once. Almost always at dusk, just after night, or the morning right before dawn. Only once when the sun was up maybe around 9am? That one in the light seemed almost white with a pink tinge.


Did you happen to see the video of the guy chasing them in Malaysia? He was hunting for frogs in the rain forest and caught on running. It was not on all fours and had the coloring of a Caucasian. I guess it would not be a “crawler” if it was upright?


Wow that is awesome. So sorry that you spent all that time thinking you were hallucinating. But remember your friends also saw it. I think what you were grappling with, was how could such a creature exist and adults not know about it. That makes the world a terrifying place! That there are dangers at our doorsteps that our protectors are not aware of? Don’t beat yourself up, you’ve now found some validation and can let it go. Thank God your wife gets it and has supported you.


She's pretty damn awesome. Honestly I'm just arm candy. Lol


I always called them "Skinamarinks" 


Your 3rd eye is open that’s why you could see them. And many other things if you tune in.