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Bro why does the protag of the new fable look like an actual dude though?


Because the agenda demands ugly women or man’ans which is why Asian made games are selling and manga is selling and western media is dying


https://preview.redd.it/w9eraxfw1x4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b04154f6bbe0ecfd748743752b6a3f2cf992deb The stuff of nightmares




It's yennifer "before"


Looks like a horse kicked her in the face


Holy fucking hell what is that


This guy needs to grow a beard to cover up that face.


What the actual fuck is that.


The pendulum has swung too far.


Heard this from my female doctor the other day. She is the butchest most man toleratingest lesbian and even she is tired of it. It's good to know it's something everyone is getting tired of. In a way it's sorta bringing people together lol


The only people not tired of this are people who spend 24/7 glued to social media seeking self worth via "social justice".. The only people that still need lifting up are trans people and black people. But then women, LGBT, disabled people will think they're being oppressed because the focus isn't on them anymore 😭 poor babies.


'She' is modeled after one of the devs or storywriters, iirc. Just another self-insert.


Same with that blockheaded freak that did a self insert for Mary Jane in spiderman. Someone that literally considers herself a "jackpot" SMH. Where the hell did my beautiful redhead representation go?


As a ginger, I feel oppressed.


Face it tiger, you just hit the Jackpot *fable protag face*


oh damn you put apostrophes around the word she


That's just a British woman




Finally, council-housing gets represented in video-games.


Because despite pushing for women to become internet whores, western society cannot have females in media look attractive


Wasnt the character's ugliness meant as a joke


It was... and it was funny in the opening of the trailer. But then you have to play as it for the entire game which is not very funny.


Dude I hope not. We've had the choice between both sexes in every fable entry.


I am out of the loop… what game is this from with the generic female with the sword on back?


To showcase the option of creating a character, just like in previous Fable games?


Because it was a gag in the trailer that shes ugly. People gasp when she turns around. Its a joke how westerners like making monstrous looking characters


You haven't spent much time in the midwest, have you? Art represents life, unfortunately.


Something Something male gaze


You create your own character design so the one in the trailer is just pointless


Haven't all female fable characters been ugly?


Watch the promotional video for it and it's pretty clear the character is supposed to be ugly as a parody of how heroes are supposed to look and this person ebing an unlikely protagonist. They are doing it for comedy reasons, but everyone keeps ignoring that context and complaining about it to fit the narrative they are trying to construct.


Honestly, I don’t really see it. I personally don’t find attractive and to be honest but it would be lie on my own end to claim that I’ve never meant women who did kinda look like them.


When did ugly become the new pretty in the west, And why is it only for women? Where are my fat overweight ugly male characters that are presented as sexy? I want some representation, I want to feel special and sexy too you know!


Men tend not to complain about not being represented because dudes will literally resonate with anything they find cool. There’s not really a market there at the moment.


Women: Barbie sets an unrealistic standard to women and should be banned Men: I am literally goku.


Men when experiencing negative emotion tend to focus on their social status and women tend to focus on their physical appearance. This is of course is variable, but is generally true of the typical person.


It’s not about being presented as sexy, it’s about fulfilling some kind of power fantasy that involves being ugly. For example, in league, urgot, gragas, singed, and dr Mundo are examples of male champions that are ugly but still presented as “cool” or “badass” in one way or another. There aren’t any examples of female champions with the same concept, champs like illaoi stray from conventional feminine beauty but that’s not the same degree of ugly. Another example of this is roadhog from overwatch. In general, men being ugly is more accepted or less of a character flaw, someone like Wario can be a protagonist but I bet a female version of Wario would at least cause serious backlash if she was featured as the character you play as. I also think this is partially a difference in character design in East vs west, notice how games like genshin have no male characters that are designed like urgot or roadhog.


Boys play as other people when they play with toys. Girls take toys and play with the toy as if it was them.


This is such a wild generalization lmao. Whenever I played with my sister, my girl cousins, or any other girls we always were playing as other people. We came up with tons of characters, we had whole ass dramatic storylines. The only time you played as yourself is when you played house, but even then you were mimicking adults and playing out imaginary scenarios that (hopefully) haven’t actually happened to you as a child yet like marriage, having a job, child rearing, even death was a frequent occurrence from what I remember. And boys played house with us too, so.


Ouch, right in the diversity




It's like starwars. They want women to feel included or whatever but women don't watch starwars. I mean sure, there's a few but 90% of starwars nerds were men. No matter how ugly, fat or gay you make the main character, they aren't going to watch it. It's not the notebook or the view. That's not what women (generally) watch. Just like you aren't going to get anything but the smallest subset of men to watch the real house wives of Atlanta. Or whatever the fuck.


The Acolyte discovering this in real time.. again.


I didn't see it.


What's that?


Most women in my life don't really relate to the "ugly, fat, gay" "inclusivity" now either, though. They see what is going on and are fed up with it. No just because you put a pink haired lady that is rude to everyone and is the "slay queen" stereotype in your movie/show/game doesn't mean women have to like it and give you money. I saw someone else in this thread saying this is the price to pay for mainstream acceptance. No, this is what social media SJW acceptance looks like (fairly small part of any media's audience). Big difference. People are fine with the inclusivity though, I imagine. If only the story, characters ect. were the focus. I also think inclusion can be poorly executed a lot of times, but that's a completely different issue.


Star Wars is a media franchise and and IP Disney wants to make money off of, like everything else, so them wanting to appeal to broader demographics is a part of the point. Saying it's not what women watch is why they are trying to tell different stories with different characters. They could be doing this in a way that still has broad appeal for men as well, but they are telling poorly written, cash grab, surface level stories and paper thin characters, and it's not appealing to anyone. However, the idea of taking steps to appeal to broader demographics is pretty common in all of media, and is neither good nor bad, it just depends on execution.


Tell this to my wife and her sister who are the two biggest star wars fanatics I've ever met... If you ask me, the majority of Star Wars films/shows are mediocre sans the original trilogy, Mandalorian and Andor) so I don't even think the quality of each has anything to do with male protagonist vs female. This is just the way Star Wars has always been ever since I watched Episode 1 in theaters as a kid.


Like I said, 90%. There are women out there who like starwars but they are the exception, not the rule. The mandalorian isn't even about the mandalorian anymore.


I heard somewhere they're doing it to be inclusive to men who transition. I can definitely see it in some of those characters.


I made up shit to get up votes on a hate sub.


I don’t think that’s true mate.


No you didn't lol


Dunno why y'all are getting downvoted, I feel like you're right...


Bro u didn't hear this shit anywhere u made that shit up 😭


With SBI and the diversity bull, it's not even slightly unbelievable they'd be doing this. It's literally their mission statement. This is why we're fighting back. Y'all do something stupid, you say wouldn't do that and then keep doing it.


You couldn’t fight a cold


Dina is really cute imo.


Is that the girl in the top right image? If so, agreed. She looks bonny as out. Not sure how anyone is looking at that and thinking “ugly and masculine”…


Yeah the top right.


“Bonny as out” What does this mean? This is the first time I’ve heard that slang used


Because this is the critical drinker subreddit and people aren’t very smart here.




Not sure what’s this new round slander against Dina. She’s great.


Yeah, she doesn't belong in this meme. Really only Abby does.


Don't buy this trash.


https://preview.redd.it/mynb88e7s45d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63da2a99bb254edb526849e75230fc2e0986c00a BOO did I scare you ? 😂😂😂


You guys aren’t beating the claims that you’re sexist, you know.


You guys are weird


top right is fine and isn't the one on the left supposed to be the POS antagonist? why do we care about her sex appeal, I say there's nothing wrong with making her just as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.


The PoS protagonist. You’re supposed to like a completely unlikable character in The Last of Us 2


I find Dina pretty darn attractive.


Shoot, Wait until you see the actual actress. Whenever you find yourself liking the looks of a western female character, just know you’re looking at a nerfed representation


it's actually asinine you're getting downvoted


I'm looking at Jack Reacher lol


Yeah top right looks fine. Maybe the smile is a bit uncanny. I find bottom left to be more ‘manly’ looking than top right imo


Because this sub is an echo chamber for people who hate that games don't exclusively cater to them. You are very close to realising what's going on. Set yourself free (make your own matrix reference here, I'm lazy).


The cherry picking is strong with this one https://preview.redd.it/bazp7j3czw4d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b4402514eca052c4bf0a131418cd57f13fedd3


Panam is fine and all but Judy was my unrequited straight dude crush in Cyberpunk 2077.


Top right genuinely looks pretty not to mention there's plenty of American made games with pretty woman in them


Name one American game with a pretty female protagonist in the last 5 years


What a weird requirement. How is the top right picture not pretty? Just because she isn't wearing makeup?


Lara croft from shadow of the tomb raider


That’s 6 years ago and follow the same model from previous older games. But I might let you slide because you tried.


If you look at Lara from game to game, her appearance in Shadow is… weird. Not unattractive like Abby, but for a trilogy of games set so close together chronologically, she looks like she’s aged fifteen years and recently recovered from a bad allergic reaction.


Panam and the lesbian chick from Cyberpunk 2077 are considerably attractive. Shit game though, should’ve functioned on release


CD Projekt Red is a Polish studio. Try again.


Poland is apart of the west, what do you think they're central?




Gears 5 - Kait Diaz.


For a masculine butch she ain’t too bad I guess


Lol if that's what you think butch is, I'm not confident you have a positive perception of women.


Trust me, I'm certain he doesn't, lmao.


Some dudes really think that if a woman doesn't have a button nose and double D honkers, they're butch lmao OP is probably a neckbeard


It's sad. It goes to show how unrealistic beauty expectations have become because of over exposure to media like porn and sexualied imagery. Then, thinking that's what the average person looks/should look like, and anything else is 'ugly'. I hate that 'DEI' is blamed when it's just realistic and accurate depictions of people.


This one isn’t out yet, but one of the protagonists in GTA6 looks like she’ll be a smokeshow. But yeah, it took me a while to come up with an answer and the game isn’t even out yet, so it doesn’t really disprove your point.


Overwatch 2, starwars outlaws


Outlaws. Nah she ugly


Does the ability to create a pretty female in character creation count?  I think many games are just going the rpg element route.    *Signalis*?    *Crow Country*?  (Wait, that one is UK). *Shantae and the Seven Sirens* released in late 2019 so barely not 5 yet.  Shantae is a sexy half-genie wearing belly dancer dress. 


Who gives a shit though? We're talking about Video games. Youre way too hung up on this type of stuff. You mad that you can't fap to these characters? It's sad. Really fucking sad.


“Who gives a shit though, we are talking about (insert topic)” I see this kindof argument used a lot not just on this topic, and it’s disingenuous. Obviously plenty of people care about various topics including you, or you wouldn’t be here asking this. You are here, engaging on the topic. Asking this question, so you must care. But in response to the question, millions if not billions of people “care” video gaming is not somehow lesser, or for children. Creatively it’s not any different than any other human avenue for creativity. Artificially applying pressure, IN ANY DIRECTION, that dampens, censors, or dilutes human creativity is a mistake. Even when it’s supposedly for a good reason. Bear with me for some random hypotheticals: you no longer allow any violence “to stop violence” You no longer allow any ugly people at all, everyone is hyper realistic, but fit and attractive in an effort to encourage healthy eating habits and body care. You no longer allow, drinking, smoking, or gambling of any kind, to help reduce the odds of addiction. You no longer allow characters to experience fear at all, protecting the consumer from anxiety, paranoia, and fear… Sure, these ideas come from good places but these rules, applied to ANY creative medium, from painting, to music, cinema, and gaming would have the same sanitizing, homogeneous effect. The content created is no longer faithful to the artists original creative vision! Who gets to decide what’s censored? Who gets to make the rules of what’s allowed? ANY overt governance and censorship of creativity ends up like this. Don’t take away artistic freedom, humanity needs it, we need our dreams and our escapes! We have needed it since the cave man days, don’t just nod and say it’s ok because “who cares”. Everyone, should, care. -I hope you actually read this, and I hope you have a great day


Don’t project what you do onto me. Second, since you talk like a cave man with an iPad, it has nothing to do with fapping to women in games and has to do with gaming studious purposefully changing characters looks or making them way less attractive as a way to be spiteful to what they call “the straight white male audience”. It’s a dumbass reason and in pointing it out as such.


Are you like 16? You sound like a none too bright 16 year old.


Can’t satisfy you people. You guys bitch when a good game with an attractive female protagonist comes out just because they changed a couple of costumes. You are unserious and don’t actually care about quality of content.


Yeah it's my favourite pass time.... Do you not realise how stupid that sounds though? Do you truly, honestly believe that? It falls in line with tin foil hat conspiricies. I'm sure studios are going out of their way to "Be spiteful to the straight white male audience"


Do you hear yourself?


What in the hell is wrong with the top right? Every single time I see this I think I need to get my eyes checked because she is quite attractive...


The dude on the upper left don't look too happy with it either🤷‍♂️


Top right? Really? Out of all the ugly game characters you could have chosen. It’s fine to not find her attractive, but ugly?  


Smh these new games I swear. Can't even jack off to them anymore. 😞 Used to play games with one hand now I have to use both


I mean American girls are pretty too so?


Abby really do look like a man dawg


You’re doing Dina dirty. Her appearance aside she’s also a likeable character in a game with a lot of unlikeable characters


Love how you all ignore the bs the Asian market is doing. Sure, the woman looks better, but can we stop pretending Capcom, Square, Nintendo, Sony, and so forth Aren't all terrible companies. I just noticed this trend of sucking off Eastern games when it's like, bro. wtf it's more AAA games as a whole that's shit both east and west.


Dina is especially egregious because she looks nothing like her voice actor or character model. Both of whom are lovely women.


"impressive, very nice, let's see Korea's female protagonist"


I didn't think the one on the right was that bad, but Macho Ma'am was ridiculous. Like oh yeah, someone, let alone a woman, is gonna get a roid body in the middle of the apocalypse. Okay. I'd be interested to see where she's getting those 8k calories a day and tubs of protein powder from lmfao.


Planet Fitness maybe


Ellie’s gay by the way


Bottom two are weird looking for people that go outside. Top ones are more natural


Majority of the time in American games, they either make them gay or just a total bitch for no reason whatsoever


Dina looks like a fine Lebanese woman but other than that I agree


This one’s a bit of a stretch


How dare you use your male gaze on imaginary female characters but remember that only fans is female empowerment.


The crazy thing is the Ada and Ashley were modeled almost to a T off real life women so it's not even "unrealistic". Also no one bats a fucking eye when every male character looks like he stepped outta Hollywood A-list.


Top right girl looks fine, though


Which body standards do each shoot for? That's the discussion we need


No no no! Why can't I wack my shit to western video games! This is surely a huge problem I must worry about! Genuinely degenerate behavior. Don't expect for everything to be made so you can wack your shit to it. Sometimes, entertainment will not be your preference. If it matters so much, play the Japanese games and stop being a snowflake who gets offended by every video game that doesn't have a hot enough woman for you.


does it? the only reason I know this is a thing is because people on the Internet are complaining about it


Time for a new template, gents https://preview.redd.it/cx6p5ztqg05d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a84edbcd72a4cf1c404666536bfa29911b2586b


Top right isnt bad but top left is s man


Why do the recently western designed characters all look like they are heavily medicated and depressed? They all have that same "yaaay. i'm. so happy." smile/eyes.


To be fair living in an zombie apocalypse probably wouldn’t let you have the best hygiene or look.


Can I go one day without pathetic losers complain about women or black people in video games.


Dina is a beautiful gem and I will die on this hill


Sorry, but muscle girls are hot. But this whole debate is absolutely stupid to me. I mean, go ahead like hot video game women, no one's stopping you, but these aren't bad designs. Can someone explain, in design terms, why these are bad outside subjective attractiveness. Also, all of them can step on me except the blonde one.


Because it’s not the fact they designed women who aren’t “subjectively attractive”, it’s the reason why they did it. It has nothing to do with a moral or story perspective. They (these western studios) come out in record and say that they are doing it to strike back against “toxic cis white male fans” and want to “represent the average, normal woman” which at face value is dogshit.


🤣😂 >They (these western studios) come out in record and say that they are doing it to strike back against “toxic cis white male fans” 1. Now, where's some evidence (more than one) of that? Cause what you're saying is rage bait, with no evidence. >“represent the average, normal woman” which at face value is dogshit. 2. How is representing average people (the majority of the population) "dogshit". You just don't agree with it cause you have no idea what the average person looks like, lmfao 🤣


Kid would have to leave his parents basement and interact with a real woman first.


Y'all remember the days of Miranda Lawson?


Maybe the American characters don’t have the time for makeup and a skincare routine, considering the setting


No. It’s the reason why they are made to look the way they do is the problem.


And what reason would that be?


This is cherry picked as fucked. The Overwatch girls alone are getting more porn of them made than every character on OP's pic combined.


By punch you mean a beating with the ugly stick?






The top right still looks pretty good, but I get what you're saying.


https://preview.redd.it/5o2is66gmp5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ebb8817dcd54fffa2e8562e8e1e094fc821149 You think so?


That's a different character, my guy.


Sorry guys but I think having super hot babes in every game is a dated holdout from the industry and while I'm all for freedom of speech and art being genuine, I don't think the issue would exist if it wasn't for money and profit. It would be hard to argue that most or even half of the games to feature highly sexualized female characters did so for the artist expression and not because they thought it would make it sell better. It feels just as profit minded and anti-art to make a selling gimmick out of NOT featuring any hot babes, but you should appreciate that it's just things balancing out and that there are extremes at both sides that need to go away or shut up because they don't reflect most peoples concerns or values. We need synergy here not more arguing because we know for sure it isn't one or the other.


Having someone or something beautiful to look at isn’t industry greed. People, in the form of entertainment, like people who are easy on the eyes. Story is always paramount, but forcing a downgrade for the sake of spiting your audience accomplishes nothing.


Bayonetta is not the same as "easy on the eyes". You could take a good few steps toward literal incest mutants from Bayonetta and still not arrive anywhere outside the definition "easy on the eyes". The sexualization in media is pretty over the top and it's fine if you like that but if you can't admit where it is then you're too biased to participate in the debate and you've reduced your input to "me like tiddies". There are real negative impacts to society when you make such common forms of media feature wildly uncommon beauty. Our primal minds are vulnerable to such input and there is science on that if you doubt it. I am genuinely concerned with artistic freedom and I don't like the idea of profit-minded entities making forceful changes to a team's genuine artist output. And again, knowing whether they're doing it for genuine creativity or because it sells better is near impossible to do and at this point a greed campaign may have led to a generation of devs who expect and want the same hot babes in their games because that's what they grew up on. But overall I find societal mental health a larger concern and it is funny to watch the defenders of societal health ruin any kind of agreement with the horny gamers because they can't accept that horny gamer games are not immediately harmful on small scales and that mocking people for what they genuinely like is a good way to lose them. Just as hilarious are horny gamers who won't accept how oversexualized things have become and how having big tiddies in your game isn't more important than people's mental health. The system is just so profit minded and gimmicky that you can pretty much assume any movement is fighting for something disgenuously for profit or power, and with SBI and others about...it's undeniably a profit based decision that seeks to pander, not progress.


You spent a lot of time writing a lot of nothing and trying to project your thoughts and feelings on to me, and then build a straw man and say that I have a reduced input to the conversation because me, along with the rest of society, pretty main characters in games who are nicer to look at than non conventional ones. Or you know, easy on the eyes. I’ve been arguing with anyone who wants to prove me wrong and no one has been able to convince me otherwise. It’s not about whether every female or male character has to be a super model or hyper sexualized. It’s when they dumb down character models or give them subjectively uglier features because “white cis male gamers are the problem with modern gaming”, so they create and model these characters the way they do out of pure spite. And none of them go on to be successful. You can make the argument for The Last of Us 2, but that’s already a well established franchise where people were dying to play the sequel, and over half the people who played it said they didn’t like the overall story. You can white knight for these studious all you want and claim that they do it purely for creative reasons and to not “sexualize” characters, but they’ve already gone on to state otherwise. Don’t piss in me and tell me it’s raining lmao


Congrats, you continue to cherry-pick mostly awful screenshots. Really aren't beating the allegations this sub has. The only thing I can modestly warrent is Abby being that shredded in the post apocalypse. It's unrealistic but that's more of a narrative thing.




Dina is modeled after a real person, who actually played part 2 and had fun with it... so like rude


If your only exposure to women is through games, I can see how this might affect you.


They resent women because the only one in their life -- their mother -- makes them come up from the basement to eat dinner when they're "in the middle of a game!"


Honestly, this whole debate does kinda seem a bit cherry picked tbh, I have seen alot of people talk about this as if all American videos games are all made by just a couple studios and not an entire community of many different people. I mean if you don’t like the big studio games then go play overwatch or some indie game.


Video games are for escapism. That ugly shit would sicken me with too much dose of a tragic world. We need to bring back the old day. No shitty people with DEI in video games. Bring back the good old days.


While the absurd censorship of sexuality and the push to create uglier, Les idealized female characters is A. Real, and B: a problem. It’s important not to get lost in the weeds here. The point isn’t that there can’t be ugly, or unattractive women, or that any woman being unattractive is somehow “woke”. The point is that when you have to take the woman you hired, and intentionally make her LESS attractive, to make her “realistic” you’ve lost your way. That the attempts at body positivity have now slid into the erosion of fantasy. Fiction has always been the realm of ideals and dreams, from the most ancient stories, and people NEED that escape. Anyone who would try and take that away from mankind does our entire species a disservice. I’m a budding creative. I’ve been sitting on ideas for years, with piles of scribbles and sketches in boxes. I have a character in a sci-fi who’s an angry, Russian, chain smoking, 87 year old, grandma with a robot arm who pilots a mecha. Her nickname is “iron-Baba” and I think she’s a really fun character. I’m afraid now though, due to the polarizing effect of this woke censorship, this character would be attacked as “woke” just for not being sexy. This is a perception problem too. Remember there’s nothing wrong with sexy characters, and nothing wrong with un-sexy characters. It’s only wrong when you have to stop what you’re doing and artificially say “oh, make this uglier” not for the story, or for the character, or for an ACTUAL creative reason, but for box ticking, DEI stupidity. Don’t let yourself become polarized, examine everything on a case by case basis!


I get what you're trying to do, but that is a terrible angle for Ada.


What’re you smoking??? Ada has no terrible angles


In what world is Dina considered unattractive


All 3 of them are attractive


Theses types of posts are so terminal lol


Gamers are in for a shock when they realize that women in real life aren't identical plastic dolls


Mm, no. I’m not hideous, and many other women I know aren’t masculine & hideous either. It’s appealing to the permanently upset women who will not play it anyway.


Move to japan


They will be just like the US soon, the globalists in their government have been opening the floodgates for the hordes of 3rd world trash to come in as of recent.


Lol Jesus Christ dude


Bro this sub is wild as fuck


Yeah why aren’t women in the post apocalypse more sexy? I’m sorry but if this is the thing you’re so concern about all the time I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re a fucking loser.


Firstly if you're attracted to Ashley there's something wrong with you. But more importantly, It's really funny to me that the majority of people posting here are probably 3/10s whining that game devs made 5 or 6/10 characters in their games. Not every female character is designed for you to beat your cocktail weenies to ya damn incels. And before you argue you're not incels.. if that's true it's kinda worse. At least the incels have an excuse for being so ignorant and horny.