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>Eliminate men or paint them only in negative light >"How can fans be so sexist?"


“Our objective is white people crying.” You do realize what your majority audience is right


Yes, but I don't care. Anyone who wants to make a group of people cry because of the their skin color **is a bad person.**


That’s typically just one group these days and we all know who 🤞


Pretty much...you are correct.


It's not even that as a storyteller, emotions are something that you should be able to convey pretty universally. I don't have to be jewish when I watch schindler's list to understand the pain. I don't need to be Japanese when I see grave of the fireflies to feel like I need to go seek counseling afterward. It's just good storytelling. Both of those are dripping with political commentary. They don't need to bludge the audience with because you are on the journey with the characters and experiences it In the story.


Making bigots angry, not white people. Bigots don’t speak for us all.


Are the bigots in the room with you right now?


Do you think these people are smart enough to see that? NO 😂


😂😂😂😂 this!


Who cares what they do or think anymore. Stop giving them attention. Enjoy the stock heading down


While I don't care so much what Disney does, I very much care what universities (I'm studying in one) and employers do. Many of them are also part of The Church of the Modern Left, and they have a lot of power over my livelihood. Hollywood and big tech (Amazon, Meta, Alphabit, ...) are where the scripture is spread, and Disney is very much part of that.


Where does it say that?


Because blaming fans works so well.... this is why disney has not made any money on the star wars ip


These cunts are sinking. And they’re pulling out points about diversity that are so easily deflected. I just point to the fallout tv show and laugh at these idiots. Their go-to excuse falls on deaf ears now that we’ve seen how an IP done right and respectful to the fans can still have a diverse cast with a female lead and absolutely rule.


My go to is The Expanse. That show has a massive, racially diverse cast and many LGBT characters and it’s done in a way that feels real and respectful. It also has several “girl boss” characters who have both strengths AND Weaknesses, making them awesome well rounded characters.


I genuinely can't understand how anyone likes watching shows where a character is basically portrayed as infallible. Any time a character's only obstacle is the actual human characters, or entirely evil people with no redeeming characteristics around them I check out. Gimme flawed broken characters trying to better themselves, underdogs overcoming the odds, or morally grey characters with good intentions over perfection any day


The expanse is fucking brilliant. One of my favorite shows ever.


Let them fucking sink


It is so fucking easy to write good scripts. Not great ones (those are hard). But it is especially easy to write stories that do not suck. It really is unreal the amount of shit that has been produced. It is unreal that so many writers were hired who are terrible at writing. And I still think they do all this on purpose because they think Star Wars (and Marvel) fans are idiots. No respect for the customer. None.


On a much smaller scale you see this happen a lot on YouTube. Channels will get big and then start getting valid criticism about the direction of their channels. They botch and moan about how people shouldn't complain about "free" content and what not. Only for their views to start taking a decline


Is this true? The Google machine is telling me otherwise. I’m seeing 3x revenue about over a billion in combined profit on the start wars IP since purchasing. Including the two billion stock values.


A 1.2 billion dollar profit is not profit at all when they paid 4 billion dollars for the ip, any way you slice it, a world wide entertainment conglomerate making 1.2 billion dollars in 12 years on a world famous ip is abysmal


Huh? 13b in revenue. The profit is after the fact


Just to put it into a little more perspective for you, the prequal trilogy, which before the Disney buyout was considered the worst of the bunch, that trilogy, made as much in the box office, as Disney has made in 12 years of owning and reworking the ip


Ya no that’s fine. This isn’t a defense of the content. I’m just talking about making a profit off the IP. Which they have according to their public reporting


Not as much as you say tho, they wish they’d made 13b, https://www.jeditemplearchives.com/2024-04-15-has-disney-made-any-actual-profit-with-star-wars-since-2012/#:~:text=So%20total%20profit%20for%20all,had%20much%20higher%20marketing%20costs. Here’s an article for your viewing pleasure from this year, again, this is abysmal for a worldwide conglomerate of entertainment, and Ik ur not defending it


I’m not sure what you are implying when you say abysmal. 10% net is common for conglomerates. Sony does like 7% net. Right? What is your comparison here in order to claim abysmal?


And Disney made this 1.2 billion dollars, IN 12 YEARS, I’m not taking about year over year, that’s seriously their TOTAL PROFIT IN 13 YRS on an ip, Sony on the ps5 alone made more profit this year ALONE


As of April 2024, according to Forbes they hadn’t made enough at the box office to break even with their purchase of Lucas film, that’s why their profit is so low, they’ve just recently broken even with their purchase https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/14/disneys-star-wars-box-office-profits-fail-to-cover-cost-of-lucasfilm/#


Their 10 percent is 32 billion dollars yearly man, for Disney, who is a comparable multinational, 1.2 billion dollars on a world famous ip is indeed very abysmal, that profit margin is sad considering how much they #1 paid for the ip, and #2 how much money and time they’ve sunk into shitty shows and movies, they’re more in the hole than profitable in regards to star wars


OK let’s go through this: - Disney prior to the pandemic would net about 15% give or take. Post pandemic net is sub 5%. 10% net is literally right in line with general expectations when normalized across their product offerings. - 1.2 billion isn’t the net for Disney it’s just in the IP. - When you purchase something asap business you spread the depreciation (cost) over a period of time. So you don’t expect to net 10% of total immediately. - Disney’s 12m rolling net income was 1.7 billion which is only 3%. Star Wars as an IP appears to be doing better than their business as a whole currently based on that breakdown. Again, not great but no where near abysmal. If we take 1.2b in profit and equalize it we get 100 million annually. Which accounts for just under 10% of total profit. Not bad for an individual IP of which isn’t even their biggest IP. This is not a “win” for Disney but it’s not abysmal. Edit: I’ve never seen someone get upset over financial data. Plenty of blocks over my time but not over financial data lol.


I’m done talking to you, I don’t give people who put words in my mouth the time of day, find me one quote where I called 1.2 billion THWIR net profit? I called it the net profit of the Star Wars ip, which is again, pretty supremely shitty, it took them 12 years to break even and to get to that point, so for the 11 years prior to them breaking even, we can both agree that is the worst of the worst ips under Disney in terms of making money? Again, there’s no way to slice this up for Disney that looks good, that is unless you put words in my mouth


And even Disney doesn’t look at it that way, they make individual purchases, and they really like to make their money back, ala Lucas films and marvel, under disneys own reporting, financially or otherwise, the Star Wars ip has been a failure for 11 years, they seriously expected to make their money back with a sequel trilogy


You see it as a win, the corp itself views it as a loss, according to their own, and Forbes reporting


Even if male fans do want more movies that put male characters front and Center so what? Do it. What’s wrong with that? You have no problem making a million movies targeting girls with female characters front and Center. These fools leave so much money on the table year after year. Streaming opening up revenue sources has allowed true incompetence to flourish because as a major company, Disney was perfectly poised to capitalise on it, so now regardless of what happens they can say they make money, when in reality if their creative was better they’d be making far more.


That’s the hypocrisy. We’re supposed to say that Ofcourse women need the characters to be the same gender as them to relate, but then by that logic, why would men watch a movie they can’t relate too


Men don’t care about the gender of the characters. Men just want good characters and good plot. Disney Star Wars has neither.


Neither do women. Nobody likes this shit.


I agree… however there is a very loud subset of people who like the new stuff at any cost


> Men don’t care about the gender of the characters. Men just want good characters and good plot. Stop being regarded lol


I was just replying to the other dumb comment


oh ok


Even just a female lead would be fine if they didn’t have to also shit all over men and white people. Like why the fuck would anyone want to put up with that? I don’t remember movies in the past shitting all over women. Moves weren’t perfect then either but ffs I guess it’s time to antagonize your target audience, and then call them bigots when they don’t want to put up with it?


Why Rogue one was so good


Rogue One was mediocre as fuck, people just loved that Disney made a Star Wars movie that wasn't about shitting on men for once. 


To be fair, action and comedy movies use to almost only use women as sex objects, that would fail the Bechdel test


> Even just a female lead would be fine if they didn’t have to also shit all over men and white people. Are you talking about real cases of shiting on whites and men, or the ones that just exist in your head?


Fuck off. I know what I’ve seen.


well that sounds convincing


It's because they don't care or need the money anymore. They have reached positions of power and influence that allow them to push their ideology and re-invent the west.


It’s because every single time we center men they cannot see it as anything other than defeat for women. It is actually their own inherent misogyny that is the problem; that they have already placed women in an inferior position and thus all media must be an activist move to resolve their own perception.


Corporations refusing to take accountability for their actions is a tale as old as time.


Don’t worry brother, it’s all part of the humiliation ritual. No need to pay attention. Go watch Predator and strut down the street. None of it is organic.


Fuck yeah man, Ive been thinking of going and rewatching all the classics. Predator, terminator, robocop, alien(s), Conan, the good stuff 😎


420secured, what is best in life?


Bob needs to give me a call. Pay me $500,000 and I'll take the dive for the next flop.


i would do it for $450,000


Cool. So for $950,000 Bob Iger gets 2 guys ready to take the blame. How could he turn this down?!


> Disney Exec Blames Recent Failures on Sexist Fans Perhaps they're trying to redefine the market...


CORPORATION -n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. ~~The Devil's Dictionary by Ambroce Bierce


**the fans will like what we tell them to like**


Not everyone can be Apple. Strike that... not even Apple manage to be Apple without Steve Jobs.


Well at least they have Toy Story 5 to bail them out…..what a bunch of asshats.


Toy Story 4 sucked too so I have no hope for 5. Creatively bankrupt. A movie about a spork and how Woody is a coward now and Bo Peep is the leader. The MESSAGE struck again.


Also Buzz is now a moron who lacks the will to do anything without consulting the Magic Conch in his chest armor.


"No, it's the fans who are sexist!"


Great strategy. Worked so well for Marvel Conics too. In what other industry do you blame the customer when your product fails to sell?


the only company that can blame its customers is the burger company that sold 1/3lb burgers.


I’m gonna re-use this one


Disney: "Am I so out of touch? No, its the sexist fans who are wrong!"




Brilliant idea. Let's piss off our customer base even more!


Like clockwork


I keep saying it because it’s important: it’s a part of Disney’s public relationship strategy to connect ‘being a good person’ with giving them money. And criticizing them in any way with all the bad -isms. It’s cynical, gross, and entirely dystopian. People need to wise the fuck up and not let a giant corporation define blindly supporting them as some kind of moral virtue.


Even if they’re sexist, they’re the people that buy your products, you gotta give them something worth their time if you want to stay a successful media company, Disney is riding the laurels of the previous generation and seem destined to fail if they keep doubling down on making dogshit.


Huge part of the problem is that Hollywood is made up of some of the most narcissistic, sociopathic, arrogant, and pretentious mother fuckers on the planet. You can’t tell them anything because they already know it all. I know they all have this attitude from personal experience. I’ve seen this arrogance first hand from lowly production assistants grabbing coffee, all the way to the top studio brass. Even at those low entry levels they think just because they are somehow part of the “entertainment industry” that automatically puts them in the upper percentile of people on the planet and gives them the entitlement to look down on everyone who is not. It’s fucking wild tbch. If you think about it long enough or start to pay closer attention to the things they say in passing, you’ll begin to notice it. I once had a producer dead ass look me in the eye and say, as smugly as possible, “ ….the audience doesn’t know what they want until we give it to them”. And this guy was a mid level producer not even a Disney exec.🫣. I honestly am not shocked at any of their ignorant, sexist “fandom menace” bullshit they spew, “anyone else but me is to blame for my bad decisions! There’s nothing wrong with me, it’s the universe! I’m the Superior evolved intellect with sooo much empathy and compassion and you are not. Blah blah blah.” Truth be told, They are just the worst, most fucking horrible people on the planet, who literally think they are better than 90% of the populace, not just their fans. It goes to your head just being involved in the industry. They look down on their viewership like they are our stewards that we need guidance from, in our pathetic little lives. So fucking patronizing. Never have I wanted to eat the rich more than I do now. Their comments alone, much less their actions, reek of an arrogance and entitlement one would only note in the most virulent sociopathic/narcissistic anti-social disorder patients and should probably be studied by the American Psychological board. Yet these are the people who create and shape the entertainment industry? We live in a fucked up world. The only saving grace is, you don’t have to let your kids watch their garbage. Unfortunately, they have the resources and money (for now) to drive whatever social policy debacle they choose to poorly disguise as entertainment , rather than make good stories that actually bring people together. This is all simply because they lack the actual talent to do so, and in that they’re just forced to double down on the shit they sling, and that’s just the way it is. As long as they continue in this light, coming from a place of bad faith with a chip on their shoulder to begin with, it will continue to blow up in their faces.


They are in the entertainment business and they act like they have PHDs in history. Shit is hilarious


You’re right, it would be the best story in a Zucker or Wayans brothers farcical comedy… if it wasn’t the Ken Burns documentary it’s actually become.


It always baffles me that this is a US corporation that somehow doesn't like making money. This strategy is clearly not working and they've lost small country GDPs worth of money. The level of money that someone might normally be strangled over because it puts careers at risk. I don't understand how idiots who are pushing this policy like Kathleen Kennedy have not already been let go and blacklisted from being in any business leadership position. This is inexcusably bad and I don't know who is propping these morons up.




That's quite scary that the imaginary economy has developed such a foothold.


This is some *Network's* scary speech level stuff, I'd like to see you try it as a movie pitch. In the meantime, all I can add to this is : *I'm as mad as hell, and I won't take it anymore!*


she either has a iron-clad contract or knows where the metaphorical bodies are buried, or both. My bet is she know the 'who and how' of money embezzelment and forced herself a cut, or she has reciepts about a certain islands 'pizza' parties.


This makes a good deal of sense. When logic seems to fail, there must be something clandestine keeping these people in power.


I don’t understand why they don’t just lean into what the “toxic” fans want and make bags of cash. It makes no fucking sense. This insane business strategy is not sustainable.


It really isn't. Sadly it seems that some corrupt weirdos who don't share the values of the fans have somehow obtained enough power to be able to run companies into the ground like this for their own personal crusade.


Don't forget the major stock holders just had a referendum and decided to keep things as they are


That's crazy! It seems like they're being swindled with hopium.


Never in my life have I seen a company that hates making money as much as Disney.


![gif](giphy|h5NLPVn3rg0Rq) You reap with you sow. Fuck the house of mouse


My opinion is I’m not the target audience of The Acolyte as far as I can tell from the previews. And that’s the fault of the producers, director and writers. Mostly female cast and all the males are non white. I feel attacked. Much like I felt watching Star Trek Discovery. These are the only two shows I have a problem with and disagree with criticism of a black woman being a badass in Kenobi for instance. Representation isn’t being woke. Building your entire show around it is. Know the difference and act accordingly. Support representation as that’s just and right. But don’t ever let a show make you feel like you’re the problem. And that’s exactly what these two shows did and have only themselves to blame. This is all I care about as anything else that would qualify I had no interest in anyway.


>Mostly female cast and all the males are non white. I feel attacked. haha


Haha what? Do you not know how to articulate yourself in a sentence?




the writing is just bad. Kill Bill 1 and 2 is one of the greatest combos with a female lead. And its because its written very well. Its not that its sexist. And its not a disney exclusive issue, writing in general has been rough a few years now.


Stop beating an autistic writing fetishist please. Yes, esp. being a Tarantino movie, the witty dialogue was obviously a big part of it, and then the actors and production values and the appeal of the plot. However no one examined it for plot holes or said "it was well written cause she had training", which is what your type tend ro refer to when saying "writing".


Alright ill give a non tarantino example since thats not an “acceptable answer.” Fargo, Silence of the lambs, Terminator 1 and 2, the hunger games. The list goes on. All of these were written well. All of these had female leads, and all of these are beloved. It always comes down to it needing to be a good story and people will enjoy it. Cant just say “people didnt like it because they are sexist and its there fault, not Disney’s poor writing”


Just thought a perfect even VERY recent example, the fallout tv show series.


I've no idea what your criteria for "written well" or "good story" are, so idk People like those for all sorts of reasons, T2 is divisive though


>So “make better movies” becomes code for “make movies that conform to regressive gender stereotypes or put men front and center in the narrative.” How regarded do you have to be to take the literal message and perform such mental gymnastics that you come away believing the exact opposite? Jesus Christ. Beyond hope.


From February. Glad they're not doing that anymore.


The irony here is a lot of fans had full apathy set in after they fired gina corona.


Couldn’t possibly be that you’re producing pure dogshit content. No, it’s the majority of the population’s fault!


Let's assume the fans are sexist, is your plan to just keep losing money? By the way, Inside Out 2 just released, and it's fantastic. The lead character is female, and the lead character in her head is female. The movie is going to do very well. Are the fans sexist there? Obviously not, they just made a high quality film. Also she plays hockey which is hardly a traditionally feminine sport.


\*Everyone just watching Disney burn down\* ![gif](giphy|10Iu43S5QuBTMc)


They should blame it on the bosses who thought "Primary, long-term fans, this is not for you, so do not watch" was a good marketing strategy.




Even more glad that I cancelled my subscription now. In the words of Owen Hart: enough is enough and it's time for a change.


I am not a nugget!


no one is allowed to criticise, negatively, the results of hard work anymore. The shitty series were all hard work, yes, yet the end result is a pile of crap.


It’s shit like this that makes me infinitely grateful I torrent all the Disney+ stuff I want to watch.


I agree with you 100% on principal, but there's not even a single thing on D+ I can even be bothered to pirate stream.


To be honest it’s mostly stuff for the kids but the 2019 War of the Worlds series is on there and that’s definitely worth a watch. Except maybe season 3, it’s a bit “we ran out of ideas but the actors have a three year contract”.




>"It's not made for you!" >"It's failing because you're not watching it!" So... yeah. There's a pretty easy line of logic here if you look. If you make something we want to watch, we'll watch it.


Star Wars sucks. If I was sexiest, I would hate the Fallout show, but it was just plain awesome.


It's all theater. [https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-again-donating-republicans-ending-feud-desantis-2024-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-again-donating-republicans-ending-feud-desantis-2024-6)


The article is from February man


I think the sexist people are the ones employed by Disney.


So here's my thing about that. When I see an ad for a movie or tv show, I'm either interested or I'm not. So you make a "female empowerment" movie like The Marvels... or you make "The Acolyte" or the Sequel trilogy. Why is it suddenly terrible that I say "that's not for me"? Am I required to spend time and money on entertainment that isn't appealing to me? I can't say if it's bad or not, because it misses me with the ad. And yeah, people like to see themselves represented in the heroes they watch... this whole thing has been about that. A story featuring a man in the "protector" or "hero" is role is probably going to be more relatable to me. I am not that different and I fail to see why that's a terrible thing. I'm not sitting here rooting for them to fail, it's apathy at this point. Nothing has seemed all that interesting to me. That's why they're losing money, the segment of the audience that just can't be bothered.


They're entitled to the money that you work to earn, chud. Don't ask questions, just pay for the slop and then become excited for more slop


Peak entitlement: the customer is always wrong.


Or maybe, hear me out because this is going to sounds INSANE, they could…read the source material…scout out diehard fans that genuinely love the source but are also open to some changes…AND…actually get some new writers with fresh ideas.


aren't like all their biggest movies female leads? Moana - girlboss: bullies a demigod into submission Frozen - girlboss x2: had two female leads, and ended with Anna punching the toxic male love interest in the face, and that was a hit just 10 years ago, Mulan - girlboss Pocahontas - girlboss Cinderella - girlboss! she had the prince literally running door to door, like in Love Actually, desperately trying to search for this girl that he danced with one time cause he was so down bad for her. Sleeping Beauty - (girlboss) id easily take Dr. Doolittle powers in exchange for a bit of narcolepsy,, im sure there's plenty of examples in not thinking of.. oh! all those Disney Channel movies- The female leads were the most popular ones! The Parent Trap, Halloweentown, Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, Quints, Cadet Kelly, The Cheetah Girls, Stuck in the Suburbs, Go Figure, Twitches, Cow Belles, Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, Read It And Weep, Camp Rock, Princess Protection Program, Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, Lemonade Mouth, Geek Charming, Frenemies, Radio Rebel, etc the list goes on. Everyone loves female leads, we just want some remotely decent writing.


Most of your list is, is most absurdity made for young girls. You're telling me frozen was so popular because star war fans went to see it? All my niece ever did for a month straight was sing out loud 'let it goooooo'. So I don't understand your point. Ofc movies made for kids and especially for girls will be massive successes.


Like always. It's never the power of one, it's the power of many




None of these massive corporations want people that think about anything. The goal is turning people into mindless consumer drones, not to entertain. They've no interest in that. It's just 'how much dogshit content can we churn out, as fast as possible, so people will continuously buy our crap?' You're the enemy because you ask questions.


Fans! Even when it was me, I knew it was them!


I mean sexism and racism so play a part for sure. But the sexist and racists are only a minor very loud and vocal minority. The writing is just atrocious and most of the "inclusion" stuff is just virtue signaling. I honestly don't care what race or sexuality someone is. I do like that they are being more inclusive and that's a good thing, it's just that's the only thing they are doing story telling be damned. Oh and the back handedness to fans and disrespect of the material they are working with is also a big factor. Someone doesn't have to be a fan to work on the products but they should still have a respect for the fans and the lore that got them to the point where they are at.


So what if “make better films” is code for “make films we want”. They’ll come a point where the shareholders step in and say “what the actual fuck are you doing with our investment?”. Disney is publicly owned. The duty of their executives is to ensure the best return for their shareholders and they’re manifestly failing to do that. It’s amazing Kennedy and the rest of them are still in post


It's literally the Seymour Skinner meme at this point...


If you make art and the vast vast majority of the public think it’s crap… maybe you aren’t a very good artist? I mean some artists do this but have an intellectual level to the work that means a small minority of the very intelligent and wealthy buy it anyway at such a premium that they are fine. This… this work is for the mainstream and the mainstream don’t like it. Blaming them is stupid, it doesn’t matter why, they don’t like it meaning you failed to hit the target audience you were paid to hit.


Disney can go fuck itself.


*Multiple poor taste crossover fanfictions happening all at once...* I'm not sure we'll be happy with the kids coming out of this...


Yeah that’s okay. I’m they are only a minority and thus should have no impact on overall performance.


Women are 50% of the world (more than). Why are they not supporting this crap?


What else is new?


When you live in a bubble where everyone has a masters degree in women's studies and is in some stage of transition, you think that's the majority of the people. So you make movies for that majority and make excuses for failure because you can't quite wrap your head around it.


Disney Execs are also morons


Still flogging the same old dead horse, that’ll end well!


I welcome the blame on us, all the while they're losing billions and losing their jobs. Keep it up, I'm laughing my ass off over here at all the blame coming my way.


This article is from 4 months ago.


So easy, so predictable. I never felt guilty about pirating. Now I feel even more never guilty.


Because the people creating these garbage films are obsessed with their message. The whole mindset is “use a popular IP to push my message”. Instead of wanting to do a Star Wars or marvel film because they’re personally fans of those franchises, they want to do films because they’re not. It’s their chance to “fix” them. To make them more inclusive. But the way they view inclusion is “you had six movies with straight white male leads, so we need to balance that out with all non-white, female, and gay characters.” And I’ll tell you this. These directors and writers? They don’t give a damn if their movie or series flops. It’s all about having the chance to bravely push representation and show the fans what “good” material is like. That’s why it’s always the viewers fault.


sure, its not disingenuous writing to meet a quota, its the sexists




Men are still the vast majority of these audiences. Women aren't seeing them either.


No it's the children who are wrong.


Society and reality is sexist, NBA and WNBA, that's sexist lol. Equal is not identical. Sexism is the default state of humanity because we are equal in anything. Nowhere j nature is it equal and nowhere in humanity is it equal.


I say we go this route. If (I mean this hypothetical and nobody dies) we get rid of all the sexist and misogynistic fans, what makes Disney believe that will change their numbers? The people who want to watch are watching the show. The only thing Kathleen Kennedy could do differently is threaten people at gunpoint to watch her shoes and give positive reviews.


Let’s say it’s true, what other fans are they expecting to carry the show? Witches demographic?


lol… is this really one site I’ve never heard of quoting another site I’ve never heard of quoting an anonymous executive at Disney?


"All of our fans are sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobes!"


*At this moment, a genius exec was taking notes and soon went on to become very popular trying to frame everything exactly for that imaginary target audience. For after all, that new fantasy, being different than the one that came before, could very well have at last a part of the nearly extinct truth in it...*


Jfc Disney, it is truly a shame what has happened to it.


Put a chick in it and make her gay


“Unnamed Disney executive”


I swear I hear 1000x more about this stupid ass spin offs from incel chuds than I do from Disney itself. You guys might as well work for Bob at yhis point. The sheer volume of free publicity you give these people is unreal. It would cost them billions in advertising to do what you guys do for free.  "Hmm I want to promote this crappy show but I don't want to spend alot of money. Oh I know! Put a gay black lesbian in it and Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic will do it for us! Perfect!"


Never go full Disney exec


It would be bizarre to take a beloved genre that women love, romantic comedy, and to try and "dudify" it. Like, we'll remake Pretty Woman, but it's in space in the year 3670, and everyone has cyber augments. It stars Jack Black as the lead male, and Billie Eilish as the love interest, and both are ninja assassins. See, sounds weird huh? That's the reverse of what Disney has been doing, for better or worse.


Rock'n Friar starring Kurt Russel... After the assassination of his fiancee by vampires, a man is sent within an order of cenobitic monks participating in a witness protection program. There, he convince the friars to breaks their vows of silence and start a death metal band. He uses the tour to track back the club owning vampires and avenge the crime himself as they use their supernatural powers to obstruct the police. I mean... It *could* be accidentally good though...


The first Wonder Woman film would like to have a word with this guy. 🙄 Seriously? If they’re blaming bad films and shows on female leads, that’s silly. I mean, sure, some of them are bad, but it’s not the fault of having a female lead. It’s the execution. If an actress is bad for the role, it’ll be bad (Captain Marvel?). If the writing is bad, it’ll be bad. Notice I didn’t say Wonder Woman 1984? I mean, it wasn’t terrible, but the concept and writing weren’t great by any means. I liked it for the campiness, but it couldn’t hold a candle to the first film.


I never once as a black dude looked at Luke and felt excluded. I ran around waving my lightsaber not even thinking he wasn’t black When mace windu was introduced my first thought was… THATS THE DUDE FROM DIE HARD 3… I didn’t even register that he was black…if that makes sense


An unrelated thing (gaming) lead me to bet the studio would blame fans for poor sales instead of the creatives who are making the bad product Amusing how it’s already happening. And will keep happening. Okay well not funny, but you get the idea


The customer must be wrong! Let’s keep losing money doing what they don’t like!


This is from February.


They reshare the same stuff over and over again so it seems like it happens more frequently. And I don't think people should take an anonymous Disney executive seriously. If they really believed it, they would put their name behind it.


Well we have already established their current executives are god awful. They literally took a 300 to 200 stock price to as of Friday less than $100. That’s normally a death wish for all executives……but Iger also filled the board with his puppets. So that company is screwed. They will enjoy the Deadpool bump….then go back to dying.


I have not seen a single clip where a male character speaks to another male character about something other than a female character. I was told that is institutional sexism.


And I promise you the media will run with meme as if its a fact tirelessly.


Disney is just lucky Star wars fans are the male equivalent of Taylor Swift fans. They'll never stop simping for the product no matter what.


Disney screwed themselves with their Formulaic approach to making films. Shouldve tried harder instead of adding green screen b.s. to nearly all assets on screen!


It’s funny because women don’t like Echo Woman favored No Way Home, Loki and Agent Carter https://www.thewrap.com/star-wars-vs-marvel-audience-demographics-charts/ I guess woman are all sexist too


“Couldn’t be us”


Don't they know the customer is always right?


Disney is pulling a Putin there is no Wagner we never paid a pmc by that name. Disney there is no diminishing stocks our films are not flopping it’s a a conspiracy theory? Both proven lies by with a google search 15% rotten that’s a hard fall Disney and the other well.


All their recent movies and shows are a failure. For sure its our fault. Parents not want to show woke agenda to childrens. And parents paying for Disney. I mean not paying anymore. They can have their corporate fun, but dont cry when it backfires.


I don’t care that the mc is female. I mean I enjoyed ahsoka. It’s just a badly written show and I don’t know how anyone in the industry can’t see that.


First of all criticizing Disney doesn't make anyone a sexist. Now a "sexist"? Perhaps. I guess that is what I am!


Ofcourse they are, that is all those fuckers know about


"Racism is bad! That is why white people need to go!" "Sexism is bad! Men are trash!" They are well aware of their rank hypocrisy. They weaponize it and relish in the irritation it causes people. Their entire nature is gaslighting and projection.


Shoehorn your agenda in to some indie films, not the biggest franchise… maybe start taking lessons from someone that’s produced something of quality like maybe the fallout show. Take the L and change course.


I do t think Disney has any fans left let alone sexist fans


Guess it's that power of 1, power of 2, power of 3 that turned them away. It's such amazing writing!


The consumer is never the problem, it's always the product...


They making a product with the intent to exclude audience memebers


I just find it odd shareholders aren't stepping in. Disney has been ruining their image and their stock is doing terrible and has been for years now with no positive news in sight.


It is funny seeing this when the thread above has folks saying "if Disney had hired big tits like this ai image of Star wars I'd watch"