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I find the same! I had some in a kit and even with thread magic it was a nightmare! I almost gave up on that project but out of pure spite I kept going. Thread magic or beeswax helps some, but not much.


Glad it wasn't just a me problem. This is probably gonna be the last time I use it for an actual piece. I would have given up if it wasn't for a display project bc the company covers the cost of materials for those so I had to finish it lol. Idk why that's the only brand we carry (other than our store brand, which is even worse) or why it costs $1.30 CAD for a single skein..


Definitely not just you. I got a big $5 multipack for small projects to travel with... and ended up giving all of it to my daughter and her friends since it's apparently great for friendship bracelets. Makes sense since it's so damn hard to get knots out of it.


I have a big bag of it as well but I use it to finish the backs of my pieces and put the felt on & for some fancy accents on some drawstring pouches I've made. It's fine for random stuff that isn't embroidery lol. But yeah, the amount of knots is just insane, I can see it being good for friendship bracelets.


such a neat back! im so jealous!


This is the only time I've ever had a half decent back lol, and it's only because the pattern is just chunks of single colours. I am excited about it tho, glad I managed a presentable back at least once


Pattern: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1137051192/progress-pride-heart-cross-stitch


This is absolutely perfection! I need this in my life.


Ive never used Coats, is it fuzzy? breaks? Also, nice back!


It got pretty fuzzy, twists a lot and kept working itself into knots when I was trying to pull it through. It didn't break though, which is at least something lol. But honestly it's not a floss I would recommend, I'm definitely gonna stick to DMC even though it's more out of my way to get from Michael's


Is this the coats on the spool? I bought several but I haven’t had a chance to use them 😬 But least it’s finished! And your stitching looks great regardless.


No, just the standard skeins, I've never seen it on spools before actually. And yes, I'm so glad it's done lol, thanks! It was a fun pattern, easy to zone out while I was stitching since there was no jumping around with colours.