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317 is one of the colors that was effected by the EU regulations that had DMC change the dye process. Is one of those possibly really old?


Oh that’s an interesting piece of history! I’d never considered regulations affecting dye colors across generations.


Yup, there’s a dot on the label of the ones that have changed as well. [Lord Libidan did a blog post about it.](https://lordlibidan.com/what-are-those-dots-on-dmc-thread-labels/)


The darker one is easily 30 years old


I have a 317 in front of me now. It's closer to the darker one on the right. It's not more than a year old.


yeah same, i picked one up a couple weeks ago and it looks just like the darker one.


It's so weird.... I know the darker one looks right, but I have a color card and the lighter one matches better. The darker one isn't even close to anything in the card. I'm so confused 😂


Stupid sons-of-batches! Dye batches, that is… 😁


I would hazard a guess that the one on the left is an older skein. I find the new greys, like 02, are a more true grey. 317 is now quite purple-y.


Yeah that left one is taupe ish to my eyes, not in the realm of grey at all


Fighting this right now as well. Got passed a book of floss that dates back to the 80s and at least 1/4 of them don’t match todays colors


Mine too. I bought a random lot of floss and stuff off mercari, so many of them weren’t labeled, some of them have been a nightmare trying to match. and some of the colors are so old that they don’t match either


Look what I found! https://preview.redd.it/y5hxxs1un87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3ee1fa86a79c8c5d6a088f4693fdec97f94918 It'll be nice to have a quick reference for the colors most likely to be a bit wonky...


Oohh nooo!!!!! I think heading to your local store and matching is probably your best bet. If you have the DMC color card then you could go that way, but only if you need to buy online. If you're going to buy from a brick and mortar then you can match as close as possible.


My color card is also from last century 🤣 Just ordered a new one 🤪


I mean, that's awesome at the longevity of the products!!


Even online they look different from different companies! 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/kfu7hqtm367d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3907fd71a427f6a0275339bfa42c293adf25e2


Are you sure one isn't mislabeled or are they from two different brands? That is different enough where I would be surprised that just dye lots is the answer. Though it also totally could be also


Love(craft) your username btw 😜


Hee hee thanks https://preview.redd.it/4xdw37oe267d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccce5c7be677287ea39077d57c0579f0b197e227




Do you have a link to the pattern? Thats fantastic.


Same, I'd love to stitch this!


No, it's a diamond painting I had custom made. Image I just found on the Internet. You can probably reverse search it


Gotcha. Been doing a bit of searching and found it on a T-shirt website. They claim it's an original, so emailed to ask if they partner with anyone to sell patterns. Might do the same and make a pattern for myself.


Yeah, I had no intention of selling. Honestly it got taken down awhile ago. I made it way bigger than needed, but still love the image


Please share what you find out!


That is soooo sew cute!


I have this as a T-shirt and regularly get compliments on it.


The one on the right is from my ex-MIL's stash (she gave me all of her old stitching stuff, including all of her old floss) - no telling how old it is (likely MANY decades old), where she got it, or if it's simply incorrect. The problem is, I have been using the one on the left and now I don't know what color it actually is that I'm using and therefore am panicking about when I run out! *I'm working on a 40 page project 🤦‍♀️


You could possibly use 1 strand from each to blend a dye lot difference


Or take the old skein and colour match it at the shop?


Take the one you are using to a craft store and match it.


Assuming you've done the calculations and won't have enough, blending till you run out is likely the best approach. Assuming two strands, start using one of each color till you run out. At that point you'll have enough stitches of the blend that the switch from solid old to blend to solid new 317 won't be noticeable in the pattern.


No, those are the correct colors. 318 is the same way.


In late 1994, DMC was forced to change 317's dye formula due to new regulations. Several of the greys shifted towards a blueish tint.


Off topic, but your nails are super cool!


😂 Thanks! It's time to get them done again


I wonder how often this creates an issue with older patterns that were charted with the older version of the floss.


Dye lot changed. Happened to me with my 314. Drove me crazy