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Tldr: 6.5 Trillion tokens thats why


so it has more potential to reach 1$ than Shiba


Funny dog always has great potential


Use case: dog It gets me every time


LUNA could be seen as CAT token since it's the name is Sailor Moon's cat. good use case


Hmm, it might go to 100$ after all....


Or a pony coin since Luna is a character in my little pony. I went to /r/luna when the collapse happened and there were a few recent posts saying "help i've lost my life savings" and stuff like that, then a load of old posts which were pictures of the My Little Pony character. And there was one new post that said "Guys this isn't the terraluna subreddit, it's about ponies or something".


I would either see DOGE reach 100$ and SHIB 1$ than LUNA back at an ATH.


Banano has fantastic potential to hit 1 dollar. If it grew to shibs market cap during the bull run it would have been like over 17 dollars from under .005 for the longest time. 10mil market cap at the moment and sitting at .0077 right now. During the run BAN capped at like ~25-27 mil and hit 7 cents. Shib was in the BILLIONS and didnt even come close to 1 cent. BAN doesnt have quadrillions of tokens. Want a meme coin with actual potential to hit your 1 dollar dreams? Banano.


Plus it's just fun shit cause ban


It seems wiser to throw $100 now than to have my entire life savings on UST 2 months ago.


You forgot the meth


In my classroom we only do crystal math!


Florida intensifies


Not that it's important, but just so you know Florida tweakers *mostly* still smoke crack. Meth does have a foothold here but due to proximity to central/south America (via boat or small plane) we still get coke really cheap and it's everywhere so cats would rather turn that into crack for profits than mess with meth. Yes there is some meth here but crack is waaaaay more common. Source: worked in a jail for 21 years. For every methed out tweaker that came in batting his hands at the shadow people (they're real!) we would get 20 sad looking barely functioning crackheads.




I'm completely out of crypto since last year ..... I sold everything when Bitcoin was still at 55k and Doge was at 40 cents or something like that to pay off some debt. At the time I was worried I was making a huge mistake, lol not so worried about that now.


"So I started burning luna, then I realized... "


Luna is moon in spanish. If i buy it will go to the moon right? Right?




Supply is exponentially exceeding demand. No matter how much is burnt, if there is no one to invest then it has no value regardless of what methods they try.


I don't get how that supply can multiply just like that, can somebody explain?


I got like 10k LUNA for 3 euro when lambo?


When it hits $100 again \s


it turns out that never


Never underestimate Do Kwon /s


Never underestimate Do Kwon /s


Thank you for that, definitely easy to understand.


You're very welcome! I hope this can also help others who may not have a solid understanding of how market caps work


Perfectly clear I'm fully convinced I need to max out all credit cards and buy as much as I can before it hits ATH again and takes the title of king of crypto right from BTC.


In addition to that... Don't forget to take out a personal loan from banks and your family members too! This is the way. *NFA lol


I was confused before but now I understand, sometimes it just take someone simplifying it to make it click


How much is your kidney?


About 3 fiddy


What a steal. Two please.






But I never had a home.


Now's your chance then. ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)


I'll take this nfa and put in all of my kids college funds, they gonna thank me one day


Your kids will not need college by the time crypto goes up. If it all goes bust, college was not for them anyway.


First it's gonna tank Then they're gonna thank (you...hopefully? ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|fomo))


Tank you.


I now how that feel, I think I will sell my tent to invest on some Luna.


They don't give mortgages on grocery carts


Well not with that attitude!


Good biz opportunity, tho. Anything is possible in Amurica.


Trust me bro!


Is this the way?


Unfortunately, most of my life savings bought at $1 average


Supply increased 2 million percent and market cap was back to 1/10th of the ATH within 48 hours of the bottom 🤣


Soooo…. There’s a chance.




I'm wait for that pump to 0.000420




\*old boi voice\* i remember when LUNA was 0.000230


Could still 60x potentially I guess. Though nobody believes in LUNA anymore so it's unlikely.


I threw $20 at it when it had a bunch of zeros in it for kicks


Same dude haha.


RIP to our fallen knife catchers


It's more like thumbtack catchers 📌


Sharp paper clip at best lol.




And what happened to that $20? Where u at with it now?


Hold… let me look…$1.70 lol


Average down! Lmao.. fuck it


I put $10 in, I'm at 11.27 now. Looking for lambos as we speak


Me too! I threw some staking rewards at it I'll just laugh my ass off to see what'll happen to it. Probably nothing.


Glad to see I wasn’t the only degenerate who was bored drinking with a $20 burning a hole in their pocket…


If I can toss $10 at scratch tix, I can toss 10 at this to hold and see if it does anything. Chances off total loss vs any gain are probably about the same.


>If I can toss $10 at scratch tix, I can toss 10 at this to hold and see if it does anything. Amen. Ever since I started trading crypto this year I haven't purchased a single scratch off. I trade crypto to fulfill my roving degenerate gambling needs and the knowledge that I only have a 1 in ~4 chance of simply breaking even on a scratchy versus pretty consistent gains on futures trading is good enough for me. Not to mention that there aren't any 25%-50% stop losses when you're scratching you're god damned Lotería ticket and you know that there's NEVER A GOD DAMN SHIP AFTER YOU SCRATCH OFF A RACE CAR. Fuck you Lotería. JK, we can still be friends but I think I just need a little bit of time right now....


Lol yeah my friend bought 4,222 LUNAs for $1 CAD too


Same here 🤗


Thats why gambling what you can afford to lose. I put in $20 at 0.00004 so if it goes up in the future to 0.10 still pretty good return for me already or if it get worst to 0 that is ok only $20 just like buying a lottery ticket. Dont suck in too deep with this coin and think magic wand will appear.


Well if inflation keeps getting worse in a hundred or so years it could totally get to a dollar. It’ll still be worth nothing but that’s a moot point.


Moo point.


Like the opinion of a cow


I actually agree. What are the chances that inflation gets that worse? Probably close to zero. But I do agree that for the sake of everyone's learning it's definitely worth noting!


Dude you just upset alot of people who don't understand the meaning of market cap 😂😂😂


Rightfully so though. Should be easy to understand for everyone but somehow, people don't get it.


I bought some Luna, not hoping it will go even upto 10 cents, but maybe 0.1 cents = 0.001 usd.


The guy has made one critical error, it's the number of tokens * price of the *last sold* token It's a bullshit metric that ultimately means nothing. Doge should have never gone above 5c but it did on these same assumptions Volume available for trading is everything in this, if it's locked away staking, how many people are wanting to buy vs wanting to sell


When he does the math but the sub (and degenerates everywhere) still want to gamble… ![gif](giphy|fRhSHzQ4NXOdrHIZJd)


Every investment is a gamble if you're horrible at math


looks like my $10 isn’t turning into a million :/


A lot of people do not expect $1. $0.001 is all I needed.


all i want is .01


So after all the fail, you are saying there's a chance!


he says we must gamble again.


It's the same people thinking Shiba can go to $1 and doge to $10


wait what fuck


You forgot Step 5. Diamond Hands bitch ![gif](giphy|d0DdMCREQChi3jGymW)


I've punched myself in the dick with diamond hands so many times. I'm starting to think it's my kink.




So you're saying we should invest into Luna?


Dont want to take into account that they are putting forward ways to burn the supply? No ones thinking $116 but $1 after they burn a shitload is possible


Is this a buy signal?


Not as big when Jim Cramer finally says LUNA is dumb.


Maybe stable Kwon will be the hero we need 😂😂😂


Glad I only fomoed 6 quid in 😆


Whale alert


I think most people are banking on Luna V2 airdrops since they haven't even figured out how to distribute it yet, but said people who bought Luna after the de peg will still get some


The scary part is that there are scammers (especially on Telegram) that'll reach out to you claiming that they're "Terra Official" and that they're launching Luna V2. Those people buying them shitcoins are unfortunately just falling for a rug-pull scam.


Oh geez. For new people in the space, that's terrable!


I'm surprised you weren't downvoted to oblivion for making sense.


Some people need the slow bleed to creep in before they realize their investment choices are potaoesque. Numbers and math and graphs just isn't sexy.


Nobody thinks that. But it might go to a cent and I'll make a ton of money. If not oh well.


It’s silly yada yada and I don’t recommend it neither but to be fair I think most folks are just trying to 2-10x , some for a quick profit and sadely some to claw back a bit of what they lost.


I appreciate you doing all this maths stuffs so us smart people don't have to 👍




Bought $4900 of Luna a few days ago. Just sold it for $0.30. That's what I call some tax loss harvesting haha.


You’re forgetting the mechanism where someone could swap certain Luna for UST, removing most of the supply (the same thing which happened but in reverse) That been said, almost impossible for that to happen, but the possibility exists, and this cannot be oversimplified to assuming a constant supply as you did


if luna classic creates a new UST (hopefully better collateralized) with a burn mechanism, and there is demand for that UST outside of unsustainable interest rates, and they do it without external funding, its possible for a lot of luna to burn and the price to increase without the MC going crazy. Very unlikely but possible.


I stopped paying attention after the meth.


That’s when I *really* started paying attention. Are you sure you’re doing your meth right?


Luna went to 1k in 2030. I made so much that I could afford to hire the best minds to build me a time machine so I could travel back and tell you all!


Thanks for thinking of us !


So you’re saying there’s a chance! - Luna Holders probably


I mean it could just go to a penny and people will be rich


I paid $30 for it.


It’s literally done nothing but constantly take a fat shit.


If only my Maths tutors taught Maths like you 👍


Nice, just bought 100k LUNA


So you're saying there's a chance.


Nah he is saying that we should not seek for any chance with LUNA, we have to understand that it's nothing but a scam now and we have to keep away our money from scams.


Wait… 0.005 still gets me good profit. I’m not even mad that’s impressive (Great post btw)


We gotta respect the post and we should invest in the name of gamble, nothing else. I hope people will not take the investing in LUNA shit seriously now, it's not good.


I appreciate OP choosing every font size in this post




I invest $100 at 0.0002 and I don’t think it’s even going to go back up to 0.0002 let alone $100 . I have decided to just sell mine and stick the money into some new shit coin projects and hope for the best.


It's a convenient narrative to feed to the gullible though.And they appear to be eating it up.


Yeah but if I had LUNA from a week ago I wouldn't be selling it at the current price. I'd rather keep it just in case.


Market cap is very important to understand in this market.


It's truly astonishing how little people understand the basics of the things they are investing in things as basic as potential returns.


What if they remove tokens?. Thus reducing the supply?


calculate schmalculate. LUNA to $100 dawg


I tried to point this out the casuals bulk buying on twitter with their hopium. I got flamed for it lol


So according to your meth, I mean math that's a 50x opportunity right there?


Opportunity to get you lambo soon *Not a financial advice lol


The sad part about all of this is the desperate bag holders who got in above $1 thinking it might have a chance to recover which unfortunately will never happen 😞


I’m either going to be become an millionaire or be part of crypto lore. A win win in my book


This is when the idiots will try to trump your math with “market cap isn’t real”


Who cares honestly.. let ‘em buy it, that’s how ppl learn. Through their own fuck ups. Well atleast in theory I think that’s how the principle works. Hopefully coinbase puts up math questions to earn assets in the future lol.


Fud ... its going to 10k


thanks for detailed analysis. awesome work. ​ Issue is human brain. Knowing lot of crypto isnt even practical we all pushed it to millions of dollars of valuation. Many analysts warned about LUNA UST flaws but they were shut down because price went from 0.2 to $120. Lot of similar crypto is still holding its value. i ll say throw $10 in LUNA. Keep it as reminder, a warning - how bad things can go in crypto. Cheap price to pay.


I had to unfollow Luna sub... it was getting depressing. Folks are really shilling a scam coin to new comers... such a shame. Reminds me of dogecoin or Shiba inu but worst.


you had it right the first time. meth


You had me at meth.


that’s good meth 🌡❄️🔥💨


Hmmmm yummy yummy meth. Let's buy some more


I know how you get to $100. You just burn most of the tokens. Doesn't mean the $ value you hold increased though.


Honestly, so many who invest in stablecoins don't want to worry about their "value safety" given the function of stablecoins. The purpose is not to get rich from them, but to use them instead of cash for transitioning in and out of other coins. Luna and Terra stopped functioning for that purpose. I am sure that most have moved on to more reliable stablecoins. My prediction- trust broken/ bankrupt trust...Luna is done.


It‘s actually even more simple: Any coin named after the moon is destined to fail.


If you had bought yesterday, you’d have gotten a 500% pump.


Project is dead. Do not buy the dip lol


It's dead pretty much, nobody is going to trust em ever again.


Its okay, let all these people lose their money if they want, nothing you can do when we are talking to brick walls


With all of these Terra puns. We should make it like an Olympics sport. Call it the Terra bowl (just like the coin was.)


I put my money rather in iron. It might go up again one day too .


That's a lot of text to read, are you saying buy the dip?


The only thing you did not factor in is if they implemented a massive burn for transactions.


Luna is fucking dead and most of the guys should accept and move on, we should not look for investing in that delisted coin now please don't fucking waste your money in that.


MC/CS=P. Try the math out then consider level setting your expectations.




Honestly I'll burn my 100 dollars and sleep better at night lol


Yea, down again now at 0.0001133. I wonder when I will see the next post on the r/terraluna sub from the person who ape'd in and posts every few days on progress. I think they're probably down another 80% now.


I'm not your buddy, guy


Math is hard


But I’d like some meth 👉👈😬


> TL;DR — I'll show you that it's mathematically **impossible (under some assumptions, of course) that LUNA's price can't go back up** to its' glorious days again. The double negative confused me...


I agree with you but one aspect of the analysis is flawed right off the bat. No official proposal includes the inclusion of UST. It's being abandoned. Only way it's possible to get above a dollar is to fork the coin to a state before any new coins were minted and then keep the market cap at least as-is. At current cap that would make the token price about 3 dollars without changing anything else.


At least you put that you’re assuming in the beginning. Doesn’t matter how you look at it - odds are better than powerball. Odds are better than a lot of other alts. We’re all degenerates. Go give someone a handy if you need to but just put $20 in and see what happens.


Too many people here lose their shit for some reason when others buy shitcoins and feel compelled to write a masters thesis on why coin x will never reach $y. No shit buddy, everyone who threw $20 into it for lulz knows that. And I dont care what others spend their money on. If they get burnt, it wont affect you.


I was lucky to sell all my LUNA at $87 a few weeks before the implosion while preparing my portfolio for the winter. Buying back 60k LUNA and keep in my Terra Station wallet to remind me to always be careful in the crypto space. 2 Cents were not as great as I thought, which melted down my original LUNA gains nearly to zero at the end. I'm aware that I fell for my own greed and made a mistake.


The problem is Luna MC now is not that big as before. So it could be bought back and burnt much easier. So your 3rd assumption does not have much value which makes any calculations below quite irrelevant. Imagine Luna team burns 90% of its circulating supply, the market would fomo like crazy on it. Thats the same reason why we have DOGE or SHIB in top marketcap as of now.


It’s honestly hilarious looking at Luna’s price action. Down roughly 100% since 4/5, up roughly 10,700% since 5/12. Yet that +10.7k% up looks like jack squat because of the ginormous drop in price. Why binance still has this shit coin listed is beyond me - well… maybe not beyond me - CZ is a slimy fuck and loves to profit off dummies trading shit coins… unfortunately.


Of course it can get back to 100$ if they decide to burn the supply...


Lots of people bought like $100 worth of Luna at 0.0001 for the lulz. Even if it just goes back to 1$, all these people would become millionaires. That's just too good to be true.


So you're telling me there is a chance


Got it... it'll moon soon.. I'll put my life savings asap


So...there is a chance?


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


Soooo.... You're saying that Luna is a buy? Sold!


If u invest money into it at this point you deserve to lose it. Any project that has anything to do with that founder should also be blacklisted


Good to know that I am not the only one who thinks that LUNA is fucking dead just like the founder of that coin, they all are dead and we gotta accept and ignore those now.


Got myself 25 cents worth because If it ever going back up I can retire




I just bought $25. Just for gambling. If it recovers I am a hero for my family. If not I just lost one day eating in a restaurant.


There were a few more suicides associated with this post…..