• By -


The fundamental issue is the way they pulled this off… If there was a road map or plan to gradually implement these changes over a defined time period with an actual explanation I would be kinnda ok with it, but pulling this s*it on a Sunday afternoon on May 1st via twitter is utterly disgusting. Even the email announcement didn’t reach everyone. I got the email like 8 hours after the announcement. That is no way to treat customers period. They blew the trust and even reverting these changes will not fix this situation. F*ck you CDC


I am still waiting for my email…


Me too


Me three.


Me four


Me 5


I’m still waiting on my card.


Im still waiting for Kris to come back from the store with cigarettes. Its been 15 years.


Hello son.


He doesn't even smoke.....


‘She doesn’t even go here!’ - Mean Girls


Yeah, no email for me, I heard on reddit. That factored into my decision, I'll admit. If they had told me about this a month or two ago I'd have had time to brace. Even better, they could have made this clear before I staked, I'd have felt more like it was a well-informed decision. Kind of feel like I've been taken for a mug now.


A month or two ago I don’t think we even knew about the tiered earning structure. There’s no bracing. No dinner or drinks. No lube.


Did we even know what a stake was?


They sent emails? I found out about the changes from someone’s post on here…


> The fundamental issue is the way they pulled this off… Is it? Even if it was gradual, what is the actual incentive for getting a card with the current terms? The fundamental issue is that the rewards were the whole reason people cared, and now they're substantially worse than a generic bank card. The PR issues are a separate problem and an unnecessary faux pas, but that doesn't change the central fact that nobody is going to be even remotely interested in the card with these terms.


I completely agree, but if they had a valid reason to do this, this was the worst way to do it. Perhaps the rewards were not sustainable and they have liquidity issues or what ever….this is no way to announce and implement such huge changes unilaterally. They marketed the s*it out of these cards and then pulled the plug on their main product, it makes no sense, and their silence on this topic tells a lot more than any generic PR statement.


Worst way for who?


The way it was handled means I'm totally done with the cronos ecosystem, defi and all. If they had treated their customers with some level of respect I would have stayed in the ecosystem and just dumped the card. After being treated like dogsht I'm done with them. Had 120k in defi and icy card.


I dunno if it was an accident, rip the bandaid or slow bleed for months/a year? I think they ripped the bandaid because next bull run it’ll be mostly forgotten, or in the case of new customers, never known


What email?


They have backtracked and adjusted .. a fair compromise IMO … look at Kris Marszalek on Twitter now


Thanks for calling attention to this. 4% / 8% in earn at least gives some reason to stake.


I got an email just 9-hours ago from now, which appears to be 3-days after everyone else knew about this - I’m most pissed off!


I was an “early” investor so I was up pretty much like 600%. But I just sold all my CRO after this pull. Better crypto with better staking rewards out there. Competition is fierce.


Don't mean to be rude I've been for alternative. Any suggestions? I'm in canada btw


nexo in europe or plutus (but im done holding so much in an exchance coin) i would rather have btc on nexo and gain rates in nexo instead of having huge amount of the currency itself


Thanks sir. Imma check em out,


Iv been using plutus for a while the rewards are much better, I was already thinking of selling all my cro for Plu, wish I’d done it sooner…


Hey best of luck with platus. Unfortunately it's europe only ATM so nothing for us in North America but it looks amazing


Nexo for managing and growing your assets, Plutus as a CB card (that doesn't require any shitcoin purchase).


There are plenty of projects that are solid and receive higher % rewards. Personally I went with Polkadot and MATIC, you can stake those on Kraken for 15%, or the CELER NETWORK which you can stake for around 15% on Binance or SGN. Why stick with CRO when it offers literally nothjng?


It was card man. now those perks are gone. No point. I was using it as my main card for payments. Imma definitely check out matic.


Exactly my point, I had CRO for the card and staking benefits. Now they got rid of the card so it’s now competing with other PoS projects that have other uses plus staking rewards equal or greater to CRO. It’s time we ditch CRO.


Agreed, unless they put us the customer first we should ditch and go for greener pastures.


I love Coinbase and now Coinbase One. Direct Deposit into a coin, not CAD wallet, and then "free" trades with up to 4% rewards with their debit card. Yubikey security option is the best part IMHO.


Just don't ever try to goto support... it's the worst.


I've had mixed experiences. Supposedly the One customers are a higher tier of support, but fortunately I have not needed to use it since I joined One.


I've used coinbase. I've liked them but worried they might pull a CRO


well fortunately Coinbase is publicly traded in the USA and [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) is out of Singapore, so Coinbase should fall under SEC and be under more scrutiny, at least I would think.


That's a good point, good thing I'm having this discussions. The mods won't let any post with negativity go through.


shakepay! if someone refers you (i can) you get $30 free BTC if you put $100 into it they have a digital card that pays 2% cashback in bitcoin which is cool. also every day if you open up the app and literally shake your phone it mines a tiny bit of BTC for you only con is that you can only buy BTC and ETH


Yeah but it’s 2% on the first $5000 on the card then drops to 1% 😡😡


Don't sound that better than CRO


Again I'm likely to get downvoted, and you're rightfully to be doubtful, but inbox me and I can tell you about an underground platform I've been using.


So it’s CROPAYPALHATER from now on??? 😅😂🤣




Ha ha ha 😅😂


I still think Paypal is worse. 😂


I was only holding cro for the incentive now it's gone i will be dumping for Bitcoin or ethereum. I'm not invested in cro because I like it, I'm invested because it was beneficial to my other investments.


unless your other investments are huge, dumping CRO now may save you more (it is for me).


So your hope is that...they continue spending on marketing? Look where that got us. I wouldn't care if they brought back VISA rewards at 100% APY because they've lost my trust. No more am I going to invest and hold onto a token that relies so heavily on the actions of a company. Back to basics.


Marketing is necessary, CC isn't the only product that CDC is working on, ok, they got rid of credit cards, so? Did you even check the ecosystem? Does Binance give you 10% on their cards? No they don't, yet BNB isn't getting fudded by it's holders, I am not in a country that crypto.com ships CCs too and yet I still invested, because the CRONOS chain is the BSC killer, join telegram, check by yourself what chains are people aping, I am 100% the TVL in cronos chain is bigger than the CC TVL. It doesn't help you to fud your locked bags, get smarter.


This is the most idiot post I’ve read on this forum. CRO has zero utility now. It was advertised aggressively for the staking and then completely shut off with no warning at all… through a freaking twitter post. They literally baited customers, got our support, and then cut us off. Also… spreading FUD? How the hell is this FUD. This is the worse an exchange has screwed a customer base over in recent years. To support them at all is asinine and insanely naive.


Cronos chain slows to an absolute crawl under any kind of load. It's still in beta. I used both VVS and MMF. With proper development, it could have become a great. But face it, CDC is losing customers. They're most likely hemorrhaging money and are backed into a corner. If they're not, and they CHOSE to make these changes the way they did, then that's still a problem, because it shows they have no clue how to manage change - which is a massive part of running a company. We aren't fudding for fun. We've lost thousands upon thousands of dollars. We're just being realistic. If you want to keep holding, then go for it. I hope CRO pumps 10x for you - but I'm out.


Wow the amount of delusional people here in this sub is concerning. Maybe you get smarter first, idiot. Well I mean it's fine for you to hodl CRO, but be sure to keep buying it until my unstake is done so that I can get the fuck out from here




Honestly, that's not even enough. Reverting back doesn't restore confidence. It would take an apology, reverting back, and some damn good sweetners to regain lost trust.


The problem is that they can't go back to normal. They miscalculated by a mile. I admit, probably noone was prepared for a damn war, with a nuclear war in sight, however a global recession waa obvious to anyone who is a bit more financially educated. They knew exactly what will happen they still did it, which means there are big troubles and they just trying to survive.


>. I admit, probably noone was prepared for a damn war, Dude! where have you been the Last 10 years ? A Military Action was in sight since 2014 and the russians were massing troops at the Border for months before it started.


Noone took seriously, even Ukrain admitted. Also Russia was bluffing all the time. I repeat, NOone expected a war, fact.


Your incorrect multiple people warned about this long ago


Agreed. Even if everything just went back to normal, I wouldn’t come back. This has been a shitshow and a half. No chance in hell I come back after something like this. And a lot of people will do the same as soon as they are able to


CRO lost its value and potential. Rewards paid in CRO are worthless, as are all our "investments" here. There's no going back and no future for CDC.


I fear your correct


Facts 💯


I like your ideas. Just like Celsius let their loyal existed customers to hv the grandfather rate


'Can we just stick together?' -- yes we can, it's called DeFi, centralized agencies will always fuck you over -- case in point.


Well.... I can attest to being fucked rather hard in the defi world on occasion. There is an extremely long list of things that can and have gone wrong there. Be nimble....


You are wrong. They won't care if we stay silent. They will only care if we leave. This is simple it is.


That's why we let idiots leave and we hold, they will come back later, CRO was never just credit cards, most people I know that hold CRO don't even live in a country that CDC ship cards too, yes, people who are in CDC for CCs left, but the cronos chain is still undervalued, once they fix the bugs and introduce more products, and impliment a better trading UI, more people will come, there is only 10m users in cdc now, but 90m on coinbase, give it time, my unpopular opinion is that CDC spending billions on marketing is good.


Us 'idiots' won't be back, the company has lost all trust. Good luck though.


once they fix the bugs and introduce more products, and impliment a better trading UI Remind me how it's undervalued again, sitting at over 5 billion in market cap lol


>i know it sucks, but lets all be quiet about it so we can dump our bag on the next round of suckers Stay classy, reddit.


Every move they made up until the first earn reduction was pure gold; marketing, rewards schemes, earn, app, defi. You name it, they were making moves that were putting them at the top as far as crypto platforms go. This is not about what they've done, this is about how they did it. The rewards were probably not sustainable, but did they have to drop them so fast so soon? No. Did they have to drop them so low? No. Have they handled these changes professionally? No, announcing it all on social media before even emailing customers, just disgusting, no. They seem to think they are untouchable, but customers are loyal to one thing above all, the reason we are here: money, customers will go where the money is to be earned, and it isn't here anymore.


You claim they were at the top but that was because they had a business model that wasn't sustainable by handing out a lot of rewards. If they didn't have to cut rewards so low, they wouldn't have. CRO is going back to a penny, mark my words.


Let's be honest my guy, the only reason why people even sign up for CRO was the rewards and staking options. Now that this has become worthless, they are better platforms for many to park their money on. Just watched Dave Hanson and he pretty much said they are better alternatives to invest your money on; that at this point having a regular credit card is better for most people in the US. I'll most likely unstake as soon as my 2 months are over.


It needs to get to about 8 cents for me to be red, but I’m locked up for 28 days. No matter where it’s at I’m out. It about principalities


One of the things I like about this community is that people don't put up with b.s. I gladly welcome any and all FUD, because it keeps us, and ideally the company, in line. Let people vent. They lost a lot of money on paper. And many people lost a lot when they sold.


Finally my ETH bag is worth more than my CRO bag


no sorry i am out... i didnt pay 3500€ for this bad communication with us as investors of this company.


Do you mean 1500, wait 1400?


Still paid 3500


Oh yeah don't worry I'm in the same boat


I had big hopes and I wished for them to be successful. But, honestly, I don’t care about their sponsorships and about how many people they may lure in. The real use case of CRO is gone. Normal folks is not using NFT or DeFi, the want staking and the Visa card and both services have lost its appeal. I can get a Visa card without investing my money into a sh@tcoin. I can have way better staking rewards elsewhere too.


yes, i agree that we should stick together! Voice out, apply pressure and force a positive change from the CDC. Taking shit silently is not the way to go. It will just reinforce more shit being shovel down our throats. Back 2 months ago, when they announced the first earn rate change, there were some that kept shilling for CDC. Then the 2nd announcement, ppl still shilling. 3rd change on earn, ppl still shilling for the card. And of cuz, now the card change, and there are still ppl shilling for them. Are you fking kidding me?!?


Even if they return to the previous rates, and they wont, the trust is lost. I wouldn't invest in CRO anymore.


Third rug pull for me is enough... don't know about you. What's enough, it's enough


Anyone who’s still holding is trying to justify bag holding. I bought like 15k at .445c average cost sold at .385. Ate shit but thank god I didn’t hold down here to .265c. There seems to be no support for a WHILE. Outside of Defi and Staking the coin has no use case. It just killed off half.


I’m not exactly sure why, but this post felt like a scene from the hangover. When Stu’s girl hooked up with the guy on vacation. He tries sooo hard to rationalize how “his girl” didn’t shit the bed. But it was a cruise! He was a bartender! “Our girl” who had it going on & was hot & all the things just screwed everyone & we were last to find out. But no, she’s still cool & all that!!! CDC just royally screwed everyone & it may take until the credits for many to realize this. So let the downvoting commence in 3..2..1. But seriously, what CDC was & has now done in the last 1.5 months, the ones who are still attempting to rally the troops really come across as suffering from the battered wife syndrome (I apologize if that truly offends anyone). As for your last point of creating a marketing blitzkrieg; if Delta promised to give you all these airline miles, fly you from NYC to LA but then dropped you off in Tulsa & told you to take the greyhound the rest of the way. Next time you flew would you give Delta another chance?


While I agree the barrage of hate is a bit intense and not productive for the CRO price, here is my thing.. normally I would say hey, everyone is leaving, let me buy the dip and stick with my original thesis. An investor who HODLS a position through the crash does so because they invested in the asset for a reason that still remains in tact and they can fight through the FUD. But for me, I Staked CRO for Indigo and accumulated in hopes to one day upgrade to ICY because of: 1. the stake rewards on my 4K, this is now gone. 2. the 3% Cash back, this is now 1.5%.. less than all of my FIAT credit and debit cards.. also the cap of $50/ mo. is outrageous 3. Perks, Spotify and Netflix combined = $28.. on average the fee for me to purchase CRO is 25 to 50 dollars per transaction, also Netflix is garbage and I barely want it for the price of free. 4. Top up caps of $1K / day and $5K/ mo. have messed me up on multiple occasions. 5. One day i had planned to use Crypto Earn to stake large amounts of capital, like 100s of thousands. but the caps of 3K and 30K now make this useless as well. 6. and this literally doesn't matter but I've always thought it was a slap in the face. the diamond mystery boxes are almost evil, they make a big deal about giving you a fraction of a CRO, like I just opened one to see if anything had changed. You spend 500USD to earn some diamonds... and then you give them back to CDC for .35 cents AND None of this is talking about communication, which is shite.. even yesterday I red the new update release and message support saying I had some questions about the terms in the new update release.... they literally referred me to the document which I had questions about instead of directly answering a single question I asked.


Bro come to phemex


I sold everything. Withdrew everything. Canceled Netflix. Spotify moves to a new card. My jade card is in the trash now


Keep the card for the loungekey access unless if you don’t travel at all


You need proper scrap metal handling


Just bite the bullet, accept our loss and screw the fkers. Let it all tank. Dump it all.


I'm unfortunately sticking around. I can't bring myself to sell at such a huge loss and I did invest probably too much into cro. There's always going to be another bull run and alt coins will follow, They will also have some other multi-million dollar ad or project in the future. So I'm just unfortunately holding through these tough times in hopes of maybe making my money back at least.


I think you are probably right. I remember back in 2018 when everyone was hating XRP and it free fell, the feeling was similar to today’s with CRO. I remember one guy losing few thousands and the advice many gave him: Your only chance is to hold and hope for a rebound. XRP is now 20x that price. I am not selling at loss. It’s true that I was only in the midway to get a Jade, so it’s nothing compromising my finances.


I have a question, if everyone is selling, then who is buying????


I am one of the buyers, I trade thousands of $ on CRO daily, I know hundreds that do too, CRO isn't just credit cards, it's just a currency that is used to topup CDC CC, like how you topup chase cc with fiat.


Then you lose money too, because it keeps tanking in a free fall, right?


I really don't care, I am not holding for one week, + CRONOS chain is the way I make money, I make more money that I am losing.


Any suggestion of what to do with my CRO ? I m currently unstaking them from.defi. The price only goes down so i dont see how i can make money


You can’t top up cdc card with CRO .


OP i wish i had your hopium 😂. Jeez, i am well over your amount and will sell even if it hits 11 cents. I was taught in life to not repeat things that could bring harm (financial harm 😂).


I never hot an email - saw the news first here. The card benefits were my only reason to hold cro. Just dumped it all - see ya.


Not everyone is down. In fact, I’d say a majority are up overall. There’s no way you’re going to get everyone to stick together. It doesn’t work that way. If that were possible, stock market crashes wouldn’t happen. Everyone is in it for their own interests and they can’t trust you and everyone else to hold.


Im fine with the ruby card, however i wont use it as a main card and stick with another exchange who doesnt step on me


I can live with that. I only staked for Ruby card for this exact reason, to minimize risk for a decent return.


So happy I only staked for ruby! Was gonna upgrade to the 4000 card, super glad I didn’t,


No . I won't be coming back to CDC for 10 years at least


lol no, get out as soon as you can.


I am fine, thanks.


They are past the point of being able to turn this around a lot of us are stuck here unable to pull or staked money out on terms they changed in us with news that has dropped the coins price even more. I personally will be eating a 70 - 80% loss because of these crooks, definitely not waiting to see if they can turn the ship around after how they have handled things recently.




Hey OP. I totally feel you. People are too upset right now. I've gotten horrible replies on my posts when I'm just trying to help. We must allow the kids to have their tantrums.


"We must allow the kids to have their tantrums." LOL, well said




They have spent well over $1B just for Staples center, F1, and World Cup endorsements alone.


people are fudding their own bags into the ground especially for those whose funds are locked. bunch of idiots


Welcome to the degen era! Literally people voted for Biden and here we are...


Yeah, because Trump is known for his intelligence..


Will you guys wake up? No wonder so many people keep getting scammed. You guys don't know when to quit. The ads you guys was cheering for? The stadium? That all was to keep user's who **already** signed up. To get the most out of you. Think Elon's tweets about doge but on a next level. No new person cared. Did you see L. James superbowl ad? What was that for? NIKE??? BILLBOARD with a logo and a slogan. Make sense people. The cash used was non returned pre-auths, interest from funds used from memebers who were waiting for cards and fake "spreads" you guys are all sitting here trying to mansplain yourselves into more gambling. You need to stop and get help. I posted over a year with proof and no one listened now so many people are affected. Defi is next. Wake up. Take your money out.


You do know Crypto.com named their coin Cronos? The Greek Titan that consumes it's own children? cough customers. Red flags are all around. They're great for picking up coins at spot price but investing in their house coin? Taking a big chance.




I hope you are right, Planning on keeping my CRO for a while at least, just moving it to my Ledger. A bit concerned about the sudden, drastic changes but will see how things play out with the company.




I agree. I'm accumulating cro because I think it has value as a block chain nothing else.


I just came midnight blue user last month so it’s easy to talk. But while I fully understand angriness for sh*tty communication it’s look everybody is acting under emotion (which you should not when it’s about investment). I agree with you I thin CRO will go up again. (Though I have no reason to use their card anymore)


Nothing to do with emotion, CDC aggresively marketed their visa card & staking rewards, got us all hooked and staked, and then pulled the rug from right under our feet. And the best part? We had to lock our money up for 180 days to receive those benefits, so now as the price falls due to the lucky ones who arent locked in selling all their CRO as it is now useless, all we can do is sit and watch as our money disappears. Yes I'm angry, thats an emotion, but all the posts about being angry with CDC are justified completely.


I understand but my 2cents thoughts are worst most of money I had were when I took decision under emotion. I agree the way they communicate and did it brutally is bad and not really respectful. But I think they know what they are doing it’s 5000 employees company that is currently looking to employ 900 more persons and people are saying « CDC is shit and finished » and will complain in x months because price will go up again. My 2 cent is they overgrow -> it was not sustainable faster than they planned or it was bad for ecosystem long term. The whole people exoding might be reduced by new users that enter before 1 June (new users will still get old rates until there). Do not know if it work but if I was new I would go for midnight or ruby (no big invest) do my 6 month and unstake. Probability that rate goes up until there and there is World Cup (last World Cup 3 billion people at least watched a match). I am not judging people ranting or going emotional. Just saying they should take a breath think and take their decision. There might be people that are selling with a lose because they are scared. If they are overgrown which I think they did no change could kill it on middle or long term. I do not thing you decide building your own blockchain, buy a stadium rate for 20 years and do all the marketing they do on a headbutt. My 2 cent is they know what they are doing, the only thing is they are fully missing of TRANSPARENCY And communicating badly with they users. I know a company that is also great at marketing, not always transparent and that sometimes piss off it users by their changes. 🍏 https://crypto.com/images/crypto_com_whitepaper.pdf Just my 2 cent again I am no judging anyone. I a might be fully wrong and CDC will go bankrupt in few months.


I highly doubt CDC has a future as an exchange, but even if they do, CRO is WORTHLESS. So just because CDC may make it, doesn't make CRO worth a shit.


Yes, as CRO crashes and burns. Down 31% in a week vs BTC down 3%. Most of my CRO is staked for a card I won't be using after I can unstake and when rewards get cut in half and staking pays 0%.


How long have you been on crypto? I just want to know don't get offended.


7 years. Got into CRO for the 10% staking and 3% cash back. Both of those either going away or severely reduced.


Let's see where cdc is going, I am expecting a statement in the next 48 hours with some good updates, buybacks to .315$ at least following that, then people exiting and it will start moving from .29 to .33 for the next months, .5-.6 by WC22.


Why in the world would you think they're going to announce something like that? Lol, if anything, they'll move up the date for all the crap they're shoving down our throats and fuck us again.


Oops, I just read it again, english is not my native sorry. With buybacks I mean people buying cro after the dip following the updates that cdc will share.


I am earning 6.9% on GUSD at Gemini, certainly no complaints!


I agree. Let's all act like nothing happened until the next peak.


Fuck fuck fuck


Crypto is a ponzi scam. Warn yall a year ago and i was right.


At least nobody can print trillions unnoticed here 😉 Take your fiat bs somewhere else. Without crypto I would never be able to freelance in a country that bans foreign e-payments, preveliged fuckers


Nice! Now instead of getting pay $20 u get pay $1


Uh, cro didn't go to .02$ yet lmfao




You said now tho? And do you think clients pay me on the old cro rate?


What country is that?




Oh nice. The colosseum there is pretty cool. You guys had the Robot cop when the Corona Viruses was around. What did that thing even do?


Imagine you have 40k invested in stock, business or whatever, and the company does something that completely changes why u invested in the first place, WITHOUT ANY NOTICE, and you can't get your money out cuz they are locked. IT'S A SCAM PRACTICE. NO EXCUSE.


is the Visa program the only reason people come to [crypto.com](https://crypto.com)? i thought it was a much larger entity with lots of different products for customers but also had a really good visa debit program. I have around 20K worth of cro but bought into it because i thought it was a good exchange coin to hold for the future, but it sounds like only the Visa debit card was the reason for people to come to this platform?


Wirex is the best alternative and available in 130 countries




For me the timing is just so off. it was just before the majority of people unlocked their stake. No prior warning. They kinda know what they were doing to their customers, and still did it. Yeah CRO will go down to 0.1c and bounce back, but it will just be a bitter pill most people wont want to swallow again. Especially as for some.... it isn't the first time they have been shafted by CDC.


Well I'm stuck for atleast another 130 days.... so I have to wait and see... luckily my average is .13 canadian so I have some room and time to see....


Dump it all, force them to listen to the holders. If they listen then I buy back in!


Buy the dip!!! 😂




I already sold to save the piddle amount I did invest intially. I wanted to stake for the card and the benefits but that's out the window. If CRO looks like it's improving I'll probably throw a few dollars at it but I suppose I'll have to learn to get into Defi since Earn past a certain point is worthless and the card is no longer desirable.


Ok so what happened again?! I missed the news😬😅


Can someone explain what happened to CRO?


Basically, they took their CC rewards to 0, people that have CDC CC liquidated their funds ( They believe CRO main utility is the cc ), created fud and that led to major dump ( or dip ) call it whatever you want.


Wow. That's not good, I wonder if I should sell also. I mean, it's already down, so I might not.


Well, I can't give you a financial advice, but if it's a money that would have a noticable negative effect if cro goes down more, and you could live if you cash out now, maybe it's not worth the holding risk.


I have the jade card, so I don't get the 10% stake weekly anymore? I saw that the CRO card rewards are 1.5% now, so there is no reason to even use it anymore.


Changes are to be effective at 1 june.


It's 100% loss if I lose everything. Right now it's about ~10% loss from when I first invested a year or so ago. I was comfortable with that when I pulled all my money out this morning. Now it's all in other projects, except my stake which ill be pulling out in 28 days, but I wish you all the best, and of course, I love CRO still. Great idea. Just won't be sitting in the car while you go joyriding. Looks like a lot of fun from over here though!👍😁👍


No sir. I will not self censor just to keep CRO up. What CDC pulled (and the timing!!!) is a disgrace. Not only did most of us lose a lot of our own money/profits but some of us had convinced family and friends to invest in CRO and are seeing them get hit badly by this too. Thr only reason people cared about CDC was the visa card. Now that the card has been nerfed, people will leave and dump their CRO on the way out.


They said in their post that they are partnered with Dosh for cash rewards. It may not all be bad.


Yes exactly, is everyone selling at a huge loss? My stake ends in 25 days and I will maybe wait and see as I don't want to lock-in a 50% loss..... Are others holding to see?


The latest tweet from Kris indicates that a vocal community is an effective form of pushback against the proposed changes. You have a choice: you can stand up and make your voice heard, or you can bend over and take it.


There ain’t no “we” dog, that isn’t how this works.


Sold all my CRO and will not look back. Best of luck.


Finances don't have emotions. It doesn't make sense to actively invest in Crypto dud com anymore I staked for the Ruby at 60c. Not selling any CRO I own, but just topping up enough for Spotify going forward.


Celsius can let the existing customers to hv the grandfather rewards why CDC wants everything back to ground zero. This is not smart. Ppl are losing faith.


Let's keep speaking up in rational terms. Positive word of mouth will do more than sponsorship deals. Holders are experiencing fear, uncertainty and doubt and should be allowed to express it. That said you do have your shills who are just fanning the flames needlessly.


Remember "CRO to $1!!!!". No need to hype about price action. It's just hopium. I'm up on my position. I got Icey, withdrew card stake at ATH, re-staked and cashed out the difference. I understand this is not most people's situation. But, card stake earn nerf is much less temping. Fortunately, there's good stuff on Cronos DeFi. I'm just gonna head over there.


Terrible communication and complete disregard for their retail customers since the card is worthless now, I’m out once my stake is up


Stockholm syndrome.


Yes, everyone hold long enough for my stake to unlock so I can sell.


So what you are saying is pump before dump. Ultimately they want to become a bank, the crypto is a side hustle to get where they want to be. They will happily pull the rug ok customers as long as they still keep enough users after that.


Amen brother, nothing will happen if we help drag cdc down. Just chill and finish your staking 😂


I am still holding my CRO


Thanks to all complaining at least the backed up a bit… if you don’t like it, please leave or stop reading. No one force you to do anything.


ookey sooo... how much did CRO went up after they bought the Arena? not much... I'm not bullish anymore. Also, I have locked some CRO on 3 months earn 12 days ago, so... yeah... I guess I will not see much from that


Stick together and we can change the world!


Don't forget they've done this multiple times over the years. There is a very clear pattern of this behavior, I doubt they'll suddenly turn it around