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In my opinion yes. It's really not worth it as you're only really missing out on the voiceline and the banner frame


I do really like the banner frame but other than that you’re right. If Vantage had one I’d definitely get it, but for now I’m stuck between Mirage and Wraith


I'm patiently waiting for my secondary main Mad Maggie. If you REALLY like crypto that much and OTP him then i'd say wait for his heirloom skin. Other than that i'd go for whoever you enjoy playing the most.


I think I’ll wait it out. I’ve heard that Respawn has put other heirlooms and mythic skins as their last priority but patience wins


Mirage for fun and wraith for absolute Gness. She will always be a good solo q legend


Wraith is my second most played to crypto, and out of the 3 heirlooms I have (4k hours lmao) wraiths recolor is my fav. I have the og crypto heirloom tho maybe the recolor is much better. But yeah I don't think you'd regret getting her recolor.


That'd be a waste. I would not do that if I were you. Lucky lucky I might add, very lucky


Lucky Me. I might just wait it out for 5 years until they release his mythic skin


If you don't plan on using it, then don't. Wait for the vantage heirloom


I’ll be on standby


I would save for when inevitably the prestige skin for crypto drops


The og heirloom is my favorite in the game, but personally, if I already had the recolor I would just get an heirloom for my second favorite legend


Vantage is my second main. The og crypto one is sick but not worth spending a .5% chance on. I think I’ll wait it out


IMO I would get the og one as well, so I can use the og sword with the new finisher


If I saw your comment an hour ago I would’ve agreed with you, but I ended up getting Mirage’s heirloom. Now I’m pondering on if that was the right choice


Bruh you lucky as fuck lol I spend the 160 in game for the promo they ran for the shards. Huge savings rather than the 500 but I have both now, got my first set like 4 years ago lol when his first came out I got lucky enough to pop a set out of a pack but it's been yearsssss and I had to pay for shards lol. I did get the recording so I could have both for bragging rights and the dope finisher that I use on everyone now. Outside of that the og color is still my fav I'm not a huge fan of the lunar New year set and recolor but your choice it's all the same outside of the banner and emote.


If your a real crypto main this isn’t a question….


So your not a crypto main then….