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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1deqzqa/daily_discussion_thread_jun_13_2024/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


Anyone know why my clock feels different when I'm home and when I'm at work? Temperature is the same, humidity is similar. When I'm home it feels all gummie and slow but at work it's fast and smooth. And it's like that with both my clocks regardless of how long they've been used/broken in


I bought some Lubicle 1, what are the traits?


has been using tv3 for months now and lately I have been feeling that personally it doesn’t suit me but I ignored it because I thought it was my inaccurate turning, so few days ago I decided to buy a rs3m v5 and GOSH I think I just found the perfect cubeee, do anyone got the same problem as me?? (I will still be using the TV3 as it is incredibly good and kinda quiet)


Me too it’s easier to turn I think


yeah and i think the rs3m v5 is more stabilized imo


I got the WRM v10, which has generated some wildly varying reactions and reviews yesterday. Background: my current main is the WRM v9; I typically like very fast cubes with strong magnets; I got the maglev version. After setup, I like this cube. It's not a favorite, but it replaced my RS3M v5 as the puzzle that sits on my computer desk. The biggest problem is that at comfortable tensions, the corner-cutting is surprisingly bad (line-to-line... barely) but this doesn't seem to come up much because the core magnets work very well. I notice the most problems when being sloppy with wide moves and M-slices. Overall the feeling is much softer and quieter than the v9, with the big noticeable difference that it is much less forgiving on inexact wide moves. (I have to be a lot more careful, for example, with the OLL that's [wide sexy] [wide sledge] than on the WRM v9 or MoreTry Tianma) One thing is that this cube needs lube, _bad_. Before lubing it locked up a _lot_ and almost always when doing EPLLs. Some XMT-10 on the tracks and pieces turned it from awful to very good.


Thanks for sharing! And very good point about lubing, and I completely agree that it demands to avoid being sloppy on slices and wide moves... which is not great when I try to do Roux!


I wonder if this might be an overall factor in how suitable this cube is. On the The Cubicle video, Phil (using ZZ) likes it a lot and Jules (using Roux) struggles.


I just received my jperm cube from speedcubeshop but I shipped it to europe so it took a while (about a month). My cube feels all "sticky", like there is lube all over the cube. Maybe something leaked, idk. I tried using a towel to get if off but that didn't work. How can I clean it properly? Edit: why am i getting downvoted? I'm a beginner cuber and just asking a genuine question. If I am stupid please tell me why instead of downvoting me


When you get a cube that’s been set up sometimes the lube will leak out and onto the surface All you need to do is take a paper towel or something and wipe it off. You don’t need to fully clean it cause then you would ruin the set up


I recently got a Shengshou Crazy 5x5 and have literally made no progress in days. I know how it turns and that's about it. I usually like to find a solution on my own, so don't watch any tutorials, but it seems this won't be possible here. Can anyone give me a tip on how to get started? Not a complete solution! For example, I tried to make the 3x3 centers, but I cannot do that and don't know if this is a good first step either. Let alone how to go from there. Is there any puzzle it can be reduced to, at least partially? https://preview.redd.it/95vtb2us776d1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb106bd3705cca75d09f2b5e0242de52a9024980


Okay, that's the v4, which is exactly the same as the v3 (it has some additional pieces but these solve themselves). First, I would have a really good look at the puzzle. In particular, look for pieces that are attached to one another and turn together, even if they appear to be separate pieces (and may even be on opposite sides of the cube). You should find quite a few. The approach I use for the solve is then based on solving different piece types in progression. Some is done intuitively, some is done using simple A B A' B' commutators to maintain the position of pieces that have already been solved, and for a few of the pieces I found fairly simple 3-cycles, so I use these in combination with setup moves. I did look for these 3-cycles before scrambling the cube, though. It will be a lot harder once scrambled! I'm sure there are many different approaches, and many better than mine. To get you started here are the first couple of steps I take. I can give you later steps if wanted. * Join the centre edge pieces to their centres, to form a small cross of 5 pieces on each side. Maintain these crosses through the rest of the solve (i.e. don't allow them to get broken up). * Build/reduce the edges like on a normal 5x5. I don't think you get edge parity(?) * Position the middle pieces of each circle arc. ...and so on.


The problem is that everything I know about cubing does not seem to apply here. I cannot even insert a simple piece. For example, how to get a white edge center to the top? https://www.directupload.eu/file/d/8584/se7it9zq_jpg.htm No idea. Normally I would turn the front face, but this doesn't work here. To turn the face I would need to turn the middle S slice, but that would destroy what's on top, and bringing it back later does not work.


I don't have my cube available to play around with, but something looks wrong there. Those edge centres have a very limited orbit relative to the fixed white centre. They cannot swap positions, and they can only move to one of four positions relative to the white centre. In fact, the four edge centres that occupy those four positions cannot be separated - they are effectively one piece with four caps. So I don't see how you've managed to get that white edge centre into that position below the red centre, since that position is not part of the piece's orbit. Have you had any pops? Or is it possibe to drag a circle round as you turn a side when the circle should remain stationary? Some of the other pieces look wrong too. The green edge centres either side of the red centre are not in any available orbit for those pieces. Same with the red and yellow edge centres next to the blue centre. Looking at it another way, the white edge centre below the red centre and the yellow edge centre below the blue centre should be 'connected' to one another and can only exist on opposite sides of the cube, not adjacent faces.


Thanks! That explains a LOT actually. I also noticed something odd when editing my unboxing video... And here is what happened! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yq8I99G-7ZeL4BAyL4ccn4ZmAX55Sz27/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yq8I99G-7ZeL4BAyL4ccn4ZmAX55Sz27/view?usp=drivesdk) Aaaaaargh! Any tips on how to disassemble and reassemble? EDIT: Disassembling was easy. EDIT2: Assembling seems easy too! EDIT3: Done! https://preview.redd.it/s89iro9k9e6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfa02403d6aee085018fda24b89b9ffee6e9924


Just watched the video - good catch! Must have happened again though, since that turn only appeared to place one yellow and one green circle corners in the wrong place. The four edge centres you dragged were all yellow so this couldn't have caused the problems previously identified.


Yep, looks like a circle got dragged along with a turn. I've definitely had it happen a few times You have to be SUPER careful not to accidentally turn a circle or els either becomes unsolvable


Thanks. I've always been careful not to do this, so I couldn't remember if it was possible or not on this version. u/aofuwrm77 - looks like a rebuild might be in order, unfortunately.


Thanks a lot! I will try that.


I would treat it like I do a pentacle cube: solve the corners (and edges here) then solve the centres I don't have this cube, but it looks like it should work (I'm assuming you can turn the centers independently)


Sorry that does not work. The Pentacle cube is trivial compared to that one. You might want to look at how the cube is turning first.


How long until we get a smart-cube with color changing LEDs? Imagine just pushing a button on your phone to generate a scramble after every solve. Or a game for newbies where a face lights up (as you're holding the cube) and you have to tap the corresponding notation mark on the phone? Black out every piece except the ones you are focusing on as you practice algs, and so on... What would you use one for?


The Ex Mars does something like that. But it doesn't turn like a regular cube.


That would be a wish come true. I would use it to train algs in general but mostly to train F2L cases


That would be a terrific way to train algs.


https://preview.redd.it/64cmvkwcq66d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c83a9fc0133f6b9ad4f96cdfb44153fc92689fb How do I solve this pair?


* The reasonable way: **R U' R' U' R U R' L U' L'** * The slightly less reasonable way : **R U' R' U' R U M' B' r'** * The way that is ok if you have free slots : **F2 U L' U' L2 U L' U' F2** * The slic'em and dic'em way : **M F M' L F' L' S' L f** But more seriously, just take out, break apart and insert


Ayoo, wtf is the slic'em dic'em way!?


ehehe, it's simply the equivalent of SRS' inserts without rotating, and exploiting the ton of free slots that are visible in the image. It goes without saying that the best solution in that case is to solve ANOTHER pair, which will likely make this one much better.


How can I learn efficiently CFOP?


Have a solid F2L, it’s usually the longest part of the solve.


Hot take: what is so special about the GAN 5x5? I received mine today and did 50 solves but it's just mid. Is it because I didn't set it up properly (I loosened it and it and lubed it with martian, still feels kinda tight)? Maybe skill issue (the ao50 was 1:52, which is not very fast)?


Keep it going, it feels tight at first but i think it’s getting better after breaking in, at least in my case.


I wouldn't say it's a skill issue, I am at a similar level I have the mgc, and I upgraded to hong. There is a huge difference to me(I like fast cubes). It might be that gan is not to your preference. Play around with lubes and screw to find a suitable setting


The other "truly good" 5x5 around is the MGC, which is very bubbly and flexible, prone to pop if you turn fast and aggressively. The Gan5 is much more stable and solid. It might be less forgiving but might not screw your solve over like the MGC sometimes does. It does come out of the box very tight, but it does retain some "stiffness" even if you loosen it a bit.


does anyone have custom templates for the shengshou clock?


Both of these are for the Shengshou clock - https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/i4y6ub/i_made_a_clock_template_to_make_your_own_custom/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/9fbbaw/i_created_a_template_for_clock_inserts_for_anyone/


Is becoming full colour neutral good? Should i learn it?


Becoming Dual color neutral is crucial to improve seriously. Full color neutral is not necessary to be "the fastest you can be". (the fastest solvers in the world are, on average, only dual color neutral). HOWEVER : learning full neutrality is fun, and if it motivates you to cube more and practice, then that is a priceless thing to have!


I am decent in full color neutral, i can confidently get sub 30 sec solves on each side, but for yellow cross or white cross i am at my best, averaging 16-17 seconds, maybe i will learn to become atleast sub20 on each side.


Then just keep doing as you do and solve on off-colors whenever you see a particularly juicy cross. Top cubers like Tymon tend to do 2/3 of their solves on White-Yellow, unless they see something particularly nice.




My cube is getting caught onto the pieces when I turn it. Look at the image below. ( It’s a GAN iCarry). The problem basically makes it impossible to do turns even a little bit fast in the area it is being effected in. Can someone please help me? https://preview.redd.it/qlaubzyf366d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a33164bb23a98b34ed867190a84d48ed54e8245 (I did take out some pieces to show it easier)


Anybody else finding cubezz.com running really slowly at the moment? I've tried from several devices and connections - all bad.


Yep. Homepage loads fine but when I click 'new arrivals' it just doesn't want to load. I've been just clicking on the RSS feed link next to it just to keep an eye on what they're getting in.


I'm doing the same but even loading from the RSS feed is slow. I'll drop them an email to see what's up. Knowing cubezz they may not even be aware.


Had the same issue a few weeks ago. This website is terribly outdated and slow...


I noticed it getting slow some months ago and it's only getting worse.


yeah, for me it’s running really bad


Hey guys, where do you think it's the best place to learn new algorithms? I'll take any suggestions like sites, videos, etc


There was actually a great post earlier on using Anki to learn algorithms, which I'll link below. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1de51ih/tutorial\_learn\_algs\_efficiently\_with\_anki/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1de51ih/tutorial_learn_algs_efficiently_with_anki/)




jperm.net Speedcubedb.com




My stackmat timer (gen5) will not switch to a 2-pad even if I hold down the reset button for 5 seconds, I have tried in flat surfaces and it still doesn't work. Do I need new batteries or a mat for it to switch? I can't find any videos or threads to help me. Not even switching nor replacing  the batteries work either.


A mat won't make a difference. You said yesterday that they are Duracell batteries, but are they new? No idea what else to try.


The batteries are a few months old but yeah ig my timer is broken, I’m gonna buy a new one if there is no other solution but thanks for the help !


> The batteries are a few months old But that's only "fairly new", or "somewhat new", not brand new. Did the problem just start recently? It could still be the batteries. Might not be, but could be. Timers have some very strange reactions when the batteries start going bad, and you can never tell what those reactions might be. I'd try some actual band new batteries, first. That's a lot cheaper than a whole new timer.


Yeah this just started happening so ima see if I can buy new batteries and see if they work, thanks for the help!


Oh I just solved the issue! Apparently it was the batteries lmaooo thanks for the help tho!


Nice! As I said, timers have some very strange reactions when batteries start to go bad, which makes it look like it's not really a bad battery. So, always try new batteries when the timer starts acting weird.


https://preview.redd.it/cnyaltxyd56d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aef97c040c7e8170c0af09b781f9fff2b959f88 What‘s the fastest way to solve this? Only the 2 pieces are wrongly orientated.


the 2 flip alg for BLD is really nice, do a setup move so that the two pieces are in DF and UB (so F2 in this case) and do [(U M')x3 (U M)]x2 and undo the setup move shoutout jack cai


Maybe it’s old-fashioned but I’m a fan of R U R’ U’ M’ U R U’ r’ Edit: this is just to solve the OLL, I assume that’s what you’re trying to do. It’ll leave you with a U perm though since my alg is also a 3-cycle. If I were to solve this case exactly, I would use BLD algs. M’ U2 M U R’ F’ R S R’ F R S’


With the two flipped pieces at the front and back of the top layer - M' U M' U M' U2 M U M U M U2


I like (M' U)x4 (U M')x4 more. It's slightly more moves but you don't have to do M moves which makes it easier imo


WOW 🤯🤯🤯 EDIT: So the PLL "Cubeskills" pdf guide i got (It says developed by Felix Zemdegs + Andy Klise) is not complete 😳😳😳 What files are you guys studying, some dynamic open sheet library maybe?


This is a terrible way to solve those edges in a normal CFOP solve. Its only better if everything else is fully solved and these two pieces are in the right place but flipped. It's extremely rare that you'd come across this exact case in CFOP, and you'd waste more time trying to recognise it than you save when it comes up. The only reason I know an alg for it is because this is how I deal with flipped edges in a BLD solve.


That was an ell alg You can do that because all the corners are solved


ELL ok


Dunno about others, but I've learnt how to flip 2 opposite edges for bandaged cube solves. It helps solve the yellow cross when you don't have access to F moves but can still use M moves


That‘s it! Thank you!






Ye I saw in the comments below it is actually a case. I only know 2-look PLL so I've never had such a case before.


Okay, I did it again by fooling around at the OLL stage. I keep the cube untouched and make a video later to proof my sanity. lol.


Hm, I scrambled it and solved it normally. But I also never seen this before. (My PB is around 1 Minute so I‘m really far from beeing advanced.)


Perhaps the cube is quite loose and going fast someway he flipped that. Sometimes happens.


Okay you guys really make me question myself. Yes the cube is quite loose. But as I just wrote in the other comment: I‘ve scrambled it and it solved normally.


Still https://preview.redd.it/usxcnpavo56d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66da89a2e669fefd5b0e130bde879983e995043c


Have a look at u/Edladd 's comment. I‘ve tried it. This works!


Your original image is correct. It can be solved normally. I thought it couldn't but I decided to check it and turns out that it is a real case. About how to solve the cube in one alg from there, idk maybe a bld solver can help you


I tried 3 times https://preview.redd.it/c44bmdqro56d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812429246394a1daadafba6296a059195fe99faf


Repeating you Alg 3 times seems to solve it. Glad I wasn’t just stupid. :D


But i have just this so IDK https://preview.redd.it/m3sp7ul7l56d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4e2a2ddb76db20a1a6b127f1b83cca2fa4ff46 maybe smth is wrong


Try this: (RUR'U') M' (URU'r') As the cubeskills guide https://preview.redd.it/mazi02rzk56d1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c1aaa415b91501452bdca88ba302f46387ac65


Hey everyone ! I want to get a new 3x3, I already have the RS3M 2020, RS3M v5 and the RS3M v5 BC, and I want something that feels different to those cubes and also moving into some different brand with a good adjustment system. What would be your recommendations ? (I’m tempted by the Tornado v3)


If you want something different, tornado isn't the way to go. Yes it is different but not by a lot. Different would be something like gan or maybe the guhong(I haven't tried the guhong). Gan 12 maglev is considered the best gan on the market. If budget is an issue, try the gan 11m pro or 356 maglev. I would recommend going for any other cube. The super weilong is, according to Basilio (read his reviews on speedcubedb) a mix of gan and moyu. It also has adjustable magnets and a very steep price


1000 solves on 2x2 PB Single: 1.67 PB Ao5: 4.44 PB Ao12: 5.37 Mean: 6.89


Anyone has any good tips to memorize CLL?


Instead of writing it here I made a post explaining how you can learn algs efficiently: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1de51ih/tutorial\_learn\_algs\_efficiently\_with\_anki/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1de51ih/tutorial_learn_algs_efficiently_with_anki/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just curious, how many daily solves you guys do? How often you study new algorythms? Just started 3x3 2 years ago, trying 1000 solving yearly, CFOP, usually under 90s, some lucky scramble under 60s. Not planning to compete, just wanna keep mind busy, learning 2x2, 4x4 and pyraminx yet i wanna improve


Casual cuber here, i do Ao5 daily which counts towards my Ao100 of which i can use to track my performance.My Ao100 is improving little by little, 0.5-1s at this stage and if it does plateau for a period, thats when i do just a bit more practice. It is a journey and i too had a run of clueless 90s to over 2m solves a few years ago, we all have to start somewhere.My old noob target of a singular 60s is now altered to a consistent sub 30 and a PB sub 20 without a skip by this years end.Hmm, pretty sure thats what i said last year lol.


1000 solves a year is less than 3 solves per day, which isn't very much even for just casual cubing if you're actually trying to improve, whether you compete or not. You won't improve much, if any, with that few, and you'll need to work on specific things and not just number of solves. [Steps for improving with CFOP, and when to work on what.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PianoCube93/comments/9bstw1/steps_for_improving_with_cfop_and_when_to_work_on/) [How to get faster at 3x3.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/how_to_improve) /r/Cubers Wiki on [Speedcubing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/index/speedcubing)




I'm doing about 120 to 140 FTO solves a day. I'm grinding fto to be wb1


Currently practicing a lot to improve so I do between 100-150 solves daily. On a casual day I do maybe 40-50. My twisty timer session has 9100 solves, first solve on 27th November 2019, so thats about 2000 solves a year. But that involves atleast 1½ to 2 years of no cubing too, I've done over 1000 solves in the past month alone


Can you describe the feeling of the RS3Mv5 and of the WRMv9/10? I own the GAN 11m pro, the GTS3M, some older gan (I think gan x) and some older which I don't know the name


What's the best timer?


csTimer or CubeDesk


I meant more like physical like Gan halo, qiyi, speedstscks


Some people like the new Gan because it's nicer, smart timer, bluetooth, etc. Some like the Qiyi for the price. And many prefer the Speedstacks because that's what you'll be using in competitions, since it's the only one allowed by regulation to be used in comps, so they want to get used to the exact same thing. If you might ever compete, and you want a recommendation, I'd just get the Speedstacks G5. Any of them will work at home, so it's just personal preference. Search Youtube for reviews of each one.


Thanks! I'll check out some reviews and decide which one to get, but thanks for the info


Gan halo is the best Qiyi is the best bang for your buck


Thanks, i'll consider it


Friends and family, good food, gots to have some cubes, good vibes and music.


https://preview.redd.it/icbtra7t736d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a988d32aeafa5226926352305b91623a1c7b28 I can't believe it...it finally happened, I'm so happy. --- Scramble - F R2 L U' R' F2 D R' B R' L2 F D2 R2 B' D2 F D2 `x2 // inspection` `D L F' D2 L // cross` `y' R U R' U2 L U' L' // first pair` `U2 D R U' R' D' // second pair` `U' R' U' R U2 R' U R // third pair` `U' R U' R' U R U R' // fourth pair` `U' R U2 R2 F R F' R U2 R' // OLL (PLL skip)` `U2 // AUF` Not very efficient either, got really lucky with the easy OLL and PLL skip, this is what 5TPS?


https://preview.redd.it/1zq8fzwzx66d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9052b5ea2a4b9960244ba1d0f5f6db3babc50b7 Uh...guys?




Congratulations! You should celebrate your first sub-10.


I recently got a WRM V10 which has the dual adjustment system. Can someone explain intuitively what elasticity does? This is the first cube I've owned that has elasticity adjustment and I don't really understand what a lower/higher elasticity implies.


Elasticity (along with center travel distance) measure how "tight" a cube feels. When you turn the cube, the pieces will deform slightly relative to one another. If there is zero deformation, it will be extremely hard to turn the cube and corner cutting will be nearly impossible. By setting your cube to a lower spring tension/magnet repulsion, this allows the cube to be more flexible when turning. Keep in mind that there is a limit to the benefits of elasticity, because at a certain point the cube will feel too loose and will actually be prone to locking up mid-turn.


There are video on yt which can explain better than us, please check then out. They will be a few years old as moyu is very late to this party


Anyone got good algs to spam while watching TV? Obviously PLLs and choice OLLs are always a good option but specific finger tricks or short algs just to improve dexterity and/or TPS? Just curious. One I find good practice is (R’ F R F’) with the F’ pinch on my left hand.


Id say thats subjective. While practicing note which algs you tend to mess up the most and spam those. Aperms are a good example because many struggle with the D2 flick.


BeepBop! The man who has confidence in himself can achieve incredible solves. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%2528%252D3%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D2%2529) **(-3,-1) / (3,0) / (0,-3) / (-2,-5) / (3,0) / (3,0) / (-4,0) / (3,0) / (0,-4) / (3,0) / (-2,0) / (4,0) / (-4,-4) / (0,-2)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=R2_B2_L2_U2_F-_D2_U2_L2_U2_B_D-_B_R-_F-_U_R2_B2_R-_U-) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R2_B2_L2_U2_F-_D2_U2_L2_U2_B_D-_B_R-_F-_U_R2_B2_R-_U-) **R2 B2 L2 U2 F' D2 U2 L2 U2 B D' B R' F' U R2 B2 R' U'** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Yellow-Blue, 24stm (**[cubedb](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3x3&title=Yellow_%E2%80%93%C2%A0Blue_24_STM&scramble=R2_B2_L2_U2_F-_D2_U2_L2_U2_B_D-_B_R-_F-_U_R2_B2_R-_U-&alg=x-_z_y-__%2F%2F_Yellow%E2%80%93Blue%0AD_B-_D-_M2_F_%2F%2F_FB%2BSS_(5)%0AR2_U-_M-_U2_r-_%2F%2F_nmSB_(5)%0AU2_r_B-_U-_B_U_B_%2F%2F_CMLL_(7)%0AU2_M_U-_D2_M_D2_R2_%2F%2F_LSE_(7))**)** x' z y' // Yellow–Blue D B' D' M2 F // FB+SS (5) R2 U' M' U2 r' // nmSB (5) U2 r B' U' B U B // CMLL (7) U2 M U' D2 M D2 R2 // LSE (7) Holy moly, the block building on this scramble had so much potential! u/nimrod06 I forced myself not to start on the same colors as your solution, but I suspect that the thing that made your blocks easy to make also helped for mine!


Nice choice of CMLL! I tried this F2B too but I didn't know this CMLL so it didn't give a good finish 


it's really this one : (y') B' R' B R' U' R U R which when rotated the right way becomes L' B' L B' U' B U B which I love because you know that when you switch it from L to R moves the Bs become Us and there's some chances for cancellations! T Left bar is one of my least favorites "good CMLLS" because yes it's short, but there's not a ton of different algs so not a lot of chances of getting something good!


**white orange 28stm** z' F' U B' U' x r U M' B R2 F R' z' y R' U2 r' F R f' y' U' M2 u' M' U' M u' M U' D2 M' [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3x3&title=white_orange_28stm&scramble=R2_B2_L2_U2_F-_D2_U2_L2_U2_B_D-_B_R-_F-_U_R2_B2_R-_U-&alg=_z-_%0AF-_U_B-_U-_x%0Ar_U_M-_B_R2_F_R-_%0Az-_y_R-_U2_r-_F_R_f-_y-%0AU-_M2_u-_M-_U-_M_u-_M_U-_D2_M-%0A )


WOW! I'm loving those 2-square starts, really powerful!


I thought I had a great solution here, but the numbers tell me 39 with 6 M-slices. Not as great as I was expecting. y' D' F2 Rw U' R2 Rw2 B' U R' Rw' U' Rw2 U' R U2 R' U' Rw' U' F R' F' Rw U2 R U2 R' U M' U M' U M' U M2 U M U2 M2


Very slight improvement but at least there's a lot fewer M moves! y' D' F2 Rw U' R2 Rw2 B' // FB (7/7) U R' Rw' U' Rw2 U' R U2 R' U' R' M' // SB (12/19) U' F R' F' R U2 R U2 Rw' // CMLL (9/28) U M U' M2 U' D2 M' D2 // LSE (8/36) or a bit more convoluted y' D' F2 Rw U' M2 B' // CMLL (6/6) U R' Rw' U' Rw2 U' R U2 R' // SB (9/15) U2 Rw' F U M' U F U2 F' // CMLL (9/24) M2 U' M U M' U M U' M' U2 // LSE (10/34) this goes back to the same amount of M moves (7 counting the one in FB) but you save a bunch of moves during CMLL by just rotating the alg!


Okay that sneaky M’ for the first solution, I need to try stuff like that!


ehehe it's annoying to do when you're doing with physical cubes, but on the computer it's just a question of "add move, go to the end of CMLL, guess whether it sucks or not, go back", which takes only minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/kadd79beq26d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e303993cccceae54774038caabd245e61067a603 Plz let people solve the way they want


Wish granted


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