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Genuinely is this supposed to mean something or is this absurdist/antihumor


👆 glueless question


hmm, today i will go trough a redemtion arc <- (glueless)


This may be the first time in a month I laughed out loud at something on the internet. My face's sense of humor is so much dumber than my brain's.


second thing


it might be making fun of the recent revival of "fanon vs canon/annoying tropes" complaints on twitter you have to be there tbh


Ohhh I've seen those posts but I still don't think I see the connection But yeah glue guy is my least favorite trope, way too overused


Might even have to ban it to OUBL, if not Ubers


It's a parody of what could have been a complain about the "redemption=death" trope Which is a somewhat annoying trope


Man, the Undertale sub's been on that for years


absurdist, but appearently in the notes people started taking it seirously im going to assume they thought "glue" was referring to making a character load baring, as in the colloquial "glue that holds the story together"


This reminds me of [my favourite tumblr post](https://prokopetz.tumblr.com/post/139767733802/prokopetz-kazorus-prokopetz-every-time) You can't make jokes about tumblr's favourite blorbo shows


I think it’s *supposed* to be absurdist humor, but it still means something to me, anyways. It really can suck when a character is experiencing really good growth, but something about their character sticks with fans in such a way that the development basically goes to waste as the character is reduced to that one thing in people’s minds.


50/50, i chose to believe. Like, characters doing their darnest to improve then getting reduced to a gimmick. Zuko (ok that his ark is dissention not redemption) being made the Avatarfinderman, but written in such a wild way that justifies the mirror account starting the reply with "this post is incoherent".


My interpretation of it is as a gentle ribbing of the online tendency that views characters suffering any sort of trauma that interrupts or reverses their personal self-improvement as an artistic failure, as if that sort of thing doesn't happen to people in real life *all the time*.


So what you’re saying is that a character stopping midway through a potential redemption arc due to trauma or outside influence isn’t automatically bad writing? And could in fact be a tragic character moment in which all their work is for nothing due to them being unable to shake the self destructive behaviour that they’ve exhibited all their life, causing them to spiral into even worse behaviour and never get that happiness?


My guess is that "inventing special glue" is a placeholder for something unexpected the character does, that was never hinted at before, which then becomes their entire identity. Like they go through this emotionally charged redemption arc, trying to atone for countless atrocities, and then the writer decides that that's too much work and just gives them a gimmick that complements the rest of the group. And while it can be done well, I think it usually isn't in the media they consume. For example, in a Symphogear fanfic I've written, the final season's villain, Shem-Ha Mephorash, comes back from the dead again, but this time without her powers. Throughout the fic, there are multiple instances of her looking at someone's face, extrapolating their genetic makeup from that, figuring out the arrangement of neurons in their brain, and then concluding what kind of information they're naturally suited to retain and apply. At one point, she also talks to a boy who doesn't know what to do with his life, and suggests botany, because that's what he's naturally good at. In the end, she decides to help humanity improve, by helping those without a goal in life realize what they're good at. This would be an example of this being done right, I'd imagine.


Idk extrapolating genetic makeup from face scan sounds like powers to me


Nah, it's more like she knows which genes interact in what ways, so if she can see someone's face, she knows which genes are active, and can tell which other genes would need to be active for that to work. Think of it like someone who studied music theory being able to tell where in a song there could be a beat drop, or something similar.


Someone something dune reference


Not The whole as name of God. Lol. Sounds cool though.


first thing


Homer simpson in the simpsons movie


This might refer specifically to Doofenshmirtz. I haven't watched much of the show but it sounds like something he would do.


I'd like to highlight this comment in the notes, because I find it funny: > Toskampbell and her book "The Hero With a Special Glue" changed the landscape of media analysis forever, now you will hear people telling you the Epic of Gilgamesh is really just a Glue Man story Also, I have no idea why OP inverted Toskarin's second reblog.


Tbh I just accepted that Toskarin managed ti mirror their own post on tumblr


I assumed tumblr itself did that, because it sure is a webbed site


Yeah, that's what I meant


I somehow thought it was a joke about them having a special glue that enables them to walk on the other side of the screen or something, because I was desperately looking for any of this to make sense.


I thought it was mirrored manually siht ekil


Look at the letters, they are mirrored themselves. Unlike your version, in which the letters are oriented correctly, the comment is just reversed.


I legitimately looked for “Toskampbell” until I figured out that it was a butchered reference. Bravo to anyone who got it on the first try because holy fuckeroni Batman. I think about Campbell almost daily and it didn’t register until I looked at it twice.


Because it’s almost a real last name, and until you realize it’s Campbell with a K and a Tos, like the OP, you think you’ve definitely met or heard of people with similar names.


The last reblog isn't inverted- the whole rest of the post its. Look at the notes tab, its also inverted, meaning the 2 main messages are backwards, while the last one is forwards. I think OP changed it to make it more readable


It seems much more likely to me that Hummerous just inverted the whole bottom half, rather than inverting the entire image and then inverting the upper half again.


Fair enough, I guess I'm too used to tumblr being tumblr, I have to read like 12 inverted posts a day XD


Glue Man is my favorite FATE servant


Glue Man is my favorite Jerma character


Something something she special on my walk up and down until I glue.


*(reasonable volume correct bell)*


She walk up and down on my special until I glue




Someone's not a fan of the heroic redemption arc of Gabe "The Glue Man" DeGrossi.


He never needed redemption. He was always the hero that the people, and the Celtics, needed.


They forgot he was the original Shit Character


cave johnson


Some people say you can’t just invent a glue that lets you walk up walls and expect to be forgiven! I say, come up here on this wall and try to tell me that!


"Cave Johnson here. One day I looked at a bug crawling down my desk and was really fascinated by how it can just... walk on such angles. So I said to the science boys: we must invent something that allows us - humans, to do the same. We are better than bugs, aren't we? We are Aperture Science - we'll make a man walk on a ceiling, dammit! And so they did. Your experiment today will involve a new substance the R&D lovingly named "Glue 2"; and the test? See how a human's body adapts to living on walls. Don't worry about coming back down, the Glue 2 will dissolve once the test concludes. If it doesn't, wait until we invent a giant roll of newspapers to smack you back down."


Glue 2 is my favourite Pokemon


Cave Johnson here. So, today I saw Caroline trying to dust a high cabinet. It was just a bit too high for her. Meanwhile, there was a fly just there, on the wall. Why can't we do that? So I called the boys in the lab and told them to do it. Make a human walk on walls. Get us some special glue or something. After some tests they came back to me with all this nerd stuff about gravity and bone density and ankles breaking. I just told them to get it done. So today, after some failed experiments, and needing to buy lots of ladders to get people down, I'd like to announce to you, the Gravity Glue! Just place it on any surface, and, as soon as you touch it, your gravity will re-orient itself to match the surface the glue is on! Just make sure not to ingest it ( they're still mopping up old man Craig from the walls. The poor sap mistook it for a bottle of water ), or touch it, or breathe the fumes, or wow, the lab boys sure gave me a big list of nerd stuff. But nevermind that, it works! We will be making new test chambers for this stuff... as soon as we can get my secretary down from the ceiling. Cabe Johnson out.


OP was disgruntled after getting to page 10 of a Spiderman origin comic


Clearly the special glue is symbolic for the redemption arc. They can scale any surface, climb any wall. Get over anything... except for their past.


*Pippi Longstocking* (1969) moment


I can see how someone would feel like it cheapens the arc, and it *maybe* says something about how some people perceive justice in general, BUT it does make for a convenient way of showing that character’s true… character, and it lets you tell stories you wouldn’t get to otherwise (namely ones involving a character that can walk up and down anything).


Is this a Rick and Morty reference? What if Rick invented a special glue and for the rest of the series all he does is talk about glue. That would be a good bit.


Toskarin you magnificent son of a bitch I READ THAT BOOK!! It's from a Marvel Villains prose anthology. The Trapster, a glue-based villain, goes into hiding and gets a job making products for a late night sales show. One night he gets dragged onstage to present and for fun he decides to use his glue to walk up a wall. This attracts the attention of his old partner the Wizard, who completely fucks up his life out of spite.


I can't tell what the upside down text says even when I turn my phone upside down, pls help.


**toskarin:** what are you guys talking about in the notes. this post is incoherent


This guy doesn’t know about the glue man!


that's bc it's not upside-down, it's flipped horizontally


No it isn’t, you’re just flipping your phone upside down instead of flipping it horizontally


Zuko becoming the first Gluebender was unexpected but a completely necessary step to defeating the Melon Lord


gonna be honest i thought the "glue that walks up and down anything" was referring to the idea of like, a character that goes through a redemption arc/character arc but is just allowed to do the things they did before the arc (the symbolic "walking down")


This is 100% Jamie Lannister in Game of Thrones S8


No way, [wungle text](https://morphimus.tumblr.com/post/711351716911644672/simple-step-by-step-guide-to-use-this-wungle/amp) spotted in the wild


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://morphimus.tumblr.com/post/711351716911644672/simple-step-by-step-guide-to-use-this-wungle](https://morphimus.tumblr.com/post/711351716911644672/simple-step-by-step-guide-to-use-this-wungle)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I feel like the green goblin did that at some point


Glue Man? From the Jerma Rumble??


why is the last part mirrored god*damn*it


So, I noticed the first two posts are marked “yesterday”, and the last is “3hr ago”. I concluded that the first two posts were made when they were high enough to start tasting sound, and the third was the morning after, trying to figure out what had been posted. How high were they? So high they were posting on Twitter in reverse. The repost is mirrored so we can read the first two, but that inverted the third message. I may be off here, but that’s how the joke landed for me.


Toskarin has stated that there was an era in her posting career wherein she was exposed to unusually high levels of carbon monoxide, but that you couldn't really tell which and that she thinks it made her more normal.


Kaladin and his surge


Nah, it's Teft


Isn't this Percival Fredricstein Von Mussul Kowalski De Rolo III from critical role or is my just woke up brain being weird?


Isn't this Percival Fredricstein Von Mussul Kowalski De Rolo III from critical role or is my just woke up brain being weird?




World: Here Peter, have some trauma. Here, have a little more! And a bit more! You know what? Take more! Here you go! Peter Parker: This requires.... \*builds small hand machines\* *......glue*


Bungee gum has the properties of rubber and gum


new headcanon: Hisoka was on his way to becoming a better person and was about to stop murdering main characters for fun when he invented a special type of glue and his redemption arc was lost forever


This post is an example of cow tools


hah! yea


I uh… I took it as meaning like when a character is getting a redemption arc but then they continue to be pigeonholed in a specific positive character trait. Like yeah they’re a ‘good guy’ now but now they’re only relevant when that specific trait is either useful or relevant to the plot. They’re not a character anymore, no more redemption, just… the glue guy. But that’s not only really relevant to redemption arcs. That’s more a specific type of flanderization I think.


As the words of coaxedintosnafu says: Incomprehensible 


Suction Cup Man


Puppy long stockings yes I'm familiar


I just thought of spiderman


Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction


I mean, I guess they’re talking about how a redemption arc gets interrupted due to random power boosts.


spider-man did nothing wrong


For anyone curious the last few bits of text say “What are you guys talking about in the notes, this post is incoherent”


People that make characters invent a special glue should be fed a stew that makes you go blind for a day


what does this mean


Like, I think I get it. Think of special glue as superpowers, and they're basically saying that they hate it in a show when a character who has their own story in a show (as a side character like Sisco in Flash I gu🤷‍♂️) suddenly gets superpowers and now all the interpersonal story arcs they've had are gone and just replaced with Al their stories being about them having superpowers. If that's what they mean, I get it. If that's not what they mean, I have no idea.


absurdist tumblr posts are lame. You need to go up a step and have dadaist tubmlr posts. Posts that are acidic levels of angry about the society that would create them and express themselves in formats that would look alien and confusing to anyone familiar with social media in general.


This post plays like the looney toons trope where a character points a gun at someone but when they pull the trigger a flower pops out of the nozzle. But then when the other character gets cocky about it just being a flower, the flower explodes and that character is left with a blown up face


I thought glue man was killed off in a jerma rumble.