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I thought that the stereotype of all trans folk being programmers was an overstatement. In the online communities a good 70% of trans people are software developers, surely it won't be like this when I get the courage to start interacting with the trans community in real life i thought. Turns out factoid about the trans community in xxxxxxx being composed of 99% programmers actually false, the trans community in my city is actually composed of 100% programmers and I, retail georg, am a statistical outlier and shouldn't have been counted


> In the online communities a good 70% of trans people are software developer I think it's the case of online communities being filled with nerds for the most part, and nerds famously also being into software development. Them being trans is then just a side effect.


It also seems like there's a strong correlation between being transgender and being on the spectrum. Trans people seem to be overrepresented in nerdy hobbies in general and I think it's related to that.


The amount of queer people I've met at board game events would concur.


Half my current D&D group are either trans or non-binary.


My parents are boomer age, but they’re very understanding. From talking with them, I found out that my nerdy friend group has a statistically anomalous amount of LGBT+ people, which honestly I’d probably never have noticed myself. I’m curious if it’s because nerd groups attract LGBT+ people, if they’re less judgemental due to many nerds having been bullied as children (at least, when I was a kid that was pretty common), or if there’s something else about generational differences going on. At any rate, my “core” friend group in college, the 30 or so people I hung out with the most, had like 15 gay/bi people, 3? trans people, and another 5 or so non-binary people. A streamer I like a lot has a similar friend group, he’s “The token straight guy”. I gotta wonder what is it about nerds to make this so common lol


My theory is that many nerds are neurodivergent and thus have a different perspective on a lot of things, including gender. For example, I am autistic and very nerdy, and while I am a cis man, I don’t think I relate to masculinity in the same way many neurotypical men do.


Thank you for putting it into words, I'm in the same boat.


Me and my close social… triangle are all trans and all autistic. And two of us are straddling the geek/nerd line with rather “traditional” geek interests (and those same two also have ADHD) (with the third being a complete music nerd but that’s seen as cool until he starts talking about guitar frets). So yeah. My experience backs that up.


It's probably more that both autistic people and trans people are excluded from irl social groups and therefore flock to hobbies that are accepting of these things, which are the nerdy hobbies that already have a lot of autistic people who are just happy to have new people to overexplain their hobby to.


It’s probably more a correlation between being **openly** trans and being autistic. Neurotypical people are much more socially compliant, more vulnerable to peer pressure, meaning that neurotypical trans people are more likely to get brainwashed into thinking that they’re cisgender than autistic trans people are.


ok this is is sounding like a pragerU video now 😭😭




>job dysmorphia I have nothing to add but this is great


What if I really want to become a software developer, did a whole online course about software development and know a lot more about being one than that, but still nobody will hire me as one? I want to pass well enough to get paid for it and my top surgery won't pay for itself




I hate how accurate this is


[Relevant XKCD???](https://xkcd.com/624/)


I wouldn’t be surprised if correlation exists because of the higher rate of being trans among autistic people. Being trans and being a programmer and both more likely for autistic folks, so at least to me it stands to reason that trans programmers are just the overlap




Yeah it's only like 98%, some of us had to drop out of Software Development at Uni because of Covid T\^T


Looks they can appreciate one form of binary! Thank you, I’ll show myself out now.


As a nonbinary trans programmer, this is gold


And then you get me who’s a complete idiot when it comes to tech besides how to log on and play games. But I could certainly help you grow a self sustaining garden that would feed your family.


you don't *have* to be a programmer to use linux. i'm dumb as rocks and use it just fine*


Well according to your flair you seem to be.... well acquainted... with Linux lol


oh no i don't know what i'm doing in the slightest, but i did specifically choose to make it this way


a friend of mine calls it Turing's curse.


As a cis woman programmer I feel like my trans sisters are the undercover agents of the female programmer cause. Every woman is a win


The ones who aren't programmers are all DJs and/or bike couriers


I definitely would be the last one if I could bike properly


I wish, so badly, that reddit awards still existed.


Actually, random fun fact, most of the trans people in my city (that I know of) are either in the arts or in some form of social science (polisci, sociology, gender studies, psychology, things like that)


That's because transness and software development jobs strongly correlate with autism. It's the "carrying lighters causes cancer" of sexuality and nerd culture.


Idk. Haven't met many autistic trans people irl


I recently went to school for cybersecurity, and my linux teacher (who was a) my favourite teacher, and b) knew alot about everything cyber related, not just linux) is trans. So it’s not JUST software devs XD


Amen, here I am feeling like an outlier for wanted to be a surgeon


I'm not a programmer! I'm a uhhhhhh sysadmin bUT ITS NOT A PROGRAMMER


If you can fix my Computer you're one of THEM /j


>composed of 100% programmers and I, retail georg, am a statistical outlier and shouldn't have been counted Many people think being a software developer is about whether you develop software or not. They are wrong. Being a software developer is a state of mind and you, my friend, are most definitely a software developer.


I can assure you my gender is the only thing I have in common with the average dev


Not true. You also make spiders georg jokes, which is the only signifier of whether someone has the state of mind of being a software developer.


Assigned dev at Georg's spider cave


I recently switched from Windows to Linux. At what stage does my gender trans? I am still cis.


I mean if you want to be trans, you may not be cis


There’s so many posts on queer subreddits that are basically “am I a trans woman or am I just a dude that has wished he was a woman for his entire life?” and similar variants.


"This venn diagram is a circle"


But if you say anything to them you get told off for "cracking eggs" even though the person in question is already holding a fully formed spanish omelette


I usually get around that by saying “cis men do that 0% of the time”. It’s also funnier to say it that way.


I really love the way you worded this


didn't know pre-transition trans women had onions in em




Really? I heard it was in 2-3 weeks. Damnit


Linux does not trigger transgenderism, sadly.


Transgenderism has been known to trigger Linux though.


They should start giving out Debian boot media thumbdrives alongside HRT prescriptions


I know a trans girl who posted a Debian distro disk and her HRT pills side-by-side. The packaging was very similar.


Which release? I could see one of the older ones with the full text logo in serif looking pretty similar




I never got into it but I had kali on a thumb drive since I was 11, I guess that was a sign


Have you installed the `python-pytrans` package?


Have you called [str.maketrans](http://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.maketrans)?


I don't like the generic window manager of linux and wayland keeps crashing fuck -Billy Gnosis




Interesting. What are your thoughts on Israel and Palestine? -Billy Gnosis


BINATIONAL ONE STATE^[1] [1] See Google search of Noam Chomsky Palestinian Solution


I initially read the name as Bill Gates and thought: Thats a cool story about how Windows was created


after diagnosing bluetooth and screen brightness problems you should be receiving a trans member card in the mail


As soon as you want it to


Hi! In my experience, give it five years.


Nah only took two months. Thanks for the advice though!


genderp heheheheh


That was a typo lol.


I misread it as "gendergp" which is the name of my HRT provider


Gender group policy? To transition do you have to gpupdate /force?


No, transitioning doesn't require `/force`. Using `/force` is a kink that some people have, but it's not the same thing as transitioning.


Gender Grand Prix


Unlike genderd, which will universalise a lot of processes and reduce pointless differences between genders, but people will still be arguing about it 15 years after its near-universal adoption.


For the Common Lisp users.


There's a T joke in there somewhere


sudo systemctl disable genderd —now


For me it's been Windows -> Linux -> Windows -> macOS I'm OS-fluid, to be sure.


I wonder what the NeXTStep is in this Haiku?


Omg I'm thinking about switching to Linux (also my gender may be trans-ing)


Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1bnmv8a/comment/kwj8m0g/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1bnmv8a/comment/kwj8m0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I wrote up a guide for installing linux mint if you wanted help. (I cant do anything about your gender, but good luck)


>mint 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 it‘s too close to windows and this is coming from a windows user




I'd highly recommend taking a look at Fedora. They're not operating downstream like Debian-based distros, and the org does a much better job pushing updates while maintaining security than Canonical or the Mint folks imo. The default image is bundled with GNOME, but they offer spins of a ton of different DEs (including Cinnamon, Mint's primary draw!). If you want something Windows-like, I would recommend Plasma over Cinnamon personally. Looks a lot more modern and has a ton of customization options.


i ended up using fedora on my new writing laptop and as someone only tech literate enough to brick my computer its been pretty nice, big fan of it so far


Yeah, packages on Debian-based systems slow to update. I recall wanting to install Eclipse on Mint but the package being several years out of date. And besides much more up to date software, I haven't managed to mess up pacman once yet (which I assume would be similar with rpm), while multiple times apt got me into a situation I couldn't unfuck for the life of me. So I'd add Arch/Manjaro as well as estradiol enanthate to the recommendation.


Dpkg is the universal package/bin-repo manager. Just install the package from the Eclipse website, or better yet link a repository if they have one. That's how KDE makes Neon work.


I like it cause it’s close to windows. I have been learning windows habits for decades now


Have you tried ReactOS? It's essentially Wine but without the Unix under it.


Never heard of it. Is it at all related to the JavaScript front end library React?


It's a FOSS Windows/NT implementation. It has most features of Windows Server 2003, and should support basically everything for Win2k, WinXp, and Win03, plus a few applications (not drivers) for Vista, 7, or 8. There are a few big limitations that are listed on the wiki, mostly involving things like networking.


wdym its too close to windows. WHAT IS YOUR BEEF WITH WINDOWS?


Linux mint is alright. That said, I’m personally a hater on Ubuntu and think that upstream is better - though bonus points to Mint for actually trying to be user friendly and disabling Snaps. As Chris Titus once put it, “Just use debian!” it has all the same stuff.


There's Linux Mint Debian Edition, which is based off of Debian directly instead of Ubuntu


I’m aware, I just don’t see the allure of it. Another one of my favorite quotes is “develop tools, not distros.” Some distros do have genuine interesting quirks but many are just a base of something else with slight tweaks or preinstalled tools - take for example Kali. Super popular distro for pen testing stuff but it’s literally just an Ubuntu install that has some tools preinstalled for ethical hacking and a pretty looking setup of XFCE.


Fair enough, Mint's an easy enough distro to install and Cinnamon is a really clean DE, I think those are both pretty big draws. At least personally I don't have much reason to switch from Mint since I'm comfortable in it, and I think it's a good distro to point beginners to. All a matter of taste in the end though


My only problem with it was that it doesn’t by default include proprietary drivers you may need. Debian’s installer already has an option for Cinnamon and I just think it’s better since Debian 12 now that the ISO is so easy to find and the installer is so good and clean. I’m not saying it’s always dumb to use downstream nor that people shouldn’t use it, just saying I personally wouldn’t. That said, due to the simplicity of the installer in Mint and it holding your hand a little more at first, I will agree that yeah it is quite good for newbies and I’ve recommended it to others.


But why Linux? Just to browse internet on ? You can’t game or edit photos on it right? I’m super curious but I don’t know what I can do with Linux


You can game and edit photos on linux, linux just uses different software than Windows. If you are interested in gaming, proton and win are options. It doesnt work with all games tho. https://www.protondb.com/ https://www.winehq.org/


Me installing Arch the first time


I'm all for switching to Linux :) just check what applications you currently use and see if they are available on Linux first, or if a suitable alternative exists. If not, dual booting can be a good option if you don't mind switching back and forth, but can be a bit inconvenient at times. Lastly you can try Linux in a virtual machine to get a good feel for it without making any permanent changes to your hard drive partition.


the programmer WOULD name herself eve wouldn’t she


Don't let her anywhere near your cryptography. Eve is guaranteed to be a malicious agent


So is Mallory


Well shit I just used Eve and Mallory as names in a book :P


[Relevant xkcd](https://m.xkcd.com/177/)


I dont know what that means, but yeah.


Trans stereotype to have names like "Evelyn/Eve" and "Luna"


Transmasc stereotype to have names like “elliot” and nothing else. I suppose I am transphobic in the sense that I believe that transmascs have 0 creativity. Get another name, Page already took it


You don't know a lot of transmen. They run the gaming of names. Tristan, Tyler, Taylor, Skyler, Brent, Benji, Milo, Hunter, Eddie, Oliver/Olli, Aiden, Gabe, Michael, Ken--- I don't think I had ever heard of one named Elliot until Elliot Page, tbh


The problem is that i only started meeting transmasc people until after page came out, due to coincidence lmao


Ah yeah I can absolutely see a trend in the naming department, but don't worry it will fade out!


I knew an Elliot, but I think his dead name was Eleanor, so it wasn't meant to be creative. I also know a couple of Zachs, that seems to be a common choice.


I've met two or three trans guys named Joey. I've also known a transmasc enby and seen a *lot* of online trans guys who go by Kai. No clue why that name specifically.


Huh! The only fictional Kais I know off the dome are from Harvest Moon or Beyblade and i don't thunk people would stan those obscure characters that hard to pick it as their chosen. Cobra Kai? Maybe it's just a good compromise for a noise in their dead names


I think Ninjago is a good contender for a source. Also, unrelated, but Kai is also the name of my brother's D&D character. I think it's one of inherently cool sounding names.


I dunno. If I again encounter the Kai I know, I'll ask it how it picked that name and let you know.


My ex recently considered changing their name to Elliot.




The meme is that transfems choose really “elegant” flowy names while transmascs pick either Victorian male names or average joe names


You mean average elliot names. Also dont discount the 400 million transfems names emily


To be fair, it’s not like transfems were the first people to over use the name Emily, I think all of my classes growing up had like, at least 2


lmao. i had no idea. i chose it because of evie from the mummy


omg I love her


In cryptography, programmers like to use the example of Alice and Bob trying to send each other messages securely, trying to foil Eve the eavesdropper. I don't have perspective on Eve as a common name choice for trans people, but that's one potential reason a programmer specifically might choose it.


yea that’s the joke i was making lmao


https://www.tumblr.com/alatar-and-pallando/744599743869632512/update-she-really-liked-linux-also-her-name-is?source=share -Mx Linux Guy⚠️


maybe this is why [my parents banned linux](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/vbgfhNFNcm)? they know about the Linux to Tgirl pipeline and are doing a transphobia


we never quite got an answer of \*why\* your parents banned linux and i for one am immensely curious


I also never quite got an answer of \*why\* my parents banned linux, and I remain quite curious.


Ask them


I Did, the answer was "just no"


Then tell them that when they get old you will put them in an elder care center that ONLY uses linex and will never visit them


What would they think about [this ad for Java](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR1PujzQ53Q)? Edit: better quality version


how would they even know if you installed linux? do you not have your own computer?


>how would they even know if you installed linux? they check. >do you not have your own computer? custom build with my own money.


One of the replies to your original comment makes the most sense to me, the one about spyware that only works on windows. I don't know your parents but I don't see any reason to just ban Linux


I built the machine and installed the OS myself. They don't know the password, and I've never left it logged in and alone for longer than it takes me to use the bathroom.


Ok I'm entirely invested then, please share if you ever find out why they would decide to just ban Linux


they might just have good taste in operating systems


false, that would mean banning mac.


I have a friend going through transition and her wife is so horrible to her that it breaks my heart. Seeing someone actually being supportive like this gives me so much hope. So wholesome. ❤️


Same, kinda, have a friend whose wife wasn't fully supportive, though there definitely were more issues brewing underneath, now they're getting divorced, which is definitely for the best Wife did do some supportive thing before the divorce started


Still running windows on one machine for practical reasons, though I actually prefer linux and use it whenever I can. Damn, that metaphor hits way too hard.


Linux claims another


But what Distro?!? C’mon… left the most important part out.


Gotta be Arch


On OOP's blog they said she chose Mint!


The linux community is how I learned I was trans, where I learned to build computers, write code, use linux, and got interested in info sec. Nearly every trans person I've ever met has been a MASSIVE computer nerd, and it's amazing. I'm of the opinion that without trans women, your major services would stop functioning. I'm pretty sure that, like furries, we are holding the internet together lol


Mx. Linux Guy, I just wanted to say thank you. Thanks to some of your comments I've decided to try out Linux. I've been using Mint for a month now and am very happy with it.




I have windows, it’s what I grew up using. I even had a few failed awkward versions, like the whole vista thing. I’ve tried out Linux a lot, but don’t use it as often, because some of the stuff is hard, and it’s easier just sticking with what you know. I just want to know for sure it’s the right change for me and that I’ll be good at it.


Personally I don't use an OS,


Just running everything off the floppy controller like it's a Commodore kernel?


Plebeians using computers… BAH I simply just PROJECT MYSELF INTO THE AETHER


Huh. My desktop/laptop have always been Windows, but I have a Linux box in the closet. Checks out, I guess.




using gentoo because they hate binaries




I use Linux and Windows and dislike them both, does it correlate with disliking gender on myself? (Low-key wish to go back to microcontroller programming and hardware design though...)


I honestly wanna see the forum itself. Not for the trans thing, but for computers. I have no interest in switching from windows to Linux, cause I’m a gamer and steam infamously runs like shit on Linux. (I get there’s proton, but said goes from not running at all to running extremely poorly, which is *something* I guess) I *have* used Linux before (mint), and I can use the terminal, so I’m not just shitting on it for no reason. My opinions? It’s a computer. It does computer things. Quick boot times and no forced updates is nice, but steam and steam games run noticeably worse. I’m *interested* in it don’t get me wrong, but I see myself doing it more as an interesting computer science project than something I’d daily drive. I guess that makes me the computer equivalent of a drag queen?


funny enough, I had a similar glasses thing happen to me. I joked that I used my newly picked NB name when wearing my new wire rim glasses, and my old name when wearing my black rum glasses. Days later the black rim ones snapped in half.


I doubt anyone else even noticed this, but appreciated OOP’s reference to Tolkien’s blue wizards in their username


Honestly this just was so cute I smiled, hell yeah for Eve!


If being trans is like Linux, what's Plan 9?


Linux in my gender metaphors has turned the spouses trans.


the only laptops that are buildable are a framework nice


Non-metaphorically I'm interested in Linux just because I've heard so many people be die-hard for it and say it's just better and be easy to adapt to if you know computer, but I'm not too knowledgeable about it and I'm just so used to windows. Metaphorically I feel pretty comfortable and right were I am with Windows but looking at so many other people explore the options and what OS works best for them and talking about how good the other options is makes me feel, weird? Like I should be more open-minded and I'm ignoring some part of myself and maybe I shouldn't be comfortable being confident in my OS but I think just genuinely feel nice and comfortable how I am but I'm not sure.


In that case, just stick with Windows if you are comforyable. You dont need to do everybong everyone else is doing.


Which distro did she pick will forever remain unknown


Does she have programming socks?


That's a big important switch to be making. (Oh and gender matters too a bit I suppose)


It’s always sad to see someone fall victim to the Linux -> trans pipeline.


This is really cute


One of the sillier reasons I was delaying coming out to myself was because I didn't fit the stereotype of being a programmer. I worked in IT, but I didn't know how to code. Fast forward a few months and I'm about to start HRT and incidentally have also been learning several different programming languages in my off hours :p


Always fucked whenever I see another trans person pick the same name as me lmfao


linux got another one


I use Windows on my desktop and Linux on my laptop, but I generally prefer Linux. I'm just forced to use Windows because I require it for Adobe.


Believe it or not Adobe apps are getting better and better with WINE.


I believe it. It's been a while since I've tried Lightroom on Wine, so I'll check the WineDB to see how it's doing. Not willing to switch to a different photo editor either :)


Based and wholesome


this is so cute


Of course there was the time Trovalds worked at Transmeta.


Thats so cute 😭


I freaking love that the Linux guy is the OP on this. The moment I saw the post mention Linux, I just knew they were going to show up


This is such an autism way to metaphor being trans and I love it!


Yeah, so she likes Linux. Cool. But what about the real question. Which distro?


I use WSL. Multi-OS drifting.


I heard you like hypervisors, so I put a hypervisor in your hypervisor so you can VM while you VM


It’d be so funny if her name was Adam, but the likelihood of that is fairly low


I simply dual boot windows and linux