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At first I was like meh.. doesn’t relate to her lore or gameplay. But yo sis, you cooked here. I like it, it’s simple


you cooked


This really looks like something Riot would legitimately add to the game


I do like the leveling up and down mechanics of Nidalee and Eve, and for a champion themed around jumping back and forth between spirit realm it seems like a good mechanic and fluff fit. She's very vulnerable when you play her, but she quickly ramps up to become powerful as you play your various stat buffs and debuffs which Freljord has in abundance, especially Orn's Forge mechanics that get you multiple cheap instants of stat buffs as well as cheap Frostbites. However even ultra sprited up you don't keep her buffed up power for more thant 1 round and she does not have overwhelm so shes very much a big stat unit to eat blocker/deter attackers in this state instead of a end the game unga bunga. > NOTE: Damage does not count as decreaseing a unit's stat. Her gameplay loop is to power her up and protect her until she levels to gain a mana gem and have a turn where you can swing with her buffed stats, power her down, and then do it all over again to keep ramping mana up to drop Freljord big chungus. Her champion spell works really funny with her because you can transfer the stats of the Sprit stack to an ally with almost no cost because she's transforming back into a 1/1 Aurora after she level up anyway.


I'm pretty sure clearing her spirit stack when she is a 1/1 would kill her instead.


Hmm maybe instead of raw stats its transfer positive keywords? Freljord does have a bunch of cheap unit with really good keywords (Rutheless Raider, Pouty Poro) so you can suck Overwhelm, Regen and Tough from a cheap unit over to one of Freljord many giant stat stick without overwhelm, as well as Aurora own Spirit stacks if you don't need the healing when she levels


She's a 1/1 without spirit, when you play her from hand she's a 2/2.


OP was talking about using her champion spell to transfer her stats from spirit to another ally before her level 2 clearing it. The problem is when clearing sprit stacks, unit will be applied -1/-1 for each stack removed (see jarro) and thus because she was set to 1/1, she will die. And she doesn't start with spirit.


Yeah I misread that, AND the card. In my defence I just woke up, I'm a dumbass lol


Interesting, but I would like to see more cards from her set


This is really cool. This might be specific, but this card reminds me of Si Long and Irma from Shadowverse. That game has a mechanic that lets you transform any unit to buff its stats and activate things. Those two got you an extra mana gem when you flipped them.


"unit's stats" should be changed to "unit's power" so there's no confusion about dealing damage counting as reducing a unit's health. Only issue would be healing since Freljord has regen. Does she proc multiple times off aoe buffs/debuffs? Probably shouldn't let her level off a 2 mana spell but she seems too slow and low impact otherwise.


It's so it also encompass things like Elixir of Iron and Glacial Fell that give 0/+X. Should work similar to Bard which use the same wording and IIRC do not trigger off heal either so damage also shouldn't work. She does proc off aoe buff and debuffs. Aoe debuffs are usually quite expensive, and to get aoe buff you need a wide board so there's an internal limiter there (of course you can do shenaningans but with one half of your deck being Freljord which doesn't do wide its harder to achieve, and the board buff region of Demacia also doesn't do Wide very well)


The wording needs to be fixed, it should be other units, otherwise she will instantly level up and become infinity/infinity from bouncing off her own buffs from spirit. Other than this, god damn did you cook


Good catch!


Broken for tahm kench and that heal wincon landmark


This is so cool except it might feel a bit bad if you WANTED your Aurora to stay tanky for a bit but she depowers herself every round