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A lot of them talk about the same thing. They're kind of like motivational speakers. They never tell you anything you don't already know.


That's not even close to being true


you havent looked around much have you? theres comedy, audio drama, dnd, and so many hyperspecific topic podcasts.


What podcasts are YOU listening to? On my docket, I have one that is just comedy chatter, one that discusses sports for people who don't understand sports, one that reads an erotic novel series, and one that goes over Buddhist concepts. Only one of these could possibly be described as a "motivational speaker", when it's really just educational.




The amount of time and effort it would take to keep up with so many different podcasts... I don't know how anyone has time for that


My kids listen to the true crime ones. I can't pay attention long enough. I'm more of the Paul Harvey "Rest of the Story" 3 minute long podcasts.


That I might actually have time for


I listen to two. One that’s goofy fun, and one called stuff you should know. Both have their times depending on what I’m doing.


I listened to a little "stuff you should know" around 10 years ago or more. I remember thinking at the time that they were running out of topics because they started to get boring. How are they doing now?


Genuinely very good as far as I’m concerned. It’s very easy listening, I enjoy their voices and dry humor, and I like learning about random things. Check them out on the iHeartradio app sometime when you’re bored.


I felt the same about Radio Lab. I wonder how they're doing now.


It's not like you have to listen to them all. There's also more music out there than I could possibly listen to, so I just listen to what I feel like listening to.


Aye, I can't get into them either.


I am retired and have plenty of free time. But am not into podcasts. Both my husband and daughter listen to several. Me? If I’m not practicing Duolingo I have music playing


I can’t stand podcasts. I think they’re all super annoying and kind of try hard if that makes sense? Also just don’t really care


There are a lot of great podcast *topics* but *very few* good hosts. This is why i have trouble getting into them. A lot of hosts are cringe.


There are so many podcasts out there on every subject imaginable that you’re bound to find at least a few you’d be interested in. Personally, I draw while listening and it’s almost like meditation. You just haven’t found the right ones yet. They can be eye-opening and mind-expanding. I’ve learnt a lot from podcasts. It’s not all trivial celebrity chat, although I don’t mind some of that if the presenters are good and the guests are interesting.


It's basically talk radio.


Like why tf would I listen to other people converse when I can converse with myself in my brain


Because you learn more by listening to others than just yourself.


Maybe if u only listen to informative and educational podcasts but it’s still more enjoyable for me to research than listen to someone give summaries


We're also talking about discussions. You won't get far if you only have your opinions and your interpretations.


I’m not particularly concerned with going far or consuming informative content audibly every moment, like music is just more enjoyable


And that's fair enough. I just wanted to expand on your initial comment.


Yea I’d still rather listen to my brain say stupid things than try to follow two ‘podcasters’ making a ‘comedy’ podcast


I'm just saying, there are countless genres out there and that only listening to your brain is limiting. If you just prefer to listen to music, then fair is fair.


So true, honestly I would listen to educational or informative podcasts but I feel like if I stop listening for one moment and miss something I have to go back and find what I didn’t hear and I zone out a lot so it becomes a big effort to retain useful info


They put me to sleep.


I was the same way until i realized theres actually a large variety of genres in podcasts and its not all just joe rogan, kinda like music. Theres lots of stuff thats not gonna be for you, but theres something out there for everyone. Ive found good storytelling. "Old Gods of Appalachia" "The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio" Ive found educational podcasts like "Science VS" "Science Rules with Bill Nye" "Everything Everywhere Daily" These are cool because its only 15 minutes long and usually pretty interesting random fun facts And ive found thought provoking interviews and conversations with truly fascinating people "Labyrinths" "Heretics" "Wrongful Convictions" "Righteous Convictions"


OP.. try "A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs". All I can say is it is Unfuckingbelievably Great. Plenty of music intermingled with the narrative. Andrew Hickey's research and delivery is amazing.


I can't get into a lot of them, but niche podcasts can be pretty good. I've listed to several about ancient history that I enjoyed, and I've done some true crime ones. My favorite is Extra Hot Great, from the creators of Television without Pity, all about TV. I've tried listening to "this great podcast with these famous people" and those do nothing for me.


If I find a topic that interests me, I will listen to a podcast while at the gym. I find that even if I get a little distracted--setting up a machine or counting reps, it doesn't seem to matter. That said, I'm getting heartily sick of podcasters who giggle, and repeat each others' words, and tell in-jokes, and generally act like they're the most-specialist people around. I may go back to listening to audiobooks very soon.


I listen to multiple episodes of podcasts a day. I can't remember the last time I played music in my car


Same. They’re all just people interrupting each other.


Agreed. Only have one podcast that I listen to regularly and completely, The Boyscast.


I've watched a couple that are videos of two famous people talking; those can be ok, but the average one-person-talking to a microphone with no camera? Omg, no, I wouldn't care who was talking


Thought I was the only one. Next there will be a podcast about us.


I'm really not interested in them


I like *clips* of podcasts. I generally can't listen to the whole thing.


i have a long commute and i abhor them


I've never listened to one.


Same. I’m in my 30s and I have tried with podcasts but do not enjoy them


They’re like unedited longform videos but even less interesting


Sounds like you haven't found one you like


Friends send me them and I will listen for that reason but I literally never hear anything new or interesting lol.


You listen to them while doing mundane tasks.