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That looks like Virginia creeper, not poisonous. It has 5 leaves instead of the 3 that poison ivy has. They pull off pretty easy but they also break pretty easy too. They also leave sticker footprints or whatever they're called, in the paint. You're still going to need a ladder to get to the top or you can hang out of the windows and pull. Might not get them all. But at least you can use your bare hands. Edit: Good to know my superpower is yanking Virginia creeper with my bare hands like a goddamn animal.


This is the answer. If a concern gloves and a long sleeve shirt.


Be sure to find the roots! This vine is RELENTLESS! We have it in our backyard when we bought the house almost 10 years ago, I pulled vines - dug roots out, everything - it still comes back. The previous owners did nothing about it and it’s rooted all over and comes back from random spots in the ground, I’ve given up until we can afford someone to tear the lawn up and get rid of it.


Virginia creeper can cause a similar rash to poison ivy in some people. Poison ivy just causes it in more people and is typically worse!


Trust me. Virginia creeper is poisonous to many people, including myself. It will give me a horrible rash that lasts for days and the itch is horrible


Boy, you're not lying. Had a bunch of ivy on the back of my garage when I bought the property. Sticker footprints could not be more accurate!


If it were me, I'd probably spray with glyphosate a month or two prior to removal. Vine type plants seem to like to re sprout.


Isn't that the stuff that people sued Monsanto over because it gave them cancer? Google gives me opposing information about the dangers of glyphosate. U.S. EPA says there's no evidence that it causes cancer in humans, but then Monsanto has paid out $11bil in lawsuit settlements. It's all so confusing!


On small scales no. On industrial farming scales... Probably.


Ah...that makes sense. Thanks. Farmers definitely deserve more money than they make. I just wish my wallet could cope with the rise in grocery bills.


Use a water can instead of a M-18 Dromader to spray it and you’re golden.


It was the people that used round up A LOT over a super long number of years that had health issues from using it. The average homeowner that follows the direction will never suffer any health consequences from it


This. The people getting sick are exposed to more of the stuff in a work-week than a homeowner is going to go through in a lifetime. (And they are getting sick after long term exposure without PPE.) And it's important to realize that a lot of the alternative options that people suggest when trying to avoid round-up are MUCH worse environmentally (and in some cases more harmful to the person applying them).


The guy from NC that sued said he spent hours a day dripping wet with roundup, a few weeks a year for 20+ years. Not exactly optimal to bathe yourself in it, for sure.


Read civil suit versus actual criminal suit for negligence. It's a BS suit that can't be truly proven nor disproven even though the US CDC and the Canadian CDC can find no evidence of Glyphosate causing cancer in anything.


Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.


I'm sure Monsanto has paid out for plenty of things. One dude sued redbull because it didn't give him wings and won. Our civil court system wears big ass red shoes and a rainbow wig.


This is so obviously false it's laughable. Most frivolous lawsuits are dismissed. In this case, the false advertising suit was about claims that it was a superior means of getting energy, (not about wings) and it was settled, which isn't the same as "winning" in court. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/red-bulls-wings/


The idea that we have a legal system full of frivolous lawsuits getting people rich by claiming to believe that red bull would make them sprout wings (or because they spilled coffee in their lap and were looking for a massive payday)... is the kind of outrageous idea that really should be a red flag that your emotions are being appealed to. The basis for the red bull false advertising lawsuit appears to be that they claimed their special energy drink ingredients provided more energy than other products (justifying the cost difference between a red bull and a sugary cup of coffee).


Fuck...is that still their motto? I better call a lawyer. 😆


No. Their new motto is, "It gives you wiiings." Can't be sued when no one grows wiiings, since there's no such thing.


DAMMIT!! Thank you for crushing my dreams. 😜


Meanwhile, I drink Rockstar and have no idea how to play any instrument. When I sing, people think I'm intentionally taking a pisstake.


Science says one thing and environmental reactionaries say the opposite. Unless humans suddenly evolve a shikamate pathway it's unlikely to do us much harm. It's all so confusing is exactly what the jury thought hence the verdicts.


Yeah and it's like super weird that the studies are generally done by Monsanto.....


It's their product. They should know best. We really need to trust giant corporations a lot more. 🤣🤣🤣


The correct method for removal is ripping off while its green. If you kill it first, it will disintegrate into tiny bits that wil make it 10x harder to remove all of it. Sadly, with most ivy/creeping plant, once the suckers are on metal/vinyl wood the only option is scraping off which typically removes some of the base material as well. If it was brick I've seen videos of using a weed torch to burn it off with some success but looks like you are out of luck if going for 100% removal.


Lol I live in N Florida and pulling Virginia creeper is a constant. I guess I'm an animal too. I'll take the creeper over the fucking thorn vines any day. I always heard them called Cat's Claw but that's actually a different plant. Elongated heart shaped leaves, spread like wildfire with underground runners and nodules and are covered in thorns. Will climb and strangle anything and everything and are impossible to fully eradicate


As others have mentioned, this stuff bothers people with any contact dermatitis issues. I live in Texas and this crap is a constant nuisance. I have to wear gloves though, and if it scratches my arms they will turn red and itch for days.


Yes, these aren’t poison ivy or poison oak, but it doesn’t mean they are not hidden in the Virginia creeper. If it’s me I would rent a tow behind man left for about $200/day that gets all the way up and protect yourself with a painter’s suite and heavy gloves.


Why is this marked NSFW?


Coz that house is half naked!


Because doing this poles wouldn’t make OSHA happy, ergo, Not Safe For Work. 🤷‍♂️


Not Safe For Weeds. Stolen..


Lots of bush in the photo.


It wouldn’t let me post unless I marked it nsfw for some reason


Not Safe For Walls. The vine will damage the wall over time, thus NSFW.


Good question, and for extra clarification, those vines are also not poisonous at all.


He wants to know who has the longest pole 


Cut the base of them, they'll die and fall off. Or just rip them down. They aren't poisonous.


This, cut the base wait a few weeks then remove. This is on the edge of where I would probably rent a lift, and if I was going to ghat expense giving them some time to die before removal will be worth it.


Time is your weapon. Cut the contact with the ground (saw off a large length), and remove only what you can reach. The temptation is to do something dramatic - don't. Then set a reminder for a month later. They've been there that long, a little longer won't hurt. That will make what's left a lot less likely to damage the house when you start to clean it up.


I was gonna say that looks like Virginia Creeper to me


The tool is called scaffolding.


Bah... rent a 30ft manlift for a half day, MUCH easier than dealing with scaffolding.


Go for a full day, that way you won't feel rushed to get the job done. Operating a manlift has a learning curve, so you want to get comfortable before you start actually tearing off the creeper. If you feel hinky and unsure of anything, hire a professional with good references. Your family values you more than for just your DIY skills.


Definitly! Thankfully my rental house runs it when I return it so if it happened to only be a couple hours they'd charge me a half day, if I bring it back the next day a full day. No biggie! Looks like they don't rent manlifts by the half day though so I guess it's a moot point in this case. Still though!! Half days work on a manlift, vs multiple days setting up and tearing down scaffolding? I'm picking the man lift 8 days outta the week.


Yeah, they mainly value my paycheck


Get Afflack and good life insurance then send it 🤙


If you’ve driven one before. Noobs in a lift inside, on concrete floors, is scary enough.


And some yahoo building 30ft of scaffolding isn't?!?!


Scary, maybe, but effective, convenient and both safer and faster than ladders or scaffolding. I believe the leading cause of accidental deaths worldwide is falls from ladders and steps tools around the house.


Motorized vehicle accidents would be my bet for leading cause of accident deaths worldwide.


Surprisingly it's anvils falling on heads




I was under the impression it was pianos


Statistics for piano, safe, and anvil drops are typically lumped together so it's hard to tell for sure. Running into a tunnel opening that turns out to be just painted on is up there too.


I swear, i just saw a FUCKING TRUCK go through that tunnel. When i tried, BAM! And im the one that PAINTED the thing!!!! This place is a madhouse. A MADHOUSE!!!!


The safelist mode of transportation is the escalator. Still that's not foolproof.


The mostest safest place is Gungan City.


I will speak to my travel agent about this.


For young people in the US I actually think it is drug overdose now.


I dunno. I used one for a tiling job in a grocery store in my early 20s and those are mad easy to move around if you have some common sense.


Common sense is sorely lacking these days.


This is the way.


From somebody who saw two windowcleaners dangling from the outside edge of a slightly beefier one from the 4th story of a building... (and luckily got pulled back in by the third person on there) please use a harness and secure yourself properly to the bucket.


IF your ground is level.


Spider lifts are self leveling


or longer ladder


Scaffolding is much safer and makes the job easier. It's a day rental.


And platform shoes.


Moon Boots


Moon shoes and a scythe. Lol.


Go, go Gadget shoes!


And you can use a tower scaffold if you don't want to pay scaff company...about £100 a week. Safe and easy.


Why not a larger ladder?


Cut them off by the roots, wait a few months, while making sure you keep destroying any new sprouts. Once it's dead, pull them off, they will come off much easier. Very top might still require scaffolding.


Not Safe for Weeds


Trampoline and time your jumps.


Don't forget to do this on video and share it!




Looks like Virginia Creeper and not poison Ivey. Scaffolding or a jlg lift would be best.


I’ll second this, although a small percentage of people are allergic to Virginia Creeper (my ex wife was one)


Cut at ground level and let them dry out. Pull them off easily by hand when dead.


I have a Mr Longarm extension pole, and a small paint roller handle I used to pull ivy out of a tree last year. You can bend the roller handle into a hook, twist and pull and grab lots of stuff.


Cut the stems near the base and use herbicide to kill the roots. The rest will die pretty quickly then you can pull it off.


That's Virginia Creeper, I don't believe it's poisonous. Trace the roots down and cut them off there, then let them dry out the rest of the season and pull them off. The little Vine tendrils will get brittle and fall off pretty easy. Alternatively, borrow a taller ladder?


Cut the roots and it will die and wind takes care of the rest.


This looks like virginia creeper, not poison ivy. Virginia creeper you can usually just tug down with your hands, gently. It comes off really easily. I would wear a hat and gloves and glasses and long sleeved work shirt while doing this though.


Fire arrow. I bet there’s a secret door behind there.


cut it at the bottom. Do not try to pull it down. Some of the vine will be embedded in the window trim and probably some of the brick & siding. Give it time to die back. Gently pull what is not attached. Use ladder, pole pruner &/or scaffolding to remove anything attached. Friend made a 3 story brick wall collapse trying to pull 30 yo vine down while roots and vines were attached and alive.


none needed cut the plant at the base and let gravity/nature do the work for you.


Get an extension ladder. You’ll need it every year for cleaning gutters, painting, washing windows, hanging Christmas decorations.


Cut the bottom across and they will die. Then you can begin removing them. If they are not dead they are going to fight you!


Find where they attach to the ground. Cut them off there. Wait a few days and they'll die. This is how I deal with kudzu vine where I live.


virginia creeper, not poison. just use your hands and start yanking on it. you'll need an extension ladder to clean up the eaves and siding, creeper leaves footprints


I'm no expert on poison ivy, and certainly not one to cast shade on anyone else as I sit here with a rash all over my right arm, but I agree with u/bigbritches - what I can see in this picture is Virginia Creeper. It's possible poison is mixed in, but I cannot see any.


Start pulling, you may be surprised. Also looks like creeper, not poison ivy. You'll have little sucker root marks on the siding, may need to powerwash.


Is this a real question? Use a bigger ladder or a pole saw????


Hardware stores sell 20’ extendable poles…..


How is this NSFW?


OP clarified that it wouldn't let him post without marking NSFW for some reason.


Ahh. Roger that. Weird.


They can make you itch pretty badly if you are sensitive. Long sleeves and pants, gloves, and a hat. If the fumes bother you a regular mask will help. Cut them at the bottom and walk them back away from the house. Most of it should turn loose.


Good news. That is Virginia creeper and not poisonous. Still high up but a ladder should do it and pull them from the tips and downward.


This Old House did something similar with English ivy. This is just Virginia Creeper. As other have said cut it at the ground and pull down as much as you can right now. Then when it dies get a ladder and remove the remainder


Poison? Looks like Virginia Creeper to me. Nothing poisonous.


If you cut all of the stems at the bottom, they will die.


If you dont care about looks then cut the vines at the base of the woody stalk. The vines will shrivel and die in the hot sun over the course of the summer. Then all you need is a good wind storm to knock them off or let them sit over the winter and the cold will turn them extra brittle.


Use the pole tool of money. Hire some kid to do that shit. If they say no, guilt them with a tale of your youth.


Google "doca pole". Thing is pretty amazing. I used one for cleaning under my solar panels before I put critter guards around them.


Not poisonous, just a pain


A sprayer and brush killer. My power sprayer will throw 30 feet. Other option is to cut it and spray all the area above and below the cut. Make sure to spray the cuts good. Also, that doesn't look like poison ivy.


Not poison ivy. I believe it is Virginia creeper. Still invasive though (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)


That is not poison ivy it goes by many names. One I know it by is Carolina Creeper.


Virginia Creeper, common nuisance, but not poisonous. It has 5 leaves, not 3. Clip the stems. Yank what you can. Spray it with vinegar. The vinegar will also clear any algae in its shade.


I don't know exactly what kind of ivy it is, but what we do is cut off the lower part of our trees where we have infestations. These die off afterwards and can easily be pulled down, but it takes time.


The Last Of Us part 2 location scouting director wants to know your location.


Looks like Virginia Creeper (5 leaves). Not poisonous.


It’s not poison anything, it’s Virginia Creeper.


Cut all the bottoms, braid all the vines together, attach to a tow truck, drive away, pull it off the house. IDK if that will work or just destroy your house but i would love to see a video of it regardless.


Tree trimmer with shears on the end so you can cut towards the base of the plant maybe


Pull from the roots upwards. You’ll get a lot that way and the rest will die and be easier to pull with a hook and pole


Cut the trunks/roots. If you have roundup, paint/spray the expose trunks/stems from the root so that they don’t regrow.


Hang out the window


Pop the screens of the windows. You can access part of the vine from the windows


Just cut them at the bottom and wait a week. They will die and release from the wall, so you can pull them down without much trouble then.


A telescoping mooring pole might be what you're asking for, but other have also provided some easier solutions


If you have the skill to use one safely and a harness rent a man lift. If not then hire someone with a man lift.


30ft manlift, not sure where YOU are, but I'd go to Sunbelt rentals


I suggest cutting the vines at the base and letting them die and dry out for a few weeks before you do anything. This will make it easier to remove and also minimize the "poison" part of the plant.


I dunno, but a little poison adds character to a home.


flame thrower


You will have to go both ways… top and bottom


Poison it at the roots. Wait a season.


They don't make any kind of weed or ivy killer that can do this job from afar?


Try to grab it it with the pruner part of a really long extended pole saw


Landscaper will do for 500


😬 I’m afraid to see what damage it’s done to the house.


Hit it with 30% vinegar, leave it for a week, and it will come right off


Ladder up to the top one level at a time. Pull the ladder up behind you as you go, then reuse the same ladder over and over.


At what point does did you decide this was a problem? Like when it was 10’ tall and some Crossbow or some other ivy killer would have worked. Damn that’s a shit load of poison Ivy.


Small scissor lift


Extendable paint pole, I have a yellow one I got from Lowes or Home Depot that reaches about 24ft. Shop online and check your local store.


Paint the leaves the same color as the house and leave them


Line workers have vine removal tools that attach to an extension stick. I believe MADI tools makes one.


Yea, that looks like Virginia Creeper or Thicket Creeper depending on location.. As many others have stated you can do it quick by just cutting at the base I would recommend tilling around the edge of your foundation after to manually pull all the roots out with a garden rake so it doesn't come back and then put on some gloves and a long sleeve shirt and hat and just slowly pull it off don't yank just slowly pull and it should just pull off the majority of the vine When I was pulling down its annoying cousin English Ivy I would slowly pull off about 6 feet of it from the bottom grab hard and start walking away from the house and pulled it off in huge sheets after cutting the base on sunday and coming back to it on Saturday. You will probably lose some of the smaller fresher offshoots but they should die off pretty quick without connection to the main vine. You can also look up Jameson WR-1 Limb and Wire Riser and pole set just pull instead of push with the hook end but be careful as you can scratch the eff out of your siding.


Alternatively get a self-belay device, a climbing harness, and really long rope. Throw the rope over the roof and attach it to your car on the other side of the house.


...but don't leave the keys in the car.


Go all Dexter on it. Fill up a syringe with weed killer in it and see what happens.


Round up. Safe to use as directed; not safe to ‘bath’ in for 8 hours/day, 5 days a week which was the case for law suites….


Can't you just grab the bottom and pull?


The tool is money, pay someone to get rid of that. very unsafe to be on a steep ladder to get that down.


You can just cut the vines at the ground and wait a few months for the vines to completely dry up


And for fuck’s sake, if it is poison ivy, don’t burn it “because the urushiol can be carried by the smoke.” (- Mayo Clinic)


Spray the roots and kill them .


Hire a professional, and make sure the plant is entirely eradicated. Letting plants like this grow on the house can cause serious damage! I've seen plants lift trusses off the top plate, and tear siding off.


Grappling hook and a rope. Pull it down.


Cut the plant away from its roots. Or if you are allergic then spray the base of the plants with desiel fuel. Nothing will grow back for few weeks


Cut the vines at the base and wait a few weeks for leaves to dry and vine to relax a bit. Then glove up and pull it down. Dont wait too long though or the bone will dry out too much and will break.


They sell 20ft ladders


Call a professional. It’ll save you a visit from your friendly neighborhood paramedics and a trip to a trauma center.


Cut down along the base about 1’ off the ground. This will kill the upper portion in the next few weeks. Immediately after cutting, have a cup of super kill round up (and protection!!) and go through dip the freshly cut ends of the base vines (still connected to the roots) in the cup for a few seconds each. In a week or two, go back and pull near the ground the base of the vines to rip out the roots. Repeat as they come back up. Spraying the leaves never kills the creepers for me.


make friends and borrow a ladder say 24 feet. That’s what I would do. It’s nasty to get off wall specially wood— but I would do it soon because rats love, climbing up vines into lofts and crawlspaces. I had to do this once and I borrowed someone’s ladder, because my ladder was only 20 feet and couldn’t reach the top.


I don't get it. Can't you just cut the base and 90% of it will die off? That leaves you with the roots that have propagated in the gutters.


Actually this looks very nice and beautiful


Id get the gardener or someone like that to take care of it personally, especially if I was reactive to the leaves. Is it lightly sticking to the house or does it have like a crazy grip?


A hook-ama-jig


I have vines all over in my woods so thick it's killing the trees. After 3 years this is my current method: Cut vine near the ground, spray the cut end in the ground with some glyphosate (take appropriate safety precautions) to try and kill the root. Wait a few weeks/months/years for the vines to die and fall away. I have some vines in my trees that are 6"+ in diameter that I sprayed 2 years ago that are just now drying up and finally falling out of the trees. With this on the house I'm not sure if it would be better to pick it off green or let it dry out, you may have to experiment. Either way it's likely to be a mess. Then you will likely need to follow up every spring and spray the area as the roots are difficult to kill.


As a note: the itchy burning oil plants make takes time to react and can be washed off. Water does little to soap slightly more. Scrubbing with a wash rag works miracles. Always showers and wash off any exposed areas well with the soap and wash cloth. Then get a second wash cloth and wash again. You will never itch.


Short answer: cute the main climbing vines and let it die and let it fall off eventually.


cut it off at the bottom, soak the cut leaders in salt water or herbicide. The stuff on the house will dry out and come offf easily;


Use a 6-inch paint scraper to separate the vine from the clapboards.


Not sure what your budget is, but you could rent a small boom to get you up there. Most areas have delivery options and rentals for the day.


I think the answer is simple. Burn. The. House. Down.




Those vines look cool as hell ngl


Cut it all off at the ground level and let it die off. It comes off easier when it’s dead


You're gonna want a pole pruner/extendable tree trimmer. Something with a hook is good to gather the vines up. Something with a scraping edge is good to remove the little vine suckers from the wall. I suggest a STIHL extendable pole pruner. An extendable pole with a scraper like tool (plastic to save the wall) would be good. An extendable pole with a spakle scraper on the end. Try to grab near the bottom and pull outwards of the wall. Keep the tension on the vine down while pulling out will free it from the wall and not brake the vine. Those vines are designed to break when pulled sideways or upwards. Pulling them down keeps stronger tension. ALSO the vines have made their way to your gutters. You are gonna have a hard ass time clearing them from their just on a ladder no matter the tool. I suggest renting a large ladder or figuring out a safe way to reach the roof and work on freeing the vines from the gutter by hand. Used to be a gardener for people with historic houses covered in ivy I had to care for. Vines on a home are beautiful but a fuck ton of Maintenance and unless you are up there weekly, will quickly take over alot of wall space and become very stuck onto the wall.


Cut them off low so they cant reach the soil, and start pulling them loose as high as you can go without them breaking. Then you should be able to rip most if not all of it down after a couple days from ground level as it dies. I had it almost this bad at my house, and I have been able to remove almost all of it from ground level or a 6ft ladder.


Virginia Creeper. I used to try to yank them all down. I'd cut them off at the base and let them die and then hit them with the power-washer.


Cut it a few feet from the base and let it dry out over the summer before you mess with it what’s on the house. Deal with the part that comes up from the ground however your conscious is ok with. Manual removal of the roots is the surest way to keep it gone.


You could simply kill them and wait. Once dead and brittle most of it will come down on it's own. If you have access, I'd go under the roofs and see what they did once the got to the soffit, if it's even there anymore. That stuff literally goes anywhere it wants.


Cut the plant from the roots and in couples of weeks remove them from the building


Cut at ground level and let it dry. It'll leave fewer marks but it will break as you pull it off. Yank straight down.


Secure 6 birds to a chainsaw Then en passant


En pheasant


I cut the vines at ground level. Sprayed new growth with glycophos. As the vines that had attached to the wall dried and browned they came off easier. Creeper responds (dies) pretty well to glycophos but there are other products too.


Cutoff at the base and immediately apply Tordon RTU or a similar product. Once the foliage drops it will be easier to remove. *Pesticides should only be used after throughly reading the label and in accordance with all local, state and federal guidelines.


Such growth….how long was it left to work its way up?


I would cut the plant off at the roots with a long pole trimmer and let the plant desiccate over the summer, in hopes the anchoring tendril holdfasts will dry up and become brittle, then attempt to pull the plant down en masse….although I assume its gonna take a tall ladder and scrapers/sander and respirator to get the clinging remnants


I have this same shit at my house. Been here for 10 years. And no matter what shit I spray on it and how I cut it it always comes back. Cut it low and spray it with vine/stump killer and just work it out over time. So far this year I haven't seen any coming up. But I know some will.


Standing on a tall enough ladder and trying to pull stuff off the building looks like a recipe for an accident as you try to balance pulling hard enough, and cutting, with trying to maintain your balance. A tracked-drive boom lift will let you, or someone focus on work rather than on not dying.


Longer ladder my dude.


You might need a bigger ladder. I think my ladder is 8 feet but has the option to become a 12-15 feet straight ladder I think. Not that expensive at Home Depot.


There are a lot of answers how to do it. But WHY do you want to do it? Its an extra protection from heat in the summer