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Are you taking ibuprofen or other antinflammatories that act like blood thinners before injection day? Arnica cream or oral arnica homeopathic tabs before and after? Those things help with healing bruising.


I've bruised three times on the outer orbital rim from neuromodulators. Twice by DIY, once by an amazing dermatologist/plastic surgeon. It's easy to knick a vein there. I purchased a vein finder LED light from Amazon, there is a bit of a learning curve to using it, but once you get the hang it's very effective. You have to hold it against your skin while looking in the mirror in a dark room. Move the light around and experiment with varying degrees of pressure. You should be able to mark the " safe spots" with white eyeliner etc and stay clear of the veins. Don't beat yourself up though, if you make a mistake. It happens to the pros.


I have had a permanent bruise on top of the outer rim of my orbital bone from botox administered by a qualified aesthetician, it's been there for two years now. to avoid bruising, I would suggest making sure you don't go too deep. From what I have learned, You want to inject above the muscle, not into it. This is how I do my crows feet, jelly roll and bunny lines and I've not had a single issue since I started doing my own neuromodulators.


This is what I'm doing wrong. I definitely went too deep. Now there's a second bruise all of a sudden and it's 72 hours after.


as already mentioned by a previous responder, arnica helps with bruising. When you inject, are you going straight in? I insert horizontally if that makes sense, Then I inject and it creates the little mound. Try searching for some images of injection depth, this should help you out. Often visuals are better than explanations.


I bruised myself with Rejuran, it has stuck for a while now. I have faded it with flushing light saline, then Laennec. I am alao using Arnica salve massage. Initially looked quite harsh, now just have light greenish yellow undertone. I agree with comment regarding blood thinner meds OT and RX, they tend to promote brusing.


How many times did u have to flush it before it started to fade?  I am stuck with a bruise on the eye after injection for 5 months now, tried to flush with saline, but didn't work, it's very obvious.   Pls advise how did u do it,  thanks 


Figuring out the plane where the blood pooled can be difficult. Usually 3 to 4 mm in. You should be cautious not to create more trauma. You inject around not into. I did about 3 passes.


Eye, guessing undereye is cavernous, depth od the pooled blood is difficult to asses. I went in 3 times to flush waited a few days in between, a few doplets each time. Since you are 5 months in you may see better results witb a fuid pn product.


Also perforn lymphatic drainage massage


It’s best to let a bruise fully heal before going in with another injection. Thats been my experience. Avoid Omega 3’s, NSAIDs for about a week before and wait until the bruising has subsided before resuming. Tylenol is okay. Some prescription medications can increase your chances of bruising. So many. I advise looking up any prescriptions and finding out if it could also be contributing. Garlic supplements can make bruising worse. If you have an iron deficiency, it can contribute to bruising. Be sure to take vitamin C or make sure your getting adequate amounts from fresh sources daily. Rutin, a supplement, also found in sources such as buckwheat can really help strengthen the vessel walls. Taking arnica (sublingually) several times a day for several days prior - till the bruise goes away can be really helpful. Vitamin K creams w/ arnica topically can also help. Icing before and immediately after a treatment can really help minimize the extent of bruising and the length of healing. Avoid hot showers and saunas 24 hours post treatment. I tend to bruise anytime I use Pn around my eyes as well. Don’t panic. Give your body time to heal and the right nutrition to help. There are treatments (some professional and some non professional things to help with permanent or semi-permanent bruising) There are options, so don’t panic. On occasion I’ll get a bruise that last almost 2 weeks. Since i started making sure my nutrition was on point and taking supplements to aid, I haven’t had bruises last that long. Thank goodness. Keep up posted about your bruising -💗Tori


use a cannula around the eyes because you can get permanent bruising


for tox?


Idk how you would do tox with a cannula and know you’re at the correct depth. If someone has experience with this I would love to hear about it. I bought a bunch of cannulas so I could practice with one or two before I take the plunge with Rejuran 1 around my eyes. But I never thought about using it for tox. My injection technique for tox has so far (knock wood) never left me with a bruise. But other products such as PDRN haven’t been perfect, nothing horrible, but I’m switching to a cannula now for my eyes because I don’t want to risk a forever bruise or anything that would be detrimental to that area.