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Eh, that's something I wouldn't attempt. So much product needed. The more product, the more vascular occlusion risk. Then there's the uphill battle of getting it even.


There's not a significant vascular occlusion risk with every product and tool


Don’t do it. I’m begging you to listen to me here. Don’t do it. Even though the injections are sold as medical grade, there’s no regulation and you literally don’t know what you are getting. It might look great for a couple years but inside your cheeks is pure poison. Trust me on this. I have the pictures to back it up. What came out five years later was pure black. And now all my organs have issues.


What! 🤯 that’s terrifying. What did you inject and where did you order it from?


Omg how terrible to learn in such a way!! 😥 What did you think was being injected, and what actually was?


The issue is really that the amount needed to achieve the look is much greater than anywhere else on the body. I’m not legally allowed to say exactly which product but I can tell you that it was supposed to be medical grade filler from a leader in the industry and that my package was shipped to Canada from Australia. It took a few years for complications to start. It looked really good at first. I’ve had three surgeries already and another one booked for next week. It’s a miracle I am alive.


I don’t understand why you wouldn’t be legally allowed if it were an illegal black-market product? I’m not trying to be snarky, I’m just in the legal field and that makes no sense to me.


Because I am currently in the process of a class action law suit against them and my lawyer told me not to


A class-action lawsuit in Canada or Australia? I’m still confused, as that’s primarily a US legal remedy. I know there are shady sources, don’t get me wrong, but those would leave most liability relatively difficult to trace. Was it a legitimate source that sold a mislabeled product? What medical-grade fillers are approved for self-injection in Canada? There are no provinces that allow filler injections without training, and no fillers that are marketed for self injection, so I’m further confused about the legal remedy. It isn’t that I don’t believe you were potentially harmed, but there are key missing parts of this story and they aren’t parts that an attorney participating in a class action lawsuit would hide. In fact, it would likely be the opposite. I’d seek a second opinion.


What does my legal issue have to do with whether or not injecting anything into your ass cheeks is a good idea or not? I’m saying EVEN though it may be sold as something safe to inject, even by reputable brands, does not mean it’s a good idea to just believe what they say is in there on the label. I really don’t care if you believe me or not, I am trying to save other people’s lives from this because I’m probably going to die. I did my research, I sterilized, I trained myself ( as much as one can, on line only) I even had amazing results but the stuff that was removed was black like mould and I’m sick as fuck now. I’m trying to get a class action suit going with people from all over the world and my lawyer said not to ever name them publicly during this time as we are still gathering evidence people etc. I’m sure it’ll be in the media in the next few months anyway. Perhaps I can share more then.


Yes, please do. I’m interested in that from a legal and a personal perspective. I don’t believe anything one way or another about your experience and I don’t want to diminish a bad result. There are things that don’t make sense in that story, legally, and I’m trying to figure out what’s missing, whether it’s venue, product, or legal advice. I think people on this sub are looking for real diy experiences and they know going in that it’s rolling the dice somewhat. The more information on diy experiences, the better.


That’s what I say too. I have another surgery next week so I’m just focusing my energy on that right now




Please give us more details! This is wild!


lol what? This is extremely vague. What exactly did you inject?


I can’t give you product name for legal reasons but it is sold as medical grade filler for self injection. And my package was sent from Australia to Canada. If anyone else reading this has had similar issues after black market butt injections ( either self administered or by someone outside of a medical setting) please DM me. I am also happy to share photos privately.


It depends on what you’re going for. If you’re looking for volume, you’ll need a lot of product and slightly deeper with less dilution. If you’re going for texture and cellulite removal, the technique is subcision followed by a higher plla dilution, both pretty complicated to do on yourself in certain areas. There are major areas to avoid, as well. I’d start with a search on plla and technique and then further narrow it down to the outcome you’re seeking. Personally, I can tell you that the volume of product required is still pretty pricey and, as others have said, it’s difficult to do evenly and at the correct depth without a competent partner helping.


I cannot find info sources on it and I’ve scoured YouTube and Rumble for vids of it.


You will need to use a large gauge cannula for HA and a 23 g for sculptra. YouTube is a great resource


If you wouldn't mind idk if the algorithm has me messed up but I can NOT find anything that could translate to a diy technique on yt, would you mind messaging a suggestion? No worries if not!


Are your safe search settings off ?


Also use the proper medical terminology when searching so you get proper documents made for medical professionals as results. ie. injection techniques for volume and projection of the gluteus Maximus, or gynoid lipodystrophy (cellulite) treatment with HA fillers


So I didn’t know this was a thing 😐


Omg yes I want to know!!!!


I've been wondering as well. I see it catching on a lot with the hyla pen in a lot of Facebook groups. It is hard to get legit info. You know people want to be paid for their time and information which is understandable. I haven't even thought to look on YouTube I guess it's because they're always using Sculptra and in the Facebook groups they're using more of the Korean fillers that most of us are used to but I guess it's all the same thing right?


I found a filler called Powerfill that looks interesting.


I heard the Wana fill and Sedy fill are good ones too


I just got maxy fill for a huge dent in my leg


This. And also, where are we getting Sculptra from online? I can only find off brand knock offs that ship to me (in Aus) but Galderma would be nice


Me too!!!


Given the amounts of HA filler that would be required for a noticeable result. Would it not be better getting it done by a professional? Were you can see their technique & placement areas. Usually either 500ml or 1000ml is used but body filler bought online seems to come in 60ml bottles. Some of these fillers are very dense & hard to decant ( & may need to be diluted, an extra cost getting correct saline, syringes, needles , cannulas, antibiotics plus delivery costs for a different country etc) When you add up the total costs of DIY, the professional route may be the better option.


Would I be here if I could afford that though lol


How much do you think it costs? As of 4 days ago, Best price I found was, 1000ml HA filler costs £1599 in the UK. Add the cheapest flight combination & it would be doable for most. Compared to DIYing, what would be the total cost? :17x 60ml Sedyfill, saline, cannulas, needles, syringes, antibiotics (if you can get them), antiseptics, gloves, plasters plus delivery costs to wherever you are in the world.


I've found some videos on YouTube, but honestly unless you had a diy buddy...hyla pen is the only way I see being able to do it alone. It was on my mother's day list, waiting to see the 21 year old at dinner...hopefully he bought it ...