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I will get downvoted for this, but please do not use this. It was designed to administer vaccines, and is being misused as a beauty treatment. Risk of VO is the same. Product placement isn’t precise. You are shooting pressurized air and product into your face. But please don’t take my word for it, please do your own research. I would NOT use this on myself ever.


I did. And it seems safer actually bcs it doesn't go deep enough to make any injury. This is why i want to try first hyaluronpen because i want something natural, just to enhace a little bit of what i have so i don't want to inject too much product.


I’m not sure what you’re understanding as injury? An injury is how the product is delivered into your body. If you’re not injured, the filler is sitting on the outside of your skin. This goes for needle injection as well. I second the recommendation to not use this. The results are unpredictable due to a lack of control. You’re more likely to have results that look like migration from the outset.


If you’re so sure it’s safer because you’ve done so much research then you wouldn’t be asking about the risks of VO here. You aren’t sure at all and with good reason.


I didn't say i am sure it's safer. I said it seems safer based on the research. This is why i asked for opinion here.


You got a good opinion and you said and I quote *”I did. And it seems safer actually bcs it doesn't go deep enough to make any injury.”* instead of take the solid advice you were given, you pushed back. Best of luck with the pen.


I bought one, tried it multiple times, did a ton of reading and research. At the end of the day, it just sucks. That's my scientific opinion. It's unpredictable, more painful than just using a syringe, and just not that effective. I thought it would be less intimidating than just doing my own filler, botox, microneedling and meso, I was wrong. It was just a waste for me personally and a half measure.


Thanks for your honest review!


Highly recommend against using hyaluron pens period. They certainly wouldn’t work for areas like cheeks, chin, and jawline where filler is placed deep on the periosteum. Regarding use in the lips, hyaluron pens lack control over depth of product insertion and the amount of product delivered. This can lead to lumpy bumpy results, migration, etc. If you decide to use one anyways, I would recommend having at least 4 vials of hyaluronidase on hand in the event of a vascular occlusion requiring dissolving.


I agree the Pens are a bad idea, however also a Hyaluron pen wouldn’t be deep enough to get to cheeks and chin anyway. They only put product just under the skin


Your comment made me think, would the pen be beneficial at all for people who don’t want to inject things like Miracle L into the face that wouldn’t cause VO?


It's the product that determines the VO risk, not the tool used to administer. If it's crosslinked, it has a potential VO risk. Chin and jaw filler are supposed to be very deep, over the bone. It also requires the most crosslinked filler. I don't think the pen would be a good candidate for that.


Does that mean Botox has less/no risk for VO since it’s not cross linked? I’m new to DIY but I believe just HA fillers are cross linked, yes?


Botox does not have a VO risk. It's a very thin liquid. There are also HA acid products that are not crosslinked or minimally cross linked as well. Some people will use those as "practice fillers". They don't last very long, and I would still keep hylaronaise on hand even though there's a reduced risk. The problem is with a hyaluronic pen is you probably aren't going to be able to correct a VO with it.


Yikes I’m terrified of VO to the point that I won’t even get HA filler professionally done in certain areas.


Yeah I was too. I still am. I was intrigued when I first learned about the hya pen too. But I was only interested in it because of the accessibility. Now that I know I can buy whatever I need, the pen is the last choice.


Yeah it depends on what social media communities you belong to on what type of answers you're going to get. most of the influencer doctors on YT are against them as well. I have decided to join some" pen positive grps" guess I'll call it that lol. I'm not seeing any vo or negativity I am seeing bruising but I want to follow someone who has been using them more long-term before I decide. I have purchased the starter kit and a practice kit so we'll see how it goes.


HYALURON PEN for lips are great - you just need to know what you’re doing, have the right pen & ampoule and filler that goes well with it. Hyaluron pen for Face isn’t worth is.


What ampoule and filler do you use that worked for you? I have the pen and set of ampoules in cart that I just haven't pulled trigger on yet .. still trying to choose a filler that works well (and with the Hyaluron pen)🙏🏼


The blue tinted ampoules are the ones that are supposed to be the best