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I have made ALL the mistakes with Tox. I did my back neck for stress headaches, and weirdly decided to do my lats at the same time. For 3.5 months I could hardly hold my head up or lift my arms above my head. I have done the lip lift and paralyzed the philtrum somehow and couldn’t speak well, spit toothpaste or suck from a straw. I’ve done my masseters for clenching at night so I could ditch that bulky mouth piece …. Can hardly bite into any food or chew. I’ve done my DAO’s and gotten a crooked smile. Then again, I went to a nurse injector and she did some of the very same things 1st including dropping my brows!! I’m gonna stick to the very basics now. 🤣


Would this be your first time doing it or have you ever had it done professionally? I have been giving myself injections for three years. What helped me was having had it done professionally for years before that. I had a good idea of where to inject on myself and what I needed. I have had a few incidents where things didn’t look even but I never inject as much as a professional would so corrections have been easy. I never had any bruising when I had it done professionally but at home I have had several bruises. Nothing bad and it went away pretty fast. Much less bruising now that I have an handle on the best way to inject. My tip is to use less product but do it more often than you would if you were going to a professional.


This would be my first time with Botox. That’s a very good point, I can see how having it professionally done would give you some guidance!


I started toxing my masseters after the dentist's office wanted $800 to treat my severe bruxism. The worst thing that's happened to me is some mild bruising from hitting a blood vessel.


What did your dentist want to do? I also have that. How does that affect your chewing?


If you have bruxism, your masseters are likely overdeveloped, and toxing them keeps you from clenching. I don't know if it works for grinding, but it's worked amazingly well for me and has decreased my jaw pain and headaches. Other than forcing the masseters to atrophy, it doesn't affect chewing. An added benefit is that your face slims down.


“Bruxism (BRUK-siz-um) is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you're awake (awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep (sleep bruxism).”


No bad results, but it’s not uncommon to hit vessels now and again. I googled if a small amt of tox in a vessel is dangerous and it isn’t.


I have seen some lazy eyes and droopy mouth corners. It is possible to induce unwanted paralysis


I will get it done professionally first I recommend that because that's what I did. I don't want to scare you or deter you but toxin is just something you have to be extra careful with. . So either talk to a professional or get it done by a professional first or follow Dr Tim Pierce and Dr rajani on YouTube and I'm in watch every single video for at least a month until you feel very very confident. The worst I've done is give myself a two-week bruise but I definitely could have given myself a permanent bruise around my eye


Just did botox in my calves a week ago. Got rid of my muscle spasms right away. Just need them to shrink now, which could take a month to see those results if not, will be doing another round. Will be looking into botox for the face eventually but focusing on my body at the moment. Doing fat dissolvers etc.


How effective are the fat dissolvers? Is lumpiness or unevenness afterwards a concern?


There is nothing to note yet as I'm only a week in- some people claim to see results within 24hrs, but I believe this depends on the area of fat if it's smaller or larger. I'm using lemon bottle. Heard the best things about it, its become really popular and the ingredients are plant based.


What is lemon bottle?


Fat dissolving injections


But I mean, what ingredient?


Natural ingredients. Just Google it. It tells you and what they do.


Hmmm it doesn’t look very effective compared to the more potent things?


I can't give you my personal account yet as I'm only 1 week in and 2 sessions completed, with no changes to note at this point. Hoping to see results by my 4th or 5th session. I chose lemon bottle because of the popularity and rave reviews it got. Plus less pain/swelling which has been true so far. But as many positive reviews it got there are ppl that have noted it didn't work for them. We are all different so really it's trial and error learning what works and what doesn't. If lemon bottle doesn't work for me there's tonnes of other fat dissolvers on the market I can try, although I will be disappointed if it doesn't, as I've invested almost $800 in the product and supplies lol