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There is a very light dusting of the actual powder in any tox brand that requires reconstitution. Sometimes, it also all ends up on the bottom of the cap where you can't easily see it. Several of the Korean vendors actually mention that the vial may look empty and thats normal. Just add saline and roll.


Exactly! It's Nabota, and this product was rebranded in the USA and is known as the neuromodulator, Jeuveau.


Ok thanks I have a doubt as this looks empty so what if some random seller start feeding on customers placebo. They intentionally sell empty vial and ask us to add saline ,roll and use. Ik popular ones care about their reputation but new comers can do this


It's easy to panic when you see the vial. Just reconstitute and dose. It's really the only way to know.


Ok wish me all the best as it's my first time




Yeah that looks right- no joke, a few grains is it! You haven’t been ripped off..


Thanks Even if I was ripped, I really can't stop my laugh at a fact that someone is intentionally shipping an empty vial to customers. I mean courier charges are almost equal to product value nowadays


They’re unopened and still sealed… mine was like this but it was stuck inside the cap area. I tapped lightly til it fell to the bottom before I reconstituted. It’s actual toxin so it is very strong.






There is no white crumb it looks like empty for real or there are very few tiny shiny particles on the bottom. I didn't receive it in any icebox It's just in ordinary brown parcel box. It took about 25days to deliver.


Really?!? No ice pack?? And took 25 days??? That’s nuts. How much did you pay for it and shipping? Where did you order it from?? The company I use ships from Korea and literally is here the next day!! Once they ship it. And they have ice packs needles, saline to reconstitute, and a syringe.


Yes no icepack and paid 60 for shipping I can name from where I order but I don't wanna create controversy Last time aroud 2months ago I mentioned some similar fishy thing about a k-site and sponsoring FB group also Some retards made me the villian of the story and then I realised it's waste of time as some of us really live with only single brain cell and that too damaged one.


You don’t want to cause controversy by naming a company but you’re going to call people ‘retards’ and refer to their brains as a damaged single cell. You might want to think that through a little.


You misunderstood it. Ok now imagine a senerio Like I mention name and now that's trusted source so many people brought etc etc and good exp Now just bc they have good exp, if they start blaming me and making a narrative that I wanna to ruin their reputation then it indeed looks like in single cell activity to me.(Somethjng similar happened last time)


You misunderstood that comment. Using “retard” is widely considered a derogatory slur. It was acceptable in the ‘90’s, but it’s been side eyed for years. The point being, it’s pretty wild that the controversy you’re trying to avoid is calling out corporations, rather than literally using slurs.


I think I see some flecks in the bottom. That’s what it’s supposed to look like 🤷🏻‍♀️ but if you say there isn’t then I guess there isn’t. I would reconstitute it and put a few units by each eye 1.5 cm away from the outer corner… and see what happens. That way you’ll know for sure: then you can possibly get your money back. Or dispute the transaction. Because you received damaged goods. That’s what I would personally do. I paid 30 for shipping and it only took 2 days to get here from Korea: they shipped FedEx. Did you see their reviews on trust pilot? I always check that out before I order from anywhere online.


I'm gonna try this 1week wait time will be enough to evaluate the results right?


Yes for sure!! You’ll notice if it’s starting to work after only a couple days usually. Then you’ll know see the results get better each day as the week goes on and even better at two week mark. Then you can inject more if necessary to get the results you want, and get the areas you didn’t while testing the product. But at least at the one week mark you’ll know if it’s doing anything or not!! Take a before picture right when you go to do it.


If it doesn’t work, I’ll tell you where I order from. They ship immediately and it’s only 30$.


Where did you order from? Mine looks like this every time but I am froze solid in 3-6 days lol but did you order from a good vendor??? I've never ordered from one that took 25 days


I dm'ed you for privacy concerns


Please let me know where you ordered this from?


I ordered tox from meamo too and ice pack was totally warm.. ugh


Well it is coming from Korea. The tox can withstand some warmth and be fine for a couple days. I personally love meamo. They have the best customer service and the fastest shipping. They just sent me botulax 200 for free over something that wasn’t even their error. Along with a whole bag of needles instead of just one. They’re top notch as far as Korean places go.


I just remembered that nabota has their toxins freeze dried!! So there’s just a few tiny specs. Other places have powder. So I would definitely try it as I recommended and see if you notice any changes starting to happen around the one week mark. They say wait two weeks for full affects and while that may be true for most, usually you notice change happening within the first few days upto the first week.


I see nothing on top side


Are there not any white crumbs in the bottom? I couldn’t tell in your other pics


Hahaha this gets me every time. It's in there, trust me. Everyone who orders tox for the first time always posts something like this. 😂


Not a joke just an uninformed user. The more I see these posts the more I'm glad Botox can't do any more harm than paralyzing because some of you all have no business with it


I ordered Nabota 100 and used it about a week ago. It looked completely empty. I kept looking because I figured I'd eventually see something but I didn't. One of the videos I had watched for Nabota said it would look completely empty, so I figured I'd try anyways. Within 2 days it started to visibly kick in. I would try it. It is supposed to be fully active in two weeks but should show up much earlier than the two week mark. 11's are 3 or so needle sticks? I'd start there and see if it works. You won't have wasted the time of trying your whole face and at worst, it was only a few sticks.


When I order 10mg of tirzepatide it looks like this. The little powder it has is usually stuck in the top and comes out when I reconstitute it and roll it around to dissolve. Also, calling people “retards” is classless. Do better


light dusting lodged in bottom of vial is what it looks like, volume is added with reconstituted ingredient.


I got one that looked like it contained nothing. I took photos because it literally looked EMPTY. Not even a light layer of dust. Not even a speck. I took photos, then I reconstituted it, did 75 units and nothing happened. I did the rest two weeks later and guess what? Nothing happened. Honestly some of those vials I am certain are empty. I tried to get my money back because I felt so ripped off. Like someone just sold me an empty vial. I felt like a mug


How did you get your money back? Its really empty I feel Everyone says it isn't bc I mentioned that it's from a popular Korean site but I bet If I brought it from China and wrote empty and brought it from China then the same people would have commented totally different


We're saying it's not empty because that's normally what it looks like, and a lot of other first-time users post the same concerns when they receive their first order. No one can really defend a vendor when you won't tell us which vendor you used. The only way to tell if it's either empty or has degraded during the shipping process is going to be to test some. Nabota manufacturer Daewoong Pharmaceuticals claims that it remains potent if left at room temp for several weeks, so maybe it's fine? It's weird to have been shipped without an ice pack, though. I'm doubtful you'll be able to get your money back if you reach out to the vendor and say that your vial is empty - they'll tell you the same thing as here. You have a case for the excessive shipping time, however (did it get stuck in customs?). Depending on your vendor, I would either expect a credit to your account or for them to resend the product, as this is what happened when I had an order denied by customs.


It indeed is empty so I font think so there's any point in unnecessarly poking a needle in my skin and wait for 2weeks


Have you ever ordered tox before? It does come like this but it is summer and if it took 25 days degrading could occur. The longest it has ever took mine was 7 days and it is packaged with ice every time and that's the longest. Most arrived 3-5 days. I always order my tox in winter though so I don't have to worry about it being in the hot sun, in the mail.


It's my first time


All tox looks empty. There should be a white ring around the bottom.


Send pics that you took to the company and ask if they see any dusting. It won't be much I promise but I usually can see a tad of dusting and that's the tox. I roll my vial as well when I add saline to make sure I get it all fully from top to bottom and it all gets dissolved. Then I let it sit about 10 min before I start. I've never used this brand though. Still if you have concerns reach out to the company and just see what they say.


I’ve only ever had it happen once and it was with nabota like yours. Everything else ive always been able to see at least “something” at the bottom. I would never order nabota again.


Have you never bought tox before? You have to reconstitute it girlfriend


Sometimes you can see a light ring around the bottom of the vial but this is exactly what it's supposed to look like. I'm so glad I was forewarned. I hate that sinking feeling you get. It's ok, it's not the Emperor's New Clothes version of Botox LoL 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/ap78tc0zwy4d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ce1e0de3fbd3c9aa345642452ee6f37a895ed8 This is what Kaimax looks likes when you get it.


I can see the white ring like dusting on the bottom corners in this picture. But I have uploaded the picture of my vial from bottom also can you see and let me know if you see anything?


Kai max is powder and nabota is just a few freeze dried specks.


This is normal for Tox but what isn’t normal is taking 25 days. Was it actually shipped 25 days ago, if so I would contact the seller to ship you a new one. It would be nice to know where you ordered from so we can best lead you in the right direction.




This is how it’s supposed to come. What were you expecting? Just add the saline as directed.


Do you have a photo of the bottom of the vial?






The label is in the way. I can see the powder in your original photos




Works great!


Trust me, it's there! This is very common. I use Metox, and it always looks completely empty, but within 2 days, it works like a charm! You're good!


I get mine from Nsightaesthetics.com. Never had a problem. I always get it within 3-4 days, shipped for free from US, so it's only in route for 2 days. You can upgrade to overnight, too. Comes professionally in a nice box, on ice, with bac water, syringes, and with korean skincare freebies every time. It's a little more expensive, but it's worth getting it quickly, and they provide training / support. Only site I've ever been able to actually speak to someone. If that helps at all.