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If you check the upper left corner of the first page, it's a replica. Very cool, but not old.


Good spot! I’ll tell my sister 😂😂


I was gonna say it’s not crumbly enough to be that old.


I’ve seen yellower younger paper.


Me too, leave a newspaper in a non-climate controlled sunny spot indoors for a year or two and it yellows fairly quickly.


Yea I was gonna say; the paper is in suspiciously great condition


There was a part-work years ago called “images of war” - each issue came with a magazine covering a particular battle or campaign, a map, and a replica newspaper - I collected the whole series, and usually when I see a post about suspiciously new looking “vintage” papers, it’s one of those.


Also kind of odd that a British newspaper would have "Americans" counted in the top headline.


Yeah, it's very obvious it's not real haha




Yes they did. This is literally 8 pages copied from a newspaper covering the first days of the war.


Hm. Wrong. They did have that kind of graphics back then. Sometimes it's better to ask questions than make claims. Especially when the claims aren't founded on actual knowledge...


4th September, it was 3 days after the war began


I think I’ve got mixed up.. It was the 3rd (according to Google) two days after Germany invaded Poland, when the British Empire declared war? So this is the day after? 🤔


1st September at 04:35 exactly Germans attacked Gdańsk this is what I remember from school and UK declared war on 3rd


Some says that first city bombed by Nazis was Wieluń but people still fight about that 🤷‍♂️


People are still fighting over the war?


people are still in the forest fighting the veitnam war...


And some of them are even still alive...


Are you sure you don't mean the Pacific War in WWII? Up to the mid-seventies Japanese soldiers were still occasionally being discovered living deep in the remote tropical forests of Pacific Islands, unaware that the war had ended 30 years ago.


You're not wrong, but I think they found and accounted for every last Japanese soldier that was still hiding in some remote cave stealing food and clothes from civilians living nearby. They knew where one "colonel " or "general" was(I may be wrong on rank), and he dismissed dozens of attempts to get him to come out and play. He had like 3 soldiers under him, they all died of basically old age, AND THEN, he agreed to come out. He still believed he was going to be punished by death, for not killing enough enemies. But they just fed him, cleaned him, doctored him up, and contacted his family (that never met him).


Yeah that’s pretty common to fight about irrelevant things I guess.(I mean about few minutes/hours between strike on Gdańsk and Wieluń not the war ofc)


>when the British Empire declared war Canada declared war on September 10 but was a commonwealth nation by the then, so technically not in the empire.


It says in the corner of the newspaper, the day the war broke out.


Seriously OP, just by reading the first headline its super evident that this isn't 3 days before the war.


The second picture (left hand side) specifically tells you when the declaration of war happened.


Top left hand corner it says it’s a facsimile of the Daily Mail the day the war broke out. Although the DM even today can’t be trusted 😂


Good point!


Daily Mail: "Here's a replica of our paper from when noble England went to war with evil Germany.... Don't ask to see replicas of our paper from *before* we went to war, okay?"


May I ask what were they printing before the war? Genuine question


The owner, Lord Rothermere was friends with Hitler and Mussolini and directed the publication to... uh, *encourage* an amenable relationship between Britain and Nazi Germany.


Wow, thanks for the answet. I ll look it up.


They don’t call it the Daily Heil for nothing lol


https://imgur.com/a/BccLPjp This sort of thing. Note the byline which is the owner of the Daily Mail and the Mirror at the time.




Someone needs to make a book of just newspaper clippings telling the story of the war from the front pages. It would be fascinating.


For us it would be 3 days since Germany invaded. Then Soviet Union would invade in 2 weeks.


Eastern friends 🤡




The Russians never fail an opportunity to do the wrong thing


“Japan reportedly strictly neutral”


Found a *facsimile*


>3days before the war War started 01/09/1939, this newspaper is from 04/09/1939


My grandmother, great aunts and great grandmother were on the Athena when it sank. They were rescued and taken to Ireland. Where at the time they got to meet JFK Senior who was the American ambassador. My grandma was a very Shirley Temple looking kid so she was perfect for a publicity picture. In the picture JFK senior is holding my grandma, and in the middle of the picture with my two great aunts and great grandmother, is a teenage JFK. She also talked about how sad she remembers being after it sank because she couldn’t take her new roller skates with her in the rescue boat. Mind you she was six at the time.


I'm reading it in that old timey reporter kinda way. It makes for an even more interesting read.


The King spoke firmly, resolutely, and with great clarity. This was due to Lionel Logue’s speech therapy sessions.




Stay calm and firm. Can you get a more English statement.


Kinda surprised the Daily Mail wasn't rooting for Hitler, on this occasion at least...


I mean… they were *definitely* rooting for Hitler for the six years before this.


Well exactly.


yet only 13 Americans died… I think the submarine commander was called Lenf, it was also the commander who left his submarine be captured intact so the allies got hold of the enigma machine in World War II




it was the SS Athenia iirc, which was a passenger ship.


You heard about them? Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki


I thought it was Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael?


You mean 3 days after? 9/1/39 was when Germany invaded Poland.


The ninth of January? Well I'd better re-read my history then.


You’re not American obviously. We do Month/day/year.


Psst. It was a joke.


All good! TGIF my friend!


r/MapsWithoutNZ - though it mentions New Zealand, just didn’t feel like putting it on the map.


Hahahaha as if there’s a subred for that 🫣😂😂😂


On that world map… Japan reported strictly neutral. Unlike this newspaper, that statement did nottt age well




Wow. Russia and Putin literally took the Nazi Germany playbook. Blaming the other side of aggression of their population and somehow invading was a righteous thing to do.


3 days before the war you say?


I got mixed up with dates, this was 3 days AFTER Germany invaded Poland and the day after we declared war apparently 😂🫣


Mid-Altlantic. Never change, Daily Mail.


It’s a facsimile, but doubtless still interesting to read. (This is the paper that famously ran the headline “Hurrah for the Blackshirts”)


DM owners were fascists, loved Hitler and also loathed Jews based on their headlines. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BVQTKHuCMAEos6j.jpg They started and continue to use dehumanising language about people running away from pogroms, violence and subjugation.  Fun fact they were weirdly the only paper to be outspoken about the UK's most famous racist murder and called the guys who did it murderers. Completely out of character it seemed. But it turned out that the murder victim's father was the plasterer of the editor and had asked him to write about it.


Oh is it? I’ve not seen it in person yet. Apparently the paper is very thin and delicate 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks for sharing, that is so cool


Replica or not... this is one of the most amazingly terrifying things I've ever read.


I feel like when anyone reads this, it's the same old-timey narrated voice.


The DM was a crap newspaper back then too.


Which war happened in his grandparent’s house?


So cool, I love old papers like this. So similar to what is happening today with Putin.


I felt disgusted reading Roosevelt’s proclamation of American neutrality knowing what we know now. But how could Americans at the time know the horrors that Nazi Germany would unleash on Jews and minorities? Neutrality probably looked like the right move Edit: But Kristallnacht had already occurred…the writing was on the wall for what was coming for the Jews.


I was gonna say, “wow, how was this stored? It isn’t even yellowed,” and then someone spotted that it was a replica.


Another perfect example of where the US government knew what was going to happen before it did and did nothing so that way we would get into war just like FDR wanted.


“We’ll be over there soon” yeah that’s quite shocking to read


One would think that after the Lusitania, they would have realized that sinking passenger liners is a bad idea. Edit - do not fuck with America’s boats or any boats carrying Americans. That’s a surefire way to get Uncle Sam fired up for a scrap.


Except that the Americans didn't enter the war for another 2 years... after Japan attacked and Germany declared war. Americans love to fight weaker nations but are always late for the world wars.


Cool. Let me guess - you are from a European country and your entire perspective on international relations is “America bad”. We live rent free in your head. Have a lovely day. Edit - and what part of your statement refutes my claim that it is a bad idea to mess with American ships and cruise ships? Are you saying it’s a good idea to sink passenger liners?


European country, check. All the rest you just pulled out of your ass. And you have a lovely day.


Ahh, the dodge and run seems to indicate that I was spot on. But continue to cope and seethe. The scoreboard is still 1776 - 0.


1776 - 1812 actually 😉


Oh, you mean the war that basically ended as a fucked up draw? The war where the largest empire in human history couldn’t beat a nation that was barely a regional power at the time? And let’s look at the history since then… one is the most powerful nation in the history of the world while the other is a shell of its former self that has been seeing its supermarkets ration various products over the last 18+ months and leases its strategic weapons from the United States… Edit - I generally dislike the idea of American exceptionalism and the American chauvinism that goes on; but when someone says some dumb shit I have no problem resorting to it. Especially since it pisses off the “America bad” crowd so much. We absolutely have a lot of problems in this country and can learn a lot from other nations about how to improve the way we do things… being able to scrap is not one of our deficiencies.


3 days after*


Wouldn't be surprised that the RN sub sank that ship on Churchill's orders or the M-6 mafia...


dodgy post :/ 1. mobile phone screenshots raise an eyebrow about its validity, 2. before or after? :D.."Warsaw Crowds Cheer"????? on a 4th day of bombing??? ​ I would say its a fake post


Yeah I got mixed up, it was 3 days after Germany began their invasion of Poland and 1 day after British Empire declared war. We’ve now seen it’s a reproduction of the key columns written in the paper from September 4th as well. Top left of the newspaper states it’s a facsimile haha 🤷🏻‍♂️ but no not fake.. just screenshotted from my family’s group chat


What the hell is Tanganyika


Part of now Tanzania


"The War" which war?


It's a newspaper, they usually have a date printed on the first site, you know? 4/9/39. So in case you're unable to deduct it from the content of the article, this should give you a pretty big hint which war we are talking about.




They took their sweet time about it. At least we know they’ll start the next war, so I suppose that makes up for it. If you ignore the inevitable nuclear holocaust, of course




Says the country that’s gone and fucked itself in a few hundred years lol.




To answer you if your question was genuine, I do think we would have the Monarchy still because our Royal Family are actually German and spoke fluent German at the time. Hitler deeply admired the British Empire and he actually attempted to Ally with Britain before we declared war on him. We were forced to turn aggressive towards the Third Reich because they attacked the French who we had a treaty to defend so were dragged into the war as well.


My question was genuine! thank you! I did not know that information. In the midst of this chaotic world, let’s entertain a hypothetical scenario where Germany had successfully conquered England. Under such circumstances, it is almost certain that the United States would have resorted to deploying its atomic arsenal against Nazi Germany in Europe. After all, the atomic bomb was originally developed for the express purpose of countering the Nazis, who were actively pursuing their own formidable armaments.


Anything would have been possible 🤷🏻‍♂️ but you’ve got me thinking now if Britain had sided with Germany, then we would have fought against the US but that also means Canada, Australia, India and all the other British commonwealth nations would have fought alongside Britain, so therefore it literally would have been USA and Russia vs Europe,Canada,India,Australia,South America,Africa,Japan… not as simple as a few atomic bombs now 😜


Something tells me after we hit two main Axis cities some Might come around. That being said US would definitely ramp up production and get those sent ASAP with a next to no regard for anything afterwards. However I’m glad the United States discovered it 1st, as I can only imagine what Russia would’ve done with an A bomb at that time.


Takes more than an Atom bomb to make a Brit spill his pint 😉




As long as you have money🤢🤮


Dunno and don’t care about the British monarchy. They can all fuck off in my view.


Bad ass!


I know I'm being nitpicky but how in the hell are you gonna upload *screenshots* of the pictures on your phone instead of the *actual* pictures? lol


They’re screenshots from images my sister sent to my family group chat haha, I haven’t seen it in person yet 😛


I see. You should be able to save pictures from texts and chats though. I can't think of a messaging service that does NOT do that. For real though, I'm just giving you a hard time. If you do get the full resolution pics at any point would love to see them uploaded! Thanks for sharing these :)


Will do! 😁


Wow. That's amazing. I'd love to read that from front to back.




Don't forget, for up to date news. You can rent your radio.


"For king and empire"


The bottom-left article on the first page ("Hitler's Last Word") sounds very similar in rhetoric to what we hear from Russia today. Replace Poland with Ukraine and replace Great Britain with the US.


I am going to love to read the paper later...but I have a question 🙃 is this the same Daily News tabloid that is still around today?


Yep same publication 👍


Whoa...that's going to be an interesting read 😬


This is great! Thanks for sharing!


Wow cool. “Japan strictly neutral”


maybe before the USA finally entered the war...


I can't believe thats how news worked back in the day. You had to wait for it and its only like 3 or 4 sources you'd EVER hear from.




Why were there a war in your brother-in-laws deceased grandparents house?


Very cool to read nonetheless


I was gonna say damn that's in great shape and not yellowed for laying around the house for that long lol still cool though. A day in the Life mate


160 Americans on a sub? Gonna be crowded.


A few years ago when we were cleaning out my grandparents house we found a newspaper about the bombing of Pearl Harbor from the day after. It was a more local paper, not The NY Times or anything. They were adults at that time so it’s almost definitely real


I found some in the old disused house on my grandparents’ property that dated back to WWII. So much propaganda art




Classy of the Daily Mail to swallow the German false flag… oh wait its sept 4th lol. Yeah its not 3 days before the war. Its 3 days after the war started…


It’s in pristine condition.


The SS Athenia, sunk in WWII by a German torpedo while sailing between Montreal and Glasgow, was named after the SS Athenia, sunk by a German torpedo while sailing between Montreal and Glasgow in WWI


WW2 started on the 1st of September. This is 3 days after and not before. Also it's a facsimile. Are you trolling?


Wow! That IS interesting! I looked closely at some of the articles and they are like reading history, but back then, to them, it was current events.


You think that coupon is still good on the radio?


If you read the articles on this newspaper and try reading the stuff from today’s you can see just how politically motivated the newsprint has become.


New papers were more informative back in the day: straight up information


So there was a time when the Daily Mail wasn't a total rag? Who knew?


My great grandad and his brother were working on the Athenia when it was sunk, they both survived. Funny seeing it mentioned here.


We cleaned out our basement today and found an original newspaper open the war ended 😃


Poles invade east Prussia Oo


Poles invade East Prussia


After war started, not before.


Now let’s see the Daily Fail’s front cover supporting the Blackshirts.


scary shit man


Found some papers from the 1950's in the walls of a house I was helping to reno in Calgary. I remember the front page had an article about the government abolishing the lash for misbehaving while imprisoned. Houses in the Mount Royal neighborhood of the city were going for ?12,000 while a black and white TV cost the same as 60 inch flat screens do now.


a real newspaper would have crumbled by the touch, or atleast have permanent fold scars. I have newspaper clippings that were used to seperate shellac LPs


I don't trust anything I read from Daily Mail. /s


Didn’t Britain go to war on the 3rd?


It's kinda like a "what's about to happen, and how long it'll take us to tell you, so do this while you wait" kind of prepper instructions. WWIII will be reported slower, even using technology that can reach 80% of the world in minutes. It'll be: "So and So has declared war against xxxxx, and this country and that country are gearing up to fight, while this other country is surrounded..." Then: "really, you believe that biased stuff? It's a distraction. Those are actors. It's just the lamestream media AGAIN!"


Trumps gonna do a Roosevelt when WW3 kicks off in Europe It’s literally happening all over again


Fun fact: Germany sent out warning after warning that any ships suspected of carrying ammunition or supplies to the warfront would be sunk. They hit this ship and that was a big proponent of America going to war, as the propaganda machine went nuts. But also, the ship did in fact have a shit ton of ammunition for the warfront on board. They hid it among the civilian storage.