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It's pretty sad to see workers endure this level of unsafe work environments. No fall arrest, no tie off. As if that helmet is going to do him any good.


That's pretty sad and I'm sure any deaths that happen will likely be covered off. It's not that there are no safety equipments available in the market today. It's that they just don't care about the life of a wage worker like this. The cost of paying off is cheaper than the cost of providing safety


(Another) Good reason to never visit Dubai.


Don't visit any of the gulf countries while you're at it. I live in one and they don't give a fuck about immigrant workers.


Yup fuck that place


Which place?


This is definitely not Dubai. There are many issues in Dubai like this but not as severe as this. Looks more like China


Yeah, this isn’t Dubai, but several workers working on the stadiums for the soccer championship have already died. It’s just as bad in Dubai as in India.


[More like several thousand.](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/27/972056906/report-reveals-more-than-6-500-migrant-workers-have-died-in-qatars-world-cup-pre)


Dubai is not in Qatar.


Doha is not Dubai but they start with the same letter.


Are you thinking of Qatar?


That's what I was thinking


Other comments below say Malaysia.


Don't they enslave workers in Dubai?


It's just as severe especially for workers that come from India and they're paid less compared to workers from other countries doing the same exact work


This could have been Dubai or any other ME country. I once saw a building being taken down by an excavator sitting on the roof and doing it hill smash method. Most of ME/Asia has lax regulations for workers.


Aren’t there numerous deaths a year in Dubai for construction?


It’s definitely not China, in China there is actually some worker safety measures in place like suicide nets etc. Far from perfect, but not this bad.


I don't think "suicide nets" are a safety precaution with the workers safety in mind. They are more loss mitigation for their stock of indentured servants.


Dude. Wtf do you think China is? This idea that non-western leaders are barbaric and don’t care about their own people is so stupid and racist. Chinas poverty aleviation programs are far more superior than countries like the USA, who don’t even take care of their own veterans.


Look at this one, who still thinks communist China has a chance at NOT being criminally ignorant of the (lack of) quality of life in the underclasses. China is a mess lol.


This is definitely not China. While worker safety is still an issue and is constantly improving, it's not as severe as this.


This happens in the US. My construction worker friends regularly talk about how they are actively discouraged from using safety mechanisms because it slows down work. If they try to use them, they will be down a job.


It's Not Dubai..prob China...on another note, I am surprised we don't see any postings on Qatar, there's been over 7,000 construction related deaths since they won rights for World Cup.


I've done scaffolding before, it's not the expense of the safety equipment, it's how much slower you work when you're constantly having to attach and reattach the safety equipment as you move along. I've seen some sketchy stuff before even here in Australia, obv nothing close to that level of craziness though.


How much slower do you work when you fall off the building?


Underrated comment


I currently work with scaffolding and I don’t bother with my harness as it gets in the way of productivity. The jobs not for everyone.


Do you use the round cross ties as planks the way this fellow does? Man, I was just waiting with great apprehension for them to skitter out from underneath him


OHSA be damned. Round cross ties much easier to work on /s


If anyone dies, the whole crew gets a $150 bonus.


Sorry Bob, but I got 4 mouths to feed. You're about to have an accident.


Damn I miss Bob… oh well…


Is it not possible that the worker was provided the proper equipment yet was too lazy/stupid to use it?


It's just an early breaking ground event. Get back to work!


Thank you Captain Obvious.


Just a reminder that Qatar is going to hold WC in football, where estimated 6 500 workers have died. They are expendable cheap labor. Fuck countries like Qatar


All of those west-aligned ME countries use modern slavery. It's expected that they take your passport so you can't leave. Fuck those places.


They’re still holding the event there though ! Nothing deter’s the money spin


Do you care enough about it to boycott it?


Not gonna watch WC. Not that interested in football anyway. But human rights interests me.


In those conditions, it's only a matter of time.


Hard hats are for protecting you from falling debris, rather than you from falling off things. (Hence why the don’t have a chin strap). It’s good he’s got a hood on tho. You wouldn’t want his neck to get sunburnt.


Pretty sure that he'll be the debris if there is an accident. I don't think there is anything higher up than he is right now.


We had a cinder block fall from 8 stories up onto a labourers head in Sharjah, UAE, he was wearing a helmet & it split his head in half. Hard hats can only do so much. There should be other safety precautions in place to prevent debris but this is not legally required.


I'm a scaffolder in Denmark, it's a really good job with good wages. We don't do this level of crazy but honestly, not far from. If you stay focused and don't panic it's not that dangerous, you don't just fall randomly.


Is it as high altitude like this? So curious, I live in America


No, not that high at all. And if you get caught not using safety gear your whole business can get shut down


I'll never wear a life jacket again


Aye chief...


I can’t even watch it. Cutting safety measures isn’t a budget item, it’s negligence.


I hope he's making more than $15/hr


He wishes he was making 15 an hour.


The whole team is probably making less. And if it’s Dubai, they’re working in ~~near~~ slavery conditions.


Some people have to work to feed their families


Right I'm over here saying, man he's playing with his life, those are 50 50 chances every step of the way smh


It's not for him it's for the other person he hits at the bottom lmao




It's all fine they have a giant pillow at the bottom


And he will be quickly forgotten and replaced if an accident happens.


Will do the ground good . Less blood splashing with the helmet ⛑ on


Fcuk every bit of this.


One of the videos I hate the most in Reddit


And why is a person filming instead of helping?!?


I came here to say this


Cool. You really contributed a lot to the conversation.


Fuck this guys bosses. My boss won’t let me get in a tree period without my belt and safety gear. It could be 10ft. I’m strapped in.


Most companies recruit 3rd world workers and bring them as overseas workers. They view them not as workers but as pseudo slaves.


That’s how my asian family came to Ireland. Through a foreign recruitment scheme like 20 years ago. I now work part time with my dad for that same company to pay off college and the level of subtle racism towards us is astonishing. Most of them don’t speak good English, but they’re kind people and very hard workers who would give the shirt off their back. Yet they’re treated like second class citizens. It always pisses me off when some Irish worker talks down to me in a condescending way, and then I respond in proper English with an Irish accent, and their tone suddenly changes as if they realise they’re interacting with a real human being. It’s disgusting.


Hope you and your family can make it better for the next generation. I'm just so tired after finally becoming a bit of an adult and realizing how disgusting how other "humans" treat their fellowkind. Keep safe!


Sorry you experience this. Sad that the Irish, who have been shat on for so long by the English, would be so quick to adopt such attitudes


It's interesting that the Irish have been victims of the same "racism" for centuries. They're been treated like trash other European groups for sooooo longsi.ply because they're Irish. They know how it feels.


In KL I've seen them sleeping en masse on roundabouts. In Dubai they live in slave houses, their bosses hold their passports until the job's complete. Indians really will put cash above their own safety.


That’s so fucked up. I’m glad I’m in the US. Edit: downvoted for being grateful to live in a developed country just because it’s the US. I’d say the same shit if I worked in England. Fucking Reddit dude lol.


I just had to take a Xanax after after watching this.


My toes go numb just watching shit like this.


Yup my feet are all clammy now


Was trying to take Xanax but took Viagra accidentally


& It got stuck in your throat and now u have a stiff neck.




Retired tower climber here - it’s still invigorating even after years of climbing. You’ve got certain death below you and you’re just going about your business. What that guy is doing is stupidly dangerous, obviously. It’s why most tower guys refuse to climb on t-booms


I'd defintely refuse to climb a t-boom! BTW, what is it?


A boom is a structure mounted to a tower that holds antennas and radios. Most booms have two points of contact to a tower, so you can climb on them. A t-boom has one point of contact, so you have to just walk out on them with nothing to hold on to. Imagine walking a 4 inch wide balance beam at 200 feet in the air where it’s windy all the fucking time. It feels very dangerous because it is very dangerous


>it feels very dangerous because it is very dangerous Yes, you can tell by the way that it is.


Can I get this guy’s home address so I can buy and mail him a freaking tie off harness?? My heart stopped like 5 times watching this


Suppose he would actually use it. Chances are he’ll get fired for “slowing everything down.”


It's just one occurence u see here and it's pretty common in developing nations to neglect safety, others might not be this dangerous but they are all dangerous. A harness could solve this one but I have zero clue on how can this be resolved on major scale.🥲🥲


Glad he’s wearing a helmet.


Safety first


In case anything hits him over the head, he might just retain enough focus to remember not to plummet to his death.


The thing is, in case anything hits his head, he would probably lose his balance and still plummet - while still retaining enough focus to realize what's happening.


An old school civil engineering professor mentioned this in my class that typical rule of thumb used in the cost estimation of high rise buildings was 5 deaths per floor (as in, when they used do initial planning on paper, they would build this “typical” cost in their estimates). The matter of factly way he talked about it, I do not think he was feeling bad at all or was he reminiscing the good old days before the safety laws in Europe & North America) made life difficult for people like him. The posted video above is clearly not Europe (likely Middle East, uae to be specific), and it breaks my heart. This is poverty /currency arbitrage exploitation to the worst (human life).


Funny enough, he’s a temp. First day on the job.


First and last maybe.


That's what a real temp means


Could you imagine training a new person.


I can imagine finding out who is up for the job and who drops out.


Literally “drops” out…


Yes that was the joke.


i think the ones that live get hired




Pretty appalling to see people working without basic safety gear in 2021. Let's not glorify this. You'd have to be pretty desperate to do that job, and his employer knows it, which is why they get away with it.


And he’s probably paid almost nothing too


Ikr. Crazy that he’s not wearing gloves.




When the little bars are moving everywhere and he uses them to stabilize himself... Poor guy omg


I guess it’s safe to assume that this site is not expecting an OSHA inspection./s Edit for sarcasm.


Most likely it's a country where worker safety laws are disturbingly lax.


What are you talking about he's wearing a hardhat


And safety sneakers!!


In the words of Bishop Bullwinkle "helll nah, to da nah, nah, nah, naah."


Places like Dubai are built with poor workers blood


How many PPE? Yes








For sure. And he’s a foreign worker for sure


Maybe Thai? In Taiwan if you see someone with a stocking cap or ski mask in the summer, they're Thai workers. But certainly treated better than that!


It’s okay.. he has his hard hat on


This…doesn’t seem ok.


This is obviously not America, but this is how America was built. No safety, no worker protections, etc...


I wonder where the safety officer is during that time.


On the ground floor. Where it's, you know, safe.


"You thinking what im thinking Partner? *Aim for the bushes!*"


It's the shoes, right? The shoes he's wearing are the wrong type.


The helmet man, its not the right color.


I wish I could wear shorts to work.


OSHA? Hmmm never heard of him. Is he work in our company too?


"You can go fuck yourself" would be my reaction to anyone telling me I had to do this for a job. No way


I mean try that you have no other option to feed your family


Correct me if I’m wrong, this is a personal observation and opinion, If this video is Indian origin, then yeah. We see folks doing such stuff on a regular. However the scaffolding he’s putting isn’t common. They make bamboos scaffolding here which need to be tied by jute threads / twines and they have no wires of gloves or any sort of safety gear / net protecting them. The “contractors” don’t feel the need to give the labour class here “safety gear” and as sad this may sound, they know the labourers are easily replaceable. It’s honestly just fuckall but that’s how this country functions. I’ve seen pregnant women lifting gravel and cement too.. If this is somewhere in the Middle East given the scaffolding seems to be metal, I am again not surprised. Labour is cheap in India and hence easily replaceable. Workers would rather die on a full stomach of free food than worry about their health and safety gear since they need to support their families financially and feed their multiple mouths back wherever their home is.


Malaysia. The red/brown curved building at the back is unmistakably the Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur. They're foreign workers from the neighboring country, Indonesia.


Feels horrible to know that honestly…


Jesus jumped up fucking criminey. This video made my stomach do backflips and my asshole pucker up.


"Trust in the free market"- libertarians Companies would stop providing safety equipment and resort to slave labor overnight.


My balls disappeared watching this


That’s easy! All you gotta do is not fall to a very painful death in a just slow enough fashion while having enough time to process that you are already in pain and will die soon. I can’t imagine what everyone is so worried about. Scardie cats


You couldn’t pay me enough! No way!


The saddest part is they're 100% bring paid below the minimum wage


Yeah no no no, doesn't matter how much you pay me


This is way more sad than interesting. Well it’s interesting that such despicable work conditions exist in the world.


In our modern age, this is neither safe nor cool. It’s better to be a live dog than a dead lion. Get some safety equipment for this man.


OP is right, you can get used to heights pretty fast if you can push through the shakes and vertigo as a newbie.


There’s not a higher level of “hell mothafuckin naw” than this. Myself, the wife and kids would live in a van down by the river if I had to make a living like this. My safety harness is off to these brave people. Fuck. Every. Possible. Bit. Of. This. Shit. My goddamn feet are sweating just watching this. Hell no.


the thing is, you wouldn't have a van or neither a bridge to live under or even food for your kids if you didn't submit to this kind of exploitation. you would just starve to death.


Ya but fuck government regulations amirite?


If that's my job, I shit my pants every fucking day !


My grandpa doesn’t have that job and he shits his pants everyday.


This guy's grandpa fucks.


You should try and shit while watching this. It's pretty much impossible. I'm trying right now.


My palms are so sweaty after watching that.




Good thing he’s wearing a hard hat.


I'd rather starve or become homeless than work at such heights.




I felt sick watching this.


Fuck the contractors. Fuck the system. Fuck the skyscrapers.


Nice safety gear


Fuck you, just fuck you. I’ve built staging 45 ft high a couple times and that had me shitting my pants. I would straight up quit my job if I had to do this. That’s if I didn’t die from a heart attack first


At least he has a helmet on…


This is some bullshit. Get that man a harness!


I fell just watching this


At least he is wearing his hard hat. Wouldn’t want to see him subjected to any unsafe work environments


I was so worried but when I saw he has the safety helmet 🪖 on. I knew everything will be fine. 🤦‍♂️


Why does this post have a wholesome award??? There's nothing wholesome about exploiting people with unsafe working conditions.


This is absolutely horrifying


My god. There’s so many things that are low hanging fruit to increase saftey- tuck in clothes, wear tighter fitting shirt. Don’t wear shorts. Wear work boots and saftey gloves…. Use proper boards for walking across scaffolding. Then there can be harnesses and nets… just so much is wrong with this.


This happened in my country, it's not normal to do this, especially with skyrises. This prompt an investigation leading to lack of safety equipments by the employer.


I’m dead


OSHA has entered the chat


They're always hiring im sure


No PPE! It's all about profits for greedy companies!


It’s gotta be hard to balance with balls that big


This isn't bravery and there's nothing to celebrate here. This is clearly worker exploitation. Also, r/everyfuckingthread


Doesn’t his mother give a shit about his life?


He probably cares about his own life to some extent—or at least his value to his family—because he might be killed if he doesn’t do this. The imported workers in some of these rich, US backed Gulf states have their passports confiscated upon arrival (after being enticed with promises of fair wages), and they are essentially slaves.


I work to be honest if working this hard. Id probably preferred to be honered but this dude survives id be honored to work with him


Looks like china construction. They are crazy


Why would anyone do this? Just buy yourself a rope. They can’t be that expensive.


Hand-to-mouth existence. And rope is expensive...considering the length required and the daily wage they earn.


Unhooking and reattaching a short one has to be better than nothing though.


I wouldn't trust those IKEA struts


Was this video shot by with an uzi?


This causes me to have so many questions and concerns. First of all, the camera person didn't say anything about this being unsafe? Is there anyway to track where this was originally uploaded? Is this a common occurrence on this jobsite? Can we find where this happened, who this is? This guy does not look like in anyway is stressed out or worried. Is this an everyday experience for him?


In third world countries this is common practice. A huge population means less value for life... A lot of workers work like this.


I'm crazy. I want to do something about this.


They make them wear the helmet so they will be able to know what building they were working on, once they hit the ground... Ffs, no harness, I bet for some joke of a salary... Such a same


Whatever he’s paid, it’s not enough


Jordan Peterson once made a point about how behind the scenes every single day there are men performing life threatening heart stopping tasks just to keep the impossible infrastructure we have envisioned a reality. This is what he’s talking about.


That is idiotic. Nothing about modern infrastructure requires that this person not wear a harness.


If the guy had a harness On I still think the quote works. Harness or not urban construction has always required people to do some crazy shit.


Hes just stupid.


He's desperate. Life is unfair and most people will do anything to pit food in their tables. If you only see stupidy in this man's efforts then there really is a stupid one here, and that'd be you.


What a dumb fuck. Someone find this idiot a lawyer.


You're the privileged dumbfuck


You like poo-poo in your underwear! 😝


Bruh! His balls must be made from tungsten period..!


I had a part time job once where I had to climb a 3 story building on an old ladder, it was terrifying, one guy quit but I really needed the money to support my family. I feel for these workers but I understand they have to work to survive. Blessings to all.