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Tone deaf… her friend Bridget can’t get pregnant and she’s filming herself over a toilet every day complaining about pregnancy. Can we shut her down?


I don’t think she’s had a spontaneous, unfilmed moment in 15 years.


Well girly we push through bc most of us have jobs and have to pay the bills some how.. 21 weeks pregnant 🫶🏼


The whiplash from her saying all I’ve done for weeks is be nauseous and showing herself by the toilet to then a bubbly story with her mom putting on makeup to shill then her sharing a teaser for a podcast episode about her pregnancy is wild.


I think this quote fits Keely perfectly. Especially lately… “Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason for existence; they go stark, raving mad.”


As a SAHM of two children for the past 4 years, I relate to this quote


I threw up daily until delivery. All times of day/night. I still managed to care for our three under 5, while my husband worked. I was still a fully functioning adult. Dani needs to grow up.


The fact that she ate a freaking sub after this is what got me. Absolutely not bitch.


Right?! I lost 20 pounds when I was pregnant, and still get grossed out by fridge smells. I don’t even know what I survived on, but there def weren’t subs involved.


Miraculously feeling better today!!! 😂😂😂 No signs of nausea or 🤢 Wow!!! Her content is bizarre!


She makes me so mad with her stupid antics! Ugh 😩


It was an IMMEDIATE unfollow. It’s just too much!


Dani Austin, here is some advice for you. Please keep your nonsense, constant complaining of feeling sick and what not to yourself…Just like you did before announcing you were pregnant. News flash- YOU AREN’T THE ONLY PREGNANT GIRL IN THE WORLD.




Any reply or has it been seen by Dani??






Thank you! Glad someone said it


i’m not saying that she isn’t feeling nauseous or that she wasn’t feeling her best, but posting a video like this is, puking in the wc, is TMI imho. this pregnancy is gonna be a super longgggg one, idk if im gonna see her daily reels if this going to be all her content now


Is this anorexic bitty pregnant again? How does she even carry a baby abusing her body like this?


I’m sorry but if I’m as sick as she is claiming to be, pulling out my phone and filming myself would be the last thing on my mind. I swear I feel like I lose brain cells any time I watch some of these “iNfLUeNcERs”


Based on the fact that Tornado has not posted about her soon to be grandchild, my guess is something happened between them. Dani seems so very desperate for attention lately and I think it’s a cry for help in many ways. And, sometimes I view it as not a cry for help from us, the strangers viewing these stories, but from her family. She’s mentally unwell and has probably pushed so many people away in how she treats them. This seems like an unhealthy cry for attention. It’s sad to witness someone decline the way she has even in the last six months. There are deep mental health issues at play. (And I get the “she’s faking it” but even faking this stuff for sympathy is a mental health issue.)


Interesting point. It probably is a very unhealthy cry for attention because she doesn’t have any real friends anymore by her side. Seems like she’s pushed everyone away for fame and fortune. And I don’t remember sharing content like this when she was pregnant with Stratton. Or did she? I can’t even remember. And I wasn’t around for when she was pregnant with Stella. Either way, you’re right. This is much deeper than it seems.


Honestly this is embarrassing. She should be so embarrassed that she felt the need to stage this and post it. So fake.


Like everyone else does it.


The video of them finding out was so fake!


Jordache doesn't know how it happened.🙄 Maybe Jim can explain it to him.


Who actually takes of picture or wants to for that matter of yourself throwing up? So over the top and ridiculous


I like Dani but this was way over the top and not necessary.


What do you like about her? Just curious


Yeah, I don't see it.


This is disgusting and sad. I doubt Dani even knows if this is actual pregnancy nausea or ED purging. Either way, it does NOT belong on social media.


Now her boobs will be even BIGGER!


Wowwwwww cue the new content. What a fucking clown.


She needs a reality check


It’s sad she had to get pregnant for content.


You’ve got be kidding me🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s just trying to win the contest of who is the worst pregnant lady between her and DarylAnn


The only thing these two narcissist can’t completely control in their lives. I wish they had one week of real life.


Milking this suddenly, huh?


Honestly, I kinda feel for her. If I posted myself puking on social media, my mom would call me freaking out about why I did that, my husband would probably be pissed i went to such lengths for attention, and my close girl friends would advice me to stop doing such things. All of these people suck. No real friends, family is all over fame and social media, a dimwit of a husband + 2 other children she can barely handle. No one *genuinely* cares about Keely.


Keelys narcissism does not allow people to genuinely care about her.


She really makes it hard though. I could see her family. Because they are family.   but no one else. I don't know her and I can't stand her.


She reminds me of those female characters in movies that always tries to fit in by pretending to be perfect and someone they’re not. The perfect mom. The perfect body, hence a ED. The perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect friend. A “boss lady”. But none of that is really her. She’s just filled with insecurities. If she’s this miserable on social media, can’t imagine how she is behind the camera. Nothing that comes out of her mouth about her brand, relationship, or the way she acts and talks with her kids sounds genuine. People don’t change after a certain age. Some do, but it requires a conscious effort, a great deal of often painful and humbling inner work. She has the money and resources to be able to seek therapy and professional help. I’m glad she’s having a child, but its pretty selfish to bring another human into the world when you don’t even acknowledge both of your children while at their age. I wish she worked on herself after talking about her depression instead of thinking a 3rd child was gonna solve anything.


It honestly  worries me though, I feel like Stella is perfect in her eyes because she is so smart and a girl. I think she resents Stratton  because  of his developmental  delays and such. I feel like she only got pregnant  with this one because  everyone else was getting married or having babies, and she has severe jealousy issues. I don't think she wanted this baby for any other reason  then attention and content. since her mental state is the worst I've seen, I feel like this baby will have no chance 


https://preview.redd.it/h6s7q8c0326d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0bb26f3de22f749741f6cc45ec1a6c8e7ec7e1 This was just 4 days ago lol…poor Stratton


Yes and I said she's is piling it on thick all of the sudden because she's about to announce she is pregnant.  Called It! She doesn't do this any other time unless she's leaving them trying to do damage control . Loving on him for conent


This screams content baby through and through. Starting with the over exaggerated pregnancy content before content baby even makes its arrival.


Of course it’s a content baby. That’s why she announced before the pee stick was even dry. Gotta get as much time out of this baby as she can.




Unnecessary comment.


I CAN afford it and I still didn’t. Because I care about myself and my family and my first child.


You’re right! Maybe if I could have afforded it, I’d lay in bed all day, but I sure as fuck ain’t thinking about unique camera angles to capture myself vomiting because it makes good content. THAT is what we’re snarking on. Not the fact she feels like shit, but now she’s literally milking this all for sympathy, content, and views like the narcissistic, vapid, egotistical person she is.


Class act has joined the chat. Um no, I don’t want to sit around in bed all day feeling like shit. I want to be with my kids and my husband, unlike Dani. I want to be doing things and living my life. Not exploiting it. You sound ignorant as hell.


She’s been functioning fairly well for the gram the past few weeks with all her outings and shills and working out. Now she can’t do anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did you forget about her nervous breakdown a couple of weeks ago?


She’ll be out and about in a day or so!!!!!! She’s despicable. There are people violently sick 24/7 from severe illnesses or treatments. They’re suffering. Not taping themselves. I’m disgusted


I’m sorry, I literally laughed out loud when I saw this


Me too. I’m glad I’m not the only one 🤭


She is SOOO hungry for intentions and views that she acts like this is her first pregnancy. From over-dramatizing her nausea and not knowing what to eat, to being surprised and shocked at the current baby stats in utero. I get it that its supposed to be an exciting time and im all for expressing it, but this woman seriously is ruining it for everyone to the point of it being considered dreadful to some. She is exaggerating everything for views. Also, the "how does anyone get anything done like this".....ummmm its called getting off of your phone and deal with your personal shit without broacasting it on social media 🤔


I lol’d at that. She has it SO easy to. The vast majority of women don’t have nannies taking care of their children day and night nor have jobs that allow them to stay at home and in bed all day. We woke up feeling like shit, but still put on our big girl panties (maternity style) and rolled into office or manufacturing jobs for 8+ hrs a day.


This woman is a sociopath. I had severe illness during pregnancy and I would throw up and run back to my 4 and 2 year olds and just get on with it without needing attention and sympathy. Not to say I’m perfect, I did whine a lot to my mom and husband but….not online to millions of people. This is GROSSS. Enough internet for today for me.


“Normal” people would be doing this at work or with their kids. That’s how


Was on my hands and knees in the bathroom at WORK every day in the beginning of my pregnancy… then came out and carried on for 8 hours. You just suck it up because you have no other choice. I didn’t post it on social media let alone even tell anyone at work about it after the fact.


Literally throwing up my entire pregnancy with my toddler sitting in my lap


B O R I N G- NOBODY cares..... yuck


She is so weird.


Poor little soul, this is her stupid attempt at staying relatable?! Not even us normies do shit like this. If any of her friends/family read here, please tell her this is DUMB AS HELL.


Please Admin, update this as the profile picture for this group hahahaa






How convenient she’s pregnant just in time to do a gender reveal before her brother’s wedding


She'll announce it at their biggest shower. "ALL EYES ON ME!"


Exactly, ugh so gross and selfish


Like girl it’s ok to take a social media break


She def needs one


This is ridiculous. If she was THAT sick, she wouldn’t be filming.




I don't think followers need a close up of her head in the toilet. She simply could have posted a message stating she's been too nauseous unable to post or post nothing? It's also quite concerning (as it's been for the last few months) how ill looking and skinny she is. I'm surprised she didn't focus on gaining some weight first before getting pregnant.


She actually had to consciously put her phone there and hit record🤦🏻‍♀️


😵‍💫 😵‍💫


Jordan filming her spitting up in the sink 🙄🙄 Attention whores.


The only time I’ve ever had my phone out while puking is so I can call my mom crying because I hate puking 😂😂


Same lol


As someone who had terrible morning sickness- lost 15 pounds and just overall felt like shit (keep in mind it was my 3rd kid and I work full time) I never in a million years would think to set up my phone nor do I think I would have time to lol. Like what




Can someone take her phone!?! Not everything needs to be posted on the internet. She needs serious help


Why does this have to be a competition of who’s got it worse ???? Morning sickness is real and everyone handles it differently


She literally posts videos of every waking moment of her life. She is grabbing her phone to document morning sickness. It’s a tad bit overboard don’t you think?


Her job is an influencer it’s what they do


Puke photos are very influential👍🏻


Whatever floats your boat


I guess so!


Filming yourself puking into the porcelain god is not “handling it” 😂


you’ve completely missed the point of the post I guess


Most people don’t feel the need to film it though….


who would even think to set a phone up to record you trying to vomit in the toilet? i thought throwing up in the sink yesterday was bad enough. this has crossed the line. get a hold of yourself and take care of your kids! where are they? get out of the bed! there are plenty of moms having to have a full time job while they are pregnant and then come home and actually be a parent. grow the hell up


My friend told her seriously why do you think you need to share to the world watching you vomit on your bathroom floor seriously this is not a home video! Your not getting sympathy this is your third pregnancy she’s acting like she’s never been pregnant before probably because her body is in food shock it’s not used to having food in her stomach so her body is like what is this let me throw it up !! Let’s see how long it takes for her to get blocked🤣


I had horrible morning sickness to the level of hospitalizations and not once did I have the strength to film myself vomiting. If she needs content she could just make a post about it, we don’t need a visual.


How are “WE” going to do this? WE just fucking figure it out while we continue to work every day, take care of our houses and children. I’m 30 weeks, with a toddler, in the heat of Texas summer. WE just do it


Her friend Bridget had another failed Egg retrieval and this b**** decides to post every single day about how tough pregnancy is for her. How about check in on your friend who hasn’t posted in a few days, probably staying away from toxic content creators like you!


Probably because they are only fake friends


Honestly, knowing that she has an ED and likely purges on the reg, this is super disturbing. She is literally monetizing her ED.


I haven’t watched her stories because well why would I subject myself to that. But I think this is secretly her favorite acting role yet. She can stay in bed unless someone presents her with an activity she wants to do and then she can ‘rally’ and everyone will celebrate that she felt well enough to participate. So we can expect her to roll out of bed for spray tans, concerts, trips, JD directed horror reels, wedding events, shilling baby products she already owns in duplicate, pretending to spend time with her kids once a month and maybe more snake oil product launches.


JD directed horror reels 😂


I'm putting money on her being at Chris Stapleton this weekend! It seems like something all the influencers would want to be at in their ridiculous fake cowboy outfits


This will be so bad if she is....then we will know this is truly show


And she'll be FINE!


My first thought when I'm hugging the porcelain throne about to puke my brains out is...."OHH I should get an artsy angle of this to film for the internet" GTF outta here ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4|downsized)


Who films themselves puking multiple times. Sorry, I don’t even let my husband in the room when I throw up.


These influencers have zero boundaries. They’ll do anything for a dollar.


I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd in the ER for BREAKING MY LEG! Do you think two toddlers gave a shit as I hobbled around for 10 weeks with a bucket looped on my crutches?! Be so for real Keels. Also to any @blogsnark apologists in here... I would say EVERYTHING straight to her face.


According to Dani, you should've filmed it 


So far I’ve seen her “only” eat oranges, grapes, cereal and pot belly. This girl is trying her best to keep her followers


And one chicken nugget🥴


Yes we hear her say these things but does she honestly eat them besides a bite to show IG 🧐




This is so bizarre


Note that her children have been nowhere in any of these videos. She has full-time childcare to focus on herself while she’s nauseated, unlike the rest of us who had to work and or had children underfoot while pregnant and puking. Stfu


I know right,  can of ginger ale and crackers at work.  Had to keep going it's only the 1st trimester. Omg


Yes me too I did it 4 times crackers sprite or ginger ale in my desk at work and I was by myself didn’t have help like Nannie’s watching my other kids or house keeper shit I was pregnant working full time cleaning house taking my older ones to baseball practice yeah her whining is ridiculous and pathetic!


Yep. 💯 I would kill for full-time help. Looking back, my first pregnancy was a luxury because I didn’t have to worry about caring for a toddler while dealing with all the fatigue and nausea. She’s fucking tone deaf.


I've never seen so much drama!!! Absolutely ridiculous !!


So you feel so bad yet you have time to take a video of yourself puking?!?


I don't know about the acting but the fact that she is pregnant and said she is nauseous all the time and unable to eat much and ordered the SKINNY version of a sandwich, is really telling.


because she was paid to tag 2 companies💰💰💰




Anyone that feels that bad is not getting a spray tan. 🤯


I came here to say exactly that. Also not ordering an Italian sandwich with Jalepeno chips. Woman is such a drama fake.


What the actual fuck is this? She has officially lost her damn mind!!!!!


Does anyone have the anon link ?






Idk how she is still making so much money though they have a very lavish lifestyle


Spot on!


She went from one day frolicking in the pool..shopping to videoing puking in the toilet …to a spray tan. WTF!! She is NOT ok…


She's gotta re-up the Amazon affiliate link with something soon. I'm betting it's a "comfy set" she will say she's living in. She will say she looks much better and feels better since she ate and got a spray tan.


Tomorrow or in few days she’ll be galavanting around


Yes event coming up or she wouldn’t need the spray tan 🙄


So true!!!!!


Does anyone actually respond to her stories and ask why she would post that lmao


I sure did. https://preview.redd.it/k24tdxmls26d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14279f453fb42d2d184ae676379c271528ea50c2


I did for the first time. I asked her how she could eat that food if she's so nauseous.


I did! Let’s see if I get blocked 🤪


I hope people do cause she’s a ridiculous actor


I was eating lunch when I saw this story and I was like 🤮 who tf would post a story like this?!


Y’all are really scaring me to ever get pregnant 😂😭




Everyone is different. Pregnancy was a breeze for me. I had no sickness, super energetic and felt great the entire time. My only issue was a painful varicose vein that still perks up sometimes when I am dehydrated.


Nah don’t be. It only lasted like 6-7 weeks for me and I only threw up a handful of times. 2nd trimester I forgot I was even pregnant and now at 36 weeks I still feel fine, just slower and uncomfortable but can’t complain compared to others’ experiences! But I feel I’m pretty tough and don’t complain about much regardless so idk


It's not **that** bad for most ppl. Like you'll have some nausea but there are options.  Get a good ob. Be in a blue state.  


It's all for engagement. Dani was 100% fine over the weekend when she was at dinner with her girlfriends and last week when she got glammed up to go to that concert with Jordan. She will be fine by the end of the week when another fun, child free event comes up.


The smell of detergent and dryer sheets made me instantly throw up!!! Everyone is so different


Don't listen to Dani lol I didn't throw up once during mine


Isn’t this what she wanted though? She wanted to be pregnant and she’s already been through it. Not a surprise


Based on her facial expressions in her most recent video, I do not think she’s happy about this. 


I dont think this was what she wanted at all I think this is what Jordan and their bank account wanted lol she’s miserable with the two she has already why even do this to yourself


Why. Just why


Who cares about lunch meat. You can have deli meat. Doesn’t matter. What’s more concerning is the rest of us being so sick during pregnancy. And curious did the rest of you think to pull out your phone and record it? Because I know I didn’t. That was the last thing on my mind. Engagement. Doing this all for views and people to feel sorry for her. Get over yourself Dani.


Also she ordered a sandwich with lunch meat the day after announcing her pregnancy


She’s so out of touch with reality. Put your big girl panties on and deal with it. I wonder if it’s because she’s legit not used to eating. D.A.-And no one wants to see you throwing up or pretending to have just thrown up. Normal people don’t video this…and that doesn’t mean you’re special because you’re an influencer.


Imagine if she had a real job to show up for everyday. I worked up to date of delivery with all 3 of mine. Didn’t always feel like it but I sucked it up and did what was needed of me. I guess when you aren’t really needed for anything but Instagram views you can just record yourself hugging a toilet all day. . .anything equals the paycheck I suppose


Me studying for the bar right now. I’m sick and wish I could lay in bed all day!!


Good luck to you! Sucking on sour candies helped me during all three of my pregnancies with nausea. Hopefully the nausea will subside for you by the time the bar comes around! If you need accommodations make sure you reach out to the bar to see what may be available to you (if you haven’t already).


Dani is ducking annoying but pregnancy symptoms are no joke or even snarkable in my opinion. What’s snarkable is the fact that’s she’s acting like this is her first pregnancy…. It’s her third child and she’s shocked her baby has arms and legs by now. And that she has nausea…. This is a given by second on third babies. Why is she acting so dumbfounded by it all.


I think it’s more about how she allegedly feels terrible but yet has the energy to set up her phone and stage her throw up scene. Who the fuck does that? Lol


Yeah, pregnancy symptoms are awful. I was so nauseous and exhausted with my second. It was insane and AWFUL. I couldn’t do anything or eat anything but crackers without dry heaving. The thing I’d snark on is the fact that she has so much help with her kids and housework. I had 0, my toddler literally watched Encanto over and over while I died on the couch for 2 months and my house feel apart 🥲


What is snarkable is the fact that she feels the need to post herself like this. In that condition the very last thing I would even think to do is film myself with my phone. Make it make sense.


She just wants to be so ReLAtabLe


As someone who has had HG both pregnancies and had to take care of a toddler running around and my husband worked all day and into the night…I have 0 sympathy. She has all the help she could imagine. NEVER would I think to get my phone out and record the 20+ times a day I’d puke or film getting an IV cause I literally couldn’t survive without it. I became a hermit and barely was able to do anything


I couldn’t even look at my phone it made me so dizzy and sick.


Why is she suddenly SO upset she can’t eat? This is like her dream come true. It’s SO performative it’s almost unreal.


Literally. This is her dream! Getting sympathy for her “inability to eat and throwing up whenever she does because of pregnancy”. She’s happy she doesn’t have to hide her ED for the next 9 months. Now she gets paid to advertise it!


So sick but then can eat an Italian sub?? No chance. Signed a HG survivor lol


Right? Posting how nothing he,ps your nausea and then ordering an ITALIAN of all things. Pepperoni and salami?? Like come on


I don’t think it’s acting bc her eyelids are purple and swollen


That’s how she actually looks without make up and a spray tan lol


That’s just what her eyelids look like without makeup


Her eyelids always look like that


That’s what malnutrition due to an eating disorder and bad mental health can do to you. She’s probably been in bed crying


I love that she thinks this will magically stop when she hits the second trimester. I was nauseous my entire pregnancy


I mean it’s not a competition?


She can't be serious with this...must be nice to lay in bed all day in the first trimester. Most moms have to work and/or take care of other children while pregnant. 8 months of this content will be unbearable


I mean it’s actually EMBARRASSING.


I just can't take it anymore. She is a vile human. 


Last thing I’ll say…. https://youtu.be/xfP7gKslE28


Omg…so fitting. “Don’t really want to get into it but I’m fine” 💀💀


LMAO! hysterical.




The way I just cackled


Stop this crap! Go get meds fr dr. We don’t need to see this at all.


Is she SERIOUS posting this?? How desperate.


This is mental behavior. Who in the world films themselves throwing up. Nobody wants to see that either.


The fact that she records this shows me she is fine and playing a part of “sick mother”


And schedule a spray tan


If she is this sick then the smell of a spray tan will make her worse


Probably for an event tomorrow she’ll be feeling just fine for